In this project you can find Android Studio projects that was used to create SciChart.Android 2D and 3D Tutotials.
Each tutorial is implemeted in:
- Java using SciChart Builders API, that was created to make declaration of chart and its parts more fluent;
- Java without using SciChart Builders API, where we use property setters/getters provided by chart and its parts directly;
- Kotlin without using SciChart Builders API, where we use Kotlin properties provided by chart and its parts directly and some syntax sugar provided by Kotlin (e.g. apply() and so on), which allows to reduce amount of boilerplate code.
We have a set of 2D Tutorials targetting SciChart Android. Please find a list of tutorials below:
- Tutorial 01 - Create a Simple 2D Chart
- Tutorial 02 - Zooming and Panning Behavior
- Tutorial 03 - Tooltips and Legends
- Tutorial 04 - Adding Realtime Updates
- Tutorial 05 - Annotations
- Tutorial 06 - Multiple Axis
- Tutorial 07 - Linking Multiple Charts
We have a set of 3D Tutorials targetting SciChart Android. Please find a list of tutorials below: