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Releases: Adobe-Marketing-Cloud/mobile-services

iOS SDK v4.13.0

16 Sep 02:45
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4.13.0 (15 Sept, 2016)

  • iOS 10 support
  • New Feature - support for stand-alone extensions
  • Deeplinking - added documentation showing how to track 3rd Party Deferred Deep Links

Android SDK v4.13.0

16 Sep 02:44
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4.13.0 (15 Sep, 2016)

  • Deep Linking - Enhancements to enable tracking of 3rd party deferred deep links

IOS SDK v4.12.0

19 Aug 00:40
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4.12.0 (18 Aug, 2016)
*- Visitor ID Service - Added new method to append visitor identity to a given URL in-order to transfer identity to a web-based implementation.
*- In App Messaging - Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when setting the "target" attribute to "_blank" in an HTML tag in a custom full screen message

Android SDK v4.12.0

19 Aug 00:41
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4.12.0 (18 Aug, 2016)

  • Visitor ID Service - Added new method to append visitor identity to a given URL in-order to transfer identity to a web-based implementation.

iOS SDK v4.11.1

28 Jul 21:25
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4.11.1 (28 Jul, 2016)

  • Lifecycle - Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when sending non-property list objects to collectLifecycleDataWithAdditionalData:
  • In App Messaging - Fixed a bug that prevented fullscreen and alert messages from displaying after a local notification was triggered
  • In App Messaging - Fixed an issue where fullscreen messages were not resized in split view mode (iOS 9+ iPad)

Android SDK v4.11.1

28 Jul 21:27
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4.11.1 (28 Jul, 2016)

  • In App Messaging - Fixed a fullscreen message issue that could cause a crash when the fullscreen message activity is killed by the system
  • In App Messaging - Fixed a bug that prevented fullscreen and alert messages from displaying after a local notification was triggered
  • Deep Linking - Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when using custom deeplink urls
  • Audience Manager - Improved handling of empty or invalid responses from AAM server

iOS SDK v4.11.0

16 Jun 21:13
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4.11.0 (16 June, 2016)

  • Target - New Target API for passing in requestLocation parameters
  • Target - Fixed the bug where mboxHost/orderId/orderTotal were not correctly handled in legacy Target API
  • Postbacks/In-App Messaging - Removed requirements on analytics for Postbacks and In-App Messaging
  • Postbacks - Fixed the issue where post body was encoded when the content type is application/json
  • Analytics - Fixed the issue of trackTimedAction not allowing non-string keys and values in context data

Android SDK v4.11.0

16 Jun 21:13
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4.11.0 (16 June, 2016)

  • Target - New Target API for passing in requestLocation parameters
  • Target - Fixed the bug where mboxHost/orderId/orderTotal were not correctly handled in legacy Target API
  • Postbacks/In-App Messaging - Removed requirements on analytics for Postbacks and In-App Messaging
  • Postbacks - Fixed the issue where post body was encoded when the content type is application/json
  • Postbacks - Fixed a crash when key or value in context data was passed in as null and a postback was configured

iOS Sample App v1.5

25 May 16:36
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1.5 (25 May, 2016)

  • App updated with SDK 4.10.0
  • Added Deep linking and some Messaging updates

Android Sample App v1.4

25 May 16:29
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1.4 (24 May, 2016)

  • App updated with SDK 4.10.0
  • Use Gradle as build tool
  • Added Push Messaging, Acquisition, Postbacks, Deep linking and some Messaging updates