Releases: 0xsequence/sequence-unreal
Sequence Unreal 1.2.1 (HUDless version for 5.3)
Thie is a version of sequence unreal without a HUD to support the older version unreal engine 5.3.
Sequence Unreal 1.2.1 (HUDless version for 5.2)
Thie is a version of sequence unreal without a HUD to support the older version unreal engine 5.2.
Sequence Unreal 1.2.1 (HotFix)
Fixes an issue with networks where setting certain networks were failing to work due to malformed URL's
Sequence Unreal 1.2
- Adds full support for blueprints (New blueprint Api access can be found on the AC_SequencePawn_Component)
- Updated authentication system
- Added support for PlayFab based Login
- Added support for Guest based Login
- Fixed overlapping name issues with certain USTRUCTS with other plugins that shared the same USTRUCT names.
- Updated both C++ API access & Blueprint API access so that users can easily find out what networks Sequence Supports, as well as get network names from Id's and vice versa.
- Updated both C++ API access & Blueprint API access so that users can easily conduct decimal conversions for transactions
Sequence Unreal 1.1 (5.4 required)
Added Transak OnRamp support, You can now get supported countries, and load a TransakURL into an external Web Browser.
Added FeeOption Support, You can now get filtered and unfiltered FeeOptions, as well as being able to send a transaction with a given feeOption.
Added Support for AppleEncryptor on Apple devices (OSX & IOS) for automating security on those platforms.
Removed DeployContractCalls from SequenceWallet.
Updated Docs to better account for how the plugin behaves when used from Epic's MarketPlace.
Renamed WaaSTenantKey to WaaSConfigKey in SequenceConfig.ini reader. (Be sure to update this variable name in your .ini file!).
Enforcing lower case on all emails entered when using email based authentication.
Sequence Unreal Beta 1.0.9 (5.4 required)
State management updates. USequenceWallet is now a GameInstanceSubsystem which allows its state to persist between levels.
Readme has been updated to reflect changes in how it should be accessed.
Updated RedirectURL to now use the production version rather than the dev version. As well as this the redirect URL can now be set in the Config.ini file.
Lots of linker fixes & Refactor, removed many .h and all .cpp files out of the public folder into private and updated code that required it to avoid various linking issues when used outside the plugins directory structure.
Fixed a memory leak.
Introduced the apache 2.0 license
Sequence Unreal Beta 1.0.8 (5.4 required)
This release contains fixes for compilation issues with Mac & IOS platforms using older versions of their respective SDK's.
Sequence Beta 1_0_7 (5.4 required)
Linker fix for using ABI types
Windows Encryptor Implementation
Added the ability to pass in custom encryptor types via C++ or BP
Updated readme to reflect the need for modernized XCode in order for Mac's to compile
Note: For compiling on Macs we Require modern XCode enabled. You can enable this in your project settings
Beta_1_0_6 (5.4 required)
Fixes for Unreal 5.4 support.
Initial Setup for generic encryptors
AndroidEncryptor Implementation
Sequence Unreal 1.0.4 Beta
Updated to Unreal 5.3.
Updated Docs to account for Unreal 5.3 specifics.
Updated Inter-Font to Roboto.
Added the ability to statically access USequenceWallet.
Updated how configuration data is stored, We now make use of .ini files allowing for a much smoother upgrade process.
Small UI Tweaks.