Implement a website via which users can “buy” and “sell” stocks.
: Complete the implementation ofregister
in such a way that it allows a user to register for an account via a form.- Require that a user input a username, implemented as a text field whose
. Render an apology if the user’s input is blank or the username already exists. - Require that a user input a password, implemented as a text field whose
, and then that same password again, implemented as a text field whosename
. Render an apology if either input is blank or the passwords do not match. - Submit the user’s input via
the new user intousers
, storing a hash of the user’s password, not the password itself. Hash the user’s password withgenerate_password_hash
Odds are you’ll want to create a new template (e.g.,register.html
) that’s quite similar tologin.html
- Require that a user input a username, implemented as a text field whose
: Complete the implementation ofquote
in such a way that it allows a user to look up a stock’s current price.- Require that a user input a stock’s symbol, implemented as a text field whose
. - Submit the user’s input via
. - Odds are you’ll want to create two new templates (e.g.,
). When a user visits/quote
via GET, render one of those templates, inside of which should be an HTML form that submits to/quote
via POST. In response to a POST,quote
can render that second template, embedding within it one or more values fromlookup
- Require that a user input a stock’s symbol, implemented as a text field whose
: Complete the implementation ofbuy
in such a way that it enables a user to buy stocks.- Require that a user input a stock’s symbol, implemented as a text field whose
. Render an apology if the input is blank or the symbol does not exist (as per the return value oflookup
). - Require that a user input a number of shares, implemented as a text field whose
. Render an apology if the input is not a positive integer. - Submit the user’s input via
. - Odds are you’ll want to call
to look up a stock’s current price. - Odds are you’ll want to
how much cash the user currently has inusers
. - Add one or more new tables to
via which to keep track of the purchase. Store enough information so that you know who bought what at what price and when. Use appropriate SQLite types. DefineUNIQUE
indexes on any fields that should be unique. Define (non-UNIQUE
) indexes on any fields via which you will search (as viaSELECT
). - Render an apology, without completing a purchase, if the user cannot afford the number of shares at the current price.
- You don’t need to worry about race conditions (or use transactions).
- Require that a user input a stock’s symbol, implemented as a text field whose
: Complete the implementation ofindex
in such a way that it displays an HTML table summarizing, for the user currently logged in, which stocks the user owns, the numbers of shares owned, the current price of each stock, and the total value of each holding (i.e., shares times price). Also display the user’s current cash balance along with a grand total (i.e., stocks’ total value plus cash).- Odds are you’ll want to execute multiple
. Depending on how you implement your table(s), you might findGROUP BY HAVING SUM
of interest. - Odds are you’ll want to call
for each stock.
- Odds are you’ll want to execute multiple
: Complete the implementation ofsell
in such a way that it enables a user to sell shares of a stock (that he or she owns).- Require that a user input a stock’s symbol, implemented as a
menu whosename
. Render an apology if the user fails to select a stock or if (somehow, once submitted) the user does not own any shares of that stock. - Require that a user input a number of shares, implemented as a text field whose
. Render an apology if the input is not a positive integer or if the user does not own that many shares of the stock. - Submit the user’s input via
. - You don’t need to worry about race conditions (or use transactions).
- Require that a user input a stock’s symbol, implemented as a
: Complete the implementation ofhistory
in such a way that it displays an HTML table summarizing all of a user’s transactions ever, listing row by row each and every buy and every sell.- For each row, make clear whether a stock was bought or sold and include the stock’s symbol, the (purchase or sale) price, the number of shares bought or sold, and the date and time at which the transaction occurred.
- You might need to alter the table you created for
or supplement it with an additional table. Try to minimize redundancies.
- personal touch: Implement at least one personal touch of your choice:
- Allow users to change their passwords.
- Allow users to add additional cash to their account.
- Allow users to buy more shares or sell shares of stocks they already own via
itself, without having to type stocks’ symbols manually. - Require users’ passwords to have some number of letters, numbers, and/or symbols.
- Implement some other feature of comparable scope.
Full instructions available here