diff --git a/.github/workflows/mkdocs.yml b/.github/workflows/mkdocs.txt
similarity index 88%
rename from .github/workflows/mkdocs.yml
rename to .github/workflows/mkdocs.txt
index 6405a95..ee44404 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/mkdocs.txt
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
-# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions
+# This used to be run to build the wiki, but now we build them on Cloudflare instead
+# Keeping it here in case we need to restore it later (rename this file as .yml to activate)
name: Compile and deploy
-# Controls when the action will run. Triggers the workflow on push or pull request
-# events but only for the master branch
branches: [ master ]
@@ -21,7 +19,7 @@ jobs:
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: setup python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
@@ -37,7 +35,7 @@ jobs:
# Runs a set of commands using the runners shell
- name: deploy wiki
run: mkdocs build
# Rsync repo to server, only on pushes to master (does not run on pull requests)
- name: send to server
uses: burnett01/rsync-deployments@4.1
diff --git a/docs/Donations.md b/docs/Donations.md
deleted file mode 100644
index de57475..0000000
--- a/docs/Donations.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-# Donations
-> **In case you just want to donate, [click here](https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=C978TUSYHZU2Q) to be taken directly to our Paypal donation link.**
-Starting from July 2018, we started accepting donations to host our own server. In this article, we will describe in detail why we decided to accept donations and how this will improve our work.
-## Why donations?
-Since the group started, with Higurashi (Ch.1 - Onikakushi) back in May 2015, our work has grown about three times in size, and the number of supported games is getting bigger every year, with not only patches but also full translations from console exclusive content. Consequently, we had to optimize our patches as much as we could so they would fit inside Github's limitations. This was extremely difficult because Github is not meant for storing big releases as we needed.
-With that in mind, we wanted to keep a friendly relationship with Github and avoid abusing the system, so we decided to start accepting donations to cover our server expenses.
-## What are the advantages of hosting our own server?
-* **For you, the user:**
- 1. Downloads will be a lot more stable and faster (say goodbye to broken installations because of connection timeouts).
- 2. Patches can now go beyond 2gb without being split into multiple files (Umineko had five 2gb parts in Github, in our server it has only one).
- 4. Patch structure remake will make the installation take fewer steps if you are installing it manually.
-* **For us, developers:**
- 1. Patches can now be deployed and updated faster (because we don't have to push the big binaries to Github anymore).
- 2. We can deploy collaborative tools to work on translating exclusive console content easier.
- 3. We can extend our installer even further using the server to run specific tools (such as updating your patches with minimal interaction).
-Of course, this is all very new to us so you can expect more and more things to happen in the future. This is only the immediate effects of having our own server.
-## How much do you need to keep this server running?
-**As of 2023**, our yearly running costs are about $400 or more depending on usage. Since we first signed with our ISP, there have been multiple increases to hosting and bandwidth due to the current world circumstances (energy crisis in the EU, inflation, etc). We also pay extra for bandwidth almost every month, since we get about 15 terabytes of data transfer monthly.
-## Do I get any special perks if I donate?
-Other than a sense of pride and accomplishment, **no**. Our goal is to offer a good experience for all users, without ads, timers or anything that should be considered a hassle. Just click and download, with the best speeds we can offer at the moment.
-Donors should also not get any special Discord perks, but this is up for discussion since it doesn't influence how we deliver the patches. Please let us know if you have any suggestions!
-## How do I know if the money is being used right?
-In this section we have a small summary of the total donations received, but in the end, it is all about how much you trust us.
-> **Last donation: May 05, 2024**
-> **Last update: May 05, 2024**
-> **Donations total (2024)**: **$87.74** (after Paypal donations tax)
-## What if you get way over your goal?
-Supposing we can still stay above our goal consistently by the time the current server is due, there are plans to invest the extra money into migrating our server to a more powerful one.
-## What happens to open-source?
-Nothing! Our code is still freely available and is not going anywhere.
-## Donate!
-Click on the image below to donate:
-[You can also click here](https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=C978TUSYHZU2Q) to be redirected to our Paypal page.
-In case you prefer to donate in EUR, [you can use this link instead](https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=KBM6B4AZH4EUN).
-**Disclaimer**: since we're not registered as a non-profit on Paypal, donations go directly to the server admin's Paypal. Donations are then sent straight to our ISP and kept as account balance, and finally deducted as invoices are generated. This disclaimer was only added for transparency, this is how donations have worked since we started taking them.
diff --git a/docs/Higurashi/FAQ.md b/docs/Higurashi/FAQ.md
index 79477d9..0d3c90f 100644
--- a/docs/Higurashi/FAQ.md
+++ b/docs/Higurashi/FAQ.md
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ If you find the problem continues (you can play the game, but no images are disp
#### Reasoning for fixes
-There is a known problem where having multiple network adapters can interfere with Unity's resource loading in the Higurashi games. See this issue for more details: [Unity may try to access the wrong network adapter](https://discussions.unity.com/t/www-class-for-loading-local-texture-is-very-slow/93672). It may also be possible other networking problems could cause lag.
+There is a known problem where having multiple network adapters can interfere with Unity's resource loading in the Higurashi games. See this issue for more details: [Unity may try to access the wrong network adapter](https://web.archive.org/web/20240606175936/https://discussions.unity.com/t/www-class-for-loading-local-texture-is-very-slow/93672). It may also be possible other networking problems could cause lag.
As for the HDD issue - a fragmented or very full HDD may be slow to load the assets - hence we recommend installing on an SSD.
diff --git a/docs/Higurashi/Higurashi-Part-1.1---Voices-only-Patch.md b/docs/Higurashi/Higurashi-Part-1.1---Voices-only-Patch.md
index a3fe4c3..eba0c59 100644
--- a/docs/Higurashi/Higurashi-Part-1.1---Voices-only-Patch.md
+++ b/docs/Higurashi/Higurashi-Part-1.1---Voices-only-Patch.md
@@ -53,50 +53,50 @@ Archives were updated 12-04-2020. **If the instructions don't seem to match the
Ch.1 - Onikakushi |
Download |
-Download |
-Download |
+Download |
+Download |
Ch.2 - Watanagashi |
Download |
-Download |
-Download |
+Download |
+Download |
Ch.3 - Tatarigoroshi |
Download |
-Download |
-Download |
+Download |
+Download |
Ch.4 - Himatsubushi |
Download |
-Download |
-Download |
+Download |
+Download |
Ch.5 - Meakashi |
Download |
-Download |
-Download |
+Download |
+Download |
Ch.6 - Tsumihoroboshi |
Download |
-Download |
-Download |
+Download |
+Download |
Ch.7 - Minagoroshi |
Download |
-Download |
-Download |
+Download |
+Download |
Ch.8 - Matsuribayashi |
Download |
-Download |
-Download |
+Download |
+Download |
diff --git a/docs/Higurashi/Manual-Installation.md b/docs/Higurashi/Manual-Installation.md
index 8314b73..88908b7 100644
--- a/docs/Higurashi/Manual-Installation.md
+++ b/docs/Higurashi/Manual-Installation.md
@@ -32,13 +32,10 @@ Please select a tab below depending on your operating system.
* On Steam: open your Steam library, choose the game from the list, right click on it and click on ``Properties``. Switch to the ``LOCAL FILES`` tab and click on ``Browse local files...``)
2. In the below "Downloads" table, download **one file of each type**. That is, you'll need the following archives:
* Patch
- * Graphics patch
- * Voices
- * BGM & SE
- * Movies (choose ONE according to your operating system)
+ * Base Assets
* UI Mod (choose ONE according to your operating system and game version)
- * Update
- * Console Arcs Only: System Files (choose ONE according to your operating system)
+ * System Files/Compatability Pack (if available/necessary)
+ * For Chapters 2,3,4, you can install "Optional Packs" if desired
3. Navigate inside ``HigurashiEp0X_Data/StreamingAssets`` (where ``X`` is the chapter number) and **delete** the folders ``CG`` and ``CGAlt``
* This is not a requirement but we recommend to delete the mentioned folders to save disk space and avoid any random issues
4. Now, extract the archives as follows:
@@ -56,13 +53,10 @@ Please select a tab below depending on your operating system.
* The game folder (called ``Contents``) should contain some folders like ``Resources``, ``MacOS``, ``Plugins``, ``Frameworks``, and others - we will only be modifying the ``Resources`` folder
2. In the below "Downloads" table, download **one file of each type**. That is, you'll need the following archives:
* Patch
- * Graphics patch
- * Voices
- * BGM & SE
- * Movies (choose ONE according to your operating system)
+ * Base Assets
* UI Mod (choose ONE according to your operating system and game version)
- * Update
- * Console Arcs Only: System Files (choose ONE according to your operating system)
+ * System Files/Compatability Pack (if available/necessary)
+ * Optionally install "Optional Packs" (only for Chapters 2,3,4)
3. Navigate inside ``Resources/Data/StreamingAssets`` and **delete** the folders ``CG`` and ``CGAlt``
* This is not a requirement but we recommend to delete the mentioned folders to save disk space and avoid any random issues
4. Now, extract the archives as follows:
@@ -72,7 +66,6 @@ Please select a tab below depending on your operating system.
6. Open a **terminal window** in the ``Resources/Data`` folder. [Follow these steps if you don't know how to do it](https://stackoverflow.com/a/7054045)
1. In the terminal window, type: ``rsync -avP HigurashiEp*/* .`` and hit enter (type the ``*`` literally)
2. Wait until the files are copied to the right place
- 7. Extract the BGM & SE archive inside the ``Resources/Data/StreamingAssets`` folder
8. Delete all the downloaded files and any leftover ``HigurashiEp0X_Data`` folders (where ``X`` is the chapter number) after ensuring the game is working as expected
@@ -97,69 +90,43 @@ Please select a tab below to access the downloads that you require.
Patch |
- Downloadđź‘€ |
- Downloadđź‘€ |
- Downloadđź‘€ |
- Downloadđź‘€ |
+ Ch.1 Patch đź‘€ |
+ Ch.2 Patch đź‘€ |
+ Ch.3 Patch đź‘€ |
+ Ch.4 Patch đź‘€ |
- Graphics patch |
- 1440p |
- 1440p |
- 1440p |
- 1440p |
- Voices |
- Download |
- Download |
- Download |
- Download |
- BGM & SE |
- Download ⚠️ |
- Download ⚠️ |
- Download ⚠️ |
- Download ⚠️ |
- Movies |
- Windows Mac/Linux |
- Windows Mac/Linux |
- Windows Mac/Linux |
- Windows Mac/Linux |
+ Base Assets |
+ Ch.1 Base |
+ Ch.2 Base |
+ Ch.3 Base |
+ Ch.4 Base |
UI Mod (Windows) |
- Steam MangaGamer GOG |
- Steam MangaGamer GOG |
- Steam MangaGamer GOG |
- Steam MangaGamer GOG |
+ Ch.1 Win UI |
+ Ch.2 Win UI |
+ Steam and GOG UI
+ MangaGamer UI
+ |
+ Ch.4 Win UI |
UI Mod (Mac/Linux) |
- Steam MangaGamer GOG |
- Steam MangaGamer GOG |
- Steam MangaGamer GOG |
- Steam MangaGamer GOG |
- Update |
- Downloadđź‘€ |
- Downloadđź‘€ |
- Downloadđź‘€ |
- Downloadđź‘€ |
+ Ch.1 Mac/Linux |
+ Ch.2 Mac/Linux |
+ Steam and GOG UI
+ MangaGamer UI
+ |
+ Ch.4 Mac/Linux |
- **Please see [this FAQ](FAQ.md#higurashi-music-and-sound-effects-changes-april-update) to understand what the BGM/SE Fixes do.** In summary, they partially revert the BGM/SE changes made in the April Higurashi update.
