Inplace batch-norm (Inplace-ABN) module has exactly the same fields as regular BatchNorm:
- module.weight
- module.bias
- module.running_mean
- module.running_var
- module.num_batches_tracked
Therefore, any function that operates on BatchNorm can run on Inplace-ABN.
However, problems can arise when a logic condition seeks explicitly for BatchNorm layers only:
if isinstance(module, nn.BatchNorm2d):
Anywhere you see a code segement like this, it needs to be replaced with a condition that includes Inplace-ABN:
if isinstance(module, nn.BatchNorm2d) or isinstance(module, inplace_abn.InPlaceABN):
NVIDIA Apex O0, O1 and O3 mixed-precision options work seemlesly on Inplace-ABN.
For O2 mixed precision, we need to convert manually Inplace-ABN to fp32, since NVIDIA Apex inner code has explicit 'if' condition for BatchNorm only.
Conversion can be done easily with the helper function 'IABN2float':
if args.use_apex:
model, optimizer = apex.amp.initialize(model, optimizer, opt_level=args.opt_level)
if args.opt_level == 'O2': # IABN needs adjustment for O2
from src.models.tresnet import IABN2Float
model = IABN2Float(model)