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MF01-PRA01: Publishing and Managing Quarto Documentation

CIFO La Violeta - DevOps IFCT0116-24 MF01

In this practical exercise, you will enhance your skills in creating, managing, and publishing documentation using Quarto. You will set up a local Quarto website, customize its content, and publish it to GitHub Pages.


  • Create a local Markdown Quarto website
  • Modify the website by adding call-outs, new pages, basic formatting, and layout
  • Implement Website Navigation
  • Include Mermaid diagrams
  • Configure the _quarto.yml file
  • Set up a Git repository and link it to a GitHub remote repository
  • Publish the website to GitHub Pages

Project Base


1. Create a Local Markdown Quarto Website

  • Install Quarto if you haven't already. Follow the installation instructions on the Creating a Website.

  • Create a new Quarto project using the command:

    quarto create-project my-quarto-site
  • Navigate to the newly created project directory:

    cd my-quarto-site

2. Modify the Website

  • Add Call-outs:

    • Use call-outs to highlight important information. For example:

      ::: callout
      This is an important note.
  • Create New Pages:

    • Add new Markdown files to create additional pages. For example, create a file and add it to _quarto.yml:

      # About
      This is the about page.
  • Basic Formatting and Layout:

    • Use Markdown syntax to format your content. For example:

      # Heading
      ## Subheading
      This is a paragraph with *italic* and **bold** text.
    • Customize the layout by editing the _quarto.yml file.

3. Implement Website Navigation

  • Configure the navigation menu by editing the _quarto.yml file. For example:

      - Home: index.qmd
      - About: about.qmd
      - Contact: contact.qmd

4. Include Mermaid Diagrams

  • Install the Mermaid extension for Quarto if you haven't already. Add the following to your _quarto.yml file:

      - mermaid
  • Include Mermaid diagrams in your Markdown files. For example:

    ``` mermaid
    graph LR
        A[Client] --> B[Load Balancer]
        B --> C[Server1]
        B --> D[Server2]
    title: Animal example
        note "From Duck till Zebra"
        Animal <|-- Duck
        note for Duck "can fly\ncan swim\ncan dive\ncan help in debugging"
        Animal <|-- Fish
        Animal <|-- Zebra
        Animal : +int age
        Animal : +String gender
        Animal: +isMammal()
        Animal: +mate()
        class Duck{
            +String beakColor
        class Fish{
            -int sizeInFeet
        class Zebra{
            +bool is_wild

5. Configure the _quarto.yml File

  • Customize the site's metadata, theme, and other settings in the _quarto.yml file. For example:

    title: "My Quarto Site"
    author: "Your Name"
    theme: [journals]

6. Set Up a Git Repository and Link to GitHub

  • Initialize a Git repository in your project directory:

    git init
  • Add all files to the repository:

    git add .
  • Commit the changes:

    git commit -m "Initial commit"
  • Create a new repository on GitHub and link it to your local repository:

    git remote add origin
    git push -u origin main

7. Publish the Website to GitHub Pages

  • Configure GitHub Pages to serve your Quarto site. Go to your repository settings on GitHub, navigate to the "Pages" section, and select the branch you want to use (e.g., main).

  • Use the Quarto command to render and deploy your site to GitHub Pages:

    quarto publish gh-pages

Example Code Structure

Here is an example of how your project structure might look:

├── _quarto.yml
├── index.qmd
├── about.qmd
├── contact.qmd
├── .gitignore
└── .git/

And an example _quarto.yml file:

title: "My Quarto Site"
author: "Your Name"
theme: [journals]
  - Home: index.qmd
  - About: about.qmd
  - Contact: contact.qmd
  - mermaid

Submission Guidelines

  • Fork the existing repository (if applicable) or create a new one on GitHub.
  • Create a new branch named MF01-PRA01-YourNameAndSurname from the latest commit.
  • Implement the required changes and tests.
  • Commit your changes with clear, descriptive messages.
  • Push your branch to your forked repository.
  • Create a pull request to the original repository (if applicable) with a summary of your changes and title: MF01-PRA01-YourNameAndSurname-PublishingQuartoDocumentation
    • Example: F01-PRA01-EmmaMoskovitz-PublishingQuartoDocumentation

Evaluation Criteria

  • Correct setup and configuration of the Quarto website
  • Proper use of call-outs, new pages, basic formatting, and layout
  • Effective implementation of Website Navigation
  • Inclusion of Mermaid diagrams
  • Correct configuration of the _quarto.yml file
  • Successful setup of a Git repository and GitHub remote repository
  • Successful publication of the website to GitHub Pages
  • Code clarity and documentation quality
  • Adherence to best practices for Quarto and GitHub Pages

Remember to focus on creating a well-structured and visually appealing Quarto website that demonstrates good documentation practices. Good luck!