This file is used to list changes made in each version of the icinga2 cookbook.
Virender Khatri - Feature #10900, fix to allow multiple environment resources for an environment
Van Driessche Vincent - Feature #10831, Adds support to use "assign where" in usergroups
Virender Khatri - Feature #10831, Adds support to use "ignore where" in usergroups
Virender Khatri - Feature #10642, bump icinga2 version to v2.4.0
Virender Khatri - Bug #10756, point default[pnp4nagios][auth_file] to icinga htpasswd file
Virender Khatri - Bug #10755, manage directory /usr/share/icinga/ssi
Virender Khatri - Bug #10753, fix cloning resource attributes from prior resource (CHEF-3694)
Virender Khatri - Feature #10107, added chefspec
[email protected] - Bug 10090, attribute command is optional for resource checkcommand
Virender Khatri - Bug #10055, env_custom_vars key must be of type string
Martin Stiborsky - Feature 10094, added suport for placing configuration into zones in zones.d
Martin Stiborsky - Feature 10094, support for default configuration zone
Jo Rhett - Bug 10176, Fixed icinga log issue
Virender Khatri - Feature #10223, Major Cookbook Refactoring for LWRP Resources
Virender Khatri - Bug #9900, icinga2 classic ui user creation doc and code out of sync
Virender Khatri - Bug #10276, delete resource checkercomponent in favor feature checker
Virender Khatri - Bug #10261, fixes resource envhostgroup and environment to support zone distributed deployments
Virender Khatri - Feature #10279, remove :delayed from service notify
Virender Khatri - Feature #10280, object GelfWriter configuration attributes are optional
Virender Khatri - Feature #10281, object GraphiteWriter configuration attributes are optional
Virender Khatri - Feature #10282, object IdoMySqlConnection configuration attributes are optional
Virender Khatri - Feature #10283, object IdoPgSqlConnection configuration attributes are optional
Virender Khatri - Feature #10285, map attribute source default value to :resource_name for resource script
Virender Khatri - Feature #10286, set resource timeperiod attribute import default value to legacy-timeperiod
Virender Khatri - Bug #10334 and Feature #10333, added new attribute env_skip_node_vars and fixed env_filter_node_vars
Jo Rhett - Feature #10573, Add the ability to include multiple user defined directories.
Jo Rhett - Bug #10564, Day names need to be quoted in timeperiod definitions
Virender Khatri - Bug #10585, update cookbook for default['icinga2']['user_defined_objects_dir']
Virender Khatri - Bug #10149, added capability to add node attributes to custom vars
Virender Khatri - Bug #9842, add inet ip address custom vars
Virender Khatri - Bug #10215, added MYSQL_HOME env variable during schema load
Virender Khatri - Bug #9724, unable to create checkcommand templates via the cookbook
Virender Khatri - Feature #9737, Add a note for Production Environment Usage
Virender Khatri - Bug #9738, enable ITL for resource eventcommand
Virender Khatri - Bug #9764, enable ITL for resource notificationcommand
Virender Khatri - Bug #9805, udpate resources to match all possible values for resource.action
Virender Khatri - Bug #9807, Documentation change - icinga2_script says cookbook optional but it is mandatory
Virender Khatri - Bug #9809, bump icinga2 version to v2.3.8-1 and 1.13.3-0
Virender Khatri - Feature #9638, bump icingaweb2 release to v2.0.0-rc1
Virender Khatri - Feature #9639, bump icinga2 version to v2.3.7
Martin Stiborsky - Feature #9492, Node name added as a option for host display name for environment resource
Virender Khatri - Bug #9488, evaluate string for icinga2 function
Virender Khatri - Bug #9488, Functions as Custom Attribute doesnt work with custom_vars for checkcommand resource
Martin Stiborsky - Updated README for LWRP examples typo fix
Virender Khatri - Feature #9457, bump icinga2 version to 2.3.5-1
Virender Khatri - Bug #9173, update LWRP environment & README for monitoring_off
Virender Khatri - Bug #9174, make Host Object atttribute display_name configurable for LWRP environment
Virender Khatri - Bug #9194, sort aws host custom_vars attribute node_security_groups
Virender Khatri - Bug #9193, recipe server needs to include server_config
Virender Khatri - Bug #9195, sort groups attribute for resources icinga2 Objects
Steven De Coeyer - Update repo.rb typo
Steven De Coeyer - Add debian to, and reorders icinga2.apache_modules
Steven De Coeyer - Add debmon prefix to distribution for debian paltform family
Steven De Coeyer - Fix apt key for debmon repos
Steven De Coeyer - Add tests for icingaweb2
Steven De Coeyer - Fix version of packages for debian paltform family
Steven De Coeyer - Fix missing nagios user for ubuntu
Frederik Thuysbaert & Steven De Coeyer - Add set attribute to support 'apply Service for'
Frederik Thuysbaert & Steven De Coeyer - Adds evaluate_quotes method in favor of inspect
