SQLFlow is currently under active development. For those who are interested in trying it out, we have provided the instructions and demo. Play around with it. Any bug report and issue is welcome. :)
Install Docker Community Edition on your Macbook.
Build and run a dockerized MySQL server (In this example, called sqlflowdata) following example/datasets. Note that there is no need to install a local MySQL server, in which case you will have a port conflict in 3306.
Pull the latest SQLFlow Docker image:
docker pull sqlflow/sqlflow:latest
After data is popularized in MySQL, let's test the installation from running a query in Jupyter Notebook:
Start a Docker container that runs SQLFlow server and Jupyter Notebook. If you are using Docker for Linux, please change
.docker run --rm -it -p 8888:8888 sqlflow/sqlflow:latest \ bash -c "sqlflowserver --datasource='mysql://root:root@tcp(host.docker.internal:3306)/?maxAllowedPacket=0' & SQLFLOW_SERVER=localhost:50051 jupyter notebook --ip= --port=8888 --allow-root"
If you are using Docker for Mac, please be aware the option
translates to the host ip address as recommended here.If you are running MySQL on remote, please be aware that MySQL only allows connections from localhost by default. Fix can be found here.
Open a web browser, go to
and paste the token output from Notebook command above. Select the "New" drop-down menu on the right side, and open the "Python 3" development environment in a new Notebook cell (also in a new tab). In the new cell, type in below SELECT statement to fetch 5 records from train table in Iris database.%%sqlflow select * from iris.train limit 5;
Now you've successfully tested SQLFlow installation and written some SQL from Jupyter Notebook. Just as shown in the Quick Overview, you can continue your SQLFlow journey in the command line setting. Also feel free to check out more SQLFlow exmaples if you are new to Jupyter Notebook.