đź‘€ Extract the `Patch` and `Update` archives LAST, after all other files (should combine with the existing `HigurashiEp0X_Data` folder). Overwrite any files if asked.
- ⚠️ Unlike all the other archives, the BGM/SE archive should be extracted to the ``HigurashiEp0X_Data/StreamingAssets`` folder (MacOS users should extract this archive second last).
=== "Answer Arcs"
@@ -179,79 +146,54 @@ Please select a tab below to access the downloads that you require.
Patch |
- Downloadđź‘€ |
- Downloadđź‘€ |
- Downloadđź‘€ |
- Downloadđź‘€ |
+ Ch.5 Patchđź‘€ |
+ Ch.6 Patchđź‘€ |
+ Ch.7 Patchđź‘€ |
+ Ch.8 Patchđź‘€ |
- Graphics patch |
- 1440p |
- 1440p |
- 1440p |
- 1440p |
- Voices |
- Download |
- Download |
- Download |
- Download |
- BGM & SE |
- Download ⚠️ |
- Download ⚠️ |
- Download ⚠️ |
- Download ⚠️ |
- Movies |
- Windows Mac/Linux |
- Windows Mac/Linux |
- Windows Mac/Linux |
- Windows Mac/Linux |
+ Base Assets |
+ Ch.5 Base |
+ Ch.6 Base |
+ Ch.7 Base |
+ Ch.8 Base |
UI Mod (Windows) |
- Steam MangaGamer GOG § GOG (old)†|
- Steam MangaGamer GOG |
- Steam MangaGamer GOG |
- Steam MangaGamer GOG
+ Win Default
+ Win GOGâ€
+ |
+ Ch.6 Win UI |
+ Ch.7 Win UI |
+ Ch.8 Win UI |
UI Mod (Mac/Linux) |
- Steam MangaGamer GOG § GOG (old)†|
- Steam MangaGamer GOG |
- Steam MangaGamer GOG |
- Steam MangaGamer/GOG(MacOS) MangaGamer/GOG(Linux)
MangaGamer/GOG (Linux Old)
+ Default
+ GOGâ€
+ |
+ Ch.6 Mac/Linux |
+ Ch.7 Mac/Linux |
+ Default
+ MG/GOG (alt)
+ |
Compatibility packs |
None |
- Windows (MangaGamer Answer Arcs Bundle only) |
+ Windows (MangaGamer Answer Arcs Bundle only) |
None |
- Windows (GOG only) Linux (GOG only) |
- Update |
- Downloadđź‘€ |
- Downloadđź‘€ |
- Downloadđź‘€ |
- Downloadđź‘€ |
+ Windows (GOG only) Linux (GOG only) |
- **Please see [this FAQ](FAQ.md#higurashi-music-and-sound-effects-changes-april-update) to understand what the BGM/SE Fixes do.** In summary, they partially revert the BGM/SE changes made in the April Higurashi update.
đź‘€ Extract the `Patch` and `Update` archives LAST, after all other files (should combine with the existing `HigurashiEp0X_Data` folder). Overwrite any files if asked.
- ⚠️ Unlike all the other archives, the BGM/SE archive should be extracted to the ``HigurashiEp0X_Data/StreamingAssets`` folder (MacOS users should extract this archive second last).
- § Use this pack with the new (since the 2019 april BGM update) setup files called something like `setup_higurashi_when_they_cry_hou_-_ch.5_meakashi_1.0_bgm__sfx_update_(28574).exe`
- †If the regular "GOG" UI file does not work, try the "old" version (compatible with an older GOG release of the game).
+ †If the regular "GOG" UI file does not work, try the "Default" version (compatible with an older GOG release of the game).
=== "Extra Arcs"
@@ -268,64 +210,42 @@ Please select a tab below to access the downloads that you require.
Patch |
- Downloadđź‘€ |
- Patch Downloadđź‘€ |
- Graphics patch |
- 1440p |
- Graphics Download |
+ Ch.9 Patch đź‘€ |
+ Ch.10 Patch đź‘€ |
- Voices |
- Download |
- Voices Download |
- BGM & SE |
- Download |
- BGM & SE Download |
- Movies |
- Windows Mac/Linux |
- Movies Download |
+ Base Assets |
+ Ch.9 Base |
+ Ch.10 Base |
UI Mod (Windows) |
- Steam
- MangaGamer
- MangaGamer Old⚠️
+ Steam and GOG
+ MangaGamer
+ MangaGamer Old⚠️
- Windows UI Download
+ Ch.10 Win UI
UI Mod (Mac/Linux) |
- Steam
- MangaGamer
- MangaGamer Old⚠️
+ Steam and GOG
+ MangaGamer
+ MangaGamer Old⚠️
- Mac/Linux UI Download
+ Ch.10 UI Mac/Linux
- Update |
- Downloadđź‘€ |
- None |
đź‘€ Extract the `Patch` and `Update` archives LAST, after all other files (should combine with the existing `HigurashiEp0X_Data` folder). Overwrite any files if asked.
