All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- add CI media concat job
- transfer manager multipart complete with user object meta.
- add KMS Encryption Client support.
- add getCannedAccessControl for AccessControlList
- update bcprov-jdk15on version
- add crc64 support for high level api
- add maz storage class
- support presigned url not begin with sign=
- add crc64 to utils
- add post object demo and signature
- add trafficLimit support
- 持CVM/CPM的角色绑定获取临时密钥
- add upload part and complete crc get method
- add append object api
- add header utf-8 and iso 88591 convert
- 支持通过腾讯云CVM和黑石物理机绑定角色获取临时密钥
- support tagging,inventory,logging api
- add domain set/get support
- add put/get/delete bucket website support
- update jackson version
- change jackson-databind version
- drop bucket name upper bound check
- add basic auth support
- add acl ReadAcp and WriteAcp
- update jackson-databind version
- fix SSECustomer bug and add demo, test case
- add more information in userAgent
- change to use slf4j-api
- encode url path, replace the continuous slash with %2F except the first
- remove appid prefix check
- add set fixed endpointAddr
- fix bigger than 5G file copy bug
- change jackson version
- fix UserSpecifiedEndpointBuilder constructor bug
- delete duplicate code
- 支持文件直传归档存储
- OSCredentialProvider中增加refresh方法
- 修改临时秘钥预签名的bug
- 预签名支持临时秘钥
- 支持秘钥通过provider接口传入
- 修改httpclient配置
- 修复对content-encoding为gzip的文件下载时候的报错 2 支持获取bucket列表时候 初始化cosclient可以不传入region
- 1 增加设置policy接口 2 修复分块上传时存在upload获取result接口有可能阻塞的bug
- 增加客户端加密范例