ROS (both ROS1 and ROS2) Driver for Fixposition Vision-RTK 2
tf ROS1 library
eigen_conversions ROS1 library
Catkin for ROS1
fixposition_gnss_tf: Fixposition GNSS Transformation Lib
This driver operates as a ROS node, connecting to either a TCP or serial stream of Fixposition Vision-RTK output data, see Fixposition ASCII messages and the Integration Manual.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y build-essential cmake
sudo apt install -y libeigen3-dev
sudo apt install -y ros-{ROS_DISTRO}-tf ros-{ROS_DISTRO}-eigen-conversions
To install the node, extract / clone the code and fixposition_gnss_tf
to your catkin workspace's src
# The folder structure should look like this
├── src
│ ├── fixposition_driver
│ │ ├── fixposition_driver_lib
│ │ ├── fixposition_driver_ros1
│ │ ├── fixposition_driver_ros2 # will be ignore by catkin
│ ├── fixposition_gnss_tf
make sure you have sourced the setup.bash from ros:
, for example
source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
and build it with:
catkin build fixposition_driver_ros1
This will build the ROS1 driver node and all its dependencies.
Then source your development environment:
source devel/setup.bash
To launch the node in serial mode, run:
roslaunch fixposition_driver_ros1 serial.launch
In TCP mode (Wi-Fi):
roslaunch fixposition_driver_ros1 tcp.launch
In TCP mode (Ethernet):
roslaunch fixposition_driver_ros1 tcp.launch
To change the settings of TCP (IP, Port) or Serial (Baudrate, Port) connections, check the launch/tcp.yaml
and launch/serial.yaml
Check rostopics:
rostopic list
there should be topics under the
namespace, for example:/fixposition/corrimu /fixposition/navsatfix /fixposition/odometry /fixposition/odometry_enu /fixposition/poiimu /fixposition/rawimu /fixposition/vrtk
Check published message in the topic, for example the VRTK message:
rostopic echo /fixposition/vrtk
The output is published on the following:
From FP_A-ODOMETRY, at the configured frequency (default 10Hz, output generator -> Fusion frequency):
- Messages
Topic Message Type Frequency Description /fixposition/odometry
as configured on web-interface Position, Orientation from ECEF to FP_POI, Velocity and Angular Velocity in FP_POI /fixposition/odometry_enu
as configured on web-interface Position, Orientation from ENU0 to FP_POI, Velocity and Angular Velocity in FP_POI /fixposition/vrtk
as configured on web-interface Custom Message containing same Odometry information as well as status flags /fixposition/poiimu
as configured on web-interface Bias Corrected acceleration and rotation rate in FP_POI /fixposition/ypr
as configured on web-interface x = Yaw, y = Pitch, z = Roll in radian. Euler angles representation of rotation between ENU and P_POI. Only available after fusion initialization. -
From FP_A-LLH, at the configured frequency (default 10Hz, output generator -> Fusion frequency):
Topic Message Type Frequency Description /fixposition/navsatfix
as configured on web-interface Latitude, Longitude and Height
If GNSS Antenna positions are needed, please enable this on the sensor's configuration interface.
From NOV_B-BESTGNSSPOS_GNSS[1,2], at the configured frequency, GNSS1 and GNSS2 raw antenna positions (default 5Hz):
Topic Message Type Frequency Description /fixposition/gnss1
as configured on web-interface Latitude, Longitude and Height /fixposition/gnss2
as configured on web-interface Latitude, Longitude and Height -
From NMEA-GP-GGA_GNSS, NMEA-GP-RMC_GNSS, and NMEA-GP-ZDA_GNSS, at the configured frequency (default 5Hz): The Vision-RTK2 can also output an average GNSS-based LLH position (i.e., only GNSS, not Fusion) and heading estimate based on speed over ground (SOG) and course over ground (COG) - (i.e., the platform must be moving for it to be accurate) by utilizing several NMEA messages, which serves as an auxiliary output until Fusion is fully initialized. This message's output frequency equals the lowest frequency of any of these three message types. Note: This output should only be used until Fusion is fully initialized.
