diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -117,6 +117,8 @@ Workflow triggers can either be executed manually when an alert is activated or
diff --git a/docs/mint.json b/docs/mint.json
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--- a/docs/mint.json
+++ b/docs/mint.json
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+ "providers/documentation/sumologic-provider",
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+title: "SumoLogic Provider"
+sidebarTitle: "SumoLogic Provider"
+description: "The SumoLogic provider enables webhook installations for receiving alerts in keep"
+## Overview
+The SumoLogic provider facilitates receiving alerts from Monitors in SumoLogic using a Webhook Connection.
+## Authentication Parameters
+- `sumoLogicAccessId`: API key for authenticating with SumoLogic's API.
+- `sumoLogicAccessKey`: API key for authenticating with SumoLogic's API.
+- `deployment`: API key for authenticating with SumoLogic's API.
+## Scopes
+- `authenticated`: Mandatory for all operations, ensures the user is authenticated.
+- `authorized`: Mandatory for querying incidents, ensures the user has read access.
+## Connecting with the Provider
+1. Follow the instructions [here](https://help.sumologic.com/docs/manage/security/access-keys/) to get your Access Key & Access ID
+2. Make sure the user has roles with the following capabilities:
+ - `manageScheduledViews`
+ - `manageConnections`
+ - `manageUsersAndRoles`
+3. Find your `deployment` from [here](https://api.sumologic.com/docs/#section/Getting-Started/API-Endpoints), keep will automatically figure out your endpoint.
+## Useful Links
+- [SumoLogic API Documentation](https://api.sumologic.com/docs/#section/Getting-Started)
+- [SumoLogic Access_Keys](https://help.sumologic.com/docs/manage/security/access-keys/)
+- [SumoLogic Roles Management](https://help.sumologic.com/docs/manage/users-roles/roles/create-manage-roles/)
+- [SumoLogic Deployments](https://api.sumologic.com/docs/#section/Getting-Started/API-Endpoints)
diff --git a/keep-ui/public/icons/sumologic-icon.png b/keep-ui/public/icons/sumologic-icon.png
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Binary files /dev/null and b/keep-ui/public/icons/sumologic-icon.png differ
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diff --git a/keep/providers/sumologic_provider/connection_template.json b/keep/providers/sumologic_provider/connection_template.json
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index 000000000..639d40c08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keep/providers/sumologic_provider/connection_template.json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ "name": "{{Name}}",
+ "description": "{{Description}}",
+ "monitorType": "{{MonitorType}}",
+ "query": "{{Query}}",
+ "queryURL": "{{QueryURL}}",
+ "resultsJson": "{{ResultsJson}}",
+ "numQueryResults": "{{NumQueryResults}}",
+ "id": "{{Id}}",
+ "detectionMethod": "{{DetectionMethod}}",
+ "triggerType": "{{TriggerType}}",
+ "triggerTimeRange": "{{TriggerTimeRange}}",
+ "triggerTime": "{{TriggerTime}}",
+ "triggerCondition": "{{TriggerCondition}}",
+ "triggerValue": "{{TriggerValue}}",
+ "triggerTimeStart": "{{TriggerTimeStart}}",
+ "triggerTimeEnd": "{{TriggerTimeEnd}}",
+ "sourceURL": "{{SourceURL}}",
+ "alertResponseUrl": "{{AlertResponseUrl}}"
diff --git a/keep/providers/sumologic_provider/sumologic_provider.py b/keep/providers/sumologic_provider/sumologic_provider.py
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index 000000000..913cb131b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keep/providers/sumologic_provider/sumologic_provider.py
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+SumoLogic Provider is a class that allows to install webhooks in SumoLogic.
+import dataclasses
+import json
+import tempfile
+from datetime import datetime
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import List, Optional
+from urllib.parse import urlencode, urljoin, urlparse
+import pydantic
+import requests
+from keep.api.models.alert import AlertDto, AlertSeverity, AlertStatus
+from keep.contextmanager.contextmanager import ContextManager
+from keep.providers.base.base_provider import BaseProvider
+from keep.providers.models.provider_config import ProviderConfig, ProviderScope
+class ResourceAlreadyExists(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ super().__init__(*args)
+class SumologicProviderAuthConfig:
+ """
+ SumoLogic authentication configuration.
+ """
+ sumoAccessId: str = dataclasses.field(
+ metadata={
+ "required": True,
+ "description": "SumoLogic Access ID",
+ "hint": "Your AccessID",
+ },
+ )
+ sumoAccessKey: str = dataclasses.field(
+ metadata={
+ "required": True,
+ "description": "SumoLogic Access Key",
+ "hint": "SumoLogic Access Key ",
+ "sensitive": True,
+ },
+ )
+ deployment: str = dataclasses.field(
+ metadata={
+ "required": True,
+ "description": "Deployment Region",
+ "hint": "Your deployment Region: AU | CA | DE | EU | FED | IN | JP | KR | US1 | US2",
+ },
+ )
+class SumologicProvider(BaseProvider):
+ """Install Webhooks and receive alerts from SumoLogic."""
+ ProviderScope(
+ name="authenticated",
+ description="User is Authorized",
+ mandatory=True,
+ mandatory_for_webhook=True,
+ alias="Rules Reader",
+ ),
+ ProviderScope(
+ name="authorized",
+ description="Required privileges",
+ mandatory=True,
+ mandatory_for_webhook=True,
+ alias="Rules Reader",
+ ),
+ ]
+ "CRITICAL": AlertSeverity.CRITICAL,
+ "WARNING": AlertSeverity.WARNING,
+ "INFO": AlertSeverity.INFO,
+ }
+ STATUS_MAP = {"firing": AlertStatus.FIRING, "resolved": AlertStatus.RESOLVED}
+ def __init__(
+ self, context_manager: ContextManager, provider_id: str, config: ProviderConfig
+ ):
+ super().__init__(context_manager, provider_id, config)
+ def dispose(self):
+ """
+ Dispose the provider.
+ """
+ pass
+ def validate_config(self):
+ """
+ Validates required configuration for SumoLogic provider.
+ """
+ self.authentication_config = SumologicProviderAuthConfig(
+ **self.config.authentication
+ )
+ def __get_headers(self):
+ return {
+ "Content-Type": "application/json",
+ "Accept": "application/json",
+ }
+ def __get_url(self, paths: List[str] = [], query_params: dict = None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Helper method to build the url for SumoLogic api requests.
+ Example:
+ paths = ["issue", "createmeta"]
+ query_params = {"projectKeys": "key1"}
+ url = __get_url("test", paths, query_params)
+ # url = https://baseballxyz.saas.appdynamics.com/rest/api/2/issue/createmeta?projectKeys=key1
+ """
+ if self.authentication_config.deployment.lower() != "us1":
+ host = f"https://api.{self.authentication_config.deployment.lower()}.sumologic.com/api/v1/"
+ else:
+ host = "https://api.sumologic.com/api/v1/"
+ url = urljoin(
+ host,
+ "/".join(str(path) for path in paths),
+ )
+ # add query params
+ if query_params:
+ url = f"{url}?{urlencode(query_params)}"
+ return url
+ def validate_scopes(self) -> dict[str, bool | str]:
+ perms = {"manageScheduledViews", "manageConnections", "manageUsersAndRoles"}
+ self.logger.info("Validating SumoLogic authentication.")
+ try:
+ x = self.__get_url(paths=["account", "accountOwner"])
+ account_owner_response = requests.get(
+ url=self.__get_url(paths=["account", "accountOwner"]),
+ auth=self.__get_auth(),
+ headers=self.__get_headers(),
+ )
+ if account_owner_response.status_code == 200:
+ authenticated = True
+ user_id = account_owner_response.json()
+ self.logger.info(
+ "Successfully retrieved user_id", extra={"user_id": user_id}
+ )
+ else:
+ account_owner_response = account_owner_response.json()
+ self.logger.error(
+ f"Error while getting UserID",
+ extra={"error": str(account_owner_response)},
+ )
+ return {
+ "authenticated": str(account_owner_response),
+ "authorized": "Unauthorized",
+ }
+ self.logger.info("Fetching account info...", extra={"user_id": user_id})
+ account_info_response = requests.get(
+ url=self.__get_url(paths=["users", user_id]),
+ auth=self.__get_auth(),
+ headers=self.__get_headers(),
+ )
+ if account_info_response.status_code == 200:
+ role_ids = account_info_response.json()["roleIds"]
+ self.logger.info(
+ "Successfully fetched account info", extra={"roles": role_ids}
+ )
+ else:
+ account_info_response = account_info_response.json()
+ self.logger.error(
+ "Error while getting account info",
+ extra={"error": str(account_info_response)},
+ )
+ return {
+ "authenticated": authenticated,
+ "authorized": str(account_info_response),
+ }
+ # Checking if the required permissions exists
+ for role_id in role_ids:
+ role_info_response = requests.get(
+ url=self.__get_url(paths=["roles", role_id]),
+ auth=self.__get_auth(),
+ headers=self.__get_headers(),
+ )
+ if role_info_response.status_code == 200:
+ role_info_response = role_info_response.json()
+ self.logger.info(f"Successfully fetched role: {role_id}")
+ for capability in role_info_response["capabilities"]:
+ if capability in perms:
+ perms.remove(capability)
+ else:
+ role_info_response = role_info_response.json()
+ self.logger.error(
+ f"Error while getting role: {role_id}",
+ extra={"error": str(role_info_response)},
+ )
+ return {
+ "authenticated": True,
+ "authorized": str(role_info_response),
+ }
+ if len(perms) == 0:
+ self.logger.info("All required perms found, user is authorized :)")
