Just some tools we use
- Radare2
- https://github.com/radare/radare2
- cutter:
- GUI mode of radare2
- https://github.com/radareorg/cutter
- pwndbg
- checksec
- https://github.com/slimm609/checksec.sh
- Check if canary etc are enabled or not
- https://github.com/slimm609/checksec.sh
- https://quipqiup.com/
- caesar: https://cryptii.com/pipes/caesar-cipher
- vignere: https://www.guballa.de/vigenere-solver
- rot: https://www.dcode.fr/rot-cipher
- Substituion: https://www.guballa.de/substitution-solver
- I.C calculator
- Use this if you have no clue which type of cipher it is.
- General
- RSA:
- https://github.com/Ganapati/RsaCtfTool
- https://github.com/ius/rsatool
- https://www.alpertron.com.ar/ECM.HTM
- Best for factorizing etc
- Also some scripts written in python.
- libnum
- https://github.com/hellman/libnum
- Python library
- md5 hash
- For mathematics
- Use sympy or sage
- sympy: https://github.com/sympy/sympy
- sage:
- Use sympy or sage
- John the ripper
- Metasploit framwork
- Git related task:
- vsftp
- First thing to check is that if the given vsftp version isn't vulnerable to any kind of know vulnerability
- Could be simple as: https://ctftime.org/writeup/12060
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vsftpd
- First thing to check is that if the given vsftp version isn't vulnerable to any kind of know vulnerability
- dirb
- Look for all the accesible directories on a server
- Not always useful but sometime a life saver
- hydra along with our lovely
- Ripgrep
- strings
- cat
- |(pipe)
- https://gitlab.com/glicOne/shadowbroker
- Hack scripts
- books
- CTF wiki
- Terminator ?
There are already many great lists that would help you during CTF. Some good list to check out are:
trailofbit's CTF Guide
- A very good guide to get an idea about CTFs and different type of challenges
John Hammond's CTF Katana
- Really good and short notes.
- He keeps track of all the
not so common
challenges from CTFs
- Good notes on web challenges
- Very good notes on WEB and RE/PWN category
- Good notes on WEB and CRYPTO