diff --git a/server/modules/users/wallet.js b/server/modules/users/wallet.js
index ad126368..448d6393 100644
--- a/server/modules/users/wallet.js
+++ b/server/modules/users/wallet.js
@@ -478,77 +478,78 @@ exports.onConfirmWithdraw = function(req, res)
- function ProcessWithdraw(userID, address, amount, coinName, callback)
- {
- const userAccount = utils.Encrypt(userID);
- g_constants.dbTables['coins'].selectAll('ROWID AS id, *', 'name="'+coinName+'"', '', (err, rows) => {
- if (err || !rows || !rows.length)
- return callback({result: false, message: 'Coin "'+unescape(coinName)+'" not found'});
- try { rows[0].info = JSON.parse(utils.Decrypt(rows[0].info));}
- catch(e) {}
- if (!rows[0].info || !rows[0].info.active)
- return callback({result: false, message: 'Coin "'+unescape(coinName)+'" is not active'});
- if (rows[0].info.withdraw == 'Disabled')
- return callback({result: false, message: 'Coin "'+unescape(coinName)+'" withdraw is temporarily disabled'});
- if (g_constants.share.tradeEnabled == false)
- return callback({result: false, message: 'Trading is temporarily disabled'});
+function ProcessWithdraw(userID, address, amount, coinName, callback) {
+ const userAccount = utils.Encrypt(userID);
- const coin = rows[0];
- const coinID = rows[0].id;
- MoveBalance(g_constants.ExchangeBalanceAccountID, userID, coin, (amount*1+(rows[0].info.hold || 0.002)).toFixed(7)*1, ret => {
- if (!ret || !ret.result)
- return callback({result: false, message: 'Withdraw error (1): '+ ret.message});
+ g_constants.dbTables['coins'].selectAll('ROWID AS id, *', 'name="' + coinName + '"', '', (err, rows) => {
+ if (err || !rows || !rows.length)
+ return callback({ result: false, message: 'Coin "' + unescape(coinName) + '" not found' });
- const comment = JSON.stringify([{from: userAccount, to: address, amount: amount, time: Date.now()}]);
- const walletPassphrase = g_constants.walletpassphrase(coin.ticker);
- console.log('RPC call from ProcessWithdraw1');
+ try { rows[0].info = JSON.parse(utils.Decrypt(rows[0].info)); }
+ catch (e) { }
+ if (!rows[0].info || !rows[0].info.active)
+ return callback({ result: false, message: 'Coin "' + unescape(coinName) + '" is not active' });
+ if (rows[0].info.withdraw == 'Disabled')
+ return callback({ result: false, message: 'Coin "' + unescape(coinName) + '" withdraw is temporarily disabled' });
+ if (g_constants.share.tradeEnabled == false)
+ return callback({ result: false, message: 'Trading is temporarily disabled' });
+ const coin = rows[0];
+ const coinID = rows[0].id;
+ MoveBalance(g_constants.ExchangeBalanceAccountID, userID, coin, (amount * 1 + (rows[0].info.hold || 0.002)).toFixed(7) * 1, ret => {
+ if (!ret || !ret.result)
+ return callback({ result: false, message: 'Withdraw error (1): ' + ret.message });
+ const comment = JSON.stringify([{ from: userAccount, to: address, amount: amount, time: Date.now() }]);
+ console.log('RPC call from ProcessWithdraw1');
+ if (g_constants.walletpassphrase(coin.ticker)) {
+ walletPassphrase = g_constants.walletpassphrase(coin.ticker);
RPC.send3(coinID, commands.walletpassphrase, [walletPassphrase, 60], ret => {
- if ((!ret || !ret.result || ret.result != 'success') && ret.data && ret.data.length)
- {
+ if ((!ret || !ret.result || ret.result != 'success') && ret.data && ret.data.length) {
const err = ret.data;
//if false then return coins to user balance
- MoveBalance(userID, g_constants.ExchangeBalanceAccountID, coin, amount, ret =>{});
- return callback({result: false, message: 'Withdraw error (2): '+ err});
- }
- const rpcParams = (coin.ticker == 'WAVI' || coin.ticker == 'DASH') ?
- [userAccount, address, (amount*1).toFixed(7)*1, coin.info.minconf || 3, false, comment] :
- [userAccount, address, (amount*1).toFixed(7)*1, coin.info.minconf || 3, comment];
- console.log('RPC call from ProcessWithdraw2');
- RPC.send3(coinID, commands.sendfrom, rpcParams, ret => {
- if (ret && ret.result && ret.result == 'success')
- {
- exports.ResetBalanceCache(userID);
- return callback({result: true, data: ret.data});
- }
- //if false then try one more time
- console.log('RPC call from ProcessWithdraw3');
- setTimeout(RPC.send3, 5000, coinID, commands.sendfrom, rpcParams, ret => {
- exports.ResetBalanceCache(userID);
- if (ret && ret.result && ret.result == 'success')
- return callback({result: true, data: ret.data});
- const err = ret ? ret.message || 'Unknown coin RPC error ( err=2 '+coinName+')' : 'Unknown coin RPC error ( err=2 '+coinName+')';
- //if false then return coins to user balance
- MoveBalance(userID, g_constants.ExchangeBalanceAccountID, coin, amount, ret =>{});
- callback({result: false, message: 'Withdraw error (3): '+ err});
- });
- });
+ MoveBalance(userID, g_constants.ExchangeBalanceAccountID, coin, amount, ret => { });
+ return callback({ result: false, message: 'Withdraw error (2): ' + err });
+ };
+ }
+ const rpcParams = (coin.ticker == 'WAVI' || coin.ticker == 'DASH') ?
+ [userAccount, address, (amount * 1).toFixed(7) * 1, coin.info.minconf || 3, false, comment] :
+ [userAccount, address, (amount * 1).toFixed(7) * 1, coin.info.minconf || 3, comment];
+ console.log('RPC call from ProcessWithdraw2');
+ RPC.send3(coinID, commands.sendfrom, rpcParams, ret => {
+ if (ret && ret.result && ret.result == 'success') {
+ exports.ResetBalanceCache(userID);
+ return callback({ result: true, data: ret.data });
+ }
+ //if false then try one more time
+ console.log('RPC call from ProcessWithdraw3');
+ setTimeout(RPC.send3, 5000, coinID, commands.sendfrom, rpcParams, ret => {
+ exports.ResetBalanceCache(userID);
+ if (ret && ret.result && ret.result == 'success')
+ return callback({ result: true, data: ret.data });
+ const err = ret ? ret.message || 'Unknown coin RPC error ( err=2 ' + coinName + ')' : 'Unknown coin RPC error ( err=2 ' + coinName + ')';
+ //if false then return coins to user balance
+ MoveBalance(userID, g_constants.ExchangeBalanceAccountID, coin, amount, ret => { });
+ callback({ result: false, message: 'Withdraw error (3): ' + err });
+ });
+ });
- }
+ };
exports.ResetBalanceCache = function(userID)
g_CachedBalance = {};