diff --git a/.github/workflows/windows.yml b/.github/workflows/windows.yml
index cd85d70..c76bd53 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/windows.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/windows.yml
@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ jobs:
Copy-Item README.md dist/grib2pf/
Copy-Item ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.md dist/grib2pf/
Copy-Item products.txt dist/grib2pf/_internal
+ Copy-Item hrrr_wrfsfcf00_products.csv dist/grib2pf/_internal
+ Copy-Item hrrr_wrfsfcf01_products.csv dist/grib2pf/_internal
Copy-Item examples dist/grib2pf/examples -Recurse
Copy-Item palettes dist/grib2pf/_internal/palettes -Recurse
Copy-Item presets dist/grib2pf/_internal/presets -Recurse
diff --git a/aws.py b/aws.py
index 91f2556..8ac43e9 100755
--- a/aws.py
+++ b/aws.py
@@ -51,9 +51,73 @@ def get_url(self, expires = 60):
ExpiresIn = expires,
+class AWSHRRRHandler:
+ def __init__(self, product, bucketName = "noaa-hrrr-bdp-pds", config = None):
+ if config is None:
+ config = Config(signature_version = UNSIGNED)
+ self.product = product
+ self.bucketName = bucketName
+ self.client = boto3.client("s3", config=config)
+ self.mostRecentKey = None
+ def update_key(self):
+ now = time.gmtime(time.time() - 3600)
+ args = {
+ "Bucket": self.bucketName,
+ "Prefix": time.strftime("hrrr.%Y%m%d/" + self.product["location"] + "/", now)
+ }
+ if self.mostRecentKey is not None:
+ args["StartAfter"] = self.mostRecentKey
+ pager = self.client.get_paginator("list_objects_v2")
+ pages = pager.paginate(**args)
+ mostRecent = None
+ for page in pages:
+ if 'Contents' not in page:
+ continue
+ for obj in page["Contents"]:
+ path = obj["Key"].split("/")
+ if len(path) != 3:
+ continue
+ if mostRecent is not None and \
+ obj["LastModified"] <= mostRecent["LastModified"]:
+ continue
+ parts = path[2].split(".")
+ if len(parts) != 4 or \
+ parts[3] != "grib2" or \
+ parts[2] != self.product["fileType"]:
+ continue
+ mostRecent = obj
+ if mostRecent is not None:
+ self.mostRecentKey = mostRecent["Key"]
+ return mostRecent is not None
+ def get_url(self, idx = False, expires = 60):
+ key = self.mostRecentKey
+ if idx:
+ key += ".idx"
+ return self.client.generate_presigned_url(
+ 'get_object',
+ Params = {
+ 'Bucket': self.bucketName,
+ 'Key': key,
+ },
+ ExpiresIn = expires,
+ )
if __name__ == "__main__":
def test():
- handler = AWSHandler("CONUS/MergedBaseReflectivity_00.50/")
+ handler = AWSHRRRHandler({"location": "conus", "fileType": "wrfsfcf00"})
+ #AWSHandler("CONUS/MergedBaseReflectivity_00.50/")
while not handler.update_key():
diff --git a/grib2pf-ui.py b/grib2pf-ui.py
index 08a3628..959ddf5 100755
--- a/grib2pf-ui.py
+++ b/grib2pf-ui.py
@@ -15,13 +15,120 @@
import os
import random
import subprocess
+import csv
location = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
MIME_TYPE = "application/x.grib2pf-placefile"
-class ProductsDialog(QDialog):
+class HRRRProductsDialog(QDialog):
+ def __init__(self):
+ QDialog.__init__(self)
+ self.selectedProduct = ""
+ self.products = {
+ "conus": [],
+ "alaska": [],
+ }
+ with open(os.path.join(location, "hrrr_wrfsfcf01_products.csv")) as file:
+ reader = csv.reader(file)
+ for row in reader:
+ self.products["conus"].append(list(row))
+ self.products["alaska"].append(list(row))
+ self.mainLayout = QVBoxLayout(self)
+ self.bottomLayout = QHBoxLayout()
+ self.model = QStandardItemModel()
+ self.proxyModel = QSortFilterProxyModel()
+ self.proxyModel.setSourceModel(self.model)
+ self.proxyModel.setFilterCaseSensitivity(Qt.CaseInsensitive)
+ self.proxyModel.setFilterKeyColumn(1)
+ self.proxyModel.setSortCaseSensitivity(Qt.CaseInsensitive)
+ self.infoBox = QLabel()
+ self.locationComboBox = QComboBox()
+ self.mainView = QTreeView()
+ self.searchBar = QLineEdit()
+ self.selectButton = QPushButton("Select")
+ self.cancelButton = QPushButton("Cancel")
+ self.locationComboBox.currentTextChanged.connect(self.location_selected)
+ self.selectButton.clicked.connect(self.select_pressed)
+ self.cancelButton.clicked.connect(self.reject)
+ self.searchBar.textChanged.connect(self.update_search)
+ self.infoBox.setTextFormat(Qt.RichText)
+ self.infoBox.setOpenExternalLinks(True)
+ self.infoBox.setText("""
+ """)
+ self.mainView.setModel(self.proxyModel)
+ self.mainView.setSortingEnabled(True)
+ self.mainView.sortByColumn(0, Qt.AscendingOrder)
+ self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.infoBox)
+ self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.locationComboBox)
+ self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.mainView)
+ self.bottomLayout.addWidget(self.searchBar)
+ self.bottomLayout.addWidget(self.selectButton)
+ self.bottomLayout.addWidget(self.cancelButton)
+ self.mainLayout.addLayout(self.bottomLayout)
+ for loc in self.products.keys():
+ self.locationComboBox.addItem(loc)
+ self.locationComboBox.setCurrentText("CONUS")
+ self.setMinimumWidth(600)
+ self.setMinimumHeight(600)
+ self.setSizeGripEnabled(True)
+ def update_search(self, *args):
+ self.proxyModel.setFilterWildcard(self.searchBar.text())
+ def select_pressed(self, *args):
+ indexes = self.mainView.selectedIndexes()
+ if len(indexes) == 0:
+ self.reject()
+ return
+ index = self.proxyModel.mapToSource(indexes[0])
