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CBOR support

commons-core module comes with built-in implementation of Concise Binary Object Representation via CborInput and CborOutput. They can be used to serialize and deserialize any type that has a GenCodec instance.

However, plain GenCodec cannot use all the power of CBOR, requiring some additional support.

Basic usage with GenCodec

Nothing else than a GenCodec instance is necessary to serialize a type into CBOR. For example:

import com.avsystem.commons.serialization._
import com.avsystem.commons.serialization.cbor._

case class Thing(int: Int, str: String)
object Thing extends HasGenCodec[Thing]

val cborBytes: Array[Byte] = CborOutput.write(Thing(42, "foo"))


You can also serialize into RawCbor, a wrapper over Array[Byte] that provides sensible equals, hashCode, toString and other utilities.

val rawCbor: RawCbor = CborOutput.writeRawCbor(Thing(42, "foo"))

RawCbor can also be used as a field type in a case class in order to represent arbitrary CBOR-serialized data:

case class RawCborThing(id: Int, data: RawCbor)
object RawCborThing extends HasGenCodec[RawCborThing]

Explicitly sized collections

CBOR lists and maps can be encoded in two ways:

  • with explicit number of elements at the beginning (more compact, allows preallocation of buffers and better performance)
  • with unspecified number of elements at the beginning along with a break byte (0xFF) at the end (better for streaming applications)

When serializing collections into CBOR, you can control whether they are explicitly sized. This is done with SizePolicy that can be passed into CborOutput, e.g.

val cborList = CborOutput.write(List(1, 2, 3), sizePolicy = SizePolicy.Required)

SizePolicy has three values:

  • Required - Collections are always written with explicit size in their CBOR representation. This may be slow for collections that don't have a fast .size method, e.g. List
  • Optional - Only collections that have a fast .size method are written with explicit size, e.g. Vector. This is the default behavior.
  • Ignored - All collections are written without explicit size

Using CBOR keys of arbitrary type

GenCodec has a strong assumption that all object/map keys are Strings, like in JSON. One of the consequences is that serializing a Map[K, V] with GenCodec requires an instance of GenKeyCodec for K so that keys can be converted to strings.

However, CBOR has no such limitations. Map keys can be arbitrary CBOR values. There are some additional tools in GenCodec and CborInput/Output that can leverage this.

CborKeyCodec and CborOutput.write accept a CborKeyCodec parameter that defines translation between string-typed keys and arbitrary CBOR-encoded keys. You can use this e.g. to give a numeric label to every textual field, reducing the size of resulting CBOR.

val keyCodec = new CborKeyCodec {
  def writeFieldKey(fieldName: String, output: CborOutput): Unit = fieldName match {
    case "intField" => output.writeInt(1)
    case "strField" => output.writeInt(2)
    case name => output.writeString(name)

  def readFieldKey(input: CborInput): String = input.readInitialByte().majorType match {
    case MajorType.Unsigned => input.readInt() match {
      case 1 => "intField"
      case 2 => "strField"
      case n => throw new ReadFailure(s"unknown CBOR field label: $n")
    case _ => input.readString()

case class Thing(intField: Int, strField: String)
object Thing extends HasGenCodec[Thing]

val cborBytes: Array[Byte] = CborOutput.write(Thing(42, "foo"), keyCodec)

This solution is nice when field names are often reused across multiple case classes that end up being serialized into final CBOR. Other than that, this is somewhat clunky and does not give you precise control on a level of each case class.

HasCborCodec and raw CBOR keys

In place of HasGenCodec, you can use HasCborCodec. It generates an instance of GenCodec that is optimized for CBOR, which means two things:

  • if your case class contains a field typed as Map[K, V], map keys will be serialized directly into CBOR rather than converted into strings with GenKeyCodec (which would happen for standard GenCodec).
  • you can use @cborKey and @cborDiscriminator annotations in your case class & sealed hierarchy definitions


@cborDiscriminator(0) sealed trait UnionData
object UnionData extends HasCborCodec[UnionData] {
  @cborKey(1) case class Textual(@cborKey(1) txt: String) extends UnionData
  @cborKey(2) case class Numeric(@cborKey(true) num: Int) extends UnionData
  @cborKey(3) case class Mapping(@cborKey("m") map: Map[Int, String]) extends UnionData

Here are some examples of how UnionData serializes into CBOR (using diagnostic notation):

UnionData.Textual("foo")                            => {0: 1, 1: "foo"}
UnionData.Numeric(42)                               => {0: 2, true: 42}
UnionData.Mapping(Map(1 -> "one", 2 -> "two"))      => {0: 3, "m": {1: "one", 2: "two"}}
  • the field with key 0 in each case class representation is the discriminator specified with @cborDiscriminator annotation
  • discriminator values (1, 2 and 3) come from @cborKey annotations applied on each case class
  • case class field keys (1, true and "m") come from @cborKey annotations applied on case class fields
  • Map[Int, String] has keys serialized as plain numbers rather than strings

NOTE: @cborKey and @cborDiscriminator annotations accept any value serializable with GenCodec