diff --git a/docs/datamodel/ao2dTables.md b/docs/datamodel/ao2dTables.md index 27b5b526..bac53b59 100644 --- a/docs/datamodel/ao2dTables.md +++ b/docs/datamodel/ao2dTables.md @@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [Ge
Name | @@ -1978,6 +2009,13 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [Gefloat | Resolution of the track time in ns (see TrackFlags::TrackTimeResIsRange) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
o2::aod::1 | +GI | ++ | ? | ++ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
o2::aod::track::v001::DetectorMap | E | @@ -1989,14 +2027,24 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [Ge - +
Name | @@ -2006,150 +2054,374 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [GeComment | ||||||||
o2::soa::Index | -GI | -globalIndex | -int64_t | +o2::aod::track::TPCInnerParam | + | tpcInnerParam | +float | +Momentum at inner wall of the TPC | |
o2::aod::track::CollisionId | -I | -collisionId | -int32 | -Collision to which this track belongs | +o2::aod::track::Flags | ++ | flags | +uint32_t | +Track flags. Run 2: see TrackFlagsRun2Enum | Run 3: see TrackFlags |
o2::aod::track::TrackType | +o2::aod::track::ITSClusterSizes | - | trackType | +itsClusterSizes | +uint32_t | +Clusters sizes, four bits per a layer, starting from the innermost | +|||
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable | ++ | tpcNClsFindable | uint8_t | -Type of track. See enum TrackTypeEnum. This cannot be used to decide which detector has contributed to this track. Use hasITS, hasTPC, etc. | +Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry | ||||
o2::aod::track::X | +o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusFound | - | x | -float | +tpcNClsFindableMinusFound | +int8_t | +TPC Clusters: Findable - Found | +||
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusPID | + | tpcNClsFindableMinusPID | +int8_t | +TPC Clusters: Findable - Found clusters used for PID | |||||
o2::aod::track::Alpha | +o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows | - | alpha | +tpcNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows | +int8_t | +TPC Clusters: Findable - crossed rows | +|||
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsShared | ++ | tpcNClsShared | +uint8_t | +Number of shared TPC clusters | +|||||
o2::aod::track::v001::extensions::TPCDeltaTFwd | +D | +tpcDeltaTFwd | +float | +Delta Forward of track time in TPC time bis | +|||||
o2::aod::track::v001::extensions::TPCDeltaTBwd | +D | +tpcDeltaTBwd | float | +Delta Backward of track time in TPC time bis | +|||||
o2::aod::track::TRDPattern | + | trdPattern | +uint8_t | +Contributor to the track on TRD layer in bits 0-5, starting from the innermost, bit 6 indicates a potentially split tracklet, bit 7 if the track crossed a padrow | |||||
o2::aod::track::Y | +o2::aod::track::ITSChi2NCl | - | y | +itsChi2NCl | float | -+ | Chi2 / cluster for the ITS track segment | ||
o2::aod::track::Z | +o2::aod::track::TPCChi2NCl | - | z | +tpcChi2NCl | float | +Chi2 / cluster for the TPC track segment | +|||
o2::aod::track::TRDChi2 | + | trdChi2 | +float | +Chi2 for the TRD track segment | |||||
o2::aod::track::Snp | +o2::aod::track::TOFChi2 | - | snp | +tofChi2 | float | +Chi2 for the TOF track segment | +|||
o2::aod::track::TPCSignal | + | tpcSignal | +float | +dE/dx signal in the TPC | |||||
o2::aod::track::Tgl | +o2::aod::track::TRDSignal | - | tgl | +trdSignal | float | +PID signal in the TRD | +|||
o2::aod::track::Length | + | length | +float | +Track length | |||||
o2::aod::track::Signed1Pt | +o2::aod::track::TOFExpMom | - | signed1Pt | +tofExpMom | float | -(sign of charge)/Pt in c/GeV. Use pt() and sign() instead | +TOF expected momentum obtained in tracking, used to compute the expected times | ||
o2::aod::track::IsWithinBeamPipe | +o2::aod::track::PIDForTracking | D | -isWithinBeamPipe | -bool | -Is the track within the beam pipe (= successfully propagated to a collision vertex) | +pidForTracking | +uint32_t | +PID hypothesis used during tracking. See the constants in the class PID in PID.h | |
o2::aod::track::Px | +o2::aod::track::IsPVContributor | D | -px | -float | -Momentum in x-direction in GeV/c | +isPVContributor | +bool | +Run 3: Has this track contributed to the collision vertex fit | |
o2::aod::track::Py | +o2::aod::track::HasITS | D | -py | -float | -Momentum in y-direction in GeV/c | +hasITS | +bool | +Flag to check if track has a ITS match | |
o2::aod::track::Pz | +o2::aod::track::HasTPC | D | -pz | -float | -Momentum in z-direction in GeV/c | +hasTPC | +bool | +Flag to check if track has a TPC match | |
o2::aod::track::PVector | +o2::aod::track::HasTRD | D | -pVector | -std::array<float,3> | -Momentum vector in x,y,z-directions in GeV/c | +hasTRD | +bool | +Flag to check if track has a TRD match | |
o2::aod::track::Energy | +o2::aod::track::HasTOF | D | -energy | -float | -Track energy, computed under the mass assumption given as input | +hasTOF | +bool | +Flag to check if track has a TOF measurement | |
o2::aod::track::Rapidity | +o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFound | D | -rapidity | -float | -Track rapidity, computed under the mass assumption given as input | +tpcNClsFound | +int16_t | +Number of found TPC clusters | |
o2::aod::track::Sign | +o2::aod::track::TPCNClsCrossedRows | D | -sign | -short | -Charge: positive: 1, negative: -1 | +tpcNClsCrossedRows | +int16_t | +Number of crossed TPC Rows |
Name | -- | Getter | -Type | -Comment | +o2::aod::track::v001::ITSClusterMap | +D | +itsClusterMap | +uint8_t | +ITS cluster map, one bit per a layer, starting from the innermost | +
o2::aod::track::v001::ITSNCls | +D | +itsNCls | +uint8_t | +Number of ITS clusters | +|||||
o2::aod::track::v001::ITSNClsInnerBarrel | +D | +itsNClsInnerBarrel | +uint8_t | +Number of ITS clusters in the Inner Barrel | +|||||
o2::aod::track::v001::ITSClsSizeInLayer | +D | +itsClsSizeInLayer | +uint8_t | +Size of the ITS cluster in a given layer | +|||||
o2::aod::track::v001::IsITSAfterburner | +D | +isITSAfterburner | +bool | +If the track used the afterburner in the ITS | +|||||
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimeEl | +D | +tofExpTimeEl | +float | +Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the electron hypothesis | +|||||
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimeMu | +D | +tofExpTimeMu | +float | +Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the muon hypothesis | +|||||
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimePi | +D | +tofExpTimePi | +float | +Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the pion hypothesis | +|||||
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimeKa | +D | +tofExpTimeKa | +float | +Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the kaon hypothesis | +|||||
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimePr | +D | +tofExpTimePr | +float | +Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the proton hypothesis | +|||||
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimeDe | +D | +tofExpTimeDe | +float | +Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the deuteron hypothesis | +|||||
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimeTr | +D | +tofExpTimeTr | +float | +Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the triton hypothesis | +|||||
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimeHe | +D | +tofExpTimeHe | +float | +Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the helium3 hypothesis | +|||||
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimeAl | +D | +tofExpTimeAl | +float | +Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the helium4 hypothesis | +|||||
o2::aod::track::TPCCrossedRowsOverFindableCls | +D | +tpcCrossedRowsOverFindableCls | +float | +Ratio crossed rows over findable clusters | +|||||
o2::aod::track::TPCFoundOverFindableCls | +D | +tpcFoundOverFindableCls | +float | +Ratio of found over findable clusters | +|||||
o2::aod::track::TPCFractionSharedCls | +D | +tpcFractionSharedCls | +float | +Fraction of shared TPC clusters | +|||||
o2::aod::track::TrackEtaEMCAL | ++ | trackEtaEmcal | +float | ++ | |||||
o2::aod::track::TrackPhiEMCAL | ++ | trackPhiEmcal | +float | ++ | |||||
o2::aod::track::TrackTime | ++ | trackTime | +float | +Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0] | +|||||
o2::aod::track::TrackTimeRes | ++ | trackTimeRes | +float | +Resolution of the track time in ns (see TrackFlags::TrackTimeResIsRange) | +|||||
o2::aod::2 | +GI | ++ | ? | ++ | |||||
o2::aod::track::v001::DetectorMap | +E | +detectorMap | +uint8_t | +Detector map version 1, see enum DetectorMapEnum | +
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | |||||
o2::soa::Index | @@ -2281,10 +2553,10 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [Ge - +Comment | ||||||||
o2::aod::track::SigmaY | +o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | - | sigmaY | -float | -Covariance matrix | |
o2::aod::track::SigmaZ | -- | sigmaZ | -float | -Covariance matrix | +o2::aod::track::CollisionId | +I | +collisionId | +int32 | +Collision to which this track belongs |
o2::aod::track::SigmaSnp | +o2::aod::track::TrackType | - | sigmaSnp | -float | -Covariance matrix | +trackType | +uint8_t | +Type of track. See enum TrackTypeEnum. This cannot be used to decide which detector has contributed to this track. Use hasITS, hasTPC, etc. | |
o2::aod::track::SigmaTgl | +o2::aod::track::X | - | sigmaTgl | +x | float | -Covariance matrix | +|||
o2::aod::track::Sigma1Pt | +o2::aod::track::Alpha | - | sigma1Pt | +alpha | float | -Covariance matrix | +|||
o2::aod::track::RhoZY | +o2::aod::track::Y | ++ | y | +float | - | rhoZY | -int8_t | -Covariance matrix in compressed form | |
o2::aod::track::RhoSnpY | +o2::aod::track::Z | ++ | z | +float | - | rhoSnpY | -int8_t | -Covariance matrix in compressed form | |
