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Mark Rogaski edited this page Aug 10, 2013 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the GitHub wiki for GreenWall! Here you will find all of the official documentation and downloads for GreenWall, as well as the issue tracker and some history about how and why GreenWall came into existence.



These are the official distribution sites.

GreenWall is also available through the popular WoWMatrix service. We have little control over or visibility into their operation, so we cannot guarantee the timeliness or content of their updates.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does GreenWall do?

This add-on replicates guild chat and achievement spam between multiple guilds. It was developed to allow large guilds to operate under the guild size limit imposed by Blizzard Entertainment.

The add-on's functionality is very close to LemonKing's Cross Guild Chat, but the management interface (or lack of one in GreenWall's case) is very different.

No, it was written to be guild-agnostic. While it addresses a specific need that we had, it was designed to work for any guild that's larger than the limit.

  • If I'm a member of Alea Iacta Est, do I need to run it?

No, you don't. But guild chat will be very, very frustrating for you if you don't since you will only see about 1% of the complete conversations.

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