+ self.selectedProduct = {
+ "productId": self.model.item(index.row(), 1).text(),
+ "location": self.locationComboBox.currentText(),
+ "fileType": "wrfsfcf01",
+ }
+ self.accept()
+ def location_selected(self, *args):
+ self.model.clear()
+ data = self.products.get(self.locationComboBox.currentText(), {})
+ root = self.model.invisibleRootItem()
+ for prod, name in data:
+ name = QStandardItem(name)
+ prod = QStandardItem(prod)
+ name.setEditable(False)
+ prod.setEditable(False)
+ root.appendRow([name, prod])
+ self.model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(["Product Name", "Product ID"])
+ self.mainView.resizeColumnToContents(0)
+class MRMSProductsDialog(QDialog):
def __init__(self):
@@ -127,28 +234,44 @@ def __init__(self):
self.mainLayout = QHBoxLayout(self)
self.mainLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
- self.display = QLineEdit()
- self.dialog = ProductsDialog()
+ self.display = QLineEdit()
+ self.mrmsDialog = MRMSProductsDialog()
+ self.hrrrDialog = HRRRProductsDialog()
self.dialogButton = QToolButton()
+ self.display.setReadOnly(True)
+ self.set_data_type("mrms")
+ def set_data_type(self, dataType):
+ self.dataType = dataType
+ def dialog(self):
+ if self.dataType == "mrms":
+ return self.mrmsDialog
+ elif self.dataType == "hrrr":
+ return self.hrrrDialog
+ else:
+ print("ProductSelect dialog called without setting data type")
+ return
def set_product(self, text):
- self.dialog.selectedProduct = text
- self.display.setText(text)
+ self.dialog().selectedProduct = text
+ self.display.setText(str(text))
def get_product(self):
- return self.display.text()
+ return self.dialog().selectedProduct
def run_dialog(self, *args):
- self.dialog.exec()
- self.set_product(self.dialog.selectedProduct)
+ self.dialog().exec()
+ self.set_product(self.dialog().selectedProduct)
class FileInput(QWidget):
@@ -230,13 +353,9 @@ class PlacefileEditor(QWidget):
["Basic", "basic"],
["MRMS Typed Reflectivity", "MRMSTypedReflectivity"],
+ ["HRRR", "HRRR"],
- def _make_enabled_callback(self, widget, enabler):
- def callback(*args, **kwargs):
- widget.setEnabled(enabler.isChecked())
- return callback
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
QWidget.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
@@ -366,18 +485,25 @@ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
TYPED_PREC_ONLY = {"rainPalette", "snowPalette", "hailPalette",
"typeProduct", "reflProduct"}
NOT_TYPED_PREC_ONLY = {"product", "palette", "url"}
+ NOT_HRRR = {"gzipped"}
def change_enabled_callback(self, *args):
- aws = self.dataWidgets["aws"].isChecked()
+ hrrr = self.dataWidgets["mainType"].currentData() == "HRRR"
typedPrec = self.dataWidgets["mainType"].currentData() == "MRMSTypedReflectivity"
+ aws = self.dataWidgets["aws"].isChecked() or hrrr or typedPrec
+ self.dataWidgets["product"].set_data_type("hrrr" if hrrr else "mrms")
for name, widget in self.dataWidgets.items():
s = (name in self.enableWidgets and not self.enableWidgets[name].isChecked()) or \
(name in self.AWS_ONLY and not aws) or \
(name in self.NOT_AWS_ONLY and aws) or \
(name in self.TYPED_PREC_ONLY and not typedPrec) or \
- (name in self.NOT_TYPED_PREC_ONLY and typedPrec)
+ (name in self.NOT_TYPED_PREC_ONLY and typedPrec) or \
+ (name in self.NOT_HRRR and hrrr)
widget.setEnabled(not s)
def set_settings(self, settings):
for name, widget in self.dataWidgets.items():
enabled = name in settings
@@ -407,12 +533,7 @@ def get_settings(self):
settings = {}
awsState = self.dataWidgets["aws"].isChecked()
for name, widget in self.dataWidgets.items():
- if name in self.enableWidgets and \
- not self.enableWidgets[name].isChecked():
- continue
- elif awsState and name in self.NOT_AWS_ONLY:
- continue
- elif not awsState and name in self.AWS_ONLY:
+ if not widget.isEnabled():
if isinstance(widget, QLineEdit):
settings[name] = widget.text()
diff --git a/grib2pf.py b/grib2pf.py
index 8d987b1..274aa40 100755
--- a/grib2pf.py
+++ b/grib2pf.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
from multiprocessing import Process
import sys
-from aws import AWSHandler
+from aws import AWSHandler, AWSHRRRHandler
from grib2pflib import Grib2PfLib, Settings, ColorTable, MRMSTypedReflSettings
location = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
@@ -244,6 +244,128 @@ def _log(self, *args, **kwargs):
t = time.strftime(TIME_FMT).format(format(round((time.time() % 1) * 1000), "0>3"))
print(t, f"[{self.title}]", *args, **kwargs)
+class HRRRPlaceFiles:
+ def __init__(self, hrrrs):
+ self.hrrrs = hrrrs
+ self.proc = None
+ self.timeout = 3600
+ self.logName = "HRRR " + hrrrs[0]["product"]["fileType"]
+ self.products = {}
+ for i, hrrr in enumerate(hrrrs):
+ self.timeout = min(hrrr.get("timeout", 30), self.timeout)
+ self.products[hrrr["product"]["productId"]] = i
+ self.aws = AWSHRRRHandler(self.hrrrs[0]["product"])
+ self.verbose = True
+ def _get_offsets(self, indexURL):
+ offsets = [-1] * len(self.hrrrs)
+ res = requests.get(indexURL, timeout = self.timeout)
+ for line in res.text.splitlines():
+ _, offset, date, ID = line.split(":", 3)
+ if ID in self.products:
+ offsets[self.products[ID]] = int(offset)
+ for i in range(len(offsets)):
+ if offsets[i] == -1:
+ self._log("Could not find a product")
+ offsets[i] = 0
+ return offsets
+ def _generate(self, url, indexURL):
+ self._log(f"Generating images")
+ offsets = self._get_offsets(indexURL)
+ messages = []
+ for hrrr, offset in zip(self.hrrrs, offsets):
+ messages.append({
+ "imageFile": hrrr["imageFile"],
+ "palette": hrrr.get("palette", None),
+ "imageWidth": hrrr.get("imageWidth", 1920),
+ "imageHeight": hrrr.get("imageHeight", 1080),
+ "title": hrrr.get("title", "HRRR Data"),
+ "mode": hrrr.get("mode", "Nearest_Data"),
+ "minimum": hrrr.get("minimum", -998),
+ "offset": offset,
+ })
+ settings = Settings(
+ url = url,
+ gzipped = False,
+ timeout = self.timeout,
+ logName = self.logName,
+ verbose = True,
+ messages = messages
+ )
+ lib = Grib2PfLib()
+ err, lonL, lonR, latT, latB = lib.generate_image(settings)
+ if err:
+ self._log("Error generating image")
+ sys.exit(err)
+ latT = round(latT, 3)
+ latB = round(latB, 3)
+ lonL = round(lonL - 360, 3)
+ lonR = round(lonR - 360, 3)
+ for hrrr in self.hrrrs:
+ self._log(f"Generating placefile {hrrr['placeFile']}", title =
+ hrrr.get("title", "HRRR Data"))
+ with open(hrrr["placeFile"], "w") as file:
+ file.write(PLACEFILE_TEMPLATE.format(
+ title = hrrr.get("title", "HRRR Data"),
+ refresh = hrrr.get("refresh", 15),
+ imageURL = hrrr.get("imageURL", hrrr["imageFile"]),
+ latT = latT,
+ latB = latB,
+ lonL = lonL,
+ lonR = lonR,
+ threshold = hrrr.get("threshold", 0),
+ ))
+ self._log("Finished generating")
+ sys.exit(0)
+ def generate(self):
+ if not self.aws.update_key():
+ return
+ if self.proc is not None and self.proc.is_alive():
+ self._log("Killing old process. Likely failed to update.")
+ self.proc.kill()
+ self.proc.join()
+ self.proc.close()
+ self.proc = None
+ elif self.proc is not None:
+ print("clossing process")
+ self.proc.close()
+ self.proc = None
+ url = self.aws.get_url(False)
+ indexURL = self.aws.get_url(True)
+ aws = self.aws
+ self.aws = None
+ self.proc = Process(target = self._generate, args = (url, indexURL),
+ daemon = True)
+ self.proc.start()
+ self.aws = aws
+ def _log(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if "title" in kwargs:
+ logName = kwargs.pop("title")
+ else:
+ logName = self.logName
+ if self.verbose:
+ t = time.strftime(TIME_FMT).format(format(round((time.time() % 1) * 1000), "0>3"))
+ print(t, f"[{logName}]", *args, **kwargs)
async def run_setting(settings):
mainType = settings.get("mainType", "basic")
@@ -311,13 +433,33 @@ async def run_setting(settings):
last = time.time()
+async def run_hrrrs(hrrrs):
+ placefile = HRRRPlaceFiles(hrrrs)
+ while True:
+ placefile.generate()
+ await asyncio.sleep(hrrrs[0].get("pullPeriod", 10))
async def run_settings(settings):
if isinstance(settings, dict):
await run_setting(settings)
elif isinstance(settings, list):
async with asyncio.TaskGroup() as tg:
+ hrrrs = {}
for setting in settings:
- tg.create_task(run_setting(setting))
+ if setting.get("mainType", "") == "HRRR":
+ location = setting["product"]["location"]
+ fileType = setting["product"]["fileType"]
+ hrrrs.setdefault(location, {})
+ hrrrs[location].setdefault(fileType, [])
+ hrrrs[location][fileType].append(setting)
+ else:
+ tg.create_task(run_setting(setting))
+ if len(hrrrs) > 0:
+ for location in hrrrs.values():
+ for fileType in location.values():
+ tg.create_task(run_hrrrs(fileType))
def main():
import argparse
diff --git a/hrrr_wrfsfcf00_products.csv b/hrrr_wrfsfcf00_products.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acefa66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hrrr_wrfsfcf00_products.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+REFC:entire atmosphere:anl:,"Composite reflectivity [dB]"
+RETOP:cloud top:anl:,"Echo Top [m]"
+var discipline=0 center=7 local_table=1 parmcat=16 parm=201:entire atmosphere:anl:,"Echo Top [m]"
+VIL:entire atmosphere:anl:,"Vertically-Integrated Liquid Water [kg/m^2]"
+VIS:surface:anl:,"Visibility [m]"
+REFD:1000 m above ground:anl:,"Reflectivity [dB]"
+REFD:4000 m above ground:anl:,"Reflectivity [dB]"
+REFD:263 K level:anl:,"Reflectivity [dB]"
+GUST:surface:anl:,"Wind Speed (Gust) [m/s]"
+UGRD:250 mb:anl:,"U-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+VGRD:250 mb:anl:,"V-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+UGRD:300 mb:anl:,"U-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+VGRD:300 mb:anl:,"V-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+HGT:500 mb:anl:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+TMP:500 mb:anl:,"Temperature [K]"
+DPT:500 mb:anl:,"Dew Point Temperature [K]"
+UGRD:500 mb:anl:,"U-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+VGRD:500 mb:anl:,"V-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+HGT:700 mb:anl:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+TMP:700 mb:anl:,"Temperature [K]"
+DPT:700 mb:anl:,"Dew Point Temperature [K]"
+DZDT:700 mb:anl:,"Vertical Velocity (Geometric) [m/s]"
+UGRD:700 mb:anl:,"U-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+VGRD:700 mb:anl:,"V-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+HGT:850 mb:anl:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+TMP:850 mb:anl:,"Temperature [K]"
+DPT:850 mb:anl:,"Dew Point Temperature [K]"
