As well as the Docker container source files, we provide 3 worked examples that demonstrate the use of kubernetes in a more practical environment.
Create the ps-postgres stack pod
kubectl create -f ./ps-postgres/ps-postgres.yml
Expose ps-postgres pod
kubectl expose deployment ps-postgres --name=process-services --type=LoadBalancer
Check the url and port to access the Process Services
kubectl describe service process-services
Open browser at http://${IP}:${NodePort}/activiti-app and you will see the application
If using minukube, you will need to do the following before doing the example:
minikube start
Create the ps-postgres stack pod:
kubectl create -f ./ps-postgres/ps-postgres.yml
Expose ps-postgres pod:
kubectl expose deployment ps-postgres --name=process-services --type=LoadBalancer
Retrieve the url and port from minikube:
minikube service process-services --url
Open browser on the indicated url, adding /activiti-app
at the end of the address