diff --git a/src/pages/solution/adobe-campaign-classic/push-templates/tabs/basic.md b/src/pages/solution/adobe-campaign-classic/push-templates/tabs/basic.md
index 8bc475ff32..7adf961928 100644
--- a/src/pages/solution/adobe-campaign-classic/push-templates/tabs/basic.md
+++ b/src/pages/solution/adobe-campaign-classic/push-templates/tabs/basic.md
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ The properties below are used to define the payload sent to FCM:
| Link URI | ⛔️ | `adb_uri` | string | URI to be handled when user clicks the notification. |
| Link Type | ⛔️ | `adb_a_type` | string | Type of link represented in `adb_uri` - one of "WEBURL", "DEEPLINK", or "OPENAPP".
Required if `adb_uri` is specified. |
| Button(s) | ⛔️ | `adb_act` | string | **The value is an encoded JSON string.**
One to three buttons to create for the notification. If using "remind later" functionality, only two buttons may be used in this field.
When decoded, the string contains an array of the following objects:
- `label` - text shown on the button's label
- `uri` - URI to be handled when user clicks the button
- `type` - Type of link represented in `uri` - one of "WEBURL", "DEEPLINK", or "OPENAPP".
+| Icon | ⛔️ | `adb_icon` | string | Name of a small icon to use in the notification.
**Note** - The value referenced by this key is not used if a valid `adb_small_icon` key value pair is present in the payload. |
| Small Icon | ⛔️ | `adb_small_icon` | string | Name of a small icon to use in the notification. The app's drawable resources are checked for an image file with the provided name. |
| Large Icon | ⛔️ | `adb_large_icon` | string | URI or name for a large icon to use in the notification. If the URI is valid, the remote image is downloaded and cached on the device to be used as the large icon. If a name is provided, the app's drawable resources are checked for an image file with the same name. If no valid URI or name is provided then no large icon is set on the notification. |
| Remind Later Text | ⛔️ | `adb_rem_txt` | string | If present, show a "remind later" button using the value provided as its label.
**Note** - both `remTxt` and `remTs` must be present in order to support "remind me later" functionality. |
diff --git a/src/pages/solution/adobe-campaign-classic/push-templates/tabs/carousel.md b/src/pages/solution/adobe-campaign-classic/push-templates/tabs/carousel.md
index b45f3b12d0..57e9a2050a 100644
--- a/src/pages/solution/adobe-campaign-classic/push-templates/tabs/carousel.md
+++ b/src/pages/solution/adobe-campaign-classic/push-templates/tabs/carousel.md
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ The properties below are used to define the payload sent to FCM:
| Carousel Items | ✅ | `adb_items` | string | **The value is an encoded JSON string.**
Three to five items in the carousel of the notification.
When decoded, the string contains an array of the following objects:
- `img` (required) - URI to an image to be shown for the carousel item
- `txt` - Optional caption to show when the carousel item is visible.
- `uri` - Optional URI to be handled when the carousel item is touched by the user. If no `uri` is provided for the item, `adb_uri` will be handled instead.
| Carousel Layout | ⛔️ | `adb_car_layout` | string | Determines whether the carousel should use the default layout or filmstrip variant.
Valid values are "default" or "filmstrip". |
| Carousel Mode | ⛔️ | `adb_car_mode` | string | Determines how the carousel will be operated.
Valid values are "auto" or "manual". |
+| Icon | ⛔️ | `adb_icon` | string | Name of a small icon to use in the notification.
**Note** - The value referenced by this key is not used if a valid `adb_small_icon` key value pair is present in the payload. |
| Small Icon | ⛔️ | `adb_small_icon` | string | Name of a small icon to use in the notification. The app's drawable resources are checked for an image file with the provided name. |
| Large Icon | ⛔️ | `adb_large_icon` | string | URI or name for a large icon to use in the notification. If the URI is valid, the remote image is downloaded and cached on the device to be used as the large icon. If a name is provided, the app's drawable resources are checked for an image file with the same name. If no valid URI or name is provided then no large icon is set on the notification. |
| Channel ID | ⛔️ | `adb_channel_id` | string | The [notification's channel id](https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/notifiers/notifications#ManageChannels) (new in Android O). The app must create a channel with this channel ID before any notification with this channel ID is received. If you don't send this channel ID in the request, or if the channel ID provided has not yet been created by the app, FCM uses the channel ID specified in the app manifest.
If not provided in payload, SDK uses a "default" channel ID of value "CampaignPushChannel".
If < API 26 (Android O), this value is ignored. |