Collect ChatGPT prompts for NLG evaluation
provide five concise prompts or templates that can make you deal with the [x] task
provide five concise prompts or templates that can make you deal with the sentiment analysis task
Please give me three concise prompts for eliciting your ability to perform Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis (i.e., extract the aspect terms and sentiment polarity). There is no need to give examples, and do not limit the prompts to a specific product or domain.
""" Score the following [task-ins] with respect to [aspect] with one to five stars, where one star means “[ant-aspect]” and five stars means “perfect [aspect]”. Note that [aspect] measures [aspect-ins].
[Conditioned Text]
[Generated Text]
Stars: """
where [task-ins] and [aspect-ins] are the instructions of the current task and aspect, respectively. [aspect] and [ant-aspect] denote the evaluated aspect and its antonym, respectively. [Conditioned Text] is the input of NLG models while [Generated Text] is theoutput.
Score the following news summarization given the corresponding news with respect to fluency with one to five stars, where one star means "disfluency" and five stars means "perfect fluency". Note that fluency measures the quality of individual sentences, are they well-written and grammatically correct. Consider the quality of individual sentences.
News: [a news article]
Summary: [one generated summary]