Topic Message Type Frequency Description /fixposition/nmea
as configured on web-interface Latitude, Longitude and Height
From FP_A-RAWIMU, at 200Hz:
Topic Message Type Frequency Description /fixposition/rawimu
200Hz Raw (without bias correction) IMU acceleration and angular velocity data in FP_VRTK frame -
From FP_A-CORRIMU, at 200Hz:
Topic Message Type Frequency Description /fixposition/corrimu
200Hz Bias Corrected IMU acceleration and angular velocity data in FP_VRTK frame -
From FP_A-TF_POIIMUH, at 200Hz:
Topic Message Type Frequency Description /fixposition/imu_ypr
200Hz x = 0.0, y = Pitch, z = Roll in radian. Euler angles representation of rotation between a local horizontal frame and P_POI. Rough estimation using IMU alone.
Frames Topic Message needed to be selected on web-interface Frequency ECEF-->FP_POI
as configured on web-interface ECEF-->FP_ENU
as configured on web-interface ECEF-->FP_ENU0
as configured on web-interface FP_POI-->FP_IMUH
1Hz -
ROS TF Tree:
Please note that the corresponding messages also has to be selected on the Fixposition V-RTK's configuration interface.
Frame ID | Explaination |
ECEF | Earth-Center-Earth-Fixed frame. |
FP_VRTK | The coordinate frame on the V-RTK's housing on the Fixposition-Logo "X". |
FP_POI | Point-Of-Interest, configured from V-RTK's web-interface with respect to the FP_VRTK frame. By default it is the same as FP_VRTK. |
FP_ENU | The local East-North-Up coordinate frame with the origin at the same location as FP_POI. |
FP_ENU0 | The global fixed East-North-Up coordinate frame with the origin at the first received ODOMETRY position. Needed for visualization in Rviz. |
FP_CAM | The camera coordinate frame of the V-RTK. |
FP_IMUH | A local horizontal frame with the origin at the same location as FP_POI. This frame is a rough estimate determined by the IMU alone. |
The fp_ros_driver supports inputting a Speed msg (msg/Speed.msg
) through the /fixposition/speed
topic. The Speed msg is defined as a vector of WheelSensor msgs (msg/WheelSensor.msg
). This message in turn, is intended to be a simplified version of the FP_B-MEASUREMENTS, containing three integers (vx, vy, and vz), three booleans (validity of the three velocity integers), and a string indicating the sensor from which the measurement originates. The integer velocity values should be in [mm/s], to have enough precision when being converted into an integer format.
Internally, upon arriving to the ros driver, wheelspeed measurements are converted into a full FP_B-MEASUREMENTS message, and sent via the TCP or serial interface to the Vision-RTK2, where they will be further processed. For more details regarding the definition FP_B-MEASUREMENTS message, please refer to the following page, or to the VRTK2 integration manual.
Run doxygen Doxyfile
to generate Doxygen code documentation.
This is an exerpt from the Integration Manual
NMEA style framing is used. Frames (messages) are in this form:
- The NMEA style framing:
-- Start character ("$", ASCII 36)*CC
-- Checksum: "*" (ASCII 42) and two digit XOR value of all payload characters in captial hexadecimal notation, for example: "FPX" ='F' ^ 'P' ^ 'X' = 70 ^ 80 ^ 88 = 78 = 0x4e
= checksum4E
-- Sentence termination characters (CR + LF, ASCII 13 + 10)
- A Fixposition identifier:
-- Fixposition ASCII message identifier, "FP" (ASCII 70 + 80)
- Fixposition message type and version:
) -- Message type, all captial letters (ASCII 65--90)msg_version
) -- Message version, decimal number (letters 0--9, ASCII 48--57), range 1--...
- Data fields (payload)
-- The structure of the message data is defined by themsg_type
. Each field can contain all printable 7-bit ASCII characters (ASCII 32–126), excluding the reserved characters!
(ASCII 33),$
(ASCII 36),*
(ASCII 42),,
(ASCII 44),\
(ASCII 92),~
(ASCII 126).
- Field separators
- All fields (identifier, message type, message version, data fields) are separated by a comma (
, ASCII 44)
- All fields (identifier, message type, message version, data fields) are separated by a comma (
- Null fields
- Data fields can be null, meaning their value is absent to indicate that no data is
available. The data for null fields is the empty string. For example:
- Definition:
- Values:
= 123,fieldi+1
= null,fieldi+2
= 456 - Payload string:
- Definition:
- Data fields can be null, meaning their value is absent to indicate that no data is
available. The data for null fields is the empty string. For example:
- Data field types:
- Numeric: Decimal integer number, one or more digits (0-9) and optional leading "-" sign
- Float (.x): Decimal floating point number, one or more digits (0-9) and optional leading "-" sign, with x digits fractional part separated by a dot (".")
