A BaseClass inherited by ButterflyInstances.
Property | Expected Value Type | Mode | Description |
Position | UDim2 | Read & Write | The position of the inherited object. |
Size | UDim2 | Read & Write | The size of the inherited object. |
Rotation | Number | Read & Write | The rotation of the inherited object. |
AnchorPoint | Vector2 | Read & Write | Sets the origin point of the inherited object, where both X and Y are between 0 and 1, respectively. |
ClipsDescendants | Boolean | Read & Write | When set to true, any descendants outside of the aboslute size of the inherited object will not render completely or at all. |
LayoutOrder | Number | Read & Write | The layout order of the inherited object. |
SizeConstraint | Enum.SizeConstraint | Read & Write | The size constraint of the inherited object. |
Visible | Boolean | Read & Write | The visibility of the inherited object. |
Active | Boolean | Read & Write | When set to true, the inherited object will sense input events such as mouse clicks. Buttons are active by default, while most other UI objects aren't. |
ZIndex | Number | Read & Write | The render order of the inherited object. The higher it is, the later the object will be rendered. |
This class does not contain any methods.
This class does not contain any events.