- ⚠️ We recommend you re-download the latest unmodded game installer from MangaGamer and re-install, rather than using this file.
+ ⚠️ You only need this if you downloaded the unmodded game installer an extremly long time ago. We recommend you re-download the latest unmodded game installer from MangaGamer and re-install, rather than using this file.
=== "Optional Packs"
@@ -353,7 +273,7 @@ Please select a tab below to access the downloads that you require.
Question Arcs Chapters 2,3,4 |
- OST Remake
+ OST Remake
NOTE: Extract to the HigurashiEp0X_Data/StreamingAssets folder, producing a RemakeBGM folder.
Handmade remakes of nerve's music (listen online)
Installing this will enable the option in the Mod Menu
@@ -382,47 +302,34 @@ Please select a tab below to access the downloads that you require.
Patch |
- Downloadđź‘€ |
- Graphics patch |
- 1440p |
- Voices |
- Download |
- Sound effects |
- Downloadđźš© |
- BGM |
- Downloadđźš© |
+ Patch đź‘€ |
- Movies |
- Windows Mac/Linux |
+ Base Assets |
+ Base Part 1/3
+ Base Part 2/3
+ Base Part 3/3 |
System files |
- Windows Linux Mac🎮 |
+ Windows System
+ Linux System
+ Mac System🎮 |
UI Mod |
- Windows Mac/Linux |
+ Windows UI
+ Mac/Linux UI
+ |
- Update |
- Download |
đź‘€ Extract the `Patch` archive LAST, after all other files (should combine with the existing `HigurashiEp04_Data` folder). Overwrite any files if asked.
- đźš© Extract these files normally (should combine with the existing `HigurashiEp04_Data` folder). No special handling is required.
🎮 On MacOS extract this file to where the `Contents` folder is located.
=== "Language Patches"
@@ -432,6 +339,6 @@ Please select a tab below to access the downloads that you require.
## Optional Steps After Install
-## Console Arcs Only
+### Console Arcs Only
To make the Console Arcs appear in Steam with the correct logos and name, please follow these instructions: [Console Arcs Steam Library Tutorial](steam-add-console-arcs/steam-add-console-arcs.md)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/Higurashi/steam-add-console-arcs/steam-add-console-arcs.md b/docs/Higurashi/steam-add-console-arcs/steam-add-console-arcs.md
index 46f5670..163366d 100644
--- a/docs/Higurashi/steam-add-console-arcs/steam-add-console-arcs.md
+++ b/docs/Higurashi/steam-add-console-arcs/steam-add-console-arcs.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Console Arcs Steam Library Tutorial - Windows
## Prepare Game Art
-* Download and unzip [**this archive**](https://07th-mod.com/installer/steamgrid/console-arcs-steamgrid.zip) before getting started.
+* Download and unzip [**this archive**](https://github.com/07th-mod/patch-releases/releases/download/mod-common-v1.0/console-arcs-steamgrid.zip) before getting started.
## Add Console Arcs to Steam
First things first - let's add the Console Arcs to your Steam library.
diff --git a/docs/Umineko/Tsubasa-Hane.md b/docs/Umineko/Tsubasa-Hane.md
index 749ed10..355e98c 100644
--- a/docs/Umineko/Tsubasa-Hane.md
+++ b/docs/Umineko/Tsubasa-Hane.md
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ If, for whatever reason, the automatic installation does not work or you do not
-|[Download (~300MB)](https://07th-mod.com/Bern/Tsubasa/umineko-tsubasa-ons.zip)|~~Download (~100MB)~~
temporarily removed|[Download script](https://github.com/07th-mod/umineko-saku/archive/master.zip)
[Download graphics (~1GB)](https://07th-mod.com/Bern/Saku/UminekoSaku-Graphics.7z) (optional)
[Download opening (~100MB)](https://07th-mod.com/Bern/Saku/UminekoSaku-Movie.7z) (optional)|
+|[Download (~300MB)](https://github.com/07th-mod/patch-releases/releases/download/umineko-legacy-v1.0/umineko-tsubasa-ons.zip)|~~Download (~100MB)~~
temporarily removed|[Download script](https://github.com/07th-mod/umineko-saku/archive/master.zip)
[Download graphics (~1GB)](https://github.com/07th-mod/patch-releases/releases/download/umineko-legacy-v1.0/UminekoSaku-Graphics.7z) (optional)
[Download opening (~100MB)](https://github.com/07th-mod/patch-releases/releases/download/umineko-legacy-v1.0/UminekoSaku-Movie.7z) (optional)|
For Tsubasa and Hane, once downloaded, extract the archive into your game directory. *PRESERVE THE TOP-LEVEL FOLDER*. The \[07th-Mod\] folder should *remain* after the archive extraction, do not put files from inside of the folder into the game directory -- put the folder itself there.
For Saku, extract the script archive first, putting the `0.utf` file and the included `bmp` folder into the game directory. Afterwards, if you chose to use the graphics option, extract the graphics archive into the game folder as well, overwriting the `bmp` folder if asked. Finally, extract the opening if you chose to use it.
diff --git a/docs/Umineko/Umineko-Part-0-TroubleShooting-and-FAQ.md b/docs/Umineko/Umineko-Part-0-TroubleShooting-and-FAQ.md
index 995e33c..a997bad 100644
--- a/docs/Umineko/Umineko-Part-0-TroubleShooting-and-FAQ.md
+++ b/docs/Umineko/Umineko-Part-0-TroubleShooting-and-FAQ.md
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ See the [Mod Options](Umineko-Mod-Options.md) page.
This problem happens even on the base game when you launch the game without Steam. Note that launching the game through Steam (if you have the Steam version) might fix this issue, as Steam will provide the missing libraries.
