This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Implementation of gaussian boson sampling and gaussian boson sampling with threshold detectors. (#338)
New function to produce Bloch-Messiah decomposition of symplectic matrices. (#352)
- Added function to extend single mode symplectic to act on multiple modes. (#347)
- Added function to compute grouped (total) click probabilities for GBS setups using threshold detectors. The function uses the positive P-distribution simulation method of Drummond et al.. (#348)
- Remove redundant call of
. (#343)
- The centralized Xanadu Sphinx Theme is now used to style the Sphinx documentation. (#341)
This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Mikhail Andrenkov, Sebastián Duque, Jacob Hastrup, Antonín Hoskovec, Martin Houde, Benjamin Lanthier, Dominic Leclerc, Filippo Miatto, Will McCutcheon, Brandon Turcotte, Jiaqi Zhao
New functions for calculating properties of distinguishable squeezed states of light having passed through an interferometer. #326
New function
is added which allowsthreshold_detector_prob
to act more consistently on displaced and zero-mean Gaussian states. #317 -
New functions for threshold detection probabilities of Fock states, the Bristolian (brs) and the Unitary Bristolian (ubrs). #316
Entanglement measures
for bipartite Gaussian states are added to the quantum submodule. #332 -
New functions,
added in the_hafnian
module. #325 -
New function to check if a matrix is symplectic
. #334. -
Adds support for Python 3.10. #337
Update methods for calculating threshold detector probabilities of Gaussian states, now using
function withinthreshold_detection_prob
#317 -
now can benefit from numba parallelization #317 -
Recursive Torontonian added for faster computation based on paper "Polynomial speedup in Torontonian calculation by a scalable recursive algorithm" by Ágoston Kaposi, Zoltán Kolarovszki, Tamás Kozsik, Zoltán Zimborás, and Péter Rakyta. #321
Recursive Loop Torontonian added for faster computation based on combining recursive Torontonian improvement and new loop Torontonian feature. #332
Hafnians of odd-sized matrices are calculated roughly twice as fast. #329
The new Hafnian functions now use the Labudde method to calculate power traces instead of using diagonalization. #333
- Permanent algorithms handle 0x0 cases correctly. #320
This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Jake Bulmer, Luke Helt, Martin Houde, Theodor Isacsson, Benjamin Lanthier, Fabian Laudenbach, Dominic Leclerc, Gregory Morse, Nicolas Quesada, Brandon Turcotte, Jiaqi Zhao
- Python module for the La Budde method of computing characteristic polynomials. #304
Permanent algorithms are implemented in Python using Numba just-in-time compilation. #300
Hafnian algorithms are implemented in Python using Numba just-in-time compilation. #311
Documentation is updated to include the characteristic polynomials and decompositions modules. #312
Makes modules reachable via the global namespace, instead of requiring importing the modules explicitly. #312
import thewalrus as tw tw.samples.generate_torontonian_sample
- The Walrus is no longer dependent on C++, and all C++-related code and documentation is removed. Instead, all code has been ported to Python using just-in-time compilation to improve performance. #311
This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Theodor Isacsson, Benjamin Lanthier, Dominic Leclerc, Nicolas Quesada, Brandon Turcotte, Trevor Vincent, Jiaqi Zhao
Python installation no longer requires
. #293 -
Multidimensional Hermite polynomials are now implemented in Numba, hence reducing the C++ dependencies of The Walrus. #295
Updates missing figures in the "Basics of Hafnians and Loop Hafnians" documentation. #288
This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Mikhail Andrenkov, Sebastián Duque
can now handle a cutoff of typenp.ndarray
. #283
This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Filippo Miatto
- Faster implementation of
. #280
Updates the
function to ensure probabilities are normalized. #250 -
Pins Numba to version
to avoid binary incompatibilities with the 1.21 release of NumPy. #250
This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Josh Izaac, Filippo Miatto, Nicolas Quesada.
Adds the function
to compute sparse loop hafnians (pure Python implementation). #245 -
function is now generalized to multiple modes of single mode squeezing. #249 -
Adds a function
which allows for Gaussian states to be transformed by arbitrary non-unitary, non-square linear optical transformations. #249 -
function now can sample displaced Gaussian states. #248 -
Adds the function
to calculate the hafnian of a banded matrix. #246 -
Adds the functions
to calculate renormalized multidimensional Hermite polynomials and its gradients using numba. #251 -
Adds the functions
to calculate the Fock representation of the Mach-Zehnder gate and its gradients. #257 -
Adds the ability to calculate n-body photon number distributions using the function
. #253 -
Adds the ability to calculate cumulants and arbitrary expectation values of products of powers of photon numbers with the functions
respectively. #264 -
Adds support for calculating the permanent using the BBFG algorithm and changes this to the default method for calculating permanents. #267
Adds the ability to calculate click cumulants in threshold detection with the function
. #264
Speeds up the calculation of photon number variances/covariances. #244
Updates documentation for the the
function. #265 -
Numba methods for multidimensional hermite can now detect dtype automatically. #271
Corrects bug in the function
that gave incorrect results when the covariance between two modes with finite displacements was calculated. #264 -
Fixes a bug in
that would cause the build to fail when using miniforge for M1 macs. #273 -
Updates the
function to renormalizing probabilities. #250
- Torontonians and approximations to the hafnian for non-negative matrices are no longer calculated in C++ using the Eigen software library. Instead, they are now calculated in pure Python using Numba. These changes have the nice result of making The Walrus compilable from source using only a C++ compiler. #262 #259.