o2::aod::track::RhoSnpZ | +o2::aod::track::Snp | ++ | snp | +float | - | rhoSnpZ | -int8_t | -Covariance matrix in compressed form | |
o2::aod::track::RhoTglY | +o2::aod::track::Tgl | ++ | tgl | +float | - | rhoTglY | -int8_t | -Covariance matrix in compressed form | |
o2::aod::track::RhoTglZ | +o2::aod::track::Signed1Pt | - | rhoTglZ | -int8_t | -Covariance matrix in compressed form | +signed1Pt | +float | +(sign of charge)/Pt in c/GeV. Use pt() and sign() instead | |
o2::aod::track::RhoTglSnp | +o2::aod::track::IsWithinBeamPipe | +D | +isWithinBeamPipe | +bool | +Is the track within the beam pipe (= successfully propagated to a collision vertex) | +||||
o2::aod::track::Px | +D | +px | +float | +Momentum in x-direction in GeV/c | +|||||
o2::aod::track::Py | +D | +py | +float | +Momentum in y-direction in GeV/c | +|||||
o2::aod::track::Pz | +D | +pz | +float | +Momentum in z-direction in GeV/c | +|||||
o2::aod::track::PVector | +D | +pVector | +std::array<float,3> | +Momentum vector in x,y,z-directions in GeV/c | +|||||
o2::aod::track::Energy | +D | +energy | +float | +Track energy, computed under the mass assumption given as input | +|||||
o2::aod::track::Rapidity | +D | +rapidity | +float | +Track rapidity, computed under the mass assumption given as input | +|||||
o2::aod::track::Sign | +D | +sign | +short | +Charge: positive: 1, negative: -1 | +
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
o2::aod::track::SigmaY | ++ | sigmaY | +float | +Covariance matrix | +|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
o2::aod::track::SigmaZ | ++ | sigmaZ | +float | +Covariance matrix | +|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
o2::aod::track::SigmaSnp | ++ | sigmaSnp | +float | +Covariance matrix | +|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
o2::aod::track::SigmaTgl | ++ | sigmaTgl | +float | +Covariance matrix | +|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
o2::aod::track::Sigma1Pt | ++ | sigma1Pt | +float | +Covariance matrix | +|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
o2::aod::track::RhoZY | ++ | rhoZY | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form | +|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
o2::aod::track::RhoSnpY | ++ | rhoSnpY | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form | +|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
o2::aod::track::RhoSnpZ | ++ | rhoSnpZ | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form | +|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
o2::aod::track::RhoTglY | ++ | rhoTglY | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form | +|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
o2::aod::track::RhoTglZ | ++ | rhoTglZ | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form | +|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
o2::aod::track::RhoTglSnp | rhoTglSnp | int8_t | @@ -2853,11 +3271,6 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [Ge
Name | @@ -3199,17 +3612,17 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [Ge - +
Comment | |||||||||
o2::soa::Index | -GI | -globalIndex | -int64_t | -- | |||||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CollisionId | -I | -collisionId | -int32 | -Pointer into Collisions | -|||||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::X | +o2::aod::track::TPCInnerParam | - | x | +tpcInnerParam | float | -TrackParFwd parameter x | +Momentum at inner wall of the TPC | ||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Y | +o2::aod::track::Flags | - | y | -float | -TrackParFwd parameter y | +flags | +uint32_t | +Track flags. Run 2: see TrackFlagsRun2Enum | Run 3: see TrackFlags | |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Z | +o2::aod::track::ITSClusterSizes | - | z | -float | -TrackParFwd propagation parameter z | +itsClusterSizes | +uint32_t | +Clusters sizes, four bits per a layer, starting from the innermost | |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Phi | +o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable | - | phi | -float | -TrackParFwd parameter phi; (i.e. pt pointing direction) | +tpcNClsFindable | +uint8_t | +Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry | |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Tgl | +o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusFound | - | tgl | -float | -TrackParFwd parameter tan(\lamba); (\lambda = 90 - \theta_{polar}) | +tpcNClsFindableMinusFound | +int8_t | +TPC Clusters: Findable - Found | |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Signed1Pt | +o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusPID | - | signed1Pt | -float | -TrackParFwd parameter: charged inverse transverse momentum; (q/pt) | +tpcNClsFindableMinusPID | +int8_t | +TPC Clusters: Findable - Found clusters used for PID | |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::NClusters | +o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows | - | nClusters | +tpcNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows | int8_t | -Number of clusters | +TPC Clusters: Findable - crossed rows | ||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Px | -D | -px | -float | +o2::aod::track::TPCNClsShared | + | tpcNClsShared | +uint8_t | +Number of shared TPC clusters | |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Py | +o2::aod::track::v001::extensions::TPCDeltaTFwd | D | -py | +tpcDeltaTFwd | float | -+ | Delta Forward of track time in TPC time bis | ||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pz | +o2::aod::track::v001::extensions::TPCDeltaTBwd | D | -pz | +tpcDeltaTBwd | float | -+ | Delta Backward of track time in TPC time bis | ||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Sign | -D | -sign | -short | -Sign of the track eletric charge | +o2::aod::track::TRDPattern | ++ | trdPattern | +uint8_t | +Contributor to the track on TRD layer in bits 0-5, starting from the innermost, bit 6 indicates a potentially split tracklet, bit 7 if the track crossed a padrow |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2 | +o2::aod::track::ITSChi2NCl | - | chi2 | +itsChi2NCl | float | -Track chi^2 | +Chi2 / cluster for the ITS track segment | ||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTime | +o2::aod::track::TPCChi2NCl | - | trackTime | +tpcChi2NCl | float | -Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0] | +Chi2 / cluster for the TPC track segment | ||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTimeRes | +o2::aod::track::TRDChi2 | - | trackTimeRes | +trdChi2 | float | -Resolution of the track time in ns | +Chi2 for the TRD track segment | ||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pt | -E | -pt | -float | +o2::aod::track::TOFChi2 | + | tofChi2 | +float | +Chi2 for the TOF track segment | |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Eta | -E | -eta | +o2::aod::track::TPCSignal | ++ | tpcSignal | float | +dE/dx signal in the TPC | +||
o2::aod::track::TRDSignal | + | trdSignal | +float | +PID signal in the TRD | |||||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::P | -E | -p | +o2::aod::track::Length | ++ | length | float | +Track length | +||
o2::aod::track::TOFExpMom | + | tofExpMom | +float | +TOF expected momentum obtained in tracking, used to compute the expected times |
Name | -- | Getter | -Type | -Comment | +o2::aod::track::PIDForTracking | +D | +pidForTracking | +uint32_t | +PID hypothesis used during tracking. See the constants in the class PID in PID.h |
o2::soa::Index | -GI | -globalIndex | -int64_t | -+ | o2::aod::track::IsPVContributor | +D | +isPVContributor | +bool | +Run 3: Has this track contributed to the collision vertex fit |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CollisionId | -I | -collisionId | -int32 | -Pointer into Collisions | +o2::aod::track::HasITS | +D | +hasITS | +bool | +Flag to check if track has a ITS match |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::X | -- | x | -float | -TrackParFwd parameter x | +o2::aod::track::HasTPC | +D | +hasTPC | +bool | +Flag to check if track has a TPC match |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Y | -- | y | -float | -TrackParFwd parameter y | +o2::aod::track::HasTRD | +D | +hasTRD | +bool | +Flag to check if track has a TRD match |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Z | -- | z | -float | -TrackParFwd propagation parameter z | +o2::aod::track::HasTOF | +D | +hasTOF | +bool | +Flag to check if track has a TOF measurement |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Phi | -- | phi | -float | -TrackParFwd parameter phi; (i.e. pt pointing direction) | +o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFound | +D | +tpcNClsFound | +int16_t | +Number of found TPC clusters |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Tgl | -- | tgl | -float | -TrackParFwd parameter tan(\lamba); (\lambda = 90 - \theta_{polar}) | +o2::aod::track::TPCNClsCrossedRows | +D | +tpcNClsCrossedRows | +int16_t | +Number of crossed TPC Rows |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Signed1Pt | -- | signed1Pt | -float | -TrackParFwd parameter: charged inverse transverse momentum; (q/pt) | +o2::aod::track::v001::ITSClusterMap | +D | +itsClusterMap | +uint8_t | +ITS cluster map, one bit per a layer, starting from the innermost |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::v001::NClusters | +o2::aod::track::v001::ITSNCls | D | -nClusters | -int8_t | -Number of MFT clusters | +itsNCls | +uint8_t | +Number of ITS clusters | |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MFTClusterSizesAndTrackFlags | -- | mftClusterSizesAndTrackFlags | -uint64_t | -Cluster sizes per track, stored per layer (each 6 bits). Remaining 4 bits for MFT flags | +o2::aod::track::v001::ITSNClsInnerBarrel | +D | +itsNClsInnerBarrel | +uint8_t | +Number of ITS clusters in the Inner Barrel |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::IsCA | +o2::aod::track::v001::ITSClsSizeInLayer | D | -isCA | +itsClsSizeInLayer | +uint8_t | +Size of the ITS cluster in a given layer | +|||