-To fix this issue, download and extract this archive to the game directory (it should overwrite the `lib64` folder): [https://07th-mod.com/Beato/linux-libpng-libjpeg.7z](https://07th-mod.com/Beato/linux-libpng-libjpeg.7z)
+To fix this issue, download and extract this archive to the game directory (it should overwrite the `lib64` folder): [https://github.com/07th-mod/patch-releases/releases/download/umineko-question-v1.0/linux-libpng-libjpeg.7z](https://github.com/07th-mod/patch-releases/releases/download/umineko-question-v1.0/linux-libpng-libjpeg.7z)
The alternative way to fix this issue is to make sure Steam is installed, then run the game through Steam (not by clicking on the .exe).
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ There is also one achievement for the Question Arcs which is difficult to unlock
#### No sound on Linux (game doesn't even show up in mixer)
- Firstly, check if you pressed the 'm' key (or 'Select' key on controller), which mutes the game. Deleting your save files also disables muting, see [Uninstalling Umineko and the Mod](Uninstall.md)
-- On Linux, if Umineko doesn't show up in your audio mixer at all, try following this [gamingonlinux tutorial](https://www.gamingonlinux.com/articles/steam-for-linux-can-now-run-games-in-a-special-container.15384) to run Umineko using the Steam Linux Runtime compatability tool.
+- On Linux, if Umineko doesn't show up in your audio mixer at all, try following this [gamingonlinux tutorial](https://web.archive.org/web/20240604000502/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/articles/steam-for-linux-can-now-run-games-in-a-special-container.15384/) to run Umineko using the Steam Linux Runtime compatability tool.
Steam Deck Users have reported the following:
diff --git a/docs/Umineko/Umineko-Part-1---Voice-and-Graphics-Patch.md b/docs/Umineko/Umineko-Part-1---Voice-and-Graphics-Patch.md
index ebab05a..dee87d0 100644
--- a/docs/Umineko/Umineko-Part-1---Voice-and-Graphics-Patch.md
+++ b/docs/Umineko/Umineko-Part-1---Voice-and-Graphics-Patch.md
@@ -30,34 +30,28 @@ Instructions on installing the Answer Arcs ADV Addon are at the bottom of the pa
- -Stable 0.u
+ -Stable 0.u
- -Experimental 0.u
+ -Experimental (Right-click, Save-As then rename as 0.u)
+ |
+ Base Assets Part 1/3
+ Base Assets Part 2/3
+ Base Assets Part 3/3
-Download |
-1080p Graphics |
-Windows Mac Linux |
--1080p Rolling Update
--ADV Files
+ Linux/MacOS Movie
+ Executable (For Repair)
@@ -73,26 +67,25 @@ Instructions on installing the Answer Arcs ADV Addon are at the bottom of the pa
- -Stable 0.u
+ -Stable 0.u
- -Experimental 0.u
+ -Experimental (Right-click, Save-As then rename as 0.u)
-Download |
-Download |
-Windows Mac Linux |
- -Rolling Update
+ Base Assets Part 1/4
+ Base Assets Part 2/4
+ Base Assets Part 3/4
+ Base Assets Part 4/4
+ Executable (For Repair)
@@ -107,11 +100,11 @@ Instructions on installing the Answer Arcs ADV Addon are at the bottom of the pa
Extract these packs to the root of the game directory, AFTER applying all other archives (extracting should overwrite many files).
-- [Pachinko Question Arcs Sprites Pack](https://07th-mod.com/Beato/Umineko-Upscaled-Pachinko.7z)
-- [Pachinko Answer Arcs NVL/ADV Sprites Pack](https://07th-mod.com/Bern/UminekoChiru-Upscaled-Pachinko.7z)
+- [Pachinko Question Arcs Sprites Pack](https://github.com/07th-mod/patch-releases/releases/download/umineko-question-v1.0/Umineko-Upscaled-Pachinko.7z)
+- [Pachinko Answer Arcs NVL/ADV Sprites Pack](https://github.com/07th-mod/patch-releases/releases/download/umineko-answer-v1.0/UminekoChiru-Upscaled-Pachinko.7z)
-- [Ryukishi (Potato) Question Arcs Sprites Pack](https://07th-mod.com/Beato/Umineko-Upscaled-Potato-v3.7z)
-- [Ryukishi (Potato) Answer Arcs NVL/ADV Sprites Pack](https://07th-mod.com/Bern/UminekoChiru-Upscaled-Potato-v4.7z)
+- [Ryukishi (Potato) Question Arcs Sprites Pack](https://github.com/07th-mod/patch-releases/releases/download/umineko-question-v1.0/Umineko-Upscaled-Potato-v3.7z)
+- [Ryukishi (Potato) Answer Arcs NVL/ADV Sprites Pack](https://github.com/07th-mod/patch-releases/releases/download/umineko-answer-v1.0/UminekoChiru-Upscaled-Potato-v4.7z)
### How to install the patch manually
@@ -123,19 +116,10 @@ Common steps are the same for all platforms. The remaining steps are **different
1. Download and extract these archives to the game folder:
- - The Voices archive
- - The Graphics archive
-2. Then, download and extract these archives to the game folder, overwriting existing files:
+ - The Base Assets (`base`) archive
+ - For Linux or Mac users on the Question Arcs, the "movie" archive
- - For the Question arcs:
- - the OS Specific update (choose the correct one for your operating system)
- - the ADV files
- - the Rolling update
- - For the Answer arcs
- - the Rolling Update
-3. When you extracted the voice archive, it should have generated an `arc4.nsa` and `arc5.nsa` file. After that, **please check your arc.nsa files are sequential**:
+2. When you extracted the voice archive, it should have generated an `arc4.nsa` and `arc5.nsa` file. After that, **please check your arc.nsa files are sequential**:
- If you have 5 `.nsa` files [`arc1.nsa`, `arc2.nsa`, `arc3.nsa`, `arc4.nsa`, `arc5.nsa`]
- No extra steps are required
@@ -148,32 +132,24 @@ Common steps are the same for all platforms. The remaining steps are **different
4. Rename the file ``0.utf`` inside your Umineko folder to ``0_old.utf`` (Backup the original script)
-5. Put the patched ``0.u`` file inside the game folder.
+5. Put the patched ``0.u`` file inside the game folder
+ - **If you have a ``0.utf`` file, rename it as ``0.u`` before putting it in the game folder!!**
### Windows
-7 . Backup the old .exe. For the **Question Arcs**, rename `Umineko1to4.exe` to `Umineko1to4_old.exe`. For the **Answer Arcs**, rename `Umineko5to8.exe` to `Umineko5to8_old.exe`.
-8 . Install the new .exe (the one you downloaded from this page). For the **Question arcs**, put the patched `Umineko1to4.exe` in the game folder. For the **Answer Arcs**, put the patched `Umineko5to8.exe` inside the folder.
+7 . No extra steps required
### Linux
-7 . Backup the old .exe. For the **Question Arcs**, rename `Umineko1to4` to `Umineko1to4_old`. For the **Answer Arcs**, rename `Umineko5to8` to `Umineko5to8_old`.
-8 . Install the new .exe (the one you downloaded from this page). For the **Question arcs**, put the patched `Umineko1to4` in the game folder. For the **Answer Arcs**, put the patched `Umineko5to8` inside the folder.
-9 . You might have to set the .exe to have executable permissions so you can run it.
-10 . Extract the archive `linux-libpng-libjpeg.7z` to the game folder. Overwrite if asked. Both arcs use the same archive.
+7 . You might have to set the .exe (`Umineko1to4` or `Umineko5to8`) to have executable permissions so you can run it.
### Mac
-7 . Backup the old .exe. This is the file with a character image on it (.app file), but the `.app` part may be hidden. For the **Question Arcs**, rename `Umineko1to4.app` to `Umineko1to4_old.app`. For the **Answer Arcs**, rename `Umineko5to8.app` to `Umineko5to8_old.app`.
+7 . MacOS users might need to apply the "Executable" manually. If the game does not run properlty, download and extract the "Executable" archive to a temporary folder, then read the below.
-8 . **IMPORTANT**: MacOSX will try to prevent you from extracting the new, patched `.app` into the game folder! To get around this, you must extract it **outside the game folder** (preferably to your desktop or another personal folder). After you have extracted the .app file, you can then copy it to the root of the game folder (where the old one used to be). Extract ``Umineko1to4.app.zip`` for the **Question Arcs** and ``Umineko5to8.app.zip`` for the **Answer Arcs**.
+8 . **IMPORTANT**: MacOSX will try to prevent you from extracting the new, patched `.app` into the game folder! To get around this, you must extract it **outside the game folder** (preferably to your desktop or another personal folder). After you have extracted the .app file, you can then copy it to the root of the game folder (where the old one used to be). The app folders are called ``Umineko1to4.app`` for the **Question Arcs** and ``Umineko5to8.app`` for the **Answer Arcs**.
9 . If you fail to do step 8 this correctly, you will get this error:
@@ -183,7 +159,14 @@ Common steps are the same for all platforms. The remaining steps are **different
Try step 8 again if you get this error.
-10 . Extract the archive `linux-libpng-libjpeg.7z` to the game folder. Overwrite if asked. Both arcs use the same archive.
+### Repairing the patch
+If you think your previously modded executable was overwritten by Steam (due to an Update or similar), try the following:
+- Download and extract the "script" file/archive
+- Download adn extract the "executable" archive
+If the mod is still not repaired or not behaving correctly, try repeating a normal install.
@@ -246,11 +229,11 @@ Ensure that you have your `0.u` or `0.utf` (depending on your platform), and you
ADV Mode Addon |
- -Stable 0.u
+ -Stable 0.u
- -Experimental 0.u
+ -Experimental (Right-click, Save-As then rename as 0.u)
-ADV Assets |
+ADV Assets |
@@ -269,8 +252,11 @@ Normally, there is no reason to install the legacy version of the Question Arcs.
Installation Instructions:
-1. Extract the graphics archive: [Legacy Question Arcs Graphics](https://07th-mod.com/Beato/legacy/Umineko-Graphics-Legacy-2018.7z)
-2. Extract the voice archives which should generate a `arc4.nsa` and `arc5.nsa` file: [Normal Question Voices](https://07th-mod.com/Beato/Umineko-Voices-nsa.7z). **Please check your arc.nsa files are sequential**:
+1. Extract the base archives below:
+ - [Base Assets Part 1/3](https://github.com/07th-mod/patch-releases/releases/download/umineko-legacy-v1.0/umineko-legacy-1707x1280.7z.001)
+ - [Base Assets Part 2/3](https://github.com/07th-mod/patch-releases/releases/download/umineko-legacy-v1.0/umineko-legacy-1707x1280.7z.002)
+ - [Base Assets Part 3/3](https://github.com/07th-mod/patch-releases/releases/download/umineko-legacy-v1.0/umineko-legacy-1707x1280.7z.003)
+2. **Ensure your your arc.nsa files are sequential**:
- If you have 5 `.nsa` files [`arc1.nsa`, `arc2.nsa`, `arc3.nsa`, `arc4.nsa`, `arc5.nsa`]
- No extra steps are required
- If you have 3 `.nsa` files [`arc.nsa`, `arc4.nsa`, `arc5.nsa`]
@@ -279,7 +265,6 @@ Installation Instructions:
- If you have 2 `.nsa` files [`arc4.nsa`, `arc5.nsa`]
- Rename `arc4.nsa` -> `arc.nsa`
- Rename `arc5.nsa` -> `arc1.nsa`
+3. Install the "script" file from your legacy translation (You should rename it as either `0.u` or `0.utf`, whichever one works).