This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Ali Asadi, Jake Bulmer, Timjan Kalajdzievski, Filippo Miatto, Nicolas Quesada, Yuan Yao
- Builds The Walrus binaries against an older version of NumPy, to avoid a breaking ABI change in NumPy 1.20. #240
This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Josh Izaac
Adds the function
to generate unitary matrices with a given bandwidth. #208 -
Adds the function
to calculate bounds in the total variation distance between a Fock-truncated and an ideal GBS distribution. #210 -
Adds function for calculating threshold detection probabilities for Gaussian states with displacement. #220
Adds new functions
to study properties of the total photon number distribution of ak
identical lossy squeezers. #230 -
Adds new functions
in thesymplectic
module to swap the ordering of the quadrature operators in vectors and matrices. #237
The hafnians and loop hafnians of diagonal matrices are now calculated in polynomial time. #212
to avoid issues withCFLAGS
. #229 -
function inquantum/
is rewritten to add clarity. #226 -
Simplifies logic of
by removing mutually cancellingnp.conj
. #228
Removes unnecessary
statements inquantum/
causing theprobabilities
to not be normalized. #215 -
Fixes the prefactor in
. #231
This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Jack Brown, Jake Bulmer, Rachel Chadwick, Stefano Paesani, Nicolas Quesada
Adds the function
that tries to find a subset of the modes with a classical covariance matrix. #193 -
Adds the functions
that calculate the first and second statistical moments of the total number of clicks in a Gaussian state centered at the origin. #195 -
Adds the module
with the functionwilliamson
to find the Williamson decomposition of an even-size positive-semidefinite matrix. #200 -
Adds the
function to the Python interface for converting double into quad, do the calculations in quad and then return a double. #201
Introduces a new faster and significantly more accurate algorithm to calculate power traces allowing to speed up the calculation of loop hafnians #199
module has been refactored and organized into sub-modules. Several functions have been renamed, while the old names are being deprecated. #197 -
Adds support for C++14 #202
is added to the test suite to improve testing and avoid stochastically failing tests. #205 -
Modifies the function
to usenp.allclose
for checking the symmetry of the input matrices. #206 -
Modifies the function
to calculate efficiently loop hafnians of diagonal matrices. #206
Removes the redundant function
. #194 -
Renames the function
to bemean_number_of_click_graph
. #195
This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Theodor Isacsson, Nicolas Quesada, Trevor Vincent
Adds a new algorithm for hafnians of matrices with low rank. #166
Adds a function to calculate the fidelity between two Gaussian quantum states. #169
Adds a new module,
, to generate random unitary, symplectic and covariance matrices. #169 -
Adds new functions
to calculate expectation values of products of normal ordered expressions and number operators and their squares. #175 -
Adds the function
to sample from rank-one adjacency matrices. #174
Adds parallelization support using Dask for
. #161 -
Removes support for Python 3.5. #163
Changes in the interface and speed ups in the functions in the
module. #164 -
Improves documentation of the multidimensional Hermite polynomials. #166
Improves speed of
when the symplectic matrix passed is also orthogonal. #166
Fixes Numba decorated functions not rendering properly in the documentation. #173
Solves the issue with
not being rendered in the documentation or the TOC. #173 -
Fix bug where quantum and samples were not showing up in the documentation. #182
- The functions in
are now separated into functions for the gradients and the gates. Moreover, they are renamed, for instanceDgate
and its gradient is nowgrad_displacement
. #164
This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Theodor Isacsson, Josh Izaac, Filippo Miatto, Nicolas Quesada
Adds the ability to calculate the mean number of photons in a given mode of a Gaussian state. #148
Adds the ability to calculate the photon number distribution of a pure or mixed state using
. #152 -
Allows to update the photon number distribution when undergoing loss by using
. #152 -
Allows to update the photon number distribution when undergoing noise
. #153 -
Adds a brute force sampler
that given a (multi-)mode photon number distribution generates photon number samples. #152 -
Adds the ability to perform the Autonne-Takagi decomposition of a complex-symmetric matrix using
from thesymplectic
module. #154
Improves the efficiency of Hermite polynomial calculation in
. #141 -
Implements parallelization with Dask for sampling from the Hafnian/Torontonian of a Gaussian state. #145
- Corrects the issue with hbar taking a default value when calling
, anddensity_matrix_element
This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Theodor Isacsson, Nicolas Quesada, Kieran Wilkinson
Introduces the renormalized hermite polynomials. These new polynomials improve the speed and accuracy of
and alsohafnian_batched
when called with the optional argumentrenorm=True
. #108 -
Adds functions for calculating the covariance for the photon number distribution of a Gaussian state including a function for the full covariance matrix. #137
Adds support for Python 3.8. #138
Updates the reference that should be used when citing The Walrus. #102
