Searching users, getting user information and managing authenticated user account information. Wrap GitHub User API.
$users = $client->api('user')->find('KnpLabs');
Returns an array of found users.
$users = $client->api('user')->all(135);
Returns an array of all users that registered after the user whose ID is 135.
$users = $client->api('user')->all();
Returns an array of all users.
$user = $client->api('user')->show('KnpLabs');
Returns an array of information about the user.
Requires authentication.
Change user attributes: name, email, blog, company, location.
'location' => 'France',
'blog' => ''
Returns an array of information about the user.
$users = $client->api('user')->following('KnpLabs');
Returns an array of followed users.
For authenticated user use.
Requires authentication.
$users = $client->api('current_user')->follow()->all();
$users = $client->api('user')->followers('KnpLabs');
Returns an array of following users.
For authenticated user use.
Requires authentication.
$users = $client->api('current_user')->followers();
Requires authentication.
Make the authenticated user follow a user.
Returns an array of followed users.
Requires authentication.
Make the authenticated user unfollow a user.
Returns an array of followed users.
See more.
$users = $client->api('user')->watched('ornicar');
For authenticated user use.
Requires authentication.
$users = $client->api('current_user')->watchers()->all();
Returns an array of watched repos.
See more.
$users = $client->api('user')->starred('ornicar');
For authenticated user use.
Requires authentication.
$users = $client->api('current_user')->starring()->all();
Returns an array of starred repos.
Requires authentication.
$emails = $client->api('current_user')->emails()->all();
Returns an array of the authenticated user emails.
Requires authentication.
$emails = $client->api('current_user')->emails()->add('[email protected]');
// or add few emails at once
$emails = $client->api('current_user')->emails()->add(array('[email protected]', '[email protected]'));
Returns an array of the authenticated user emails.
Requires authentication.
$emails = $client->api('current_user')->emails()->remove('[email protected]');
// or remove few emails at once
$emails = $client->api('current_user')->emails()->remove(array('[email protected]', '[email protected]'));
Return an array of the authenticated user emails.