Here is a categorized list of the top ten Pascal repositories based on their all-time star count, sorted by creation date(year). (Website View)
🟣🟣There are some useful repositories that may not be listed in the top ten but are still impressive and neglected. To address this, a separate category has been created for such repositories. If you know of any repository like this, please feel free to contribute or message me.
Repo / Maintainer / Description(it's a hint) | ⭐ |
GIUDA/foxlox/Description | |
ExifToolGui/FrankBijnen/Description | |
Pack/PackOrganization/Description | |
dosfetch/leahneukirchen/Description | |
EasyDBMigrator/AliDehbansiahkarbon/Description | |
WebUI4Delphi/salvadordf/Description | |
neurochat/ortegaalfredo/Description | |
JVEsuite/yegork78/Description | |
hypobrychium/foxlox/Description | |
CodeDroidAI/FMXExpress/Description |
Repo / Maintainer / Description(it's a hint) | ⭐ |
goverlay/benjamimgois/Description | |
SubSeven/DarkCoderSc/Description | |
ChatGPT/HemulGM/Description | |
NsfwBox/Kisspeace/Description | |
TeroSubtitler/URUWorks/Description | |
ChatGPTWizard/AliDehbansiahkarbon/Description | |
DelphiOpenAI/HemulGM/Description | |
WPP4Delphi/wppconnect-team/Description | |
PsyloDbg/PhrozenIO/Description | |
RealThinClient-SDK/teppicom/Description |
Repo / Maintainer / Description(it's a hint) | ⭐ |
fpPS4/red-prig/Description | |
mortar/0xsp-SRD/Description | |
skia4delphi/skia4delphi/Description | |
Magicmida/Hendi48/Description | |
WebView4Delphi/salvadordf/Description | |
xtool/Razor12911/Description | |
OffensivePascal/0xsp-SRD/Description | |
aws-sdk-delphi/landgraf-dev/Description | |
Delphi-GCharts/JosepPages7/Description | |
NtTools/diversenok/Description |
Repo / Maintainer / Description(it's a hint) | ⭐ |
Dev-Cpp/Embarcadero/Description | |
win-brute-logon/PhrozenIO/Description | |
hfs2/rejetto/Description | |
Kastri/DelphiWorlds/Description | |
SVGIconImageList/EtheaDev/Description | |
BatteryMode/tarcode-apps/Description | |
sas.planet.src/sasgis/Description | |
GLScene/glscene/Description | |
BoldForDelphi/Embarcadero/Description | |
rise-of-legions/BrokenGamesUG/Description |
Repo / Maintainer / Description(it's a hint) | ⭐ |
dataset-serialize/viniciussanchez/Description | |
Fo1in2/rotators/Description | |
RESTRequest4Delphi/viniciussanchez/Description | |
0xsp-Mongoose/lawrenceamer/Description | |
mORMot2/synopse/Description | |
neural-api/joaopauloschuler/Description | |
reconstruction-of-zzt/asiekierka/Description | |
TaskbarDock/vhanla/Description | |
FastMM5/pleriche/Description | |
xdpw/vtereshkov/Description |
Repo / Maintainer / Description(it's a hint) | ⭐ |
opensoldat/opensoldat/Description | |
hoard-of-bitfonts/robhagemans/Description | |
horse/HashLoad/Description | |
winxcorners/vhanla/Description | |
TokenUniverse/diversenok/Description | |
MapleStory-GM-Client/Elem8100/Description | |
delphi-neon/paolo-rossi/Description | |
Cmulator/Coldzer0/Description | |
hUGETracker/SuperDisk/Description | |
CubeExplorer/hkociemba/Description |
Repo / Maintainer / Description(it's a hint) | ⭐ |
HeidiSQL/HeidiSQL/Description | |
doublecmd/doublecmd/Description | |
Alcinoe/MagicFoundation/Description | |
QuickLib/exilon/Description | |
tomboy-ng/tomboy-notes/Description | |
