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This Project is made for spoofing Ja3 and Akamai fingerprint, it is also very simple to use. I made it noob-friendly as possiable.

🚀 Features

- High-performance
- Custom Header ordering via
- Custom Pseudo header ordering via
- Custom Frame Setting ordering via
- Able to spoof akamai fingerprint using frame & priority settings
- All Proxy types supported (SOCKS4/SOCKS4a, HTTP/s, SOCKS5, Proxyless)
- Ja3 Customization
- Supported many HelloClients
- HTTP/2 and HTTP1 Support
- HTTP2 Setting customization
- HTTP1 Setting customization

⬇️ How to install it?

go get
go get

🪧 How to use it?

HTTP request using gorequest without proxy or Ja3 customization

package main

import (
	gorequest ""
  gostruct ""

func main() {
	// Ja3 is by default HelloChrome_105
	var bot gostruct.BotData                                    // Creating struct
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.URL = "" // URL
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.Method = "GET"                      // All method that are supported by fhttp is here supported too
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.Protocol = "2"                      // 2.0 and 1.1 supported
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.ReadResponseBody = true                                  // Used to read the body from the server.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.ReadResponseCookies = true                                  // Used to read the cookies from the server.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.ReadResponseHeaders = true                                  // Used to read the headers from the server.
	gorequest.HttpRequest(&bot)                                  // Request
	println(bot.HttpRequest.Response.Source)                    // Print response source code of the request

HTTP request using gorequest with custom and ordered headers

package main

import (
  gorequest ""
  gostruct ""

func main() {
	var bot gostruct.BotData                                    // Creating a variable called `bot` and setting it to the type `gorequest.BotData`.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.URL = "" // Setting the URL of the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.Method = "GET"                      // Used to set the method of the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.Protocol = "2"                      // Used to set the protocol version of the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.ReadResponseBody = true                                  // Used to read the body from the server.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.ReadResponseCookies = true                                  // Used to read the cookies from the server.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.ReadResponseHeaders = true                                  // Used to read the headers from the server.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.Headers = map[string]string{        // Used to add headers to the request.
		"Content-Type": "application/json",
		"TestToken":    "123492190391239102301293",
		"user-agent":   "Go-http-client/2.0",
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.HeaderOrderKey = []string{ // Used to order the headers in the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.PHeaderOrderKey = []string{ // Used to order the Pseudo headers in the request.
	gorequest.HttpRequest(&bot)               // A function that is used to send a request to the server.
	println(bot.HttpRequest.Response.Source) // Printing the response from the server.

HTTP Request using gorequest with proxy

package main

import (
	gorequest ""
  gostruct ""

func main() {
	var bot gostruct.BotData                                            // Creating a variable called `bot` and setting it to the type `gostruct.BotData`.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.URL = ""         // Setting the URL of the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.Method = "GET"                              // Used to set the method of the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.Protocol = "2"                              // Used to set the protocol version of the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.ReadResponse = true                         // Used to read the response from the server.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.Proxy = "type://" // Setting the proxy of the request. Supported types: ( "proxyless","http", "https", "socks4", "socks4a", "socks5" ), Without Auth format: type://
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.UseProxy = true                               // Used to tell the program to use the proxy.
	gorequest.HttpRequest(&bot)                                          // A function that is used to send a request to the server.
	println(bot.HttpRequest.Response.Source)                            // Printing the response from the server.

HTTP Request using gorequest with custom Ja3

package main

import (
	gorequest ""
  gostruct ""

func main() {
	var bot gostruct.BotData                                                         // Creating a variable called `bot` and setting it to the type `gostruct.BotData`.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.URL = ""                      // Setting the URL of the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.Method = "GET"                                           // Used to set the method of the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.Protocol = "2"                                           // Used to set the protocol version of the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.ReadResponse = true                                      // Used to read the response from the server.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.HelloClient = *gotools.GetHelloClient("HelloCustom")     // Setting the JA3 fingerprint of the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.Ja3 = "<Your_Ja3>"                                       // Setting the JA3 fingerprint of the request.
	gorequest.HttpRequest(&bot)                                                      // A function that is used to send a request to the server.
	println(bot.HttpRequest.Response.Source)                                         // Printing the response from the server.

