Lastname: Laureau Firstname: Arthur
command: $ sudo docker build .
question: The port are closed on docker side thus the application can't connect. We need to put EXPOSE 3000 and EXPOSE 3306 to the dockerfile. command: $ docker run --name api -P app
question:I cannot push my image because it has to have the correct tag like the repo (dev_api) and the local instance of docker has to be connected to the docker hub command: $ docker login --username=Alaureau, then type pwd docker tag: $ docker build -t mytag
command: $ docker rmi -f IMAGE_ID
question: I need to run the image from docker since I erased the one I had in local command: $ docker run Alaureau/dev_api
command: $ docker run --detach Alaureau/devops-lab:dev
question: In detached mode, the new container ID is prompted on the terminal. I know it is running because of its status question: My container was automatically named "underrated_osmosis" command: $ docker ps -a
command: docker run --name dev_api --detach Alaureau/devops-lab:dev
question: To see the current running OS in my Docker container I added option -i and -t command: $ docker run -it api sh
NAME="Alpine Linux" ID=alpine
PRETTY_NAME="Alpine Linux v3.8"
command: $ docker-compose up
command: $ docker-compose up -d command: $ docker-compose logs