Integrate Paytm Checkout to your Python Flask website to provide a secure, PCI-compliant way to accept Debit/Credit card, Net-Banking, UPI and Paytm wallet payments from your customers.
You’ll need to have the following prerequisites before we go any further:
- A Paytm Business account
- A Python environment
# clone this repo from github
git clone
# navigative into the folder
cd flask_paytm_checkout
# install the requirements
pip install flask
pip install requests
easy_install pycrypto
- Go to to get your API keys
These API keys consists of:
- MID (Merchant ID): Unique identifier issued to every merchant.
- Merchant Key: This is a unique secret key used for secure encryption of every request. This needs to be kept on server side and should never be shared with anyone.
- Industry Type ID: This is part of bank and paymode configuration done wrt to an account.
- Website: This parameter is used to support multiple callback URLs to post the transaction response. Each URL needs to be mapped to a website parameter.
- Copy the test MERCHANT_ID and test MERCHANT_KEY for testing mode in the Staging configs section. (While production configs are commented out)
- To do actual payments you can copy the MERCHANT_ID, MERCHANT_KEY, WEBSITE_NAME and INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID from Production API details tab. (Please comment out staging configs for this)
- Replace the variables in
# run the flask app FLASK_ENV=development flask run
- Navigate to
- It will show the params that will be sent to Paytm server to initiate checkout flow includeing callback url (More detailed understanding availabel at: )
- Once the transaction is done you will be redirected to with checkout response params and then transaction verification API response params.
- Please note order id is auto generated based on timestamp for now. You can supply your own order details here later. Right now sample customer details (only recommended for testing) being sent as below:
transaction_data = {
"ORDER_ID": str(,
"CUST_ID": "007",
"TXN_AMOUNT": str(amount),
"MOBILE_NO": "7777777777",
"EMAIL": "[email protected]",
- Once a transaction is done in the above flow, you can check the details at: