The following command was ran to upgrade the Storybook packages:
npx storybook@latest upgrade
The following commands ran successfully and your Storybook configuration was successfully migrated to the latest version 7:
npx storybook@latest automigrate --config-dir apps/design-system/.storybook
Please make sure to check the results yourself and make sure that everything is working as expected.
Also, we may have missed something. Please make sure to check the logs of the Storybook CLI commands that were run, and look for
the ❌ Failed trying to evaluate
message or ❌ The migration failed to update
message. This will indicate if a command was
unsuccessful, and will help you run the migration again, manually.
You can make sure everything is working as expected by trying to build or serve your Storybook as you normally would.
npx nx build-storybook project-name
npx nx storybook project-name
Please read the Storybook 8.0.0 release article and the official Storybook 8.0.0 migration guide for more information.