+ - NOTE: the game will NOT work without a "script" file installed.
-3. Extract the Exe: [Legacy Question Arcs Exe](https://07th-mod.com/Beato/legacy/Umineko-Question-Exes-legacy-1707x1280.7z)
-4. Extract the Update: [Legacy Question Update](https://07th-mod.com/Beato/legacy/Umineko-Update-legacy-v5_2018_07_15.7z)
-5. **Linux Mac Only** Extract the archive [`linux-libpng-libjpeg.7z`](https://07th-mod.com/Beato/linux-libpng-libjpeg.7z) to the game folder. Overwrite if asked. Both arcs use the same archive.
diff --git a/docs/Umineko/Umineko-Part-1.1---Voices-only-Patch.md b/docs/Umineko/Umineko-Part-1.1---Voices-only-Patch.md
index 27bf8de..1dd534a 100644
--- a/docs/Umineko/Umineko-Part-1.1---Voices-only-Patch.md
+++ b/docs/Umineko/Umineko-Part-1.1---Voices-only-Patch.md
@@ -26,44 +26,57 @@ Manually installing the game is not recommended unless you have problems with th
Question Arcs Ch.1~4 |
-Download 0.u |
-Download |
-Windows Mac Linux |
+ Question 0.u
+ |
+ Question Base Assets
+ |
+ Question Executable (For Repair)
+ |
Answer Arcs Ch.5~8 |
-Download 0.u |
-Download |
-Windows Mac Linux |
-Update 1 |
+ Answer 0.u
+ |
+ Answer Base Assets
+ |
+ Answer Executable (For Repair)
+ |
-**Linux and Mac Only**: [`linux-libpng-libjpeg.7z`](https://07th-mod.com/Beato/linux-libpng-libjpeg.7z)
## Installing the patch
1. Find and open your game folder (open your Steam library, choose the game from the list, right click on it and click on ``Properties``. Switch to the ``LOCAL FILES`` tab and click on ``Browse local files...``)
-2. Rename the file ``0.utf`` to ``0_old.utf`` (Backup the original script)
-3. Download the ``0.u``, and place it inside the game folder. **MacOSX Only**: you might need to rename the `0.u` file to `0.utf`
-4. Download and extract the Umineko Voices archive.
-3. When you extracted the voice archive, it should have generated an `arc4.nsa` and `arc5.nsa` file. After that, **please check the following**:
+2. Rename the file ``0.utf`` to ``0_old.utf`` (Backup the game script)
+2. Download and extract the Umineko Base Assets archive (either directly to the game folder, or copy it to a subfolder, the merge it with the existing game files).
+3. When you extracted the archive, it should have generated an `arc4.nsa` and `arc5.nsa` file. After that, **please check the following**:
- If you already have `arc1.nsa`, `arc2.nsa`, `arc3.nsa`, `arc4.nsa`, and `arc5.nsa` in your folder, then you are done with this step.
- If you **only** have `arc4.nsa` and `arc5.nsa`, you must rename them to `arc.nsa` and `arc1.nsa` (so the arc files are sequential)
+3. Download the ``0.u``, and place it inside the game folder. **MacOSX Only**: you might need to rename the `0.u` file to `0.utf`
6. This step differs depending on your operating system
- - **Windows, Linux**: Download the Windows/Linux executable, and overwrite the existing executable in the game folder
+ - **Windows, Linux**: No action necessary
- **MacOSX**: Download the zip file, but extract it to a known good location like desktop/downloads/documents, OUTSIDE the game directory. This will give you a `.app` file. Only then, copy the `.app` file into the game directory. This is to avoid a MacOSX security feature which prevents the game from running correctly (will give you a 'script not found').
-7. **Answer Arcs only:** Extract the file ``UminekoChiruVO-Update1.zip`` the game folder. Overwrite if asked.
-8. **Linux and Mac**: Extract the file `linux-libpng-libjpeg.7z` to the game folder. Overwrite if asked. Both arcs use the same archive.
+### Repairing the patch
+If you think your previously modded executable was overwritten by Steam (due to an Update or similar), try the following:
+- Download and extract the "script" file/archive
+- Download adn extract the "executable" archive
+If the mod is still not repaired or not behaving correctly, try repeating a normal install.
diff --git a/docs/developer/graphics/psd-files-templates.md b/docs/developer/graphics/psd-files-templates.md
index 9c05142..0764173 100644
--- a/docs/developer/graphics/psd-files-templates.md
+++ b/docs/developer/graphics/psd-files-templates.md
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ NOTE: **Please read the `Readme` / `Changelog` contained in each archive** (if i
Misc Graphics |
2022-12-17 |
- Higurashi-MixedFiles-PSD.7z |
+ Higurashi-MixedFiles-PSD.7z |
Contains Fonts, Logos, UI, Text Images, Sprite Edits, Photoshop Filters, and other misc files.
diff --git a/docs/developer/translation/introduction.md b/docs/developer/translation/introduction.md
index c0fbad3..dddced4 100644
--- a/docs/developer/translation/introduction.md
+++ b/docs/developer/translation/introduction.md
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ I'm sure you know what to do with scripts so I'll focus on things like UI that a
In the UI some texts are embedded in images, some are not. But everything is in the `sharedassets0.asset` file.
