- local OS X install, R 3.3.1
- ubuntu 12.04 (on travis-ci), R 3.3.1
- win-builder (devel and release)
0 errors | 0 warnings | 1 note
License components with restrictions and base license permitting such: MIT + file LICENSE
Found the following (possibly) invalid URLs: https://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2000/CSD-00-1110.pdf
Not sure what the problem is here: curl reports "error:14077102:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unsupported protocol" but the page loads fine in my browser.
I ran R CMD check
on all 90 reverse dependencies.
Results at https://github.com/hadley/tidyr/tree/master/revdep/.
As far as I can tell, there were no problems related to this tidyr release.