HTTP Request using gorequest with HelloClient

package main

import (
	gorequest ""
  gostruct ""

func main() {
	var bot gostruct.BotData                                                         // Creating a variable called `bot` and setting it to the type `gostruct.BotData`.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.URL = ""                      // Setting the URL of the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.Method = "GET"                                           // Used to set the method of the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.Protocol = "2"                                           // Used to set the protocol version of the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.ReadResponse = true                                      // Used to read the response from the server.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.HelloClient = *gotools.GetHelloClient("HelloChrome_105")     // Setting the JA3 fingerprint of the request. Check below for supported HelloClients
	gorequest.HttpRequest(&bot)                                                      // A function that is used to send a request to the server.
	println(bot.HttpRequest.Response.Source)                                         // Printing the response from the server.

HTTP Request using gorequest with MaxRedirects or disable redirects

package main

import (
	gorequest ""
  gostruct ""

func main() {
	var bot gostruct.BotData                                    // Creating a variable called `bot` and setting it to the type `gostruct.BotData`.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.URL = "" // Setting the URL of the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.Method = "GET"                      // Used to set the method of the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.Protocol = "2"                      // Used to set the protocol version of the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.ReadResponse = true                 // Used to read the response from the server.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.MaxRedirects = "10"                 // Used to set the max number of redirects allowed from server. By default 10 redirects. to disable use "false"
	gorequest.HttpRequest(&bot)                                  // A function that is used to send a request to the server.
	println(bot.HttpRequest.Response.Source)                    // Printing the response from the server.

HTTP Request using gorequest with Payload

package main

import (
	gorequest ""
  gostruct ""

func main() {
	var bot gostruct.BotData                                    // Creating a variable called `bot` and setting it to the type `gostruct.BotData`.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.URL = "" // Setting the URL of the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.Method = "POST"                     // Used to set the method of the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.Protocol = "2"                      // Used to set the protocol version of the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.ReadResponse = true                 // Used to read the response from the server.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.Payload = "user=joe&pass=ok"        // Setting the payload of the request.
	gorequest.HttpRequest(&bot)                                  // A function that is used to send a request to the server.
	println(bot.HttpRequest.Response.Source)                    // Printing the response from the server.

HTTP Request using gorequest with Frame and Priority ordering and customization

package main

import (
	gorequest ""
        gostruct ""
	json "encoding/json"

func main() {
	var bot gostruct.BotData                                    // Creating a variable called `bot` and setting it to the type `gostruct.BotData`.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.URL = "" // Setting the URL of the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.Method = "POST"                     // Used to set the method of the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.Protocol = "2"                      // Used to set the protocol version of the request.
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.ReadResponse = true                 // Used to read the response from the server.
	gorequest.HttpRequest(&bot)                                  // A function that is used to send a request to the server.
	err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"windowupdate: 15663105, "frames": [{"header_table_size":65536},{"max_concurrent_streams":1000},{"initial_window_size":6291456},{"max_header_list_size":262144}], "priorities":[]}`), &bot.HttpRequest.Request.HTTP2TRANSPORT.Settings) // setting the priority, frames and the connectionflow.
	if err != nil {
	          json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{}`), &bot.HttpRequest.Request.HTTP2TRANSPORT.Settings)
	bot.HttpRequest.Request.Payload = "user=joe&pass=ok"        // Setting the payload of the request.
	println(bot.HttpRequest.Response.Source)                    // Printing the response from the server.

Supported HelloClient's:




TL;DR* Here's what the GPL3 license entails:

1. Anyone can copy, modify and distribute this software.
2. You have to include the license and copyright notice with each and every distribution.
3. You can use this software privately.
4. You can use this software for commercial purposes.
5. Source code MUST be made available when the software is distributed.
6. Any modifications of this code base MUST be distributed with the same license, GPLv3.
7. This software is provided without warranty.
8. The software author or license can not be held liable for any damages inflicted by the software.

More information on about the LICENSE can be found here