diff --git a/en/README.md b/en/README.md
index 03035464..3167027a 100644
--- a/en/README.md
+++ b/en/README.md
@@ -9,3 +9,104 @@ This is a [GitBook](https://www.gitbook.io) version of the ['97 Things Every Pro
 All content is licensed under the [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 license](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/). Print versions of the book are available on [Amazon.com](http://www.amazon.com/Things-Every-Programmer-Should-Know/dp/0596809484).
 If you find any mistakes or have any suggestions, you can [create an issue](https://github.com/97-things/97-things-every-programmer-should-know/issues) or [file a pull request](https://github.com/97-things/97-things-every-programmer-should-know/pulls) to the [repository](https://github.com/97-things/97-things-every-programmer-should-know).
+# Summary
+* [Introduction](README.md)
+1. [Act with Prudence](thing_01/README.md)
+1. [Apply Functional Programming Principles](thing_02/README.md)
+1. [Ask "What Would the User Do?" (You Are not the User)](thing_03/README.md)
+1. [Automate Your Coding Standard](thing_04/README.md)
+1. [Beauty Is in Simplicity](thing_05/README.md)
+1. [Before You Refactor](thing_06/README.md)
+1. [Beware the Share](thing_07/README.md)
+1. [The Boy Scout Rule](thing_08/README.md)
+1. [Check Your Code First before Looking to Blame Others](thing_09/README.md)
+1. [Choose Your Tools with Care](thing_10/README.md)
+1. [Code in the Language of the Domain](thing_11/README.md)
+1. [Code Is Design](thing_12/README.md)
+1. [Code Layout Matters](thing_13/README.md)
+1. [Code Reviews](thing_14/README.md)
+1. [Coding with Reason](thing_15/README.md)
+1. [A Comment on Comments](thing_16/README.md)
+1. [Comment Only What the Code Cannot Say](thing_17/README.md)
+1. [Continuous Learning](thing_18/README.md)
+1. [Convenience Is not an -ility](thing_19/README.md)
+1. [Deploy Early and Often](thing_20/README.md)
+1. [Distinguish Business Exceptions from Technical](thing_21/README.md)
+1. [Do Lots of Deliberate Practice](thing_22/README.md)
+1. [Domain-Specific Languages](thing_23/README.md)
+1. [Don't Be Afraid to Break Things](thing_24/README.md)
+1. [Don't Be Cute with Your Test Data](thing_25/README.md)
+1. [Don't Ignore that Error!](thing_26/README.md)
+1. [Don't Just Learn the Language, Understand its Culture](thing_27/README.md)
+1. [Don't Nail Your Program into the Upright Position](thing_28/README.md)
+1. [Don't Rely on "Magic Happens Here"](thing_29/README.md)
+1. [Don't Repeat Yourself](thing_30/README.md)
+1. [Don't Touch that Code!](thing_31/README.md)
+1. [Encapsulate Behavior, not Just State](thing_32/README.md)
+1. [Floating-point Numbers Aren't Real](thing_33/README.md)
+1. [Fulfill Your Ambitions with Open Source](thing_34/README.md)
+1. [The Golden Rule of API Design](thing_35/README.md)
+1. [The Guru Myth](thing_36/README.md)
+1. [Hard Work Does not Pay Off](thing_37/README.md)
+1. [How to Use a Bug Tracker](thing_38/README.md)
+1. [Improve Code by Removing It](thing_39/README.md)
+1. [Install Me](thing_40/README.md)
+1. [Inter-Process Communication Affects Application Response Time](thing_41/README.md)
+1. [Keep the Build Clean](thing_42/README.md)
+1. [Know How to Use Command-line Tools](thing_43/README.md)
+1. [Know Well More than Two Programming Languages](thing_44/README.md)
+1. [Know Your IDE](thing_45/README.md)
+1. [Know Your Limits](thing_46/README.md)
+1. [Know Your Next Commit](thing_47/README.md)
+1. [Large Interconnected Data Belongs to a Database](thing_48/README.md)
+1. [Learn Foreign Languages](thing_49/README.md)
+1. [Learn to Estimate](thing_50/README.md)
+1. [Learn to Say "Hello, World"](thing_51/README.md)
+1. [Let Your Project Speak for Itself](thing_52/README.md)
+1. [The Linker Is not a Magical Program](thing_53/README.md)
+1. [The Longevity of Interim Solutions](thing_54/README.md)
+1. [Make Interfaces Easy to Use Correctly and Hard to Use Incorrectly](thing_55/README.md)
+1. [Make the Invisible More Visible](thing_56/README.md)
+1. [Message Passing Leads to Better Scalability in Parallel Systems](thing_57/README.md)
+1. [A Message to the Future](thing_58/README.md)
+1. [Missing Opportunities for Polymorphism](thing_59/README.md)
+1. [News of the Weird: Testers Are Your Friends](thing_60/README.md)
+1. [One Binary](thing_61/README.md)
+1. [Only the Code Tells the Truth](thing_62/README.md)
+1. [Own (and Refactor) the Build](thing_63/README.md)
+1. [Pair Program and Feel the Flow](thing_64/README.md)
+1. [Prefer Domain-Specific Types to Primitive Types](thing_65/README.md)
+1. [Prevent Errors](thing_66/README.md)
+1. [The Professional Programmer](thing_67/README.md)
+1. [Put Everything Under Version Control](thing_68/README.md)
+1. [Put the Mouse Down and Step Away from the Keyboard](thing_69/README.md)
+1. [Read Code](thing_70/README.md)
+1. [Read the Humanities](thing_71/README.md)
+1. [Reinvent the Wheel Often](thing_72/README.md)
+1. [Resist the Temptation of the Singleton Pattern](thing_73/README.md)
+1. [The Road to Performance Is Littered with Dirty Code Bombs](thing_74/README.md)
+1. [Simplicity Comes from Reduction](thing_75/README.md)
+1. [The Single Responsibility Principle](thing_76/README.md)
+1. [Start from Yes](thing_77/README.md)
+1. [Step Back and Automate, Automate, Automate](thing_78/README.md)
+1. [Take Advantage of Code Analysis Tools](thing_79/README.md)
+1. [Test for Required Behavior, not Incidental Behavior](thing_80/README.md)
+1. [Test Precisely and Concretely](thing_81/README.md)
+1. [Test While You Sleep (and over Weekends)](thing_82/README.md)
+1. [Testing Is the Engineering Rigor of Software Development](thing_83/README.md)
+1. [Thinking in States](thing_84/README.md)
+1. [Two Heads Are Often Better than One](thing_85/README.md)
+1. [Two Wrongs Can Make a Right (and Are Difficult to Fix)](thing_86/README.md)
+1. [Ubuntu Coding for Your Friends](thing_87/README.md)
+1. [The Unix Tools Are Your Friends](thing_88/README.md)
+1. [Use the Right Algorithm and Data Structure](thing_89/README.md)
+1. [Verbose Logging Will Disturb Your Sleep](thing_90/README.md)
+1. [WET Dilutes Performance Bottlenecks](thing_91/README.md)
+1. [When Programmers and Testers Collaborate](thing_92/README.md)
+1. [Write Code as If You Had to Support It for the Rest of Your Life](thing_93/README.md)
+1. [Write Small Functions Using Examples](thing_94/README.md)
+1. [Write Tests for People](thing_95/README.md)
+1. [You Gotta Care about the Code](thing_96/README.md)
+1. [Your Customers Do not Mean What They Say](thing_97/README.md)