o2::aod::track::v001::IsITSAfterburner | +D | +isITSAfterburner | bool | -Returns true if used track-finding algorithm was Cellular Automaton | +If the track used the afterburner in the ITS | ||||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Px | +o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimeEl | D | -px | +tofExpTimeEl | float | -+ | Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the electron hypothesis | ||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Py | +o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimeMu | D | -py | +tofExpTimeMu | float | -+ | Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the muon hypothesis | ||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pz | +o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimePi | D | -pz | +tofExpTimePi | float | -+ | Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the pion hypothesis | ||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Sign | +o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimeKa | D | -sign | -short | -Sign of the track eletric charge | +tofExpTimeKa | +float | +Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the kaon hypothesis | |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2 | -- | chi2 | +o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimePr | +D | +tofExpTimePr | float | -Track chi^2 | +Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the proton hypothesis | |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTime | -- | trackTime | +o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimeDe | +D | +tofExpTimeDe | float | -Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0] | +Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the deuteron hypothesis | |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTimeRes | -- | trackTimeRes | +o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimeTr | +D | +tofExpTimeTr | float | -Resolution of the track time in ns | +Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the triton hypothesis | |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pt | -E | -pt | +o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimeHe | +D | +tofExpTimeHe | float | -+ | Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the helium3 hypothesis | |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Eta | -E | -eta | +o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimeAl | +D | +tofExpTimeAl | float | -+ | Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the helium4 hypothesis | |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::P | -E | -p | +o2::aod::track::TPCCrossedRowsOverFindableCls | +D | +tpcCrossedRowsOverFindableCls | +float | +Ratio crossed rows over findable clusters | +||
o2::aod::track::TPCFoundOverFindableCls | +D | +tpcFoundOverFindableCls | +float | +Ratio of found over findable clusters | +|||||
o2::aod::track::TPCFractionSharedCls | +D | +tpcFractionSharedCls | +float | +Fraction of shared TPC clusters | +|||||
o2::aod::track::TrackEtaEMCAL | ++ | trackEtaEmcal | +float | ++ | |||||
o2::aod::track::TrackPhiEMCAL | ++ | trackPhiEmcal | +float | ++ | |||||
o2::aod::track::TrackTime | ++ | trackTime | float | +Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0] | +|||||
o2::aod::track::TrackTimeRes | + | trackTimeRes | +float | +Resolution of the track time in ns (see TrackFlags::TrackTimeResIsRange) |
Name | @@ -3662,21 +4106,54 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [Gefloat | Resolution of the track time in ns | ||
o2::aod::0 | +GI | ++ | ? | ++ |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pt | +E | +pt | +float | ++ |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Eta | +E | +eta | +float | ++ |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::P | +E | +p | +float | ++ |
float | Resolution of the track time in ns | +|||
o2::aod::1 | +GI | ++ | ? | ++ |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pt | +E | +pt | +float | ++ |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Eta | +E | +eta | +float | ++ |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::P | +E | +p | +float | ++ |
Name | @@ -3859,13 +4352,6 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [Geint32 | Pointer into Collisions | ||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackType | -- | trackType | -uint8_t | -Type of track. See enum ForwardTrackTypeEnum | -
o2::aod::fwdtrack::X | @@ -3915,20 +4401,6 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [Ge | int8_t | Number of clusters | |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::PDca | -- | pDca | -float | -PDca for MUONStandalone | -
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RAtAbsorberEnd | -- | rAtAbsorberEnd | -float | -RAtAbsorberEnd for MUONStandalone tracks and GlobalMuonTrackstracks | -
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Px | D | @@ -3964,62 +4436,6 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [Gefloat | Track chi^2 | |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2MatchMCHMID | -- | chi2MatchMCHMID | -float | -MCH-MID Match Chi2 for MUONStandalone tracks | -
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2MatchMCHMFT | -- | chi2MatchMCHMFT | -float | -MCH-MFT Match Chi2 for GlobalMuonTracks | -
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MatchScoreMCHMFT | -- | matchScoreMCHMFT | -float | -MCH-MFT Machine Learning Matching Score for GlobalMuonTracks | -
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MFTTrackId | -I | -matchMFTTrackId | -int32 | -ID of matching MFT track for GlobalMuonTracks and GlobalForwardTracks | -
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MCHTrackId | -SI | -matchMCHTrackId | -int | -Index of matching MCH track for GlobalMuonTracks and GlobalForwardTracks | -
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MCHBitMap | -- | mchBitMap | -uint16_t | -Fired muon trackig chambers bitmap | -
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MIDBitMap | -- | midBitMap | -uint8_t | -MID bitmap: non-bending plane (4bit), bending plane (4bit) | -
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MIDBoards | -- | midBoards | -uint32_t | -Local boards on each MID plane (8 bits per plane) | -
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTime | @@ -4034,49 +4450,21 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [Ge | float | Resolution of the track time in ns | |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Eta | -E | -eta | -float | -- |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pt | -E | -pt | -float | -- |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::P | -E | -p | -float | -- |
Comment | |||||||||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaX | +o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | - | sigmaX | -float | -Covariance matrix | |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaY | -- | sigmaY | -float | -Covariance matrix | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::CollisionId | +I | +collisionId | +int32 | +Pointer into Collisions |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaPhi | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::X | - | sigmaPhi | +x | float | -Covariance matrix | +TrackParFwd parameter x | ||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaTgl | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Y | - | sigmaTgl | +y | float | -Covariance matrix | +TrackParFwd parameter y | ||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Sigma1Pt | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Z | - | sigma1Pt | +z | float | -Covariance matrix | -|||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoXY | -- | rhoXY | -int8_t | -Covariance matrix in compressed form | -|||||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoPhiY | -- | rhoPhiY | -int8_t | -Covariance matrix in compressed form | -|||||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoPhiX | -- | rhoPhiX | -int8_t | -Covariance matrix in compressed form | -|||||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoTglX | -- | rhoTglX | -int8_t | -Covariance matrix in compressed form | -|||||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoTglY | -- | rhoTglY | -int8_t | -Covariance matrix in compressed form | -|||||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoTglPhi | -- | rhoTglPhi | -int8_t | -Covariance matrix in compressed form | -|||||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtX | -- | rho1PtX | -int8_t | -Covariance matrix in compressed form | -|||||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtY | -- | rho1PtY | -int8_t | -Covariance matrix in compressed form | +TrackParFwd propagation parameter z | ||||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtPhi | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Phi | - | rho1PtPhi | -int8_t | -Covariance matrix in compressed form | +phi | +float | +TrackParFwd parameter phi; (i.e. pt pointing direction) | |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtTgl | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Tgl | - | rho1PtTgl | -int8_t | -Covariance matrix in compressed form | -||||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CXX | -E | -cXX | +tgl | float | -+ | TrackParFwd parameter tan(\lamba); (\lambda = 90 - \theta_{polar}) | |||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CXY | -E | -cXY | -float | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Signed1Pt | - | ||||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CYY | -E | -cYY | +signed1Pt | float | -+ | TrackParFwd parameter: charged inverse transverse momentum; (q/pt) | |||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CPhiX | -E | -cPhiX | -float | -+ | o2::aod::fwdtrack::v001::NClusters | +D | +nClusters | +int8_t | +Number of MFT clusters |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CPhiY | -E | -cPhiY | -float | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::MFTClusterSizesAndTrackFlags | + | mftClusterSizesAndTrackFlags | +uint64_t | +Cluster sizes per track, stored per layer (each 6 bits). Remaining 4 bits for MFT flags | |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CPhiPhi | -E | -cPhiPhi | -float | -+ | o2::aod::fwdtrack::IsCA | +D | +isCA | +bool | +Returns true if used track-finding algorithm was Cellular Automaton |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglX | -E | -cTglX | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Px | +D | +px | float | |||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglY | -E | -cTglY | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Py | +D | +py | float | |||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglPhi | -E | -cTglPhi | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pz | +D | +pz | float | |||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglTgl | -E | -cTglTgl | -float | -+ | o2::aod::fwdtrack::Sign | +D | +sign | +short | +Sign of the track eletric charge |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtX | -E | -c1PtX | -float | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2 | - | ||||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtY | -E | -c1PtY | +chi2 | float | -+ | Track chi^2 | |||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtPhi | -E | -c1PtPhi | -float | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTime | - | ||||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtTgl | -E | -c1PtTgl | +trackTime | float | -+ | Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0] | |||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1Pt21Pt2 | -E | -c1Pt21Pt2 | -float | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTimeRes | + | trackTimeRes | +float | +Resolution of the track time in ns |
Name | @@ -4506,11 +4822,39 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [Gefloat | Resolution of the track time in ns | ||
o2::aod::0 | +GI | ++ | ? | ++ |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pt | +E | +pt | +float | ++ |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Eta | +E | +eta | +float | ++ |
o2::aod::fwdtrack::P | +E | +p | +float | ++ |
Name | -+ |
Name | +Getter | Type | Comment | @@ -4631,157 +4987,130 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [Geint8_t | Covariance matrix in compressed form |
Name | -- | Getter | -Type | -Comment | -|||||
o2::soa::Index | +o2::aod::0 | GI | -globalIndex | -int64_t | ++ | ? | |||
o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::FwdTrackId | -I | -fwdtrackId | -int32 | -Track index | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::CXX | +E | +cXX | +float | +|
o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::X | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::CXY | +E | +cXY | +float | - | x | +|||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CYY | +E | +cYY | float | -Cluster x coordinate | +|||||
o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::Y | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::CPhiX | +E | +cPhiX | +float | - | y | +|||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CPhiY | +E | +cPhiY | float | -Cluster y coordinate | +|||||
o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::Z | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::CPhiPhi | +E | +cPhiPhi | +float | - | z | +|||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglX | +E | +cTglX | float | -Cluster z coordinate | +|||||
o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::ClInfo | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglY | +E | +cTglY | +float | - | clInfo | -uint16_t | -Encoded detection element of cluster and cluster type along x and y | |
o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::DEId | -D | -deId | -uint16_t | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglPhi | +E | +cTglPhi | +float | ||
o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::IsGoodX | -D | -isGoodX | -bool | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglTgl | +E | +cTglTgl | +float | ||
o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::IsGoodY | -D | -isGoodY | -bool | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtX | +E | +c1PtX | +float |
Name | -- | Getter | -Type | -Comment | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtY | +E | +c1PtY | +float | +|
o2::soa::Index | -GI | -globalIndex | -int64_t | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtPhi | +E | +c1PtPhi | +float | ||
o2::aod::ambiguous::TrackId | -I | -trackId | -int32 | -Track index | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtTgl | +E | +c1PtTgl | +float | +|
o2::aod::ambiguous::BCIdSlice | -SLI | -bcIds | -int32_t | -BC index (slice for 1 to N entries) | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1Pt21Pt2 | +E | +c1Pt21Pt2 | +float | +
Name | @@ -4798,281 +5127,195 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [Ge|||||||||
o2::aod::ambiguous::MFTTrackId | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::CollisionId | I | -mfttrackId | +collisionId | int32 | -MFTTrack index | +Pointer into Collisions | ||
o2::aod::ambiguous::BCIdSlice | -SLI | -bcIds | -int32_t | -BC index (slice for 1 to N entries) | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackType | ++ | trackType | +uint8_t | +Type of track. See enum ForwardTrackTypeEnum |
Name | -- | Getter | -Type | -Comment | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::X | ++ | x | +float | +TrackParFwd parameter x |
o2::soa::Index | -GI | -globalIndex | -int64_t | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Y | + | y | +float | +TrackParFwd parameter y | |
o2::aod::ambiguous::FwdTrackId | -I | -fwdtrackId | -int32 | -FwdTrack index | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Z | ++ | z | +float | +TrackParFwd propagation parameter z |
o2::aod::ambiguous::BCIdSlice | -SLI | -bcIds | -int32_t | -BC index (slice for 1 to N entries) | -
Name | -- | Getter | -Type | -Comment | -|||||
o2::soa::Index | -GI | -globalIndex | -int64_t | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Phi | + | phi | +float | +TrackParFwd parameter phi; (i.e. pt pointing direction) | |
o2::aod::fv0a::BCId | -I | -bcId | -int32 | -BC index | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Tgl | ++ | tgl | +float | +TrackParFwd parameter tan(\lamba); (\lambda = 90 - \theta_{polar}) |
o2::aod::fv0a::Amplitude | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Signed1Pt | - | amplitude | -std::vector<float> | -Amplitudes of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in Channel (at the same index) | +signed1Pt | +float | +TrackParFwd parameter: charged inverse transverse momentum; (q/pt) | |
o2::aod::fv0a::Channel | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::NClusters | - | channel | -std::vector<uint8_t> | -Channel IDs which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 48 channels. | +nClusters | +int8_t | +Number of clusters | |
o2::aod::fv0a::Time | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::PDca | - | time | +pDca | float | -Time in ns | +PDca for MUONStandalone | ||
o2::aod::fv0a::TriggerMask | -- | triggerMask | -uint8_t | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::RAtAbsorberEnd | - |
Name | -- | Getter | -Type | -Comment | +rAtAbsorberEnd | +float | +RAtAbsorberEnd for MUONStandalone tracks and GlobalMuonTrackstracks | ||
o2::soa::Index | -GI | -globalIndex | -int64_t | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Px | +D | +px | +float | ||
o2::aod::ft0::BCId | -I | -bcId | -int32 | -BC index | -|||||
o2::aod::ft0::AmplitudeA | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Py | +D | +py | +float | - | amplitudeA | -std::vector<float> | -Amplitudes of non-zero channels on the A-side. The channel IDs are given in ChannelA (at the same index) | |
o2::aod::ft0::ChannelA | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pz | +D | +pz | +float | - | channelA | -std::vector<uint8_t> | -Channel IDs on the A side which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 96 channels. | |
o2::aod::ft0::AmplitudeC | -- | amplitudeC | -std::vector<float> | -Amplitudes of non-zero channels on the C-side. The channel IDs are given in ChannelC (at the same index) | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Sign | +D | +sign | +short | +Sign of the track eletric charge |
o2::aod::ft0::ChannelC | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2 | - | channelC | -std::vector<uint8_t> | -Channel IDs on the C side which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 112 channels. | +chi2 | +float | +Track chi^2 | |
o2::aod::ft0::TimeA | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2MatchMCHMID | - | timeA | +chi2MatchMCHMID | float | -Average A-side time | +MCH-MID Match Chi2 for MUONStandalone tracks | ||
o2::aod::ft0::TimeC | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2MatchMCHMFT | - | timeC | +chi2MatchMCHMFT | float | -Average C-side time | +MCH-MFT Match Chi2 for GlobalMuonTracks | ||
o2::aod::ft0::TriggerMask | -- | triggerMask | -uint8_t | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::MatchScoreMCHMFT | + | matchScoreMCHMFT | +float | +MCH-MFT Machine Learning Matching Score for GlobalMuonTracks | |