+UGRD:850 mb:anl:,"U-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+VGRD:850 mb:anl:,"V-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+TMP:925 mb:anl:,"Temperature [K]"
+DPT:925 mb:anl:,"Dew Point Temperature [K]"
+UGRD:925 mb:anl:,"U-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+VGRD:925 mb:anl:,"V-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+TMP:1000 mb:anl:,"Temperature [K]"
+DPT:1000 mb:anl:,"Dew Point Temperature [K]"
+UGRD:1000 mb:anl:,"U-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+VGRD:1000 mb:anl:,"V-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+MAXUVV:100-1000 mb above ground:0-0 day max fcst:,"Hourly Maximum of Upward Vertical Velocity in the lowest 400hPa [m/s]"
+MAXDVV:100-1000 mb above ground:0-0 day max fcst:,"Hourly Maximum of Downward Vertical Velocity in the lowest 400hPa [m/s]"
+DZDT:0.5-0.8 sigma layer:0-0 day ave fcst:,"Vertical Velocity (Geometric) [m/s]"
+MSLMA:mean sea level:anl:,"(MAPS System Reduction) [Pa]"
+HGT:1000 mb:anl:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+MAXREF:1000 m above ground:0-0 day max fcst:,"Hourly Maximum of Simulated Reflectivity at 1 km AGL [dB]"
+REFD:263 K level:0-0 day max fcst:,"Reflectivity [dB]"
+MXUPHL:5000-2000 m above ground:0-0 day max fcst:,"Hourly Maximum of Updraft Helicity over Layer 2km to 5 km AGL [m^2/s^2]"
+MNUPHL:5000-2000 m above ground:0-0 day min fcst:,"Hourly Minimum of Updraft Helicity [m^2/s^2]"
+MXUPHL:2000-0 m above ground:0-0 day max fcst:,"Hourly Maximum of Updraft Helicity over Layer 2km to 5 km AGL [m^2/s^2]"
+MNUPHL:2000-0 m above ground:0-0 day min fcst:,"Hourly Minimum of Updraft Helicity [m^2/s^2]"
+MXUPHL:3000-0 m above ground:0-0 day max fcst:,"Hourly Maximum of Updraft Helicity over Layer 2km to 5 km AGL [m^2/s^2]"
+MNUPHL:3000-0 m above ground:0-0 day min fcst:,"Hourly Minimum of Updraft Helicity [m^2/s^2]"
+RELV:2000-0 m above ground:0-0 day max fcst:,"Relative Vorticity [1/s]"
+RELV:1000-0 m above ground:0-0 day max fcst:,"Relative Vorticity [1/s]"
+HAIL:entire atmosphere:0-0 day max fcst:,"Hail [m]"
+HAIL:0.1 sigma level:0-0 day max fcst:,"Hail [m]"
+HAIL:surface:0-0 day max fcst:,"Hail [m]"
+TCOLG:entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer):0-0 day max fcst:,"Total Column Integrate Graupel [kg/m^2]"
+LTNGSD:1 m above ground:anl:,"Lightning Potential Index (LPI) (see Note) [J/kg]"
+LTNGSD:2 m above ground:anl:,"Lightning Potential Index (LPI) (see Note) [J/kg]"
+LTNG:entire atmosphere:anl:,"Lightning [non-dim]"
+UGRD:80 m above ground:anl:,"U-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+VGRD:80 m above ground:anl:,"V-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+PRES:surface:anl:,"Pressure [Pa]"
+HGT:surface:anl:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+TMP:surface:anl:,"Temperature [K]"
+ASNOW:surface:0-0 day acc fcst:,"Total Snowfall [m]"
+MSTAV:0 m underground:anl:,"Moisture Availability [%]"
+CNWAT:surface:anl:,"Plant Canopy Surface Water [kg/m^2]"
+WEASD:surface:anl:,"Water Equivalent of Accumulated Snow Depth [kg/m^2]"
+SNOWC:surface:anl:,"Snow Cover [%]"
+SNOD:surface:anl:,"Snow Depth [m]"
+TMP:2 m above ground:anl:,"Temperature [K]"
+POT:2 m above ground:anl:,"Potential Temperature [K]"
+SPFH:2 m above ground:anl:,"Specific Humidity [kg/kg]"
+DPT:2 m above ground:anl:,"Dew Point Temperature [K]"
+RH:2 m above ground:anl:,"Relative Humidity [%]"
+MASSDEN:8 m above ground:anl:,"Mass Density (Concentration) [kg/m^3]"
+UGRD:10 m above ground:anl:,"U-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+VGRD:10 m above ground:anl:,"V-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+WIND:10 m above ground:0-0 day max fcst:,"Wind Speed [m/s]"
+MAXUW:10 m above ground:0-0 day max fcst:,"Component of Hourly Maximum 10m Wind Speed [m/s]"
+MAXVW:10 m above ground:0-0 day max fcst:,"Component of Hourly Maximum 10m Wind Speed [m/s]"
+CPOFP:surface:anl:,"Percent frozen precipitation [%]"
+PRATE:surface:anl:,"Precipitation Rate [kg/m^2/s]"
+APCP:surface:0-0 day acc fcst:,"Total Precipitation [kg/m^2]"
+WEASD:surface:0-0 day acc fcst:,"Water Equivalent of Accumulated Snow Depth [kg/m^2]"
+FROZR:surface:0-0 day acc fcst:,"Frozen Rain [kg/m^2]"
+FRZR:surface:0-0 day acc fcst:,"Freezing Rain [kg/m^2]"
+SSRUN:surface:0-0 day acc fcst:,"Storm Surface Runoff [kg/m^2]"
+BGRUN:surface:0-0 day acc fcst:,"Baseflow-Groundwater Runoff [kg/m^2]"
+CSNOW:surface:anl:,"Categorical Snow [-]"
+CICEP:surface:anl:,"Categorical Ice Pellets [-]"
+CFRZR:surface:anl:,"Categorical Freezing Rain [-]"
+CRAIN:surface:anl:,"Categorical Rain [-]"
+SFCR:surface:anl:,"Surface Roughness [m]"
+FRICV:surface:anl:,"Frictional Velocity [m/s]"
+SHTFL:surface:anl:,"Sensible Heat Net Flux [W/m^2]"
+LHTFL:surface:anl:,"Latent Heat Net Flux [W/m^2]"
+VEG:surface:anl:,"Vegetation [%]"
+VEGMIN:surface:anl:,"Vegetation [%]"
+VEGMAX:surface:anl:,"Vegetation [%]"
+LAI:surface:anl:,"Leaf Area Index [Numeric]"
+GFLUX:surface:anl:,"Ground Heat Flux [W/m^2]"
+VGTYP:surface:anl:,"Vegetation Type [Integer(0- 13)]"
+LFTX:500-1000 mb:anl:,"Surface Lifted Index [K]"
+CAPE:surface:anl:,"Convective Available Potential Energy [J/kg]"
+CIN:surface:anl:,"Convective Inhibition [J/kg]"
+PWAT:entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer):anl:,"Precipitable Water [kg/m^2]"
+AOTK:entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer):anl:,"Aerosol Optical Thickness [Numeric]"
+COLMD:entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer):anl:,"Column-Integrated Mass Density [kg/m^2]"
+TCOLW:entire atmosphere:anl:,"Column-Integrated Mass Density [kg/m^2]"
+TCOLI:entire atmosphere:anl:,"Column-Integrated Mass Density [kg/m^2]"
+TCDC:boundary layer cloud layer:anl:,"Total Cloud Cover [%]"
+LCDC:low cloud layer:anl:,"Low Cloud Cover [%]"
+MCDC:middle cloud layer:anl:,"Medium Cloud Cover [%]"
+HCDC:high cloud layer:anl:,"High Cloud Cover [%]"
+TCDC:entire atmosphere:anl:,"Total Cloud Cover [%]"
+HGT:cloud ceiling:anl:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+HGT:cloud base:anl:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+PRES:cloud base:anl:,"Pressure [Pa]"
+PRES:cloud top:anl:,"Pressure [Pa]"
+HGT:cloud top:anl:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+ULWRF:top of atmosphere:anl:,"Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux [W/m^2]"
+DSWRF:surface:anl:,"Downward Short-Wave Radiation Flux [W/m^2]"
+DLWRF:surface:anl:,"Downward Long-Wave Rad. Flux [W/m^2]"
+USWRF:surface:anl:,"Upward Short-Wave Radiation Flux [W/m^2]"
+ULWRF:surface:anl:,"Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux [W/m^2]"
+CFNSF:surface:anl:,"Cloud Forcing Net Solar Flux [W/m^2]"
+VBDSF:surface:anl:,"Visible Beam Downward Solar Flux [W/m^2]"
+VDDSF:surface:anl:,"Visible Diffuse Downward Solar Flux [W/m^2]"
+USWRF:top of atmosphere:anl:,"Upward Short-Wave Radiation Flux [W/m^2]"
+HLCY:3000-0 m above ground:anl:,"Storm Relative Helicity [m^2/s^2]"
+HLCY:1000-0 m above ground:anl:,"Storm Relative Helicity [m^2/s^2]"
+USTM:0-6000 m above ground:anl:,"U-Component Storm Motion [m/s]"
+VSTM:0-6000 m above ground:anl:,"V-Component Storm Motion [m/s]"
+VUCSH:0-1000 m above ground:anl:,"Vertical U-Component Shear [1/s]"
+VVCSH:0-1000 m above ground:anl:,"Vertical V-Component Shear [1/s]"
+VUCSH:0-6000 m above ground:anl:,"Vertical U-Component Shear [1/s]"
+VVCSH:0-6000 m above ground:anl:,"Vertical V-Component Shear [1/s]"
+HGT:0C isotherm:anl:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+RH:0C isotherm:anl:,"Relative Humidity [%]"
+PRES:0C isotherm:anl:,"Pressure [Pa]"
+HGT:highest tropospheric freezing level:anl:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+RH:highest tropospheric freezing level:anl:,"Relative Humidity [%]"
+PRES:highest tropospheric freezing level:anl:,"Pressure [Pa]"
+HGT:263 K level:anl:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+HGT:253 K level:anl:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+4LFTX:180-0 mb above ground:anl:,"Best (4 layer) Lifted Index [K]"
+CAPE:180-0 mb above ground:anl:,"Convective Available Potential Energy [J/kg]"
+CIN:180-0 mb above ground:anl:,"Convective Inhibition [J/kg]"
+HPBL:surface:anl:,"Planetary Boundary Layer Height [m]"
+HGT:level of adiabatic condensation from sfc:anl:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+CAPE:90-0 mb above ground:anl:,"Convective Available Potential Energy [J/kg]"
+CIN:90-0 mb above ground:anl:,"Convective Inhibition [J/kg]"
+CAPE:255-0 mb above ground:anl:,"Convective Available Potential Energy [J/kg]"
+CIN:255-0 mb above ground:anl:,"Convective Inhibition [J/kg]"
+HGT:equilibrium level:anl:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+PLPL:255-0 mb above ground:anl:,"Pressure of level from which parcel was lifted [Pa]"
+CAPE:0-3000 m above ground:anl:,"Convective Available Potential Energy [J/kg]"
+HGT:level of free convection:anl:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+EFHL:surface:anl:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+CANGLE:0-500 m above ground:anl:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+LAYTH:261 K level - 256 K level:anl:,"Layer Thickness [m]"
+ESP:0-3000 m above ground:anl:,"Layer Thickness [m]"
+RHPW:entire atmosphere:anl:,"Relative Humidity with Respect to Precipitable Water [%]"
+LAND:surface:anl:,"Land Cover (0=sea, 1=land) [Proportion]"
+ICEC:surface:anl:,"Ice Cover [Proportion]"
+SBT123:top of atmosphere:anl:,"Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES 12, Channel 3 [K]"
+SBT124:top of atmosphere:anl:,"Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES 12, Channel 4 [K]"
+SBT113:top of atmosphere:anl:,"Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES 11, Channel 3 [K]"
+SBT114:top of atmosphere:anl:,"Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES 11, Channel 4 [K]"
diff --git a/hrrr_wrfsfcf01_products.csv b/hrrr_wrfsfcf01_products.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c42c27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hrrr_wrfsfcf01_products.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+REFC:entire atmosphere:1 hour fcst:,"Composite reflectivity [dB]"
+RETOP:cloud top:1 hour fcst:,"Echo Top [m]"
+var discipline=0 center=7 local_table=1 parmcat=16 parm=201:entire atmosphere:1 hour fcst:,"Echo Top [m]"
+VIL:entire atmosphere:1 hour fcst:,"Vertically-Integrated Liquid Water [kg/m^2]"
+VIS:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Visibility [m]"
+REFD:1000 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Reflectivity [dB]"
+REFD:4000 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Reflectivity [dB]"
+REFD:263 K level:1 hour fcst:,"Reflectivity [dB]"
+GUST:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Wind Speed (Gust) [m/s]"
+UGRD:250 mb:1 hour fcst:,"U-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+VGRD:250 mb:1 hour fcst:,"V-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+UGRD:300 mb:1 hour fcst:,"U-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+VGRD:300 mb:1 hour fcst:,"V-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+HGT:500 mb:1 hour fcst:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+TMP:500 mb:1 hour fcst:,"Temperature [K]"
+DPT:500 mb:1 hour fcst:,"Dew Point Temperature [K]"
+UGRD:500 mb:1 hour fcst:,"U-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+VGRD:500 mb:1 hour fcst:,"V-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+HGT:700 mb:1 hour fcst:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+TMP:700 mb:1 hour fcst:,"Temperature [K]"
+DPT:700 mb:1 hour fcst:,"Dew Point Temperature [K]"
+DZDT:700 mb:1 hour fcst:,"Vertical Velocity (Geometric) [m/s]"
+UGRD:700 mb:1 hour fcst:,"U-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+VGRD:700 mb:1 hour fcst:,"V-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+HGT:850 mb:1 hour fcst:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+TMP:850 mb:1 hour fcst:,"Temperature [K]"
+DPT:850 mb:1 hour fcst:,"Dew Point Temperature [K]"
+UGRD:850 mb:1 hour fcst:,"U-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+VGRD:850 mb:1 hour fcst:,"V-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+TMP:925 mb:1 hour fcst:,"Temperature [K]"
+DPT:925 mb:1 hour fcst:,"Dew Point Temperature [K]"
+UGRD:925 mb:1 hour fcst:,"U-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+VGRD:925 mb:1 hour fcst:,"V-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+TMP:1000 mb:1 hour fcst:,"Temperature [K]"
+DPT:1000 mb:1 hour fcst:,"Dew Point Temperature [K]"
+UGRD:1000 mb:1 hour fcst:,"U-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+VGRD:1000 mb:1 hour fcst:,"V-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+MAXUVV:100-1000 mb above ground:0-1 hour max fcst:,"Hourly Maximum of Upward Vertical Velocity in the lowest 400hPa [m/s]"
+MAXDVV:100-1000 mb above ground:0-1 hour max fcst:,"Hourly Maximum of Downward Vertical Velocity in the lowest 400hPa [m/s]"
+DZDT:0.5-0.8 sigma layer:0-1 hour ave fcst:,"Vertical Velocity (Geometric) [m/s]"
+MSLMA:mean sea level:1 hour fcst:,"(MAPS System Reduction) [Pa]"
+HGT:1000 mb:1 hour fcst:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+MAXREF:1000 m above ground:0-1 hour max fcst:,"Hourly Maximum of Simulated Reflectivity at 1 km AGL [dB]"
+REFD:263 K level:0-1 hour max fcst:,"Reflectivity [dB]"
+MXUPHL:5000-2000 m above ground:0-1 hour max fcst:,"Hourly Maximum of Updraft Helicity over Layer 2km to 5 km AGL [m^2/s^2]"
+MNUPHL:5000-2000 m above ground:0-1 hour min fcst:,"Hourly Minimum of Updraft Helicity [m^2/s^2]"
+MXUPHL:2000-0 m above ground:0-1 hour max fcst:,"Hourly Maximum of Updraft Helicity over Layer 2km to 5 km AGL [m^2/s^2]"
+MNUPHL:2000-0 m above ground:0-1 hour min fcst:,"Hourly Minimum of Updraft Helicity [m^2/s^2]"
+MXUPHL:3000-0 m above ground:0-1 hour max fcst:,"Hourly Maximum of Updraft Helicity over Layer 2km to 5 km AGL [m^2/s^2]"
+MNUPHL:3000-0 m above ground:0-1 hour min fcst:,"Hourly Minimum of Updraft Helicity [m^2/s^2]"
+RELV:2000-0 m above ground:0-1 hour max fcst:,"Relative Vorticity [1/s]"
+RELV:1000-0 m above ground:0-1 hour max fcst:,"Relative Vorticity [1/s]"
+HAIL:entire atmosphere:0-1 hour max fcst:,"Hail [m]"
+HAIL:0.1 sigma level:0-1 hour max fcst:,"Hail [m]"
+HAIL:surface:0-1 hour max fcst:,"Hail [m]"
+TCOLG:entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer):0-1 hour max fcst:,"Total Column Integrate Graupel [kg/m^2]"
+LTNGSD:1 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Lightning Potential Index (LPI) (see Note) [J/kg]"
+LTNGSD:2 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Lightning Potential Index (LPI) (see Note) [J/kg]"
+LTNG:entire atmosphere:1 hour fcst:,"Lightning [non-dim]"
+UGRD:80 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"U-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+VGRD:80 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"V-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+PRES:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Pressure [Pa]"
+HGT:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+TMP:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Temperature [K]"
+ASNOW:surface:0-1 hour acc fcst:,"Total Snowfall [m]"
+MSTAV:0 m underground:1 hour fcst:,"Moisture Availability [%]"
+CNWAT:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Plant Canopy Surface Water [kg/m^2]"
+WEASD:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Water Equivalent of Accumulated Snow Depth [kg/m^2]"
+SNOWC:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Snow Cover [%]"
+SNOD:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Snow Depth [m]"
+TMP:2 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Temperature [K]"
+POT:2 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Potential Temperature [K]"
+SPFH:2 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Specific Humidity [kg/kg]"
+DPT:2 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Dew Point Temperature [K]"
+RH:2 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Relative Humidity [%]"
+MASSDEN:8 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Mass Density (Concentration) [kg/m^3]"
+UGRD:10 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"U-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+VGRD:10 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"V-Component of Wind [m/s]"
+WIND:10 m above ground:0-1 hour max fcst:,"Wind Speed [m/s]"
+MAXUW:10 m above ground:0-1 hour max fcst:,"Component of Hourly Maximum 10m Wind Speed [m/s]"
+MAXVW:10 m above ground:0-1 hour max fcst:,"Component of Hourly Maximum 10m Wind Speed [m/s]"
+CPOFP:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Percent frozen precipitation [%]"
+PRATE:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Precipitation Rate [kg/m^2/s]"
+APCP:surface:0-1 hour acc fcst:,"Total Precipitation [kg/m^2]"
+WEASD:surface:0-1 hour acc fcst:,"Water Equivalent of Accumulated Snow Depth [kg/m^2]"
+FROZR:surface:0-1 hour acc fcst:,"Frozen Rain [kg/m^2]"
+FRZR:surface:0-1 hour acc fcst:,"Freezing Rain [kg/m^2]"
+SSRUN:surface:0-1 hour acc fcst:,"Storm Surface Runoff [kg/m^2]"
+BGRUN:surface:0-1 hour acc fcst:,"Baseflow-Groundwater Runoff [kg/m^2]"
+CSNOW:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Categorical Snow [-]"
+CICEP:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Categorical Ice Pellets [-]"
+CFRZR:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Categorical Freezing Rain [-]"
+CRAIN:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Categorical Rain [-]"
+SFCR:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Surface Roughness [m]"
+FRICV:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Frictional Velocity [m/s]"
+SHTFL:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Sensible Heat Net Flux [W/m^2]"
+LHTFL:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Latent Heat Net Flux [W/m^2]"
+VEG:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Vegetation [%]"
+VEGMIN:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Vegetation [%]"
+VEGMAX:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Vegetation [%]"
+LAI:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Leaf Area Index [Numeric]"
+GFLUX:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Ground Heat Flux [W/m^2]"
+VGTYP:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Vegetation Type [Integer(0- 13)]"
+LFTX:500-1000 mb:1 hour fcst:,"Surface Lifted Index [K]"
+CAPE:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Convective Available Potential Energy [J/kg]"
+CIN:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Convective Inhibition [J/kg]"
+PWAT:entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer):1 hour fcst:,"Precipitable Water [kg/m^2]"
+AOTK:entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer):1 hour fcst:,"Aerosol Optical Thickness [Numeric]"
+COLMD:entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer):1 hour fcst:,"Column-Integrated Mass Density [kg/m^2]"
+TCOLW:entire atmosphere:1 hour fcst:,"Column-Integrated Mass Density [kg/m^2]"
+TCOLI:entire atmosphere:1 hour fcst:,"Column-Integrated Mass Density [kg/m^2]"
+TCDC:boundary layer cloud layer:1 hour fcst:,"Total Cloud Cover [%]"
+LCDC:low cloud layer:1 hour fcst:,"Low Cloud Cover [%]"
+MCDC:middle cloud layer:1 hour fcst:,"Medium Cloud Cover [%]"
+HCDC:high cloud layer:1 hour fcst:,"High Cloud Cover [%]"
+TCDC:entire atmosphere:1 hour fcst:,"Total Cloud Cover [%]"
+HGT:cloud ceiling:1 hour fcst:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+HGT:cloud base:1 hour fcst:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+PRES:cloud base:1 hour fcst:,"Pressure [Pa]"
+PRES:cloud top:1 hour fcst:,"Pressure [Pa]"
+HGT:cloud top:1 hour fcst:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+ULWRF:top of atmosphere:1 hour fcst:,"Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux [W/m^2]"
+DSWRF:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Downward Short-Wave Radiation Flux [W/m^2]"
+DLWRF:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Downward Long-Wave Rad. Flux [W/m^2]"
+USWRF:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Upward Short-Wave Radiation Flux [W/m^2]"
+ULWRF:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux [W/m^2]"
+CFNSF:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Cloud Forcing Net Solar Flux [W/m^2]"
+VBDSF:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Visible Beam Downward Solar Flux [W/m^2]"
+VDDSF:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Visible Diffuse Downward Solar Flux [W/m^2]"
+USWRF:top of atmosphere:1 hour fcst:,"Upward Short-Wave Radiation Flux [W/m^2]"
+HLCY:3000-0 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Storm Relative Helicity [m^2/s^2]"
+HLCY:1000-0 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Storm Relative Helicity [m^2/s^2]"
+USTM:0-6000 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"U-Component Storm Motion [m/s]"
+VSTM:0-6000 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"V-Component Storm Motion [m/s]"