+ return {"authenticated": True, "authorized": True}
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Error while getting User ID " + str(e))
+ return {"authenticated": str(e), "authorized": str(e)}
+ def __get_auth(self) -> tuple[str, str]:
+ return (
+ self.authentication_config.sumoAccessId,
+ self.authentication_config.sumoAccessKey,
+ )
+ def __get_connection_id(self, connection_name: str):
+ params = {"limit": 1000}
+ while True:
+ connections_response = requests.get(
+ url=self.__get_url(paths=["connections"]),
+ headers=self.__get_headers(),
+ params=params,
+ auth=self.__get_auth(),
+ )
+ if connections_response.status_code != 200:
+ raise Exception(str(connections_response.json()))
+ connections_response = connections_response.json()
+ for connection in connections_response["data"]:
+ if connection["name"] == connection_name:
+ return connection["id"]
+ if connections_response["next"] is None:
+ break
+ params["token"] = connections_response["next"]
+ return None
+ def __update_existing_connection(self, connection_id: str, connection_payload):
+ self.logger.info(f"Updating the connection: {connection_id}")
+ connection_update_response = requests.put(
+ url=self.__get_url(paths=["connections", connection_id]),
+ headers=self.__get_headers(),
+ auth=self.__get_auth(),
+ json=connection_payload,
+ )
+ if connection_update_response.status_code == 200:
+ self.logger.info(f"Successfully updated connection: {connection_id}")
+ return connection_update_response.json()["id"]
+ else:
+ connection_update_response = connection_update_response.json()
+ self.logger.error(
+ f"Error while updating connection: {connection_id}",
+ extra={"error": str(connection_update_response)},
+ )
+ raise Exception(str(connection_update_response))
+ def __create_connection(self, connection_payload, connection_name: str):
+ self.logger.info("Creating a Webhook connection with Sumo Logic")
+ try:
+ connection_creation_response = requests.post(
+ url=self.__get_url(paths=["connections"]),
+ json=connection_payload,
+ headers=self.__get_headers(),
+ auth=self.__get_auth(),
+ )
+ if connection_creation_response.status_code == 200:
+ self.logger.info("Successfully created Webhook connection")
+ return connection_creation_response.json()["id"]
+ if connection_creation_response.status_code == 400:
+ connection_creation_response = connection_creation_response.json()
+ if (
+ connection_creation_response["errors"][0]["code"]
+ == "connection:name_already_exists"
+ ):
+ self.logger.info(
+ "Webhook connection already exists, attempting to update it"
+ )
+ connection_id = self.__get_connection_id(
+ connection_name=connection_name
+ )
+ return self.__update_existing_connection(
+ connection_payload=connection_payload,
+ connection_id=connection_id,
+ )
+ raise Exception(str(connection_creation_response))
+ else:
+ connection_creation_response = connection_creation_response.json()
+ self.logger.error(
+ "Error while creating webhook connection",
+ extra={"error": str(connection_creation_response)},
+ )
+ raise Exception(connection_creation_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Error while creating webhook connection " + str(e))
+ raise e
+ def __get_monitors_without_keep(self, connection_id: str):
+ monitors = []
+ params = {"query": "type:monitor"}
+ monitors_response = requests.get(
+ url=self.__get_url(paths=["monitors", "search"]),
+ params=params,
+ headers=self.__get_headers(),
+ auth=self.__get_auth(),
+ )
+ if monitors_response.status_code == 200:
+ self.logger.info("Successfully fetched all monitors")
+ monitors_response = monitors_response.json()
+ for monitor in monitors_response:
+ print(monitor)
+ for notification in monitor["item"]["notifications"]:
+ if notification["notification"]["connectionId"] == connection_id:
+ break
+ else:
+ monitors.append(monitor["item"])
+ return monitors
+ else:
+ monitors_response = monitors_response.json()
+ self.logger.error(
+ "Error while getting monitors", extra=str(monitors_response)
+ )
+ raise Exception(str(monitors_response))
+ def __install_connection_in_monitor(self, monitor, connection_id: str):
+ self.logger.info(f"Installing connection to monitor: {monitor['name']}")
+ monitor["type"] = "MonitorsLibraryMonitorUpdate"
