[!TIP|style:flat|label:My own heading|iconVisibility:hidden] An alert of type 'tip' using alert specific style 'flat' which overrides global style 'callout'. In addition, this alert uses an own heading and hides specific icon.
An alert of type 'note' using global style 'callout'.
An alert of type 'tip' using global style 'callout'.
An alert of type 'warning' using global style 'callout'.
[!ATTENTION] An alert of type 'attention' using global style 'callout'.
Key | Allowed value |
style | One of follwowing values: callout, flat |
label | Any text |
icon | A valid Font Awesome icon, e.g. 'fas fa-comment' |
className | A name of a CSS class which specifies the look and feel |
labelVisibility | One of follwowing values: visible (default), hidden |
iconVisibility | One of follwowing values: visible (default), hidden |