Updates and improves the speed and accuracy of
. #107 -
Add OpenMP support to the repeated moment hafnian code. #120
Improves speed of the functions in
. #123 -
Improves speed of the functions in
by doing calls to optimized functions inhermite_multidimensional.hpp
. #123 -
Further improves speed of the functions
by writing explicit recursion relations for a given number of modes. #129 -
Adds the functions
that allow to fix the mean number of clicks when doing threshold detection sampling and allow to calculate the mean of clicks generated by a scaled adjacency matrix. #136
Corrects typos in the random number generation in the C++ unit tests. #118
Corrects typos in describing the repeated-moment algorithm of Kan in the documentation. #104
Removes paper.{md,pdf,bib} from the repository now that The Walrus paper is published in Journal of Open Source Software #106
Updates the S2gate to use the correct definition. #130
Corrects the issue with hbar taking a default value when calculating mu in the density matrix function [#134] (XanaduAI#134)
This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Theodor Isacsson, Josh Izaac, Filippo Miatto, Nicolas Quesada, Trevor Vincent, Kieran Wilkinson
Adds the function
that returns the Fock space tensor corresponding to a Symplectic transformation in phase space. #90 -
Adds the
module which provides the Fock representation of a set of continuous-variable universal gates in the Fock representation and their gradients. #96
Unifies return values of all symplectic gates in the
module. #81 -
Removes unnecessary citations in the tutorials. #92
Improves the efficiency of the multidimensional Hermite polynomials implementation and simplifies a number of derived functions. #93
- Fixes a bug in the calculation of the state vector in
. This bug was found and fixed while implementingthewalrus.quantum.fock_tensor
. #90
This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Josh Izaac, Nicolas Quesada
- Adds a symplectic module
which allows easy access to symplectic transformations and covariance matrices of Gaussian states. #78
- Adds a quick reference section in the documentation. #75
- Solves issue #70 related to the index ordering in
This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Josh Izaac, Nicolas Quesada
Adds classical sampling of permanents of positive definite matrices in
. #61 -
The Walrus gallery with examples of nongaussian state preparations that can be studied using the functions from the
module. #55
- Updates the bibliography of the documentation with recently published articles. #51
Important bugfix in
. This bug was detected by running the tests intest_integration
. #48 -
Corrects the Makefile so that it uses the environment variable pointing to Eigen (if available). #58
Removes any reference to Fortran in the Makefile. #58
This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Luke Helt, Josh Izaac, Soran Jahangiri, Nicolas Quesada, Guillaume Thekkadath
Hafnian library has been renamed to The Walrus, and the low-level libhafnian C++ library renamed to
. #34 -
Added a seed function
, in order to make the sampling algorithms deterministic for testing purposes. #29 -
Added support for the batched hafnian;
(in Python) andlibwalrus::hermite_multidimensional_cpp
(in C++). This is a newly added algorithm that allows a batch of photon number statistics to be computed for a given quantum Gaussian state. #21 -
Adds the ability to sample from Gaussian states with finite means. #25
Permanent Fortran code was ported to C++, with improvements including support for quadruple precision and summation using the
algorithm. #20 -
Reorganization of the repository structure; C++ source code folder has been renamed from
, C++ tests have been moved into their own top-level directorytests
, and thehafnian/lib
subpackage has been removed in favour of a top-levelthewalrus/
module. #34 -
Added additional references to the bibliography #30
Adds documentation related to permanents, sampling states with nonzero displacement, sampling of classical states, and multidimensional Hermite polynomials and batched hafnians. #27
Simplifies the hafnian sampling functions #25
Test improvements, including replacing custom tolerance checks with
. #23
This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Brajesh Gupt, Josh Izaac, Nicolas Quesada
Added two new sampling functions in
, allowing efficient sampling from classical Gaussian states:hafnian_sample_classical_state
Added functions to calculate the probability amplitudes directly for pure states:
Added utility functions to check the validity of covariance matrices:
- All functions in the
package now take as arguments xp-covariance matrices and vectors of means for consistency.
This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Nicolas Quesada
Added a new sampling submodule
, allowing sampling from the underlying hafnian/Torontonian distribution of graphs/Gaussian states -
Documentation overhaul: now contains some of the best and most up-to-date information about hafnians, loop hafnians, and Torontonians
C++ library has been significantly improved, tested, and refactored
Ported the
Fortran file to C++ -
The Torontonian function is now parallelized via OpenMP
Tests and the C++ header library have been refactored
Addition of new C++ tests using Googletest
C++ library is now documented via Doxygen; this is integrated directly into Sphinx
This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Brajesh Gupt, Josh Izaac, Nicolas Quesada