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Diary-based API that utilizes Artificial Intelligence to detect the sentiment analysis of the user’s diary entry. This project used Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL, and Sequelize.


You need Node.js/NPM and Git installed into your system. Also, go to IBM Cloud to register and sign up for the free tier service for their Tone Analyzer. Remember to get your API Key and API URL!

Get Started

To run this application:

  1. In your terminal type git clone to clone it to your computer.
  2. Then type cd myDiary to access the folder
  3. To install the required modules type npm i
  4. Make a new PostgreSQL database by writing createdb mydiary
  5. Create a .env file by typing touch .env to store your secret keys
  6. In the .env file type


  7. Type npm run start-dev in your terminal and you can use the API!


First, we recommend installing Postman to easily test out the API. Remember to add localhost:8000 to the URL before typing in the API path. (/api/auth/signup=>localhost:8000/api/signup)

Sign Up/ Login Routes

How to signup and login.

  • POST /api/auth/signup allows anyone to make an account
      -Requires an email and password key inside the body
      -Example: {email: [email protected], password: password1}

  • POST /api/auth/signin when logged in, the response will give the user an access token.
      -Requires an email and password key inside the body. You will receive an x-access-token. For all routes below you must place your token in the header.
      -The x-access-token lasts for 24 hours.
      -Example: {x-access-token: |X-ACCESS-TOKEN-KEY|}

NOTE: All Routes below require your x-access-token in the header!

Entry Routes (Write Diary Entries/ Find Diary Entry or Sentence)

  • POST /api/entry/newEntry allows registered user to submit a diary entry
      -Requires a diary entry and is assigned to the message key in the body.
      -Example: {message: "I love Tacos, it makes me think better during the day!"}

  • GET /api/entry/listAll allows a user to view all their previous entries and the overall tone for each one.
      -Will provide the entryToneId (will be labeled as "id" in the JSON) for each one

  • GET /api/entry/sentencetone/:entryToneId allows a user to see the tone for each sentence written in one entry.
      -Replace :entryToneId with the id in the URL.

Analyze Routes

  • GET /api/analyze/search/entries/ allows a user to search their diary entries for any particular word.   -Requires a word to be searched and assigned to the searchQuery key in the body.
      -Example: {searchQuery: "taco"}

  • GET /api/analyze/search/sentences/ allows a user to search their diary entries for any particular word. Will only provide the exact sentences that match with the searched word.
      -Requires a word to be searched and assigned to the searchQuery key in the body.
      -Example: {searchQuery: "taco"}

  • GET /api/analyze/averagetone allows a user to find their average tone from all their diary entries.
      -Will showcase the average tone for all 8 tones.

  • GET /api/analyze/findToneMatch allows a user to find all sentences within their entries that emit a certain tone   -Tone's that a user can pick from are: "anger", "disgust", "fear", "joy", "sadness", "analytical", "confident", or "tentative"
      -Requires a selected tone and assigned to the tone key in the body.
      -Example: {tone: "joy"}