diff --git a/Update/_mina_019.txt b/Update/_mina_019.txt
index c55e2ac..355d58e 100644
--- a/Update/_mina_019.txt
+++ b/Update/_mina_019.txt
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ void main()
PlayVoice(4, "ps3/s12/01/180101549", 128);
OutputLine(NULL, "「……どうやら、今年は綿流しの前に別の祭りになりそうだな。",
NULL, "\"......It seems like we're going to be holding a festival on the day before Watanagashi too.", Line_WaitForInput);
- PlayVoice(4, "ps2/06/180101550", 128);
+ PlayVoice(4, "ps2/01/180101550", 128);
OutputLine(NULL, "相談所め、待ってろよ!!」",
NULL, " To the consultation center!\"", Line_Normal);
@@ -2927,17 +2927,17 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("園崎弁護士", NULL, "Sonozaki's Lawyer", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
- PlayVoice(4, "ps2/00/sonol08001", 128);
+ PlayVoice(4, "ps2/00/sonol18001", 128);
OutputLine(NULL, "「どうも。",
NULL, "\"Hello.", Line_WaitForInput);
- PlayVoice(4, "ps2/00/sonol08002", 128);
+ PlayVoice(4, "ps2/00/sonol18002", 128);
OutputLine(NULL, "園崎法律相談事務所より参りました、弁護士の園崎です。",
NULL, " I'm the attorney, Sonozaki, from the Sonozaki Law Consultancy Office. ", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("園崎弁護士", NULL, "Sonozaki's Lawyer", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
- PlayVoice(4, "ps2/00/sonol08003", 128);
+ PlayVoice(4, "ps2/00/sonol18003", 128);
OutputLine(NULL, "市児童相談所施行条例は拝見させていただきましたが、本件は不当で職権濫用に当ります。",
NULL, "I went over the laws that apply to the child consultation center. Their claim is unjust, and it could be considered an abuse of their official authority.", Line_WaitForInput);
- PlayVoice(4, "ps2/00/sonol08004", 128);
+ PlayVoice(4, "ps2/00/sonol18004", 128);
OutputLine(NULL, "こちらは施行条例の複写。",
NULL, " Here is a copy of the regulations.", Line_Continue);
@@ -2945,11 +2945,11 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("園崎弁護士", NULL, "Sonozaki's Lawyer", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
- PlayVoice(4, "ps2/00/sonol08005", 128);
+ PlayVoice(4, "ps2/00/sonol18005", 128);
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLineAll("", NULL, Line_Continue); }
OutputLine(NULL, "また、前原圭一氏は雛見沢連合町会が委任した陳情団の団長です。",
NULL, "Furthermore, Keiichi Maebara-san is the appointed leader of the Hinamizawa Unified Council.", Line_WaitForInput);
- PlayVoice(4, "ps2/00/sonol08006", 128);
+ PlayVoice(4, "ps2/00/sonol18006", 128);
OutputLine(NULL, "こちらが連合町会発行の委任状。",
NULL, " This is the power of attorney issued by the council.", Line_Continue);
@@ -2957,7 +2957,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("園崎弁護士", NULL, "Sonozaki's Lawyer", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
- PlayVoice(4, "ps2/00/sonol08007", 128);
+ PlayVoice(4, "ps2/00/sonol18007", 128);
OutputLine(NULL, "雛見沢連合町会は鹿骨市役所自治係の立会いの下で結成された善意の住民団体です。",
NULL, "The Hinamizawa Unified Council is a good samaritan organization of citizens formed under the observation of the Shishibone local government section.", Line_Continue);
@@ -2983,14 +2983,14 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("園崎弁護士", NULL, "Sonozaki's Lawyer", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
- PlayVoice(4, "ps2/00/sonol08008", 128);
+ PlayVoice(4, "ps2/00/sonol18008", 128);
OutputLine(NULL, "よって前原圭一氏は正当な手続きを経て結成された住民団体の正当な代表者と認められます。",
NULL, "That makes him a proper representative of the organization, and he went through the proper channels.", Line_WaitForInput);
- PlayVoice(4, "ps2/00/sonol08009", 128);
+ PlayVoice(4, "ps2/00/sonol18009", 128);
OutputLine(NULL, "この陳情を拒否するのは明らかな職権濫用であり、これは市職員服務規程にも違反します。",
NULL, " Rejecting his appeal is a clear abuse of authority, and violates the municipal public servant regulations. ", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("園崎弁護士", NULL, "Sonozaki's Lawyer", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
- PlayVoice(4, "ps2/00/sonol08010", 128);
+ PlayVoice(4, "ps2/00/sonol18010", 128);
OutputLine(NULL, "以上から、児童相談所長の命令が失効することは明らかであり、それに対し警察がこれ以上の妨害を行なう場合、」",
NULL, "Therefore, the order made by the head of the child consultation center is unlawful, and if the police continue to interfere with this movement, then...\"", Line_Normal);