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Network boot your Raspberry Pi

This tutorial is written to explain how to set up a simple DHCP/TFTP server which will allow you to boot a Raspberry Pi 3 from the network. The tutorial assumes that you have an existing home network, and that you want to use a Raspberry Pi for the server. You will need a second Raspberry Pi 3 as a client to be booted. Only one SD card is needed because the client will be booted from the server after the initial client configuration.

Due to the huge range of networking devices available, we can't guarantee that network booting will work with any device. We have had reports that, if you cannot get network booting to work, disabling STP frames on your network may help.

Client configuration

This section only applies to the original Raspberry Pi 3B; if you are using the 3B+ or Pi 4 then ignore this section and skip to the server section below then.

Before a Raspberry Pi will network boot, it needs to be booted from an SD card with a config option to enable USB boot mode. This will set a bit in the OTP (One Time Programmable) memory in the Raspberry Pi SoC that enables network booting. Once this is done, the SD card is no longer required.

Install Raspberry Pi OS Lite (or Raspberry Pi OS with Raspberry Pi Desktop) on the SD card in the usual way.

Afterwards, set up USB boot mode by preparing the /boot directory with the latest boot files:

sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade

Now, enable USB boot mode with the following command:

echo program_usb_boot_mode=1 | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt

This adds program_usb_boot_mode=1 to the end of /boot/config.txt. Reboot the Raspberry Pi with sudo reboot. Once the client Raspberry Pi has rebooted, check that the OTP has been programmed with:

vcgencmd otp_dump | grep 17:

Ensure the output 0x3020000a is correct.

The client configuration is almost done. The final thing to do is to remove the program_usb_boot_mode line from config.txt (make sure there is no blank line at the end). You can do this with sudo nano /boot/config.txt, for example. Finally, shut the client Raspberry Pi down with sudo poweroff.

Ethernet MAC address

Before configuring network boot make a note of the serial number and mac address so that the board can be identified by the TFTP/DHCP server.

On Raspberry Pi 4 the MAC address is programmed at manufacture and there is no link between the MAC address and serial number. Both the MAC address and serial numbers are displayed on the bootloader HDMI diagnostics screen.

To find the Ethernet MAC address:

ethtool -P eth0

To find the serial number:

grep Serial /proc/cpuinfo | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | cut -c 8-16

Server configuration

Plug the SD card into the server Raspberry Pi, and then boot the server. Before you do anything else, make sure you have run sudo raspi-config and expanded the root file system to take up the entire SD card.

The client Raspberry Pi will need a root file system to boot off, so before you do anything else on the server, make a full copy of its file system and put it in a directory called /nfs/client1:

sudo mkdir -p /nfs/client1
sudo apt install rsync
sudo rsync -xa --progress --exclude /nfs / /nfs/client1

Regenerate SSH host keys on the client filesystem by chrooting into it:

cd /nfs/client1
sudo mount --bind /dev dev
sudo mount --bind /sys sys
sudo mount --bind /proc proc
sudo chroot .
rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server
sudo umount dev sys proc

Find the settings of your local network. You need to find the address of your router (or gateway), which can be done with:

ip route | awk '/default/ {print $3}'

Then run:

ip -4 addr show dev eth0 | grep inet

which should give an output like:

inet brd scope global eth0

The first address is the IP address of your server Raspberry Pi on the network, and the part after the slash is the network size. It is highly likely that yours will be a /24. Also note the brd (broadcast) address of the network. Note down the output of the previous command, which will contain the IP address of the Raspberry Pi and the broadcast address of the network.

Finally, note down the address of your DNS server, which is the same address as your gateway. You can find this with:

cat /etc/resolv.conf

Configure a static network address on your server Raspberry Pi via the systemd networking, which works as the network handler and DHCP server.

To do that, you'll need to to create a 10-eth0.netdev and a like so:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/network/10-eth0.netdev

Add the following lines:



Then create a network file:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/network/

Add the following contents:




At this point, you won't have working DNS, so you'll need to add the server you noted down before to systemd/resolved.conf. In this example, the gateway address is

sudo nano /etc/systemd/resolved.conf

Uncomment the DNS line and add the DNS IP address there. Additionally, if you have a fallback DNS server, add it there as well.


Enable systemd-networkd and then reboot for the changes to take effect:

sudo systemctl enable systemd-networkd
sudo reboot

Now start tcpdump so you can search for DHCP packets from the client Raspberry Pi:

sudo apt install tcpdump dnsmasq
sudo systemctl enable dnsmasq
sudo tcpdump -i eth0 port bootpc

Connect the client Raspberry Pi to your network and power it on. Check that the LEDs illuminate on the client after around 10 seconds, then you should get a packet from the client "DHCP/BOOTP, Request from ..."

IP > BOOTP/DHCP, Request from b8:27:eb...

Now you need to modify the dnsmasq configuration to enable DHCP to reply to the device. Press CTRL + C to exit the tcpdump program, then type the following:

echo | sudo tee /etc/dnsmasq.conf
sudo nano /etc/dnsmasq.conf

Then replace the contents of dnsmasq.conf with:

pxe-service=0,"Raspberry Pi Boot"

Where the first address of the dhcp-range line is, use the broadcast address you noted down earlier.

Now create a /tftpboot directory:

sudo mkdir /tftpboot
sudo chmod 777 /tftpboot
sudo systemctl enable dnsmasq.service
sudo systemctl restart dnsmasq.service

Now monitor the dnsmasq log:

tail -F /var/log/daemon.log

You should see something like this:

raspberrypi dnsmasq-tftp[1903]: file /tftpboot/bootcode.bin not found

Next, you will need to copy the contents of the boot folder into the /tftpboot directory.

First, press CTRL + C to exit the monitoring state. Then type the following:

cp -r /boot/* /tftpboot

Since the tftp location has changed, restart dnsmasq:

sudo systemctl restart dnsmasq

Set up NFS root

This should now allow your Raspberry Pi client to attempt to boot through until it tries to load a root file system (which it doesn't have).

At this point, export the /nfs/client1 file system created earlier, and the TFTP boot folder.

sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server
echo "/nfs/client1 *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)" | sudo tee -a /etc/exports
echo "/tftpboot *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)" | sudo tee -a /etc/exports

Restart RPC-Bind and the NFS server in order to have them detect the new files.

sudo systemctl enable rpcbind
sudo systemctl restart rpcbind
sudo systemctl enable nfs-kernel-server
sudo systemctl restart nfs-kernel-server

Edit /tftpboot/cmdline.txt and from root= onwards, and replace it with:

root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=,vers=4.1,proto=tcp rw ip=dhcp rootwait elevator=deadline

You should substitute the IP address here with the IP address you have noted down. Also remove any part of the command line starting with init=.

Finally, edit /nfs/client1/etc/fstab and remove the /dev/mmcblk0p1 and p2 lines (only proc should be left). Then, add the boot partition back in:

echo " /boot nfs defaults,vers=4.1,proto=tcp 0 0" | sudo tee -a /nfs/client1/etc/fstab

Good luck! If it doesn't boot on the first attempt, keep trying. It can take a minute or so for the Raspberry Pi to boot, so be patient.