o2::aod::ft0::PosZ | -D | -posZ | -float | -Z position calculated from timeA and timeC in cm | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::MFTTrackId | +I | +matchMFTTrackId | +int32 | +ID of matching MFT track for GlobalMuonTracks and GlobalForwardTracks |
o2::aod::ft0::CollTime | -D | -collTime | -float | -Collision time, one need also check validation (code below) for timeA and timeC | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::MCHTrackId | +SI | +matchMCHTrackId | +int | +Index of matching MCH track for GlobalMuonTracks and GlobalForwardTracks |
o2::aod::ft0::IsValidTimeA | -D | -isValidTimeA | -bool | -Checks if time from A side was calculated, and if is not dummy | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::MCHBitMap | ++ | mchBitMap | +uint16_t | +Fired muon trackig chambers bitmap |
o2::aod::ft0::IsValidTimeC | -D | -isValidTimeC | -bool | -Checks if time from C side was calculated | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::MIDBitMap | ++ | midBitMap | +uint8_t | +MID bitmap: non-bending plane (4bit), bending plane (4bit) |
o2::aod::ft0::IsValidTime | -D | -isValidTime | -bool | -Checks if times from A and C side were calculated simultaneously | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::MIDBoards | ++ | midBoards | +uint32_t | +Local boards on each MID plane (8 bits per plane) |
o2::aod::ft0::SumAmpA | -D | -sumAmpA | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTime | ++ | trackTime | float | -Calculates sum of positive amplitudes from side A | +Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0] | |
o2::aod::ft0::SumAmpC | -D | -sumAmpC | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTimeRes | ++ | trackTimeRes | float | -Calculates sum of positive amplitudes from side C | +Resolution of the track time in ns |
o2::aod::fdd::BCId | +o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::FwdTrackId | I | -bcId | +fwdtrackId | int32 | -BC index | +Track index | |
o2::aod::fdd::ChargeA | +o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::X | - | chargeA | -int16_t[8] | -Amplitude per channel A-side | +x | +float | +Cluster x coordinate |
o2::aod::fdd::ChargeC | +o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::Y | - | chargeC | -int16_t[8] | -Amplitude per channel C-side | +y | +float | +Cluster y coordinate |
o2::aod::fdd::TimeA | +o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::Z | - | timeA | +z | float | -+ | Cluster z coordinate | |
o2::aod::fdd::TimeC | +o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::ClInfo | - | timeC | -float | +clInfo | +uint16_t | +Encoded detection element of cluster and cluster type along x and y | +|
o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::DEId | +D | +deId | +uint16_t | |||||
o2::aod::fdd::TriggerMask | +o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::IsGoodX | +D | +isGoodX | +bool | - | triggerMask | -uint8_t | +|
o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::IsGoodY | +D | +isGoodY | +bool |
o2::aod::calo::BCId | +o2::aod::ambiguous::TrackId | I | -bcId | +trackId | int32 | -BC index | -|||
o2::aod::calo::CellNumber | -- | cellNumber | -int16_t | -- | |||||
o2::aod::calo::Amplitude | -- | amplitude | -float | -- | |||||
o2::aod::calo::Time | -- | time | -float | -- | |||||
o2::aod::calo::CellType | -- | cellType | -int8_t | -+ | Track index | ||||
o2::aod::calo::CaloType | -- | caloType | -int8_t | -+ | o2::aod::ambiguous::BCIdSlice | +SLI | +bcIds | +int32_t | +BC index (slice for 1 to N entries) |
o2::aod::calotrigger::BCId | +o2::aod::ambiguous::MFTTrackId | I | -bcId | +mfttrackId | int32 | -BC index | -|
o2::aod::calotrigger::FastOrAbsID | -- | fastOrAbsID | -int16_t | -FastOR absolute ID | -|||
o2::aod::calotrigger::LnAmplitude | -- | lnAmplitude | -int16_t | -L0 amplitude (ADC) := Peak Amplitude | +MFTTrack index | ||
o2::aod::calotrigger::TriggerBits | -- | triggerBits | +o2::aod::ambiguous::BCIdSlice | +SLI | +bcIds | int32_t | -Online trigger bits | -
o2::aod::calotrigger::CaloType | -- | caloType | -int8_t | -Calorimeter type (-1 is undefined, 0 is PHOS, 1 is EMCAL) | +BC index (slice for 1 to N entries) |
Name | @@ -5377,139 +5646,105 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [Ge|||||||||
o2::aod::zdc::BCId | +o2::aod::ambiguous::FwdTrackId | I | -bcId | +fwdtrackId | int32 | -BC index, to be used by both legacy and new table | -|||
o2::aod::zdc::EnergyZEM1 | -- | energyZEM1 | -float | -- | |||||
o2::aod::zdc::EnergyZEM2 | -- | energyZEM2 | -float | -- | |||||
o2::aod::zdc::EnergyCommonZNA | -- | energyCommonZNA | -float | -- | |||||
o2::aod::zdc::EnergyCommonZNC | -- | energyCommonZNC | -float | -- | |||||
o2::aod::zdc::EnergyCommonZPA | -- | energyCommonZPA | -float | -- | |||||
o2::aod::zdc::EnergyCommonZPC | -- | energyCommonZPC | -float | -- | |||||
o2::aod::zdc::EnergySectorZNA | -- | energySectorZNA | -float[4] | -- | |||||
o2::aod::zdc::EnergySectorZNC | -- | energySectorZNC | -float[4] | -+ | FwdTrack index | ||||
o2::aod::zdc::EnergySectorZPA | -- | energySectorZPA | -float[4] | -+ | o2::aod::ambiguous::BCIdSlice | +SLI | +bcIds | +int32_t | +BC index (slice for 1 to N entries) |
o2::aod::zdc::EnergySectorZPC | -- | energySectorZPC | -float[4] | -+ | Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment |
o2::aod::zdc::TimeZEM1 | -- | timeZEM1 | -float | +o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | ||
o2::aod::zdc::TimeZEM2 | -- | timeZEM2 | -float | -+ | o2::aod::fv0a::BCId | +I | +bcId | +int32 | +BC index |
o2::aod::zdc::TimeZNA | -- | timeZNA | -float | +o2::aod::fv0a::Amplitude | + | amplitude | +std::vector<float> | +Amplitudes of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in Channel (at the same index) | |
o2::aod::zdc::TimeZNC | -- | timeZNC | -float | +o2::aod::fv0a::Channel | + | channel | +std::vector<uint8_t> | +Channel IDs which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 48 channels. | |
o2::aod::zdc::TimeZPA | +o2::aod::fv0a::Time | - | timeZPA | +time | float | -+ | Time in ns | ||
o2::aod::zdc::TimeZPC | +o2::aod::fv0a::TriggerMask | - | timeZPC | -float | +triggerMask | +uint8_t |
o2::aod::zdc::BCId | +o2::aod::ft0::BCId | I | bcId | int32 | -BC index, to be used by both legacy and new table | +BC index | |||
o2::aod::zdc::Energy | +o2::aod::ft0::AmplitudeA | - | energy | +amplitudeA | std::vector<float> | -Energy of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in ChannelE (at the same index) | +Amplitudes of non-zero channels on the A-side. The channel IDs are given in ChannelA (at the same index) | ||
o2::aod::zdc::ChannelE | +o2::aod::ft0::ChannelA | - | channelE | +channelA | std::vector<uint8_t> | -Channel IDs which have reconstructed energy. There are at maximum 26 channels. | +Channel IDs on the A side which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 96 channels. | ||
o2::aod::zdc::Amplitude | +o2::aod::ft0::AmplitudeC | - | amplitude | +amplitudeC | std::vector<float> | -Amplitudes of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in ChannelT (at the same index) | +Amplitudes of non-zero channels on the C-side. The channel IDs are given in ChannelC (at the same index) | ||
o2::aod::zdc::Time | +o2::aod::ft0::ChannelC | - | time | -std::vector<float> | -Times of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in ChannelT (at the same index) | +channelC | +std::vector<uint8_t> | +Channel IDs on the C side which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 112 channels. | |
o2::aod::zdc::ChannelT | +o2::aod::ft0::TimeA | - | channelT | -std::vector<uint8_t> | -Channel IDs which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 26 channels. | +timeA | +float | +Average A-side time | |
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyZEM1 | -D | -energyZEM1 | +o2::aod::ft0::TimeC | ++ | timeC | float | -return ZEM1 energy | +Average C-side time | |
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyZEM2 | -D | -energyZEM2 | -float | -return ZEM2 energy | +o2::aod::ft0::TriggerMask | ++ | triggerMask | +uint8_t | +|
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZNA | +o2::aod::ft0::PosZ | D | -energyCommonZNA | +posZ | float | -return common ZNA energy | +Z position calculated from timeA and timeC in cm | ||
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZNC | +o2::aod::ft0::CollTime | D | -energyCommonZNC | +collTime | float | -return common ZNC energy | +Collision time, one need also check validation (code below) for timeA and timeC | ||
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZPA | +o2::aod::ft0::IsValidTimeA | D | -energyCommonZPA | -float | -return common ZPA energy | +isValidTimeA | +bool | +Checks if time from A side was calculated, and if is not dummy | |
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZPC | +o2::aod::ft0::IsValidTimeC | D | -energyCommonZPC | -float | -return common ZPC energy | +isValidTimeC | +bool | +Checks if time from C side was calculated | |
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZNA | +o2::aod::ft0::IsValidTime | D | -energySectorZNA | -std::array<float,4> | -return sector ZNA energy (array of 4 floats) | +isValidTime | +bool | +Checks if times from A and C side were calculated simultaneously | |
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZNC | +o2::aod::ft0::SumAmpA | D | -energySectorZNC | -std::array<float,4> | -return sector ZNC energy (array of 4 floats) | +sumAmpA | +float | +Calculates sum of positive amplitudes from side A | |
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZPA | -D | -energySectorZPA | -std::array<float,4> | -return sector ZPA energy (array of 4 floats) | -|||||
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZPC | -D | -energySectorZPC | -std::array<float,4> | -return sector ZPC energy (array of 4 floats) | -|||||
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZEM1 | -D | -timeZEM1 | -float | -return ZEM1 time information | -|||||