+VUCSH:0-1000 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Vertical U-Component Shear [1/s]"
+VVCSH:0-1000 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Vertical V-Component Shear [1/s]"
+VUCSH:0-6000 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Vertical U-Component Shear [1/s]"
+VVCSH:0-6000 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Vertical V-Component Shear [1/s]"
+HGT:0C isotherm:1 hour fcst:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+RH:0C isotherm:1 hour fcst:,"Relative Humidity [%]"
+PRES:0C isotherm:1 hour fcst:,"Pressure [Pa]"
+HGT:highest tropospheric freezing level:1 hour fcst:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+RH:highest tropospheric freezing level:1 hour fcst:,"Relative Humidity [%]"
+PRES:highest tropospheric freezing level:1 hour fcst:,"Pressure [Pa]"
+HGT:263 K level:1 hour fcst:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+HGT:253 K level:1 hour fcst:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+4LFTX:180-0 mb above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Best (4 layer) Lifted Index [K]"
+CAPE:180-0 mb above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Convective Available Potential Energy [J/kg]"
+CIN:180-0 mb above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Convective Inhibition [J/kg]"
+HPBL:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Planetary Boundary Layer Height [m]"
+HGT:level of adiabatic condensation from sfc:1 hour fcst:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+CAPE:90-0 mb above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Convective Available Potential Energy [J/kg]"
+CIN:90-0 mb above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Convective Inhibition [J/kg]"
+CAPE:255-0 mb above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Convective Available Potential Energy [J/kg]"
+CIN:255-0 mb above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Convective Inhibition [J/kg]"
+HGT:equilibrium level:1 hour fcst:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+PLPL:255-0 mb above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Pressure of level from which parcel was lifted [Pa]"
+CAPE:0-3000 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Convective Available Potential Energy [J/kg]"
+HGT:level of free convection:1 hour fcst:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+EFHL:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+CANGLE:0-500 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Geopotential Height [gpm]"
+LAYTH:261 K level - 256 K level:1 hour fcst:,"Layer Thickness [m]"
+ESP:0-3000 m above ground:1 hour fcst:,"Layer Thickness [m]"
+RHPW:entire atmosphere:1 hour fcst:,"Relative Humidity with Respect to Precipitable Water [%]"
+LAND:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Land Cover (0=sea, 1=land) [Proportion]"
+ICEC:surface:1 hour fcst:,"Ice Cover [Proportion]"
+SBT123:top of atmosphere:1 hour fcst:,"Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES 12, Channel 3 [K]"
+SBT124:top of atmosphere:1 hour fcst:,"Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES 12, Channel 4 [K]"
+SBT113:top of atmosphere:1 hour fcst:,"Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES 11, Channel 3 [K]"
+SBT114:top of atmosphere:1 hour fcst:,"Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES 11, Channel 4 [K]"
diff --git a/source/grib2pf.c b/source/grib2pf.c
index 6c79114..d234e00 100644
--- a/source/grib2pf.c
+++ b/source/grib2pf.c
@@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ size_t chunk_from_server(void *contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp)
DownloadingData* data = userp;
size_t inputSize = size * nmemb;
+ LogSettings log = {.verbose = true, .logName = "test" };
if (inputSize == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Got empty response from the server\n");
return 0;
@@ -100,7 +102,6 @@ size_t chunk_from_server(void *contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp)
fprintf(stderr, "Got more data after finished inflating\n");
if (data->gzipped) {
data->strm.next_in = contents;
data->strm.avail_in = inputSize;
@@ -134,20 +135,27 @@ size_t chunk_from_server(void *contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp)
} else {
- while (data->out.size - data->out.current < size) {
- uint8_t* ptr = realloc(data->out.data, data->out.size + CHUNCK_SIZE);
+ while (data->out.size - data->out.current < inputSize) {
+ size_t newSize;
+ if (data->out.size == 0) {
+ newSize = CHUNCK_SIZE;
+ } else {
+ newSize = data->out.size * 2;
+ }
+ uint8_t* ptr = realloc(data->out.data, newSize);
if (ptr == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate buffer\n");
data->out.data = ptr;
- data->out.size += CHUNCK_SIZE;
+ data->out.size = newSize;
memcpy(data->out.data + data->out.current, contents, inputSize);
data->out.current += inputSize;
return inputSize;
@@ -574,6 +582,7 @@ int generate_image(const Settings* settings, OutputCoords* output) {
ImageData imData = generate_image_data(message, data.gribStart,
data.totalSize, settings->verbose);
+ logS.logName = message->title;
if (imData.error) {
@@ -628,6 +637,7 @@ int generate_image(const Settings* settings, OutputCoords* output) {
+ logS.logName = settings->logName;