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OpenDollar contest || Stablecoin || 18 Oct 2023 to 25 Nov 2023 on code4rena

My Findings Summary

ID Title Severity
L-01 Initialization of SafeManger contract in Vault721 contract is allowed to anyone, and it can be initialized by a Malicious contract by an MEV LOW
L-02 Payable Function with Delegatecall Traps Ether in ODProxy::execute LOW
NC‑01 Reused code in CamelotRelayer.sol and UniV3Relayer.sol can be refactored in a single function INFO
NC-02 Reused code in ODSafeManager.sol can be refactored in a single function INFO
NC-03 Unused parameter in Vault721::_afterTokenTransfer function INFO

[L-01] Initialization of SafeManger contract in Vault721 contract is allowed to anyone, and it can be initialized by a Malicious contract by an MEV


SafeManger contract can only be initialized once, then it can only be changed through the governance. So it may get initialized by a Malicious contract by MEV.


Anyone can initialize the safeManager address in Vault721, but once initialized it can only be changed through governance.

The problem is that the function doesn't revert, so the deploying process will not revert if this attack occurs.

// Vault721::initializeManager
// @audit [M: Anyone can initialize first]
function initializeManager() external {
    if (address(safeManager) == address(0)) _setSafeManager(msg.sender);

The code is open source, and it is in a public context, so some bad people may see the code, so they may try to do this attack. and it will let them have control over the system.

For example: they can initialize it to a contract exactly as the SafeManger contract, with the same functions, but with some functions to steal funds.

Hackers can track all team wallets used in testing, and deploying into testnets. and if the team used one of these wallets to deploy to mainnet, this attack could occur.

If the team decided to distribute governance tokens before deploying, then changing it may be kind of hard. In addition to the waste of money used in wrong deploying.

NOTE: This can be made to Vault721::initializeRenderer also, but it's not a problem, since it just previews the NFT as an image.

Proof of Concept

I made a file test/Attack.t.sol to simulate the attack scenario, here is the scenario that can occur when deploying the code to mainnet.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity 0.8.19;

import {Test, console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "@script/Contracts.s.sol";

contract Attack is Contracts, Test {
    address public Attacker = makeAddr("attacker");

    function testAttacking() public {
        // An Attacker is tracking all OpenDollar team wallets TXs...
        safeEngine = new SAFEEngine(
                safeDebtCeiling: 2_000_000 * (10 ** 18), // 2M COINs (WAD)
                globalDebtCeiling: 25_000_000 * (10 ** 45) // 25M COINs (RAD)

        // oracleRelayer = new OracleRelayer(address(safeEngine), systemCoinOracle, _oracleRelayerParams);
        // [rest of deployments before deploying `vault721`]

        // The Attacker (MEV) Get that the vault contract is deployed
        vault721 = new Vault721(address(odGovernor));

        // The Attacker will set safeManager address before list of deployments
        AttackContract fakeSafeManager = new AttackContract(
        // ------------

        safeManager = new ODSafeManager(address(safeEngine), address(vault721));
        // nftRenderer = new NFTRenderer(address(vault721), address(oracleRelayer), address(taxCollector), address(collateralJoinFactory));
        // [rest of deploying after deploying `vault721`]

            "Real SafeManager Address:",
        ); // 0x959951c51b3e4B4eaa55a13D1d761e14Ad0A1d6a
        console.log("Expected SafeManager Address:", address(safeManager)); // 0xF62849F9A0B5Bf2913b396098F7c7019b51A820a

        assertEq(address(vault721.safeManager()), address(fakeSafeManager)); // 0x959951c51b3e4B4eaa55a13D1d761e14Ad0A1d6a

        // An attack occurs successfully, and no error occurs but the contract is set to a Malicious contract

        // No one can initialize it since it's already initialized, it must be changed through the governance

        assertEq(address(vault721.safeManager()), address(fakeSafeManager)); // 0x959951c51b3e4B4eaa55a13D1d761e14Ad0A1d6a

/// @dev This contract can implement all `ODSafeManger` functions, but with a function to crack the system.
contract AttackContract is ODSafeManager {
        address _safeEngine,
        address _vault721
    ) ODSafeManager(_safeEngine, _vault721) {}

    function attack(address target) public {
        (bool success, bytes memory res) =

    // function stealFunds() public {
    //    ...
    // }

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

  • The team should use a different wallet in deploying to mainnet, and not use wallets used in testing.
  • The team should check that the SafeManager address is initialized correctly after completing the deployment process.
  • If the team wants to distribute governance tokens in ICO, they can wait till they are sure the system is working well, then distribute tokens.

Just one of these approaches should solve the problem, but it's better to keep all solutions in mind.

[L-02] Payable Function with Delegatecall Traps Ether in ODProxy::execute


the execute function in the ODProxy contract has a payable modifier, which implies that it can receive Ether. However, the function utilizes delegatecall to execute code in another contract (Action contracts like BasicAction), which does not forward the Ether sent to the execute function. As a result, any Ether sent to this function becomes trapped within the contract.

// ODProxy::execute
// @audit [M: payable function with no handled ETH]
function execute(
    address _target,
    bytes memory _data
) external payable onlyOwner returns (bytes memory _response) {
    if (_target == address(0)) revert TargetAddressRequired();

    bool _succeeded;
    (_succeeded, _response) = _target.delegatecall(_data);

    if (!_succeeded) {
        revert TargetCallFailed(_response);

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Since The protocol doesn't depend on the native ETH coin, the payable modifier should be removed from the execute function in the ODProxy contract.

[NC-01] Reused code in CamelotRelayer.sol and UniV3Relayer.sol can be refactored in a single function

In CamelotRelayer.sol contract, function read() and function getResultWithValidity() have the same code to get the quoteAmount, so we can make a function getQuoteAmount() for example, and use it in both of them.

The same refactor can be made in UniV3Relayer.sol contract, as it implements the same logic of CamelotRelayer.sol

[NC-02] Reused code in ODSafeManager.sol can be refactored in a single function

In ODSafeManager.sol contract, functions quitSystem and enterSystem have the same code to get the deltaCollateral and deltaDebt values. so we can make a function getSafeDeltaInfo() for example, and use it in both of them.

[NC-03] Unused parameter in Vault721::_afterTokenTransfer function

The fourth parameter which is batchSize is not used in the Vailt721 contract, but it must be set since the function has this parameter in ERC721 contract. It is better to not path the parameter and just add the type instead, like this.

// Vault721::_afterTokenTransfer
function _afterTokenTransfer(
    address from,
    address to,
    uint256 firstTokenId,
    uint256 /*batchSize*/ // @audit [removing the unused parameter]
  • contracts/proxies/Vault721.sol