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Intuition contest || Account Abstraction, Vaults || 21 Jun 2024 to 05 Jul 2024 on

My Findings Summary

ID Title Severity
L‑01 Changing atomWarden will result in losing atomWalletInitialDepositAmount for Created and not Deployed Atoms LOW
L-02 Unchecking passed value in setAtomDepositFractionForTriple() to feeDenominator LOW

[L-01] Changing atomWarden will result in losing atomWalletInitialDepositAmount for Created and not Deployed Atoms


When creating new Atom wallets, there are two processes. First, is the creation of the atom vault. Second, is deploying the wallet.

When creating atom, atomWalletInitialDepositAmount goes to the atom wallet address that will be deployed using the current ID.


        address atomWallet = computeAtomWalletAddr(id);

        // deposit atomWalletInitialDepositAmount amount of assets and mint the shares for the atom wallet
            atomWallet, // receiver

When creating atomWallet address that will receive the initialDeposit, it is calculating using the current args, and atomWarden is one of the args.


        bytes memory initData = abi.encodeWithSelector(
@>          AtomWallet.init.selector, IEntryPoint(walletConfig.entryPoint), walletConfig.atomWarden, address(this)

But in case of deploying, we recompute this address again.


    function deployAtomWallet(uint256 atomId) external whenNotPaused returns (address) {
        if (atomId == 0 || atomId > count) {
            revert Errors.MultiVault_VaultDoesNotExist();

        // compute salt for create2
        bytes32 salt = bytes32(atomId);

        // get contract deployment data
@>      bytes memory data = _getDeploymentData();
        assembly {
            atomWallet := create2(0, add(data, 0x20), mload(data), salt)

So all AtomVaults that did not deployed there Wallets, will not be able to claim their initialAmount, if the atomWarden changed.


  • UserA Created atom wallet
  • After a while, the team changed atomWarden using setAtomWarden
  • UserA deployed his AtomWallet using its vault ID, but the address is totally different from the one the received InitialDepositAmount


In case of changing AtomWarden, you need to check that all created atoms gets deployed. this can either be done on-chain, or off-chain.

[L-02] Unchecking passed value in setAtomDepositFractionForTriple() to feeDenominator


There are two types of fees that can be taken when deploying, depositing or redeeming from vaults.

  • Static Fees
  • % of fees relative to the deposited/redeemed amount

When setting the % of fees, the team checks that they do not exceeds feeDenominator. this can be seen in setEntryFee(), setExitFee(), and setProtocolFee().

The problem lies in setAtomDepositFractionForTriple(), where there is no check for this value relative to the feeDenominator.


    function setAtomDepositFractionForTriple(uint256 atomDepositFractionForTriple) external onlyAdmin {
        tripleConfig.atomDepositFractionForTriple = atomDepositFractionForTriple;

This fees is a percentage fees taken from the amount deposited to TripleVaults, and goes to the Atom Vaults this TripleVault refers too.


    function atomDepositFractionAmount(uint256 assets, uint256 id) public view returns (uint256) {
        uint256 feeAmount = isTripleId(id) ? _feeOnRaw(assets, tripleConfig.atomDepositFractionForTriple) : 0;
        return feeAmount;

As we can see it is a % with respect to the total deposited. The problem will occur if there is no prevention from setting atomDepositFractionForTriple with value >= feeDenominator.

This will make the process revert because of underflow error, as fees is expected to be smaller than the real value.


Check that the value do not exceeds to equal feeDenominator. And it can get capped to a given value like feeDenominator / 2 to something.


    function setAtomDepositFractionForTriple(uint256 atomDepositFractionForTriple) external onlyAdmin {
+       require(atomDepositFractionForTriple < generalConfig.feeDenominator, "EthMultiVault: exceeds Denominator");
        tripleConfig.atomDepositFractionForTriple = atomDepositFractionForTriple;