Frederik Thuysbaert - Update README to include Apply Service For
Virender Khatri - Bug #9370, fix nagios user group for ubuntu platform
Martin Stiborsky - Updated for resource attribute port to be integer
Steven De Coeyer - Allows underscores in set attribute for resource applyservice
Virender Khatri - Feature #9299 add icinga2_script resource to add scripts from wrapper cookbook templates
Virender Khatri - Bug #9037, added Hash support for host / service custom vars
Virender Khatri - Bug #9019, fixed host.vars.disks attribute for lwrp environment
Virender Khatri - Bug #9038, added suffix centos for epel repo releasever 7
Marcel Beck - Bug #9038, rhel version check for centos suffix
Marcel Beck - Bug #9039, allow web_uri /
Virender Khatri - Bug #9066, allow arguments Hash key value to be String, Integer and Float for checkcommand lwrp
Virender Khatri - Bug #8788, possible fix for debian platform classic_ui cgi resource_file nil string
Virender Khatri - Bug #9126, manage classic ui cgi log directory
Virender Khatri - Bug #9125, update repo attribute to support debian platform
Virender Khatri - Bug #9128, fix user group ownership for node[icinga2][classic_ui][log_dir]
Virender Khatri - Bug #9129, classic ui unable to access icinga2 objects.cache on ubuntu platform
Jörg Herzinger - Bug #9132,Fix version contraint for centos 7 apache modules
Virender Khatri - Bug #9151, bump icinga2 version to v2.3.4-1, classic_ui version to v1.13.2
- Virender Khatri - Bug #9001, added attribute to ignore default icinga2 package version
- Virender Khatri - Feature #8997, bump update icinga2 version to v2.3.3
Virender Khatri - Feature #8630, adding default Host vars remote_client
Virender Khatri - Feature #8631, add default endpoint port
Virender Khatri - Bug #8635, re-org recipes in favour of client agent recipe
Virender Khatri - Bug #8837, restart icinga2 service on package upgrade / install
Virender Khatri - Bug #8838, bump icinga2 version to v2.3.2
Virender Khatri - Bug #8838, bump icingaweb2 ref to beta3
Virender Khatri - iBug #8449 update default icingaweb2 version to use tag release
Virender Khatri - iBug #8409 bump icinga2 version
Virender Khatri - iFeature #8454, enable snapshot yum repository
Andrei Scopenco - allow to disable user_defined_objects_dir
Virender Khatri - iBug #8479 use for apt/yum snapshots repository
Virender Khatri - iBug #8481 use native htpasswd file location for icinga2 classicui
Virender Khatri - iBug #8469 mod_python deprecated for centos7/rhel7
Jannik Zinkl - iBug #8469, fixed platform_version condition
Virender Khatri - iBug #8494 package php5-intl added for ubuntu
Virender Khatri - iBug #8495 fix for libjpeg62-dev conflict with libgd2-xpm-dev
Jannik Zinkl - fixed pgqsl schema setup for extra line char
Andrei Scopenco - iBug #8384 fix for LWRP endpoint
Virender Khatri - iBug #8384 fix for lwrp apilistener
Virender Khatri - iBug #8384 fix for lwrp applydependency
Virender Khatri - iBug #8384 fix for lwrp applynotification
Virender Khatri - iBug #8384 fix for lwrp applyservice
Virender Khatri - iBug #8384 fix for lwrp checkcommand
Virender Khatri - iBug #8384 fix for lwrp eventcommand
Virender Khatri - iBug #8384 fix for lwrp hostgroup
Virender Khatri - iBug #8384 fix for lwrp notificationcommand
Virender Khatri - iBug #8384 fix for lwrp servicegroup
Virender Khatri - iBug #8384 fix for lwrp usergroup
Virender Khatri - iBug #8384 fix for lwrp zone
Jannik Zinkl - iBug #8377 fixing package php-pecl-imagick install for imagick
Virender Khatri - iBug #8377 added yum-epel repository for package php-pecl-imagick
Andrei Scopenco - added include_itl attribute for adding itl to icinga2.conf
Virender Khatri - iBug #8419 updated icinga web2 default uri to /icingaweb2
Virender Khatri - iBug #8377 added icingaweb2 packages dependency for debian platform family
Andrei Scopenco - iBug #8427 added attribute for disabling repository.d
Andrei Scopenco - iBug #8428 added lwrp zone resource attribute - global
Gerhard Sulzberger - corrected platform_family case statement in recipe
Virender Khatri - bump icinga2 version to 2.2.3-1
Virender Khatri - corrected LWRP applydependency resource attribute Class type
Virender Khatri - removed object_name LWRP applyservice resource attribute
Virender Khatri - fixed LWRP for resource attribute
Virender Khatri - added LWRP resource Class to README
Virender Khatri - fixed server isntall attributes & recipes
Gerhard Sulzberger - added recipe
for deb packages upgrade dependency -
Gerhard Sulzberger - added icinga user & group for debian platform family
Virender Khatri - added icinga cmdgroup for debian platform family
Virender Khatri - fixed typo for apache node attribute reference
Virender Khatri - updated apache vhost template
Virender Khatri - added attribute for optional configuration of icinga2 classic ui & web2
Virender Khatri - fixed classic ui template & attributes for ubuntu / deb paltform family
