uDisplay has 5 modules: Timing, Comunications, Drivers and Rendering engines
- Software delays
- MCU Specific Implementation
- 8051
- MCU Specific Implementation
- SPI and I2C hardware implementation
- SPI and I2C hardware implementation
- Software implementations
- Bit banging in most of the plataforms
- Available custom implementations via protocol interface (uD_Api.h)
- Uses a comunication protocol
- Display controller
- SSD1306
- ST7789
- ST7735R
- Open API
- Available custom implementations via drivers interface (uD_Api.h)
- Uses a driver
- 2D Rendering
- uDisplay (base and built-in engine with basic rendering functions)
- uDisplayCanvas (HTML like canvas)
- uDisplayShell (Terminal shell)
- uDisplayPlot (Plot renderer)
- Open API (all engines must be based on the uDisplay base rendering engine.)
- uDisplay (base and built-in engine with basic rendering functions)