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Command Line Clicker README

This code is for a command line based clicker, which allows users to record and recall sequences of mouse and keyboard clicks. Here's a brief overview of the available options and commands:

Option Definitions

The following option definitions are available:

Option Name Default Value Description
leader The leader that will be printed when waiting for a command
enable_hotkey true Whether or not hotkeys are enabled
enable_cps_register false Whether the program will put the CPS in the @C register
enable_last_location_register false Whether the program will put the COMMAND for last location of the mouse in the @L register
quiet false Whether the program will print feedback after command

Command Definitions

The following command definitions are available:

Command Usage Description
? HELP - Shows helptext Shows the list of available commands and their descriptions
& HOTKEY <register: char> <command: string> Sets a hotkey to a command. Whenever the user types the specified character, the command will be executed
@ RECORD <register: char> <command: string> Records a command to a register. Whenever the user types the specified character, the recorded command will be executed
: CLONE <register: char> <register: char> Clones the contents of one register to another
# RECALL <register: char> [register: char] ... Recalls a command from all specified registers, in the order they were listed
= RECALLIF <register: char> <value: string> <register: char> [register: char] ... Recalls a command from all register(s) listed, in order, if the value of the register is equal to the value specified
- RECALLIFNOT <register: char> <value: string> <register: char> [register: char] ... Recalls a command from all register(s) listed, in order, if the value of the register is not equal to the value specified
/ RECALLIFELSE <register: char> <value: string> <register_true: char> <register_false: char> Recalls a command from the register specified if the value of the register is equal to the value specified. Otherwise, the command from the register_false will be recalled
* REPEAT <times: int> <register: char> [register: char] ... Launches a new thread for every register listed to repeat the defined times.
^ WHILE <register: char> <value: string> <register: char> [register: char] ... Repeats the commands in the register(s) listed, in order, while the value of the register is equal to the value specified
! OPT [opt: word] [value: string] Sets or prints the value of the specified option
> SAVE [filename: string] Saves the current script options to a file. If no filename is specified, the default filename ".clickerrc" will be used
< LOAD <filename: string> Loads a script from a file
M MOVE [x: int] [y: int] Moves the mouse to the specified coordinates. If nothing is provided, just save the mouse location to the L register if it is enabled
C CLICK <button: int> Clicks the specified mouse button
} CLICK_DOWN <button: int> Presses and holds the specified mouse button
{ CLICK_UP <button: int> Releases the specified mouse button
K KEY <key: char> Presses the specified key
] KEY_DOWN <key: char> Presses and holds the specified key
[ KEY_UP <key: char> Releases the specified key
S SEQUENCE <keys: string> [keys: string] ... Presses the specified keys in the order they were listed
W DELAY <ms: int> Waits for the specified amount of time, in milliseconds
P PRINT <string: string> Prints the specified string to the console replaces '@<register: char>' with the value of the register unless escaped
Q QUIT Exits the program
. COMMENT This symbol will be reserved as a no-op

Some notes:

  • The RECORD command does not necessarily have to assign a command. It can also be used to assign a value to a register. For example, @ s 0 will set the value of the register s to 0, though this is just treated as a string, as there is no arithmetic operations.
  • The RECORD and HOTKEY commands have different registers. This means that @ s 0 and & s 0 will not conflict with each other.
  • The size of the RECORD registers is a-z, A-Z, and 0-9. The size of the HOTKEY registers is the entire ASCII range.
  • Assigning a hotkey to a capital letter will require SHIFT + KEY, while a lowercase letter simply requires KEY.
  • You cannot chain commands together on one line, but you can assign comands to registers and recall them to a single line.
  • WHILE, REPEAT, and HOTKEY (detection) run on separate threads. This means that they will not block the main thread, and will not interfere with each other.

Please refer to the source code for more detailed information about the implementation of each option and command.


If there is a .clickerrc file in the current directory, it will be loaded automatically when the program is started.

Here is an example of one:

. Set options to preferences
! quiet true
! leader >
! enable_hotkey true

. Panic hotkey
& q Q

. Load a script
< clicker


Here are some examples of scripts. They can all be saved to a file and loaded with the < <filename> command.:

Separate 'ON'-hotkey and 'OFF'-hotkey autoclicker

! quiet true
! enable_hotkey true

. Register for autoclicker state: 0 = off, 1 = on
@ s 0
. Autoclicker
@ c C 0
@ n ^ s 1 c

. Hotkey for toggling the autoclicker on
@ t @ s 1
& o # t n 

. Hotkey for toggling the autoclicker off
& p @ s 0

Single 'TOGGLE'-hotkey autoclicker

! quiet true
! enable_hotkey true

. Register for autoclicker state: 0 = off, 1 = on
@ s 0
. Clicker thread
@ c C 0
@ n ^ s 1 c

. Register for turning the autoclicker on
@ T @ s 1
@ t # T n

. Register for turning the autoclicker off
@ u @ s 0

. Hotkey for toggling the autoclicker on/off
& p / s 0 t u

. Exclusive toggle off, as the hotkey may be unresponsive and the autoclicker may accidentally be turned on
& q @ s 0

Autoclicker with 'SAVE LOCATION'-hotkey and 'TOGGLE'-hotkey w/ 1000ms delay

! quiet true
! enable_hotkey true
! enable_last_location_register true

. Store the mouse location hotkey
. 'update' cmd register
@ U M
. 'pointer' to 'b'
@ j # b
. copy to 'b'
@ p : L b
& o # U p

. Autoclicker
. state
@ s 0
@ t @ s 1
@ u @ s 0

. functions
. 'pointer' to 'B' register. this is because the 'b' and 'B'
. registers are updated during the while loop, but the while 
. loop only loads them once
@ J # B
@ P : L B
@ c C 0
@ D W 1000
@ n ^ s 1 U P j c J D

@ T # t n

. hotkeys
& p / s 0 T u
& q @ s 0

Single 'TOGGLE'-hotkey autoclicker w/ 100ms delay & CPS printout

! quiet true
! enable_hotkey true
! enable_cps_register true

. Register for autoclicker state: 0 = off, 1 = on
@ s 0
. Clicker thread
@ c C 0
@ d W 100
@ n ^ s 1 d c

. CPS Printer
@ D W 1500
@ p P CPS:@C
@ N ^ s 1 D p

. Register for turning the autoclicker on
@ T @ s 1
@ t # T n N

. Register for turning the autoclicker off
@ u @ s 0

. Hotkey for toggling the autoclicker on/off
& p / s 0 t u

Autocomplete for 'on my way!'

! quiet true
! enable_hotkey true

. Hotkeys do not eat input 
& o S n my way!