allow indenpendently poll ingress and egress of packets (this will benefit projects implementing module)
- each socket holds a pointer to endpoint (this should be the hw addr) - done
- if no hw addr is set yet, can't communicate
- each packet gets copied to each endpoint if endpoint can accept it (ideally figure out how to filter based on hw addr too)
- need some way to setup hw addr, probably using a socket or something that will do the job.
- it is not possible to do this in the net layer because unlike ethernet/ip there is no fixed hw addr, that can change at any point
- each socket holds a pointer to endpoint (this should be the hw addr) - done
figure how to handle lower level comms (like can control)
optimise structures and it's layout without relying on packed structures
setup some static analysis
implement duplicate address detection and auto reset (it should also flush any queued socket packets)
managed buffers on heap / both set size and dynamic
setup tests using unity
setup doxygen
setup github pipeline for testing
- module is a mediator
- ui will send out state change events to keep it agnostic of the mechanism
- module will request change on the state machine each service will receive packet
- can can interrupt and discard the packet