- Amélioration des jointures sur la vue v_export_bal, meilleure performance
- Amélioration des jointures sur la vue v_point_adresse, meilleure performance
- Suppression de champs inutiles sur la table lieux_dits
- Création d'une vue éditable v_lieux_dits
- Modification du trigger sur lieux_dits permettant de récupérer l'identifiant de la commune
- Use the new QGIS Database API
- QGIS version 3.10 minimum from 0.8.0 of the plugin
- Upgrade Database structure
- Adding
in sql install file
- Update Algorithm data_parcelle.py
- Choose if we want load data or not with checkbox
- Refactor code
- Rename a prefix of view from
- Update view export_bal
- Rename with prefix
- Rename field
- Update tests
- Rename with prefix
- Adding numbering certificate functionality
- Adding documentation
- Update Trigger for calculate number of point by road
- Adding test for this trigger
- Fix bugs
- Adding tests
- Update Field a_valider, rename into valide
- Update QML for layers point_adresse and voie
- Adding tests for SQL function calcul_segment_proche
- Adding multiple news tests
- News tests to calculate address number in different situation
- adding test if id_commune exist after insert new point
- Adding document import
- Adding triggers to get id commune after insert road or point
- Update database:
- Adding et updating field to the export zip
- Update function calcul_num_adr
- Rename field sens into sens_numerotation in table voie
- Adding validation in point_adresse
- fix many bugs to close the deliverable 1
- Adding news units tests
- Add test about structure bdd
- Add 2 view for export export BAL
- Update 2 functions to calcul num adresse, adding full array suffixe
- Update qml point_adresse
- Fix migration from 0.2.5
- Add tests about migration from 0.2.3
- Update schemaspy : https://docs.3liz.org/qgis-gestion_base_adresse-plugin/
- Update QML files
- Add comment, index and validation field
- Add trigger on voie to update nom_complet and adresse_complete
- Add project variables for two layers
- Improve unittest infrastructure
- Database - Table definition, add default value to date_modif: DEFAULT NOW()
- Database - Trigger before update to manage user login between creator and modifier
- Database - Trigger before insert and update to generate fiel "longueur" in table voie
- Database - Table definition, add constraints NOT NULL
- Database - Trigger before insert for creator info
- rename ugrade sql file
- Publish docs database on github pages
- Start testing the plugin with CI tools (Travis)
- Add load styles algorithm
- Code review
- Database - Add spatial indexes
- Install - Improve SQL generator for Pg 9.5 compatibility issue
- Database - Rename 4 columns of point_adresse
- Tools - Add missing method getVersionInteger
- Install - Add test data
- Fix wrong import
- Move processing algorithms, review all headers
- Move source code into gestion_base_adresse folder
- Doc - Upgrade database doc with new metadata table
- Processing - Add alg to upgrade database structure
- Processing - New alg to create database structure
- Processing - rename the load layers alg
- remove unnecessary files/folders
- Move processing algs into processing subfolder
- Add gitignore & remove pycache files
- Installation - Ajout des scripts SQL et outil de génération automatique
- Doc - Ajout de la documentation SchemaSpy et des outils de génération