A plugin that allows /911 and /panic be posted in a Discord channel via a webhook.
PLEASE NOTE: TTS is enabled by default, so an automated voice will read out message to anyone focused on the discord channel these messages will be getting posted on
- Set up your webhook by going to your Discord server, and going into "Server Settings"
- On the left panel, select "Webhooks" then "Create Webhook"
- Name it and give it a picture you see fit, then select a channel the 911 calls and panic button information will be posted to (Highly suggested you make a channel specifically for dispatchers to see it in)
- Now copy the "Webhook URL", and paste it into it's proper place in server.lua
- Now place the 911plus resource in your resources folder and be sure to start the resource in your server.cfg!
For civilians: Do "/911 [information about a call here]" and dispatch will be alerted!
For officers: Do "/panic [current location]" and dispatch will be alerted!