Save stream ( in this case the echo output) in a file (or create a new file and save output if file is nonexisting):
echo "Hellow world" > file.txt
Append to a file:
echo "Hellow world" >> file.txt
Send contect of a file to a program < file.txt
PIPLINES: connects the output of a command to another command
cat file.txt | cut -d " " -f1
Variables are stored without space
Wrong: variable = "Hi there"
Correct: variable="Hi there"
To call variable use '$'
echo $varaible
OUTPUT: Hi there
GLobs are similar to wild cards
echo *.py
(prints all the .py files in current directory)echo c*.py
(prints all the .py files that start with c in current directory)echo ????.py
(prints all .py with 4 letters in current directory)