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZEM2 | -D | -timeZEM2 | -float | -return ZEM2 time information | -|||||
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZNA | -D | -timeZNA | -float | -return ZNA time information | -|||||
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZNC | -D | -timeZNC | -float | -return ZNC time information | -|||||
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZPA | -D | -timeZPA | -float | -return ZPA time information | -|||||
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZPC | -D | -timeZPC | -float | -return ZPC time information | -|||||
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZEM1 | -D | -amplitudeZEM1 | -float | -return ZEM1 amplitude | -|||||
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZEM2 | -D | -amplitudeZEM2 | -float | -return ZEM2 amplitude | -|||||
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZNA | -D | -amplitudeZNA | -float | -return ZNA amplitude | -|||||
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZNC | -D | -amplitudeZNC | -float | -return ZNC amplitude | -|||||
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZPA | -D | -amplitudeZPA | -float | -return ZPA amplitude | -|||||
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZPC | +o2::aod::ft0::SumAmpC | D | -amplitudeZPC | +sumAmpC | float | -return ZPC amplitude | +Calculates sum of positive amplitudes from side C |
Name | @@ -5756,48 +5895,62 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [Ge||||||||
o2::aod::fv0c::BCId | +o2::aod::fdd::BCId | I | bcId | int32 | BC index | |||
o2::aod::fv0c::Amplitude | +o2::aod::fdd::AmplitudeA | - | amplitude | -std::vector<float> | -Amplitudes of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in Channel (at the same index) | +amplitudeA | +float[4] | +Amplitude in adjacent pairs A-side |
o2::aod::fv0a::Channel | +o2::aod::fdd::AmplitudeC | - | channel | -std::vector<uint8_t> | -Channel IDs which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 48 channels. | +amplitudeC | +float[4] | +Amplitude in adjacent pairs C-side |
o2::aod::fv0c::Time | +o2::aod::fdd::TimeA | - | time | +timeA | float | -Time in ns | ++ | |
o2::aod::fdd::TimeC | ++ | timeC | +float | ++ | ||||
o2::aod::fdd::TriggerMask | ++ | triggerMask | +uint8_t | +
o2::aod::cpvcluster::BCId | +o2::aod::fdd::BCId | I | bcId | int32 | BC index | |||
o2::aod::cpvcluster::PosX | +o2::aod::fdd::ChargeA | - | posX | -float | -X position in cm | +chargeA | +int16_t[8] | +Amplitude per channel A-side |
o2::aod::cpvcluster::PosZ | +o2::aod::fdd::ChargeC | - | posZ | -float | -Z position in cm | +chargeC | +int16_t[8] | +Amplitude per channel C-side |
o2::aod::cpvcluster::Amplitude | +o2::aod::fdd::TimeA | - | amplitude | +timeA | float | -Signal amplitude | -||
o2::aod::cpvcluster::ClusterStatus | - | clusterStatus | -uint8_t | -8 bits packed cluster status (bits 0-4 = pads mult, bits 5-6 = (module number - 2), bit 7 = isUnfolded) | ||||
o2::aod::cpvcluster::PadMult | -D | -padMult | -uint8_t | +o2::aod::fdd::TimeC | - | |||
o2::aod::cpvcluster::ModuleNumber | -D | -moduleNumber | -uint8_t | +timeC | +float | |||
o2::aod::cpvcluster::IsUnfolded | -D | -isUnfolded | -bool | +o2::aod::fdd::TriggerMask | ++ | triggerMask | +uint8_t |
Name | @@ -5899,55 +6043,62 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [Ge||||||||
o2::aod::hmpid::TrackId | +o2::aod::calo::BCId | I | -trackId | +bcId | int32 | -Track index | +BC index | |
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDSignal | +o2::aod::calo::CellNumber | - | hmpidSignal | +cellNumber | +int16_t | ++ | ||
o2::aod::calo::Amplitude | ++ | amplitude | float | -Signal of the HMPID | +||||
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDDistance | +o2::aod::calo::Time | - | hmpidDistance | +time | float | -Distance between the matched HMPID signal and the propagated track | +||
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDNPhotons | +o2::aod::calo::CellType | ++ | cellType | +int8_t | - | hmpidNPhotons | -int | -Number of detected photons in HMPID |
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDQMip | +o2::aod::calo::CaloType | ++ | caloType | +int8_t | - | hmpidQMip | -float | -Matched MIP cluster charge |
o2::aod::hmpid::TrackId | +o2::aod::calotrigger::BCId | I | -trackId | +bcId | int32 | -Track index | +BC index | |
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDSignal | +o2::aod::calotrigger::FastOrAbsID | - | hmpidSignal | -float | -Signal of the HMPID | +fastOrAbsID | +int16_t | +FastOR absolute ID |
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDXTrack | +o2::aod::calotrigger::LnAmplitude | - | hmpidXTrack | -float | -Extrapolated track point x coordinate | +lnAmplitude | +int16_t | +L0 amplitude (ADC) := Peak Amplitude |
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDYTrack | +o2::aod::calotrigger::TriggerBits | - | hmpidYTrack | -float | -Extrapolated track point y coordinate | +triggerBits | +int32_t | +Online trigger bits |
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDXMip | +o2::aod::calotrigger::CaloType | - | hmpidXMip | +caloType | +int8_t | +Calorimeter type (-1 is undefined, 0 is PHOS, 1 is EMCAL) | +
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +||||
o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | ++ | ||||
o2::aod::zdc::BCId | +I | +bcId | +int32 | +BC index, to be used by both legacy and new table | +||||
o2::aod::zdc::EnergyZEM1 | ++ | energyZEM1 | float | -Matched MIP track point x coordinate | +||||
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDYMip | +o2::aod::zdc::EnergyZEM2 | - | hmpidYMip | +energyZEM2 | float | -Matched MIP track point y coordinate | +||
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDNPhotons | +o2::aod::zdc::EnergyCommonZNA | ++ | energyCommonZNA | +float | - | hmpidNPhotons | -int | -Number of detected photons in HMPID |
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDQMip | +o2::aod::zdc::EnergyCommonZNC | - | hmpidQMip | +energyCommonZNC | float | -Matched MIP cluster charge | +||
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDClusSize | +o2::aod::zdc::EnergyCommonZPA | ++ | energyCommonZPA | +float | - | hmpidClusSize | -int | -Matched MIP cluster size |
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDMom | +o2::aod::zdc::EnergyCommonZPC | - | hmpidMom | +energyCommonZPC | float | -Track momentum at the HMPID | +||
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDPhotsCharge | +o2::aod::zdc::EnergySectorZNA | ++ | energySectorZNA | +float[4] | - | hmpidPhotsCharge | -float[10] | -Photon cluster charge |
Name | -- | Getter | -Type | -Comment | +o2::aod::zdc::EnergySectorZNC | ++ | energySectorZNC | +float[4] | +|
o2::soa::Index | -GI | -globalIndex | -int64_t | +o2::aod::zdc::EnergySectorZPA | ++ | energySectorZPA | +float[4] | ||
o2::aod::v0::PosTrackId | -I | -posTrackId | -int | -Positive track | +o2::aod::zdc::EnergySectorZPC | ++ | energySectorZPC | +float[4] | +|
o2::aod::v0::NegTrackId | -I | -negTrackId | -int | -Negative track | +o2::aod::zdc::TimeZEM1 | ++ | timeZEM1 | +float | +
Name | -- | Getter | -Type | -Comment | +o2::aod::zdc::TimeZEM2 | ++ | timeZEM2 | +float | +|
o2::soa::Index | -GI | -globalIndex | -int64_t | +o2::aod::zdc::TimeZNA | ++ | timeZNA | +float | ||
o2::aod::v0::CollisionId | -I | -collisionId | -int32 | -Collision index | +o2::aod::zdc::TimeZNC | ++ | timeZNC | +float | +|
o2::aod::v0::PosTrackId | -I | -posTrackId | -int | -Positive track | +o2::aod::zdc::TimeZPA | ++ | timeZPA | +float | +|
o2::aod::v0::NegTrackId | -I | -negTrackId | -int | -Negative track | +o2::aod::zdc::TimeZPC | ++ | timeZPC | +float | +
o2::aod::v0::CollisionId | +o2::aod::zdc::BCId | I | -collisionId | +bcId | int32 | -Collision index | -|||
o2::aod::v0::PosTrackId | -I | -posTrackId | -int | -Positive track | +BC index, to be used by both legacy and new table | ||||
o2::aod::v0::NegTrackId | -I | -negTrackId | -int | -Negative track | +o2::aod::zdc::Energy | ++ | energy | +std::vector<float> | +Energy of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in ChannelE (at the same index) |
o2::aod::v0::V0Type | +o2::aod::zdc::ChannelE | - | v0Type | -uint8_t | -custom bitmap for various selections (see below) | +channelE | +std::vector<uint8_t> | +Channel IDs which have reconstructed energy. There are at maximum 26 channels. | |
o2::aod::v0::IsStandardV0 | +o2::aod::zdc::Amplitude | ++ | amplitude | +std::vector<float> | +Amplitudes of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in ChannelT (at the same index) | +||||
o2::aod::zdc::Time | ++ | time | +std::vector<float> | +Times of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in ChannelT (at the same index) | +|||||
o2::aod::zdc::ChannelT | ++ | channelT | +std::vector<uint8_t> | +Channel IDs which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 26 channels. | +|||||
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyZEM1 | D | -isStandardV0 | -bool | -is standard V0 | +energyZEM1 | +float | +return ZEM1 energy | ||
o2::aod::v0::IsPhotonV0 | +o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyZEM2 | D | -isPhotonV0 | -bool | -is TPC-only V0 for which the photon-mass-hypothesis was good | +energyZEM2 | +float | +return ZEM2 energy | |
o2::aod::v0::IsCollinearV0 | +o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZNA | D | -isCollinearV0 | -bool | -is V0 for which the photon-mass-hypothesis was good and was fitted collinearly | +energyCommonZNA | +float | +return common ZNA energy |
Name | -- | Getter | -Type | -Comment | +o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZNC | +D | +energyCommonZNC | +float | +return common ZNC energy |