QuickLogger/exilon/Description | |
Dev-CPP/royqh1979/Description | |
ZServer4D/PassByYou888/Description | |
CryptoLib4Pascal/Xor-el/Description | |
KastriFree/DelphiWorlds/Description |
Repo / Maintainer / Description(it's a hint) | ⭐ |
VisualMASM/ThomasJaeger/Description | |
CEF4Delphi/salvadordf/Description | |
kcptun_gclient/dfdragon/Description | |
fpcupdeluxe/LongDirtyAnimAlf/Description | |
Delphi-Cross-Socket/winddriver/Description | |
graphics32/graphics32/Description | |
FMXComponents/zhaoyipeng/Description | |
CloudMailRu/pozitronik/Description | |
PascalCoin/PascalCoinDev/Description | |
C-To-Delphi/WouterVanNifterick/Description |
Repo / Maintainer / Description(it's a hint) | ⭐ |
delphimvcframework/danieleteti/Description | |
pyscripter/pyscripter/Description | |
python4delphi/pyscripter/Description | |
UsbAsp-flash/nofeletru/Description | |
USDX/UltraStar-Deluxe/Description | |
Robber/MojtabaTajik/Description | |
TES5Edit/TES5Edit/Description | |
xidel/benibela/Description | |
delphi-ide-theme-editor/RRUZ/Description | |
Remote-Access-Trojan/malwares/Description |
Repo / Maintainer / Description(it's a hint) | ⭐ |
rdpwrap/stascorp/Description | |
cheat-engine/cheat-engine/Description | |
transgui/transmission-remote-gui/Description | |
nodemcu-flasher/nodemcu/Description | |
awesome-pascal/Fr0sT-Brutal/Description | |
MediaInfo/MediaArea/Description | |
castle-engine/castle-engine/Description | |
mORMot/synopse/Description | |
LibreCrypt/t-d-k/Description | |
FMD/riderkick/Description |
Repo / Maintainer / Description(it's a hint) | ⭐ |
SynEdit/SynEdit/Description | |
lazpaint/bgrabitmap/Description | |
DUnitX/VSoftTechnologies/Description | |
DelphiWebsockets/andremussche/Description | |
lazandroidmodulewizard/jmpessoa/Description | |
snap7/SCADACS/Description | |
DataSetConverter4Delphi/ezequieljuliano/Description | |
DelphiZXingQRCode/foxitsoftware/Description | |
fhirserver/HealthIntersections/Description | |
DxAutoInstaller/Delphier/Description |
Repo / Maintainer / Description(it's a hint) | ⭐ |
jcl/project-jedi/Description | |
jvcl/project-jedi/Description | |
Delphi-OpenCV/Laex/Description | |
RaspberryPi/PeterLemon/Description | |
pascalscript/remobjects/Description | |
DocTo/tobya/Description | |
delphi-rest-client-api/fabriciocolombo/Description | |
lazarus/alrieckert/Description | |
brookframework/silvioprog/Description | |
delphi/freeonterminate/Description |
Repo / Maintainer / Description(it's a hint) | ⭐ |
issrc/jrsoftware/Description | |
TorChat/prof7bit/Description | |
USB-Disk-Ejector/bgbennyboy/Description | |
Delphi-Mocks/VSoftTechnologies/Description | |
TRegExpr/andgineer/Description | |
Castalia-Delphi-Parser/jacobthurman/Description | |
SnapTimer/jaden/Description | |
TStateMachine/malcolmgroves/Description | |
Delphi-EmbeddedWB/ghquant/Description | |
xxm/stijnsanders/Description |
Repo / Maintainer / Description(it's a hint) | ⭐ |
PeaZip/peazip/Description | |
HtmlViewer/BerndGabriel/Description | |
Simba/Villavu/Description | |
fpGUI/graemeg/Description | |
Avro-Keyboard/mugli/Description | |
googleapi/googleapi/Description | |
GitForDelphi/libgit2/Description | |
TMongoWire/stijnsanders/Description | |
SRL-6/SRL/Description | |
miniedit/parmaja/Description |