-For editing the UI images you will need our [PSDs](https://07th-mod.com/misc/translation_psds.7z) and translate all texts you can find there.
+For editing the UI images you will need our [PSDs](https://github.com/07th-mod/patch-releases/releases/download/developer-v1.0/translation_psds.7z) and translate all texts you can find there.
Then you will need to use our [python scripts](https://github.com/07th-mod/ui-editing-scripts) + [UABE](https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?22675-Unity-Assets-Bundle-Extractor) to change the texts that don't appear in the images and to import everything back into the asset file. This [documentation](https://github.com/07th-mod/ui-editing-scripts) should guide you through the process.
diff --git a/docs/developer/voice/voice-details.md b/docs/developer/voice/voice-details.md
index b1e4cd3..ef13a05 100644
--- a/docs/developer/voice/voice-details.md
+++ b/docs/developer/voice/voice-details.md
@@ -7,15 +7,8 @@ The first step for every patch is to make the voice patch. It all starts from th
To make these patches, of course, we need some resources. In the list below you can find the links to every resource available in our project:
-* [Higurashi-Spectrum.zip](https://07th-mod.com/higurashi_resources/Higurashi-Spectrum.tar.bz2) - Spectrum files used to make lipsync more realistic. Check [Lipsync and Voice Analysis](https://github.com/07th-mod/higurashi-dev-guides/wiki/Lipsync-and-Voice-Analysis) for more information.
-* [HigurashiPS3-Script.zip](https://07th-mod.com/archive/HigurashiPS3-Script.zip) - Full transcript of every voice in the game. Directly taken from the PS3 script, it's a requirement to use this file while doing manual work. See [Manual work details](https://github.com/07th-mod/resources/releases/download/Nipah/Manual-work-details).
-* [HigurashiPS3-Voices01.zip](https://07th-mod.com/archive/HigurashiPS3-Voices01.zip) - Full set of voice files from the PS3 game. 1/4.
-* [HigurashiPS3-Voices02.zip](https://07th-mod.com/archive/HigurashiPS3-Voices02.zip) - Full set of voice files from the PS3 game. 2/4.
-* [HigurashiPS3-Voices03.zip](https://07th-mod.com/archive/HigurashiPS3-Voices03.zip) - Full set of voice files from the PS3 game. 3/4.
-* [HigurashiPS3-Voices04.zip](https://07th-mod.com/archive/HigurashiPS3-Voices04.zip) - Full set of voice files from the PS3 game. 4/4.
-* [HigurashiPS2-Voices01.zip](https://07th-mod.com/archive/HigurashiPS2-Voices01.zip) - Full set of voice files from the PS2 game. 1/2.
-* [HigurashiPS2-Voices02.zip](https://07th-mod.com/archive/HigurashiPS2-Voices02.zip) - Full set of voice files from the PS2 game. 2/2.
+* HigurashiPS3 Script: TODO - ask mod team if you need this - Full transcript of every voice in the game. Directly taken from the PS3 script, it's a requirement to use this file while doing manual work. See [Manual work details](https://github.com/07th-mod/resources/releases/download/Nipah/Manual-work-details).
+* Higruashi Voices: TODO - ask mod team if you need these
## PlaySE
diff --git a/docs/index.md b/docs/index.md
index 49b02d8..e5a7c0f 100644
--- a/docs/index.md
+++ b/docs/index.md
@@ -8,16 +8,6 @@
-!!! note "Help us stay online!"
- We really need your help to keep our servers running. If you want to know more about donations, [click here](https://07th-mod.com/wiki/Donations).
- This year's progress:
!!! info "Discord Server"
diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml
index 79a2b58..0222bc9 100644
--- a/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/mkdocs.yml
@@ -12,13 +12,12 @@ nav:
- 2a. Installer: Higurashi/Higurashi-Part-1---Voice-and-Graphics-Patch.md
- 2b. Manual Installation: Higurashi/Manual-Installation.md
- 2c. Shortcuts and Settings: Higurashi/Higurashi-Part-2---Patch-configuration-and-keyboard-shortcuts.md
- - 3. Voices-only Patch: Higurashi/Higurashi-Part-1.1---Voices-only-Patch.md
- - 4. FAQ: Higurashi/FAQ.md
- - 4a. Linux & Steam Deck FAQ: Higurashi/FAQ-linux-steam-deck.md
- - 4b. BGM/SE FAQ: Higurashi/BGM-SE-FAQ.md
- - 4c. Miotsukushi FAQ: Higurashi/MiotsukushiFAQ.md
- - 5. Getting Support: Higurashi/support.md
- - 6. Uninstalling Mod & Game: Higurashi/Uninstall.md
+ - 3. FAQ: Higurashi/FAQ.md
+ - 3a. Linux & Steam Deck FAQ: Higurashi/FAQ-linux-steam-deck.md
+ - 3b. BGM/SE FAQ: Higurashi/BGM-SE-FAQ.md
+ - 3c. Miotsukushi FAQ: Higurashi/MiotsukushiFAQ.md
+ - 4. Getting Support: Higurashi/support.md
+ - 5. Uninstalling Mod & Game: Higurashi/Uninstall.md
- Umineko:
- 1. Intro (START HERE): Umineko/Umineko-Getting-started.md
- 2. Mod Options: Umineko/Umineko-Mod-Options.md
@@ -33,7 +32,6 @@ nav:
- 1. FAQ: Installer/faq.md
- 2. Getting support: Installer/support.md
- Power User Installation: Installer/power-users.md
- - Donations: Donations.md
- Rules: Rules.md
- Support and Reporting Issues: Support.md
- Contribution Guide: Beginners-guide.md