- Float (x): Decimal floating point number with x significant digits, optional leading "-", optional fractional part separated by a dot (".")
- String: String of allowed payload characters (but not the
field separator) - ...
- ...
This message contains full fusion odometry output and additional status information. It is output at the configured rate.
Example message (wrapped on multiple lines for readability):
Message fields:
# | Field | Format | Unit | Example | Description |
1 | msg_type |
String | - | ODOMETRY |
Message type, always ODOMETRY for this message |
2 | msg_version |
Numeric | - | 2 |
Message version, always 2 for this version of the ODOMETRY message |
3 | gps_week |
Numeric | - | 2231 |
GPS week number, range 0--9999 |
4 | gps_tow |
Float (.6) | s | 227610.750000 |
GPS time of week, range 0.000--604799.999999 |
5 | pos_x |
Float (.4) | m | 4279243.1641 |
Position in ECEF, X component |
6 | pos_y |
Float (.4) | m | 635824.2171 |
Position in ECEF, Y component |
7 | pos_z |
Float (.4) | m | 4671589.8683 |
Position in ECEF, Z component |
8 | orientation_w |
Float (.6) | - | -0.412792 |
Quaternion with respect to ECEF, W component |
9 | orientation_x |
Float (.6) | - | 0.290804 |
Quaternion with respect to ECEF, X component |
10 | orientation_y |
Float (.6) | - | -0.123898 |
Quaternion with respect to ECEF, Y component |
11 | orientation_z |
Float (.6) | - | 0.854216 |
Quaternion with respect to ECEF, Z component |
12 | vel_x |
Float (.4) | m/s | -17.1078 |
Velocity in output frame, X component |
13 | vel_y |
Float (.4) | m/s | -0.0526 |
Velocity in output frame, Y component |
14 | vel_z |
Float (.4) | m/s | -0.3252 |
Velocity in output frame, Z component |
15 | rot_x |
Float (.5) | rad/s | 0.02245 |
Bias corrected angular velocity in output frame, X component |
16 | rot_y |
Float (.5) | rad/s | 0.00275 |
Bias corrected angular velocity in output frame, Y component |
17 | rot_z |
Float (.5) | rad/s | 0.10369 |
Bias corrected angular velocity in output frame, Z component |
18 | acc_x |
Float (.4) | m/s2 | -1.0385 |
Bias corrected acceleration in output frame, X component |
19 | acc_y |
Float (.4) | m/s2 | -1.3707 |
Bias corrected acceleration in output frame, Y component |
20 | acc_z |
Float (.4) | m/s2 | 9.8249 |
Bias corrected acceleration in output frame, Z component |
21 | fusion_status |
Numeric | - | 4 |
Fustion status, see below |
22 | imu_bias_status |
Numeric | - | 1 |
IMU bias status, see below |
23 | gnss1_fix |
Numeric | - | 8 |
Fix status of GNSS1 receiver, see below |
24 | gnss2_fix |
Numeric | - | 8 |
Fix status of GNSS2 receiver, see below |
25 | wheelspeed_status |
Numeric | - | 1 |
Wheelspeed status, see below |
26 | pos_cov_xx |
Float (5) | m2 | 0.01761 |
Position covariance, element XX |
27 | pos_cov_yy |
Float (5) | m2 | 0.02274 |
Position covariance, element YY |
28 | pos_cov_zz |
Float (5) | m2 | 0.01713 |
Position covariance, element ZZ |
29 | pos_cov_xy |
Float (5) | m2 | -0.00818 |
Position covariance, element XY |
30 | pos_cov_yz |
Float (5) | m2 | 0.00235 |
Position covariance, element YZ |
31 | pos_cov_xz |
Float (5) | m2 | 0.00129 |
Position covariance, element XZ |
32 | orientation_cov_xx |
Float (5) | rad2 | 0.00013 |
Velocity covariance, element XX |
33 | orientation_cov_yy |
Float (5) | rad2 | 0.00015 |
Velocity covariance, element YY |
34 | orientation_cov_zz |
Float (5) | rad2 | 0.00014 |
Velocity covariance, element ZZ |
35 | orientation_cov_xy |
Float (5) | rad2 | -0.00001 |