Virender Khatri - allow LWRP environment chef resources override with custom template added LWRP attributes for custom resources attributes for icinga2 Host/HostGroup template
Andrei Scopenco - fixed package version suffix for release repo
Andrei Scopenco - fixed typos in LWRP idomysqlconnection
Andrei Scopenco - fixed typos and template in LWRP externalcommandlistener
Virender Khatri - fixed missing library template attribute for LWRP compatlogger
Virender Khatri - corrected icinga2 object name for LWRP idomysqlconnection
Virender Khatri - corrected icinga2 object name for LWRP idopgsqlconnection
Virender Khatri - corrected icinga2 object name for LWRP livestatuslistener
Virender Khatri - deprecated features mgmt via node attr in favor of LWRP
Virender Khatri - fixed interval / timeout object attribute in resource templates
Jannik Zinkl - fixed typo in recipe server_ido_schema.rb
Virender Khatri - LWRP resource custom vars are not sorted
Virender Khatri - updated generic-host template to use node attributes
Virender Khatri - cleaned up LWRP for unused attributes
Virender Khatri - added LWRP applydependency
Virender Khatri - fixed error for missing node attribute in library
Virender Khatri - fixed LWRP applyservice template for True/False Class attributes
Virender Khatri - updated README
- Virender Khatri - added multiple zone support for LWRP environment
Virender Khatri - fixed ido schema upload recipe
Virender Khatri - added icingaweb2 apache nginx vhost
Virender Khatri - created different recipe for os packages install
Virender Khatri - added icingaweb2 setup and configuration
Virender Khatri - added icingaweb2 setup token attribute
Virender Khatri - fixed LWRP apilistener
Virender Khatri - added travis
Virender Khatri - added user_defined_objects conf directory
Virender Khatri - added LWRP resource regex check for interval attributes
Virender Khatri - fixed LWRP template for gelfwriter graphitewriter idomysqlconnection idopgsqlconnection sysloglogger sysloglogger
Virender Khatri - added LWRP compatlogger livestatuslistener perfdatawriter statusdatawriter checkercomponent checkresultreader filelogger notificationcomponent
Virender Khatri - updated README doc
Virender Khatri - added pnp4nagios ssi symlink for node graph preview
Virender Khatri - fixed library for mount disks host custom vars
Virender Khatri - fixed LWRP sysloglogger
Virender Khatri - added LWRP doc
Virender Khatri - added lwrp for icinga2 feature
Virender Khatri - removed default features
Virender Khatri - added default
constant -
Virender Khatri - removed zones.conf in favor of LWRP
Virender Khatri - delaying icinga2 service start in favor of LWRP resources objects
Virender Khatri - added missing zone Object to various environment / host LWRPs
Virender Khatri - corrected LWRP endpoint
Virender Khatri - added support for pnp4nagios
Virender Khatri - updated README documentation
Virender Khatri - removed nrpe client recipe
Virender Khatri - replaced icingaweb recipe from cookbook with icingaweb2
Virender Khatri - refactored recipes for packages
Virender Khatri - prepping for pnp4nagios support, added recipe
Virender Khatri - disabled icingaweb2 by default
Virender Khatri - enable icinga2 classic ui by default
Virender Khatri - disabled pnp integration by defatul
Virender Khatri - renamed
disable attribute todisable_conf_d
Virender Khatri - added
recipe to manage icinga2 features -
Virender Khatri - removed
lwrp attributeenv_notification_user_groups
Virender Khatri - bump icinga2 version to v2.2.2-1
Virender Khatri - preparing for
platform testing
Virender Khatri - allowing node custom_vars hostgroups Array declaration
Virender Khatri - corrected check_interval chec_period resource attribute type
Virender Khatri - renamed downtime lwrp to scheduleddowntime
Virender Khatri - added applistener lwrp
Virender Khatri - added endpoint lwrp
Virender Khatri - added gelfwrite lwrp
Virender Khatri - corrected lwrp attributes types
Virender Khatri - corrected icinga2 objects boolean attribute, nil value attribute will be ignored
Virender Khatri - fixed mail notification scripts permissions
- Virender Khatri - removed files under development for chef supermarket
Virender Khatri - added node cpu and memory to custom vars by default
Virender Khatri - fixed permission issue on /var/run/icinga2
Virender Khatri - fixed nrpe config for ubuntu
Virender Khatri - added templates for mail notification scripts
Virender Khatri - added externalcommandlistener lwrp
Virender Khatri - added graphitewriter lwrp
Virender Khatri - added idomysqlconnection lwrp
Virender Khatri - added idopgsqlconnection lwrp
Virender Khatri - added sysloglogger lwrp
Virender Khatri - renamed client recipe to client_nrpe in favor of icinga2 agent
- Virender Khatri - initial release of icinga2
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