o2::soa::Index | -GI | -globalIndex | -int64_t | -+ | o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZPA | +D | +energyCommonZPA | +float | +return common ZPA energy |
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::TrackId | -I | -trackId | -int32 | -Strange track index | +o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZPC | +D | +energyCommonZPC | +float | +return common ZPC energy |
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::ITSTrackId | -I | -itsTrackId | -int | -ITS index | +o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZNA | +D | +energySectorZNA | +std::array<float,4> | +return sector ZNA energy (array of 4 floats) |
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::V0Id | -I | -v0Id | -int32 | -V0 index | +o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZNC | +D | +energySectorZNC | +std::array<float,4> | +return sector ZNC energy (array of 4 floats) |
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayX | -- | decayX | +o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZPA | +D | +energySectorZPA | +std::array<float,4> | +return sector ZPA energy (array of 4 floats) | +||
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZPC | +D | +energySectorZPC | +std::array<float,4> | +return sector ZPC energy (array of 4 floats) | +|||||
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZEM1 | +D | +timeZEM1 | float | -X coordinate of decay vertex | +return ZEM1 time information | ||||
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayY | -- | decayY | +o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZEM2 | +D | +timeZEM2 | float | -Y coordinate of decay vertex | +return ZEM2 time information | |
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayZ | -- | decayZ | +o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZNA | +D | +timeZNA | float | -Z coordinate of decay vertex | +return ZNA time information | |
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::H3Lmass | -- | h3Lmass | +o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZNC | +D | +timeZNC | float | -H3L mass | +return ZNC time information | |
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::H4Lmass | -- | h4Lmass | +o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZPA | +D | +timeZPA | float | -H4L mass | +return ZPA time information | |
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::MatchingChi2 | -- | matchingChi2 | +o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZPC | +D | +timeZPC | float | -Matching Chi2 | +return ZPC time information | |
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::TopologyChi2 | -- | topologyChi2 | +o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZEM1 | +D | +amplitudeZEM1 | float | -Topology Chi2 | +return ZEM1 amplitude | |
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::ITSclsSize | -- | itsClsSize | +o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZEM2 | +D | +amplitudeZEM2 | float | -Average ITS cluster size | +return ZEM2 amplitude | +|
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZNA | +D | +amplitudeZNA | +float | +return ZNA amplitude | +|||||
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZNC | +D | +amplitudeZNC | +float | +return ZNC amplitude | +|||||
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZPA | +D | +amplitudeZPA | +float | +return ZPA amplitude | +|||||
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZPC | +D | +amplitudeZPC | +float | +return ZPC amplitude |
Name | @@ -6356,34 +6558,48 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [Ge|||||||||
o2::aod::cascade::V0Id | +o2::aod::fv0c::BCId | I | -v0Id | +bcId | int32 | -V0 index | +BC index | ||
o2::aod::cascade::BachelorId | -I | -bachelorId | -int | -Bachelor track index | +o2::aod::fv0c::Amplitude | ++ | amplitude | +std::vector<float> | +Amplitudes of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in Channel (at the same index) | +
o2::aod::fv0a::Channel | ++ | channel | +std::vector<uint8_t> | +Channel IDs which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 48 channels. | +|||||
o2::aod::fv0c::Time | ++ | time | +float | +Time in ns |
o2::aod::cascade::CollisionId | +o2::aod::cpvcluster::BCId | I | -collisionId | +bcId | int32 | -Collision index | +BC index | ||
o2::aod::cascade::V0Id | -I | -v0Id | -int32 | -V0 index | +o2::aod::cpvcluster::PosX | ++ | posX | +float | +X position in cm |
o2::aod::cascade::BachelorId | -I | -bachelorId | -int | -Bachelor track index | +o2::aod::cpvcluster::PosZ | ++ | posZ | +float | +Z position in cm | +
o2::aod::cpvcluster::Amplitude | ++ | amplitude | +float | +Signal amplitude | +|||||
o2::aod::cpvcluster::ClusterStatus | ++ | clusterStatus | +uint8_t | +8 bits packed cluster status (bits 0-4 = pads mult, bits 5-6 = (module number - 2), bit 7 = isUnfolded) | +|||||
o2::aod::cpvcluster::PadMult | +D | +padMult | +uint8_t | ++ | |||||
o2::aod::cpvcluster::ModuleNumber | +D | +moduleNumber | +uint8_t | ++ | |||||
o2::aod::cpvcluster::IsUnfolded | +D | +isUnfolded | +bool | +
Name | @@ -6458,100 +6701,55 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [Ge||||||||
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::TrackId | +o2::aod::hmpid::TrackId | I | trackId | int32 | -Strange track index | -|||
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::ITSTrackId | -I | -itsTrackId | -int | -ITS index | -||||
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::CascadeId | -I | -cascadeId | -int32 | -Cascade index | -||||
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayX | -- | decayX | -float | -X coordinate of decay vertex | -||||
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayY | -- | decayY | -float | -Y coordinate of decay vertex | -||||
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayZ | -- | decayZ | -float | -Z coordinate of decay vertex | -||||
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::XiMass | -- | xiMass | -float | -Xi mass | +Track index | |||
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::OmegaMass | +o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDSignal | - | omegaMass | +hmpidSignal | float | -Omega mass | +Signal of the HMPID | |
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::MatchingChi2 | +o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDDistance | - | matchingChi2 | +hmpidDistance | float | -Matching Chi2 | +Distance between the matched HMPID signal and the propagated track | |
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::TopologyChi2 | +o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDNPhotons | - | topologyChi2 | -float | -Topology Chi2 | +hmpidNPhotons | +int | +Number of detected photons in HMPID |
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::ITSclsSize | +o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDQMip | - | itsClsSize | +hmpidQMip | float | -Average ITS cluster size | +Matched MIP cluster charge |
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::TrackId | +o2::aod::hmpid::TrackId | I | trackId | int32 | -Strange track index | -||||
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::ITSTrackId | -I | -itsTrackId | -int | -ITS index | +Track index | ||||
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::V0Id | -I | -v0Id | -int32 | -V0 index | +o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDSignal | ++ | hmpidSignal | +float | +Signal of the HMPID |
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayX | +o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDXTrack | - | decayX | +hmpidXTrack | float | -X coordinate of decay vertex | +Extrapolated track point x coordinate | ||
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayY | +o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDYTrack | - | decayY | +hmpidYTrack | float | -Y coordinate of decay vertex | +Extrapolated track point y coordinate | ||
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayZ | +o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDXMip | - | decayZ | +hmpidXMip | float | -Z coordinate of decay vertex | +Matched MIP track point x coordinate | ||
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::H3Lmass | +o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDYMip | - | h3Lmass | +hmpidYMip | float | -H3L mass | +Matched MIP track point y coordinate | ||
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::H4Lmass | +o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDNPhotons | - | h4Lmass | -float | -H4L mass | +hmpidNPhotons | +int | +Number of detected photons in HMPID | |
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::MatchingChi2 | +o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDQMip | - | matchingChi2 | +hmpidQMip | float | -Matching Chi2 | +Matched MIP cluster charge | ||
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::TopologyChi2 | +o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDClusSize | - | topologyChi2 | -float | -Topology Chi2 | +hmpidClusSize | +int | +Matched MIP cluster size | |
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::ITSclsSize | +o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDMom | - | itsClsSize | +hmpidMom | float | -Average ITS cluster size | +Track momentum at the HMPID |
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +
o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | ++ |
o2::aod::v0::PosTrackId | +I | +posTrackId | +int | +Positive track | +
o2::aod::v0::NegTrackId | +I | +negTrackId | +int | +Negative track | +
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +
o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | ++ |
o2::aod::v0::CollisionId | +I | +collisionId | +int32 | +Collision index | +
o2::aod::v0::PosTrackId | +I | +posTrackId | +int | +Positive track | +
o2::aod::v0::NegTrackId | +I | +negTrackId | +int | +Negative track | +