Velocity covariance, element XY |
36 | orientation_cov_yz |
Float (5) | rad2 | 0.00001 |
Velocity covariance, element YZ |
37 | orientation_cov_xz |
Float (5) | rad2 | 0.00002 |
Velocity covariance, element XZ |
38 | vel_cov_xx |
Float (5) | m2/s2 | 0.03482 |
Velocity covariance, element XX |
39 | vel_cov_yy |
Float (5) | m2/s2 | 0.06244 |
Velocity covariance, element YY |
40 | vel_cov_zz |
Float (5) | m2/s2 | 0.05480 |
Velocity covariance, element ZZ |
41 | vel_cov_xy |
Float (5) | m2/s2 | 0.00096 |
Velocity covariance, element XY |
42 | vel_cov_yz |
Float (5) | m2/s2 | 0.00509 |
Velocity covariance, element YZ |
43 | vel_cov_xz |
Float (5) | m2/s2 | 0.00054 |
Velocity covariance, element XZ |
44 | sw_version |
String | - | fp_release_vr2_2.54.0_160 |
Software version |
Fusion status (fusion_status
Value | Description |
0 |
Not started |
1 |
Vision only |
2 |
Visual inertial fusion |
3 |
Inertial-GNSS fusion |
4 |
Visual-inertial-GNSS fusion |
IMU bias status (imu_bias_status
Value | Description |
0 |
Not converged |
1 |
IMU bias converged |
GNSS fix type (gnss1_fix
, gnss2_fix
Value | Description |
0 |
Unknown |
1 |
No fix |
2 |
Dead-reckoning only |
3 |
Time-only fix |
4 |
Single 2D fix |
5 |
Single 3D fix |
6 |
Single 3D fix with dead-reckoning |
7 |
RTK float fix |
8 |
RTK fixed fix |
Wheelspeed status (wheelspeed_status
Value | Description |
-1 |
No wheelspeed enabled |
0 |
At least one wheelspeed enabled, no wheelspeed converged |
1 |
At least one wheelspeed enabled and converged |
- The output frame is the frame configured on the web-interface.
This message contains time, geographic coordinates and the position covariance of the output frame in East-North-up (ENU). The coordinates are transformed from ECEF using the WGS-84 parameters (see also [[coordinates#vrtk-output-coordinate-system]]). It is output at the configured rate.
Example message (wrapped on multiple lines for readability):
Message fields:
# | Field | Format | Unit | Example | Description |
1 | msg_type |
String | - | LLH |
Message type, always LLH for this message |
2 | msg_version |
Numeric | - | 1 |
Message version, always 1 for this version of the LLH message |
3 | gps_week |
Numeric | - | 2231 |
GPS week number, range 0--9999 |
4 | gps_tow |
Float (.6) | s | 227563.250000 |
GPS time of week, range 0.000--604799.999999 |
5 | latitude |
Float (.9) | deg | 47.392357470 |
Latitude, range -90.000000000--90.000000000, > 0 for North, < 0 for South |
6 | longitude |
Float (.9) | deg | 8.448121451 |
Longitude, range -180.000000000--180.000000000, > 0 for East, < 0 for West |
7 | height |
Float (.4) | m | 473.5857 |
Ellipsoidal height, range -1000.0000-50000.0000 |
8 | pos_cov_ee |
Float (5) | m2 | 0.04533 |
Position covariance in ENU, element EE |
9 | pos_cov_nn |
Float (5) | m2 | 0.03363 |
Position covariance in ENU, element NN |
10 | pos_cov_uu |
Float (5) | m2 | 0.02884 |
Position covariance in ENU, element UU |
11 | pos_cov_en |
Float (5) | m2 | 0.00417 |
Position covariance in ENU, element EN |
12 | pos_cov_nu |
Float (5) | m2 | 0.00086 |
Position covariance in ENU, element NU |
13 | pos_cov_eu |
Float (5) | m2 | -0.00136 |
Position covariance in ENU, element EU |
This message contains time, acceleration and angular velocity (raw value, no bias correction, only coordinate transformation applied) in the vrtk frame - the X on the sensor. See also [[coordinates#vrtk-output-coordinate-system]]. It is output at 200Hz IMU frequency regardless whether fusion is running or not.
