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+ content:""; + width:1.25em; + height:1.25em; + background-color:#a0c000; + z-index:90; + border:.125em solid #efefef +} +.cta h3,.h-hero,.h-hero__sub,.services__item{ + position:relative +} +.cta h3{ + text-indent:1.25em +} +@media screen and (max-width:669px){ + .cta h3{ + font-size:3.58em; + text-indent:1.5em; + line-height:1.1 + } +} +.dark-mode .cta__image::after{ + border-color:#111414 +} +.footer #footerYear{ + margin-right:4px +} +.footer__grid{ + display:grid; + grid-template-columns:5fr 6fr 1fr; + padding:2em 0; + border-top:1px solid #efefef +} +@media screen and (max-width:990px){ + .footer__grid{ + grid-template-columns:1fr + } + .footer span,.footer__back{ + font-size:13px + } +} +.h-hero__top,.projects__header{ + grid-template-columns:8fr 4fr; + grid-column-gap:1.25em +} +@media screen and (max-width:566px){ + .footer__grid{ + display:flex; + flex-direction:column; + flex-wrap:wrap + } +} +.footer__links{ + display:flex; + column-gap:1.25em +} +@media screen and (max-width:990px){ + .footer__links{ + order:0; 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+ line-height:1.1; + letter-spacing:-.02em + } + .project .project__year{ + font-size:2.39em; + line-height:1; + letter-spacing:-.01em + } +} +.project__image{ + top:-10%; + width:41.87em; + height:27.87em +} +.project__image img{ + width:100%; + height:100%; + object-fit:cover; + object-position:center; + opacity:0 +} +.project.cc-active .project__image img{ + opacity:1 +} +.project__card{ + top:0; + width:41.87em; + height:27.87em +} +.project__card__image,.project__card__inner{ + height:100%; + position:relative; + width:100% +} +.project__card__image{ + background-size:cover; + background-position:50% 50%; + opacity:0 +} +.dark-mode .project{ + color:#efefef +} +.process{ + padding:6.25em 0 +} +.process__grid{ + display:grid; + grid-template-columns:1fr 1fr; + grid-column-gap:1.25em +} +.process__grid--col:nth-of-type(1){ + max-width:34.68em +} +@media screen and (max-width:990px){ + .process__grid{ + grid-template-columns:1fr + } + .process__grid--col:nth-of-type(1){ + margin-bottom:40px; 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