- Made DIS Enumeration Mappings a scriptable object for easy reuse.
- Bug fixes to the DIS Sending component, Dead Reckoning, and unwinding rotations in the Conversions library.
- Updated LLA/ECEF conversions in Conversions library to more accurate math.
- Added Floating Point error check to fix float values outside of ACos Range.
- Edited DISManager Prefab for more general defaults
- Added Unity Event for when a new DIS Entity is created.
- Added disconnect method to PDUReceiver.
- Finished implementing the DISSendComponent
- Renamed DISEnums.cs to DISEnumsAndStructs.cs as structs for geospatial variables were all added in.
- Added in rotational conversions to GeoreferenceSystem for geospatial to/from Unity.
- In DISSendComponent, updated Angular Velocity calculations to utilize quaternions rather than euler angles.
- In DISSendComponent, moved ESPDU variable calculations for linear velocity, linear acceleration, and angular velocity to a timer to give user more flexibility over frequency of them.
- Fixed small math errors in Conversions library where ACos functions were missing where needed.
- Added more conversions to the Conversions library
- Added Beginnings of GeoreferenceSystem
- Updated DISSendComponent's calculation of body acceleration. Also moved one of its functions to the Conversions library where it is more appropriate.
- Reworked parameters on one of the DeadReckoningLibrary functions.
- Updated comments in Conversions library and removed unneeded debug print statement
- Removed DIS Entity Base.
- Separated DIS component into a Send and Receive component. The DISSendComponent is not fully finished.
- Implemented OpenDIS C# libraries.
- Added a UDP Sender and receiver.
- Added in a PDU processor.
- Added in a DISComponent to handle received DIS packets for associated entities.
- Added in a DISGameManager to house DIS enumeration to Game Object mappings.