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Project 3: Joins and Query Optimization (Part 1)


In this part, you will implement some join algorithms - in particular, block nested loop join (BNLJ), sort merge join, and grace hash join.

Aside from when the comments tell you that you can do something in memory, everything else should be streamed. You should not hold more pages in memory at once than the given algorithm says you are allowed to. Doing otherwise may result in no credit.

Remember the test cases we give you are not comprehensive, so you should write your own tests to further test your code and catch edge cases.

Small note on terminology: in lecture, we sometimes use both block and page to describe the unit of transfer between memory and disk. In the context of join algorithms, however, page refers to the unit of transfer between memory and disk, and block refers to a set of one or more pages. All uses of the word block in this part refer to this second definition (a set of pages).

All files that will need to be edited can be found under the Query directory in the codebase.

Read through the all the docstrings and helper methods as they will be very helpful

Simple Nested Loop Join (SNLJ)

SNLJ has already been implemented for you, in SNLJOperator. You should take a look at it to get a sense for how the pseudocode in lecture and section translate to code.

You should not, however, copy it when writing your own join operators. Although each join algorithm should return the same data, the order differs between each join algorithm, as does the structure of the code. In particular, SNLJ does not need to explicitly manage pages of data (it only ever needs the next record of each table, and therefore can just use an iterator over all records in a table), whereas all the algorithms you will be implementing in this part must explicitly manage when pages of data are fetched from disk.

Page Nested Loop Join and Block Nested Loop Join (PNLJ/BNLJ)

PNLJ has already been implemented for you, as a special case of BNLJ, with B=3. Therefore, it will not function properly until BNLJ has been properly implemented. The test cases for both PNLJ and BNLJ in TestJoinOperator depend on a properly implemented BNLJ.

You should read through the given skeleton code in BNLJOperator. The next and hasNext methods of the iterator have already been filled out for you, but you will need to implement the fetchNextRecord method, which should do most of the heavy lifting of the BNLJ algorithm. The fetchNextRecord method should, as its name suggests, fetches the next record of the join output.

There are also two suggested helper methods: fetchNextLeftBlock, which should fetch the next non-empty block of left table pages from leftIterator, and fetchNextRightPage, which should fetch the next non-empty page of the right table (from rightIterator).

We suggest breaking up the problem into smaller subproblems, and adding more helper methods than the two suggested ones -- it will make debugging your code much easier.

Once you have implemented BNLJOperator, all the PNLJ and BNLJ tests in TestJoinOperator should pass.

Note: We recommend you avoid using a do-while loop when implenting BNLJ as it has caused a lot of headache for quite a few students in the past. Use a while loop instead.

External Sort

The first step in Sort Merge Join is to sort both input relations. Therefore, before you can work on implementing Sort Merge Join, you must first implement an external sorting algorithm.

Recall that a "run" in the context of external mergesort is just a sequence of sorted records. This is represented in SortOperator by the Run inner class. As runs in external mergesort can span many pages (and eventually span the entirety of the table), the Run class does not keep all its data in memory. Rather, it creates a temporary table and writes all of its data to the temporary table (which is materialized to disk at the buffer manager's discretion).

You will need to implement the sortRun, mergeSortedRuns, mergePass, and sort methods of SortOperator.

sortRun(run) should sort the passed in data using an in-memory sort (Pass 0 of external mergesort).

mergeSortedRuns(runs) should return a new run given a list of sorted runs.

mergePass(runs) should perform a single merge pass of external mergesort, given a list of all the sorted runs from the previous pass.

sort() should run external mergesort from start to finish, and return the name of the temporary table with the sorted data.

Each of these methods may be tested independently, so you must implement each one as described. You may add additional helper methods as you see fit.

Once you have implemented all four methods, all the tests in TestSortOperator should pass.

Sort Merge Join (SMJ)

Now that you have a working external sort, you can now implement SMJ.

For simplicity, your implementation of SMJ should not utilize the optimization discussed in lecture in any case (where the final merge pass of sorting happens at the same time as the join). Therefore, you should use SortOperator to sort during the sort phase of SMJ.

You will need to implement the SortMergeIterator inner class of SortMergeOperator.

Your implementation in SortMergeOperator and your implementation of SortOperator may be tested independently. You must not use any method of SortOperator in SortMergeOperator, aside from the public methods given in the skeleton (in other words: don't add a new public method to SortOperator and call it from SortMergeOperator).

Once you have implemented SortMergeIterator, all the remaining tests in TestJoinOperator should pass.

Grace Hash Join (GHJ)

In order to help you implement GHJ, we provided an implementation of Naive Hash Join (NHJ) which can be found in Read the code for NHJ carefully as GHJ will require a few modifications and will build ontop of NHJ.

Everything you will need to implement will be done in You will need to implement the functions partition, buildAndProbe, createPartitions, and run. Additionally, you will have to provide some inputs in getBreakNHJInputs and getBreakGHJInputs which will be used to test that Naive Hash Join fails but Grace Hash Join passes (Tested in testBreakNHJButPassGHJ) and that GHJ breaks (tested in testGHJBreak) respectively.

Before coding, read through all the documentation and skeleton code to get a good understanding of the logic. Additionally, the file in the memory directory will be useful when working with partitions. Read through the file and get a good idea what methods you can use.

Once you have implemented all the methods in, all tests in will pass.

There will be no hidden tests for Grace Hash Join. Your grade for Grace Hash Join will come from the released public tests.

Additional Notes

After this, you should pass all the tests we have provided to you in database.query.TestJoinOperator, database.query.TestSortOperator, and database.query.TestGraceHashJoin.

Note that you may not modify the signature of any methods or classes that we provide to you, but you're free to add helper methods. Also, you should only modify,,, and in this part.