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Viktor Tarasov edited this page Dec 11, 2012 · 2 revisions

German eHBA, eGK


Sometime in the future all german physicians and apothecaries will be equipped with a smartcard, the so called eHBA (elektronischer Heilberufeausweis). And all german citizens that are a member of a public health insurance company (gesetzliche Krankenkasse) will get a similar card, the so called eGK (elektronische Gesundheitskarte). This means that virtually every german citizen will have a smartcard soon.

I wrote the above sentence in 2006 and now already have 2012 – so be carefull when interpreting the word “soon”.

We got eHBA and eGK test cards in 2008 and they were STARCOS 3.0 based. So in order to support these kind of eHBA OpenSC needs a [wiki:STARCOS STARCOS 3.0] driver first. If you have informations about eHBAs or eGKs, please let us know or add a link to the list below:

Information about the german eHBA / eGK:

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