Agile SCRUM methodology was used for this project.
It was built in 4 sprints, each sprint consisting of design, build , test & review phases.
How I used Agile SCRUM for this project
- Home Page
- Meeting Room Screen
✅ Mandatory Feature: Minimum 2 participants should be able to connect and have a video conversation.
Extra Features implemented:
- Turn Video off
- Mute Audio 🎙️
- More the merrier! Have a Group Meeting with upto 6 participants 👨👩👦👦
- Present your screen activity in real-time by Screen Sharing! 🖥️
(Multiple participants can share their screens simultaneously!) - Group Chatting (within the meeting) 🗨️
- Set Custom Meeting title/ room name and share with other participants to invite them to the meeting.
It is displayed on top-left side of meeting room. - No video? No problem! Usernames of participants are displayed on their video window when video is turned off.
- Current member count is displayed on the top bar.
- Current time is displayed at the top-right side. 🕙
- Full Screen mode- View Video Stream or Presentation of a participant in full screen mode by clicking on the video window.
- Leave Meeting- returns user back to the homepage 🔙
- Responsive Design: Users can join meeting from any device. 📱 💻
Name | Version | Description |
Node JS | 14.15.3 | Node.js is an open source development platform for executing JavaScript code server-side. It is useful for developing applications that require a persistent connection from the browser to the server and is suitable for real-time applications. Node.js is intended to run on a dedicated HTTP server and to employ a single thread with one process at a time. Node.js applications are event-based and run asynchronously. | | 4.1.2 | Socket.IO is a JavaScript library for realtime web applications. It enables realtime, bi-directional communication between web clients and servers. It has two parts: a client-side library that runs in the browser, and a server-side library for Node.js. Whenever an event occurs, the server will get it and push it to the concerned connected clients. |
Express | 4.17.1 | Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications. It is an open source framework developed and maintained by the Node.js foundation. Express is used to build the web server that Socket.IO will work with. ExpressJS makes it easy to define routes and other things. |
Simple-Peer | 9.7.2 | It is a concise, node.js style API for WebRTC. It allows peer to peer connection and supports video/voice streams. |
React JS | 17.0.2 | ReactJS is JavaScript library used for building user interfaces or reusable UI components. It can be used on client and server side as well as with other frameworks. However, this front-end library is responsible only for the application’s view layer. React uses VDOM, which makes the web applications run much faster than those developed with alternate front-end frameworks. |
Bootstrap | 4.3.1 | Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS and JavaScript framework for developing a responsive and mobile friendly website. It includes HTML and CSS based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, tables, navigation, modals, image carousels, etc. It enables us to build responsive designs quickly and maintains wide browser compatibility. |
Styled Components | 5.1.1 | Styled-components library allows us to write actual CSS in JavaScript code. It keeps track of which components are rendered on a page and injects their styles automatically. When we define our styles, we actually create a normal React component, that has our styles attached to it. |
Nodemon | 2.0.4 | Nodemon is a tool from npm. This tool restarts our server as soon as we make a change in any of our files, otherwise we need to restart the server manually after each file modification. |
This is how works:
On the server-side, Socket.IO works by adding event listeners to an instance of http.Server. The HTTP server will begin to serve the client library at / The global socket variable is an EventEmitter-like object. Since both the server and client's Socket object act as EventEmitters, you can emit and listen for events in a bi-directional manner. We can send any JSON serialisable object to and from the server. This includes strings, numbers, arrays and booleans.

Features to be implemented:
- Keeping chat window active before and after the video meeting
- Display a list of all participants
- Meet Recording
- Adding a whiteboard
- Raise Hand Feature
- Adding emoticons in chat messages
- Automatic text wrapping in chat messages
🏠 Home Page Template:
🖌️ Open Source Vector Images: ,
⭐ Icons:
- Works well with two browser tabs or devices on the same network.
- May take a little extra time to load when accessing for the first time.
Clone this repo to your local machine using
Move to server folder, install the required packages, and start the server
npm install
node index.js
- Move to client folder, install the required packages, and run
npm install
npm start
- In case the website does not open automatically, open your local host port 3000 from your browser