Example message:
Message fields:
# | Field | Format | Unit | Example | Description |
1 | msg_type |
String | - | RAWIMU |
Message type, always RAWIMU for this message |
2 | msg_version |
Numeric | - | 1 |
Message version, always 1 for this version of the RAWIMU message |
3 | gps_week |
Numeric | - | 2197 |
GPS week number, range 0--9999 |
4 | gps_tow |
Float (.6) | s | 126191.777855 |
GPS time of week, range 0.000--604799.999999 |
5 | acc_x |
Float (.6) | m/s2 | -0.199914 |
Raw acceleration in output frame, X component |
6 | acc_y |
Float (.6) | m/s2 | 0.472851 |
Raw acceleration in output frame, Y component |
7 | acc_z |
Float (.6) | m/s2 | 9.917973 |
Raw acceleration in output frame, Z component |
8 | rot_x |
Float (.6) | rad/s | 0.023436 |
Raw angular velocity in output frame, X component |
9 | rot_y |
Float (.6) | rad/s | 0.007723 |
Raw angular velocity in output frame, Y component |
10 | rot_z |
Float (.6) | rad/s | 0.002131 |
Raw angular velocity in output frame, Z component |
This message contains time, acceleration and angular velocity (coordinate transformation and bias correction applied) in the vrtk frame - the X on the sensor. See also [[coordinates#vrtk-output-coordinate-system]]. It is output at 200Hz IMU frequency, but only when fusion is initialized and IMU biases is converged.
Example message:
Message fields:
# | Field | Format | Unit | Example | Description |
1 | msg_type |
String | - | CORRIMU |
Message type, always RAWIMU for this message |
2 | msg_version |
Numeric | - | 1 |
Message version, always 1 for this version of the RAWIMU message |
3 | gps_week |
Numeric | - | 2197 |
GPS week number, range 0--9999 |
4 | gps_tow |
Float (.6) | s | 126191.777855 |
GPS time of week, range 0.000--604799.999 |
5 | acc_x |
Float (.6) | m/s2 | -0.195224 |
Raw acceleration in output frame, X component |
6 | acc_y |
Float (.6) | m/s2 | 0.393969 |
Raw acceleration in output frame, Y component |
7 | acc_z |
Float (.6) | m/s2 | 9.869998 |
Raw acceleration in output frame, Z component |
8 | rot_x |
Float (.6) | rad/s | 0.013342 |
Raw angular velocity in output frame, X component |
9 | rot_y |
Float (.6) | rad/s | -0.004620 |
Raw angular velocity in output frame, Y component |
10 | rot_z |
Float (.6) | rad/s | -0.000728 |
Raw angular velocity in output frame, Z component |
- The output frame of the IMU messages is the X on VRTK sensor, NOT the frame configured from the webinterface (They are of course the same when on webinterface the configs are 0s).
This message contains information for static coordinate transformations.
Example messages:
Message fields:
# | Field | Format | Unit | Example | Description |
1 | msg_type |
String | - | TF |
Message type, always TF for this message |
2 | msg_version |
Numeric | - | 2 |
Message version, always 2 for this version of the TF message |
3 | gps_week |
Numeric | - | 2233 |
GPS week number, range 0--9999 |
4 | gps_tow |
Float (.6) | s | 315835.000000 |
GPS time of week, range 0.000--604799.999999 |
5 | frame_a |
String | - | POI |
Target frame (maximum 8 characters: A-Z and 0-9) |
6 | frame_b |
String | - | VRTK |
Initial frame (maximum 8 characters: A-Z and 0-9) |
7 | translation_x |
Float (.5) | m | -0.99301 |
Translation, X component |
8 | translation_y |
Float (.5) | m | -2.01395 |
Translation, Y component |
9 | translation_z |
Float (.5) | m | -2.99298 |
Translation, Z component |
10 | orientation_w |
Float (.6) | - | 0.999995 |
Rotation in quaternion, W component |
11 | orientation_x |
Float (.6) | - | -0.002616 |
Rotation in quaternion, X component |
12 | orientation_y |
Float (.6) | - | -0.001748 |
Rotation in quaternion, Y component |
13 | orientation_z |
Float (.6) | - | -0.000868 |
Rotation in quaternion, Z component |
This is an extra node is provided to help with the integration of the wheel odometry on your vehicle. For details, see the subfolder fixposition_odometry_converter_ros1 (ROS 1). When building the ROS 1 version add a file named 'CATKIN_IGNORE' to the fixposition_odometry_converter_ros2
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details