- agenda: The agenda for the meeting.
- default_password: Indicates if the meeting has a default password.
- duration: Duration of the meeting in minutes.
- password: Password for joining the meeting.
- pre_schedule: Indicates if the meeting is pre-scheduled.
- recurrence:
- end_date_time: End date and time of the recurring meeting.
- end_times: Number of times the meeting will recur.
- monthly_day: Day of the month for the recurring meeting.
- monthly_week: Week of the month for the recurring meeting.
- monthly_week_day: Day of the week for the monthly recurrence.
- repeat_interval: Interval for repeating the meeting.
- type: Type of recurrence.
- weekly_days: Days of the week for the recurring meeting.
- schedule_for: Email of the user for whom the meeting is scheduled.
- settings:
- additional_data_center_regions: List of additional data center regions.
- allow_multiple_devices: Allow users to join from multiple devices.
- alternative_hosts: List of alternative hosts' emails.
- alternative_hosts_email_notification: Send email notifications to alternative hosts.
- approval_type: Approval type for meeting registration.
- approved_or_denied_countries_or_regions:
- approved_list: List of approved countries.
- denied_list: List of denied countries.
- enable: Enable country/region approval.
- method: Approval method.
- audio: Audio type for the meeting (e.g., telephony).
- audio_conference_info: Audio conference information.
- authentication_domains: Domains for authentication.
- authentication_exception: List of users exempt from authentication.
- authentication_option: Authentication option for the meeting.
- auto_recording: Auto-recording settings (e.g., cloud).
- breakout_room:
- enable: Enable breakout rooms.
- rooms: List of breakout rooms.
- calendar_type: Type of calendar integration.
- close_registration: Close registration after a certain time.
- contact_email: Contact email for the meeting.
- contact_name: Contact name for the meeting.
- email_notification: Enable email notifications.
- encryption_type: Type of encryption for the meeting.
- focus_mode: Enable focus mode.
- global_dial_in_countries: List of countries for global dial-in.
- host_video: Control whether the host's video is on.
- jbh_time: Join before host time.
- join_before_host: Allow participants to join before the host.
- language_interpretation:
- enable: Enable language interpretation.
- interpreters: List of interpreters.
- sign_language_interpretation:
- enable: Enable sign language interpretation.
- interpreters: List of sign language interpreters.
- meeting_authentication: Require authentication to join the meeting.
- meeting_invitees: List of meeting invitees.
- mute_upon_entry: Mute participants upon entry.
- participant_video: Control whether participants' video is on.
- private_meeting: Indicate if the meeting is private.
- registrants_confirmation_email: Send confirmation emails to registrants.
- registrants_email_notification: Send email notifications to registrants.
- registration_type: Type of registration.
- show_share_button: Show the share button.
- use_pmi: Use personal meeting ID.
- waiting_room: Enable waiting room.
- watermark: Enable watermark for the meeting.
- host_save_video_order: Save the order of videos.
- alternative_host_update_polls: Allow alternative hosts to update polls.
- internal_meeting: Indicate if the meeting is internal.
- continuous_meeting_chat:
- enable: Enable continuous meeting chat.
- auto_add_invited_external_users: Auto-add invited external users.
- auto_add_meeting_participants: Auto-add meeting participants.
- participant_focused_meeting: Enable participant-focused meeting.
- push_change_to_calendar: Push changes to the calendar.
- resources: List of resources used in the meeting.
- auto_start_meeting_summary: Enable auto-start meeting summary.
- auto_start_ai_companion_questions: Enable auto-start AI companion questions.
- device_testing: Enable device testing.
- start_time: Start time of the meeting.
- template_id: ID of the meeting template.
- timezone: Timezone of the meeting.
- topic: Topic of the meeting.
- tracking_fields:
- field: Custom tracking field.
- value: Value for the tracking field.
- type: Type of meeting (e.g., scheduled, instant).
You can find more details about all the fields used in the Zoom API by visiting the following source: