diff --git a/ARCMF.VR/config.hpp b/ARCMF.VR/config.hpp
index 02fb4db..81d92b9 100644
--- a/ARCMF.VR/config.hpp
+++ b/ARCMF.VR/config.hpp
@@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
 class CfgARCMF {
+        Description: This is the section where you can define general settings for the mission.
+    */
+    class General {
+        // 0: Time is not frozen
+        // 1: Time is frozen indefinitely
+        // 2: Time is frozen only during briefing stage
+        freezeTime = 0;
+    };
+    /*
         Description: This is the section where you define the text content for the briefing on each team.
diff --git a/ARCMF.VR/f/safeStart/fn_safeStartLoop.sqf b/ARCMF.VR/f/safeStart/fn_safeStartLoop.sqf
index cf89908..c836e7d 100644
--- a/ARCMF.VR/f/safeStart/fn_safeStartLoop.sqf
+++ b/ARCMF.VR/f/safeStart/fn_safeStartLoop.sqf
@@ -28,44 +28,48 @@ publicVariable "acex_fortify_mode";
     ARC_briefingIntervalPFH = [{
         params ["_args","_handlerID"];
         if (f_var_mission_timer > 0 && {ARC_briefingTimeMinutes >= f_var_mission_timer}) then {
             ARC_briefingTimeEnd = true;
             publicVariable "ARC_briefingTimeEnd";
         if (ARC_briefingTimeEnd) exitWith {
             [_handlerID] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
             ARC_briefingEndInterval = 5;
             ARC_briefingEndIntervalPFH = [{
                 params ["_args","_handlerID"];
                 if (ARC_briefingEndInterval <= 0) exitWith {
                     ["Weapons are live!", 5] remoteExecCall ["ARC_fnc_hint", 0];
                     [false] remoteExec ["f_fnc_safety", (playableUnits + switchableUnits)];
                     [_handlerID] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
                     acex_fortify_mode = false;
                     publicVariable "acex_fortify_mode";
+                    if (getNumber (missionConfigFile >> "CfgARCMF" >> "General" >> "freezeTime") == 2) then {
+                        setTimeMultiplier 1;
+                    };
                 format [
                     "Weapons are live in %1 second%2",
                     ["s",""] select (ARC_briefingEndInterval == 1)
                 ] remoteExecCall ["hintSilent", 0];
                 ARC_briefingEndInterval = ARC_briefingEndInterval - 1;
             }, 1, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
         if (ARC_briefingInterval == 60) exitWith {
             ARC_briefingTimeMinutes = ARC_briefingTimeMinutes + 1;
             [0, ARC_briefingTimeMinutes] call ARC_fnc_displayBriefingTime;
             ARC_briefingInterval = 0;
         ARC_briefingInterval = ARC_briefingInterval + 1;
     }, 1, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
 }, [], 5] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
diff --git a/ARCMF.VR/init.sqf b/ARCMF.VR/init.sqf
index 2722de0..e9eb00f 100644
--- a/ARCMF.VR/init.sqf
+++ b/ARCMF.VR/init.sqf
@@ -61,4 +61,10 @@ if (isServer) then {
 // Chat Commands
 [] call ARC_fnc_registerCommands;
+if (isServer) then {
+    if (getNumber (missionConfigFile >> "CfgARCMF" >> "General" >> "freezeTime") in [1,2]) then {
+        setTimeMultiplier 0.1;
+    };
 // You are free to add/edit/delete anything below this line.
diff --git a/ARCMF.VR/onPlayerKilled.sqf b/ARCMF.VR/onPlayerKilled.sqf
index 366f3e3..573d43c 100644
--- a/ARCMF.VR/onPlayerKilled.sqf
+++ b/ARCMF.VR/onPlayerKilled.sqf
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 // Executed when player is killed in singleplayer or in multiplayer mission.
 // [<oldUnit>, <killer>, <respawn>, <respawnDelay>]
 #include "f\common\f_saveLoadouts.sqf"
-// You are free to add/edit/delete anything below this line.
\ No newline at end of file
+// You are free to add/edit/delete anything below this line.
diff --git a/ARCMF.VR/onPlayerRespawn.sqf b/ARCMF.VR/onPlayerRespawn.sqf
index daadd72..fb8ac7b 100644
--- a/ARCMF.VR/onPlayerRespawn.sqf
+++ b/ARCMF.VR/onPlayerRespawn.sqf
@@ -2,5 +2,4 @@
 // [<newUnit>, <oldUnit>, <respawn>, <respawnDelay>]
 #include "f\common\f_loadLoadouts.sqf"
 if (ARC_adversarialMode) then {[(_this select 0), (_this select 1), (_this select 2), (_this select 3), true] call f_fnc_CamInit};
-// You are free to add/edit/delete anything below this line.
\ No newline at end of file
+// You are free to add/edit/delete anything below this line.