+ triggers = [trigger["triggerType"] for trigger in monitor["triggers"]]
+ keep_notification = {
+ "notification": {
+ "connectionType": "Webhook",
+ "connectionId": connection_id,
+ "payloadOverride": None,
+ "resolutionPayloadOverride": None,
+ },
+ "runForTriggerTypes": triggers,
+ }
+ monitor["notifications"].append(keep_notification)
+ monitor_update_response = requests.put(
+ url=self.__get_url(paths=["monitors", monitor["id"]]),
+ headers=self.__get_headers(),
+ auth=self.__get_auth(),
+ json=monitor,
+ )
+ if monitor_update_response.status_code == 200:
+ self.logger.info(
+ f"Successfully installed connection to monitor: {monitor['name']}"
+ )
+ else:
+ raise Exception(str(monitor_update_response.json()))
+ def setup_webhook(
+ self, tenant_id: str, keep_api_url: str, api_key: str, setup_alerts: bool = True
+ ):
+ try:
+ parsed_url = urlparse(keep_api_url)
+ # Extract the query string
+ query_params = parsed_url.query
+ # Find the provider_id in the query parameters
+ # connection_template.json is the payload that will be sent to keep as an event
+ provider_id = query_params.split("provider_id=")[-1]
+ connection_name = f"KeepHQ-{provider_id}"
+ connection_payload = {
+ "type": "WebhookDefinition",
+ "name": connection_name,
+ "description": "A webhook connection that pushes alerts to KeepHQ",
+ "url": keep_api_url,
+ "headers": [],
+ "customHeaders": [{"name": "X-API-KEY", "value": api_key}],
+ "defaultPayload": open(
+ rf"{Path(__file__).parent}/connection_template.json"
+ ).read(),
+ "webhookType": "Webhook",
+ "connectionSubtype": "Event",
+ "resolutionPayload": open(
+ rf"{Path(__file__).parent}/connection_template.json"
+ ).read(),
+ }
+ # Creating a sumo logic connection
+ connection_id = self.__create_connection(
+ connection_payload=connection_payload, connection_name=connection_name
+ )
+ # Monitors
+ monitors = self.__get_monitors_without_keep(connection_id=connection_id)
+ # Install connections in monitors that don't have keep
+ for monitor in monitors:
+ self.__install_connection_in_monitor(
+ monitor=monitor, connection_id=connection_id
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise e
+ @staticmethod
+ def __extract_severity(severity: str):
+ if "critical" in severity.lower():
+ return SumologicProvider.SEVERITIES_MAP.get("CRITICAL")
+ elif "warning" in severity.lower():
+ return SumologicProvider.SEVERITIES_MAP.get("WARNING")
+ elif "missing" in severity.lower():
+ return SumologicProvider.SEVERITIES_MAP.get("INFO")
+ @staticmethod
+ def __extract_status(status: str):
+ if "resolved" in status.lower():
+ return SumologicProvider.STATUS_MAP.get("resolved")
+ else:
+ return SumologicProvider.STATUS_MAP.get("firing")
+ @staticmethod
+ def _format_alert(
+ event: dict,
+ provider_instance: Optional["SumologicProvider"] = None,
+ ) -> AlertDto:
+ return AlertDto(
+ id=event["id"],
+ name=event["name"],
+ severity=SumologicProvider.__extract_severity(
+ severity=event["triggerType"]
+ ),
+ fingerprint=event["id"],
+ status=SumologicProvider.__extract_status(status=event["triggerType"]),
+ lastReceived=datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
+ int(event["triggerTimeStart"]) / 1000
+ ).isoformat()
+ + "Z",
+ firingTimeStart=datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
+ int(event["triggerTimeStart"]) / 1000
+ ).isoformat()
+ + "Z",
+ description=event["description"],
+ url=event["alertResponseUrl"],
+ source=["sumologic"],
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import logging
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, handlers=[logging.StreamHandler()])
+ context_manager = ContextManager(
+ tenant_id="singletenant",
+ workflow_id="test",
+ )
+ import os
+ # api_key = os.getenv("INCIDENTIO_API_KEY")
+ config = ProviderConfig(
+ description="Sumo Logic Provider",
+ authentication={
+ "sumoAccessId": "suOOgc0GyKCgQK",
+ "sumoAccessKey": "Wiu8EzqHJzZHwowrTBo77vfSs4Xyxboxe3odhl0ZUSHrcn2vMgtQVL9j66h6koyK",
+ "deployment": "US1",
+ },
+ )
+ provider = SumologicProvider(
+ context_manager,
+ provider_id="incidentio_provider",
+ config=config,
+ )
+ print(provider.setup_webhook("a", "https://tasks.copyrightable.com/", "c", True))
+ # print(provider._get_alerts())