o2::aod::decay3body::CollisionId | +o2::aod::v0::CollisionId | I | collisionId | int32 | Collision index | ||||
o2::aod::decay3body::Track0Id | +o2::aod::v0::PosTrackId | I | -track0Id | +posTrackId | int | -Track 0 index | +Positive track | ||
o2::aod::decay3body::Track1Id | +o2::aod::v0::NegTrackId | I | -track1Id | +negTrackId | int | -Track 1 index | +Negative track | ||
o2::aod::decay3body::Track2Id | -I | -track2Id | -int | -Track 2 index | +o2::aod::v0::V0Type | ++ | v0Type | +uint8_t | +custom bitmap for various selections (see below) | +
o2::aod::v0::IsStandardV0 | +D | +isStandardV0 | +bool | +is standard V0 | +|||||
o2::aod::v0::IsPhotonV0 | +D | +isPhotonV0 | +bool | +is TPC-only V0 for which the photon-mass-hypothesis was good | +|||||
o2::aod::v0::IsCollinearV0 | +D | +isCollinearV0 | +bool | +is V0 for which the photon-mass-hypothesis was good and was fitted collinearly |
ITS index | |||||||
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::Decay3BodyId | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::V0Id | I | -decay3BodyId | +v0Id | int32 | -Decay 3 body index | +V0 index |
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayX | @@ -6796,11 +7103,11 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [GeH3L mass | ||||||
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::He4Lmass | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::H4Lmass | - | he4Lmass | +h4Lmass | float | -He4L mass | +H4L mass |
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::MatchingChi2 | @@ -6826,15 +7133,11 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [Ge
Comment | ||||||||
o2::aod::indices::CollisionId | +o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | ++ | |||
o2::aod::cascade::CollisionId | I | collisionId | int32 | -Pointer into Collisions | +Collision index | |||
o2::aod::indices::ZdcId | +o2::aod::cascade::V0Id | I | -zdcId | +v0Id | int32 | -Pointer into Zdcs | -||
o2::aod::indices::BCId | -I | -bcId | -int32 | -Pointer into BCs | -||||
o2::aod::indices::FT0Id | -I | -ft0Id | -int32 | -Pointer into FT0s | -||||
o2::aod::indices::FV0AId | -I | -fv0aId | -int32 | -Pointer into FV0As | +V0 index | |||
o2::aod::indices::FDDId | +o2::aod::cascade::BachelorId | I | -fddId | -int32 | -Pointer into FDDs | +bachelorId | +int | +Bachelor track index |
Name | @@ -6977,120 +7253,109 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [GeComment | ||||||||
o2::aod::indices::BCId | -I | -bcId | -int32 | -Pointer into BCs | +o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | +|
o2::aod::indices::CollisionId | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::TrackId | I | -collisionId | +trackId | int32 | -Pointer into Collisions | +Strange track index |
Name | -- | Getter | -Type | -Comment | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::ITSTrackId | +I | +itsTrackId | +int | +ITS index |
o2::aod::indices::BCId | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::CascadeId | I | -bcId | +cascadeId | int32 | -Pointer into BCs | +Cascade index | ||
o2::aod::indices::CollisionId | -I | -collisionId | -int32 | -Pointer into Collisions | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayX | ++ | decayX | +float | +X coordinate of decay vertex |
Name | -- | Getter | -Type | -Comment | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayY | ++ | decayY | +float | +Y coordinate of decay vertex |
o2::aod::indices::BCId | -I | -bcId | -int32 | -Pointer into BCs | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayZ | ++ | decayZ | +float | +Z coordinate of decay vertex |
o2::aod::indices::ZdcId | -I | -zdcId | -int32 | -Pointer into Zdcs | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::XiMass | ++ | xiMass | +float | +Xi mass |
o2::aod::indices::FT0Id | -I | -ft0Id | -int32 | -Pointer into FT0s | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::OmegaMass | ++ | omegaMass | +float | +Omega mass |
o2::aod::indices::FV0AId | -I | -fv0aId | -int32 | -Pointer into FV0As | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::MatchingChi2 | ++ | matchingChi2 | +float | +Matching Chi2 |
o2::aod::indices::FDDId | -I | -fddId | -int32 | -Pointer into FDDs | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::TopologyChi2 | ++ | topologyChi2 | +float | +Topology Chi2 | +
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::ITSclsSize | ++ | itsClsSize | +float | +Average ITS cluster size |
Name | @@ -7100,86 +7365,111 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [GeComment | ||||||||
o2::aod::indices::BCId | -I | -bcId | -int32 | -Pointer into BCs | +o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | +|
o2::aod::indices::ZdcId | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::TrackId | I | -zdcId | +trackId | int32 | -Pointer into Zdcs | +Strange track index | ||
o2::aod::indices::FT0Id | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::ITSTrackId | I | -ft0Id | -int32 | -Pointer into FT0s | +itsTrackId | +int | +ITS index | |
o2::aod::indices::FV0AId | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::V0Id | I | -fv0aId | +v0Id | int32 | -Pointer into FV0As | +V0 index | ||
o2::aod::indices::FDDId | -I | -fddId | -int32 | -Pointer into FDDs | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayX | ++ | decayX | +float | +X coordinate of decay vertex |
Name | -- | Getter | -Type | -Comment | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayY | ++ | decayY | +float | +Y coordinate of decay vertex |
o2::aod::indices::BCId | -I | -bcId | -int32 | -Pointer into BCs | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayZ | ++ | decayZ | +float | +Z coordinate of decay vertex |
o2::aod::indices::CollisionIds | -GI | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::H3Lmass | - | ? | +h3Lmass | +float | +H3L mass | +||
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::H4Lmass | ++ | h4Lmass | +float | +H4L mass | +|||||
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::MatchingChi2 | ++ | matchingChi2 | +float | +Matching Chi2 | +|||||
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::TopologyChi2 | ++ | topologyChi2 | +float | +Topology Chi2 | +|||||
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::ITSclsSize | + | itsClsSize | +float | +Average ITS cluster size |
Name | @@ -7189,35 +7479,60 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [GeComment | ||||||||
o2::aod::indices::BCId | +o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | ++ | ||||
o2::aod::decay3body::CollisionId | I | -bcId | +collisionId | int32 | -Pointer into BCs | +Collision index | |||
o2::aod::indices::CollisionIds | -GI | -- | ? | -+ | o2::aod::decay3body::Track0Id | +I | +track0Id | +int | +Track 0 index | +
o2::aod::decay3body::Track1Id | +I | +track1Id | +int | +Track 1 index | +|||||
o2::aod::decay3body::Track2Id | +I | +track2Id | +int | +Track 2 index |
Name | @@ -7234,99 +7549,98 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [Ge|||||||||
o2::aod::mccollision::BCId | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::TrackId | I | -bcId | +trackId | int32 | -BC index | +Strange track index | ||
o2::aod::mccollision::GeneratorsID | -- | generatorsID | -short | -disentangled generator IDs should be accessed using getGeneratorId, getSubGeneratorId and getSourceId | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::ITSTrackId | +I | +itsTrackId | +int | +ITS index |
o2::aod::mccollision::PosX | -- | posX | -float | -X vertex position in cm | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::Decay3BodyId | +I | +decay3BodyId | +int32 | +Decay 3 body index |
o2::aod::mccollision::PosY | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayX | - | posY | +decayX | float | -Y vertex position in cm | +X coordinate of decay vertex | ||
o2::aod::mccollision::PosZ | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayY | - | posZ | +decayY | float | -Z vertex position in cm | +Y coordinate of decay vertex | ||
o2::aod::mccollision::T | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayZ | - | t | +decayZ | float | -Collision time relative to given bc in ns | +Z coordinate of decay vertex | ||
o2::aod::mccollision::Weight | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::H3Lmass | - | weight | +h3Lmass | float | -MC weight | +H3L mass | ||
o2::aod::mccollision::ImpactParameter | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::He4Lmass | - | impactParameter | +he4Lmass | float | -Impact parameter for A-A | +He4L mass | ||
o2::aod::mccollision::GetGeneratorId | -D | -getGeneratorId | -int | -The global generator ID which might have been assigned by the user | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::MatchingChi2 | ++ | matchingChi2 | +float | +Matching Chi2 |
o2::aod::mccollision::GetSubGeneratorId | -D | -getSubGeneratorId | -int | -A specific sub-generator ID in case the generator has some sub-generator logic | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::TopologyChi2 | ++ | topologyChi2 | +float | +Topology Chi2 |
o2::aod::mccollision::GetSourceId | -D | -getSourceId | -int | -The source ID to differentiate between signals and background in an embedding simulation | +o2::aod::strangenesstracking::ITSclsSize | ++ | itsClsSize | +float | +Average ITS cluster size |
Name | @@ -7336,111 +7650,1692 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [GeComment | ||||||||
o2::soa::Index | -GI | -globalIndex | -int64_t | -+ | o2::aod::indices::CollisionId | +I | +collisionId | +int32 | +Pointer into Collisions |
o2::aod::mccollision::BCId | +o2::aod::indices::ZdcId | I | -bcId | +zdcId | int32 | -BC index | +Pointer into Zdcs | ||
o2::aod::mccollision::GeneratorsID | -- | generatorsID | -short | -disentangled generator IDs should be accessed using getGeneratorId, getSubGeneratorId and getSourceId | +o2::aod::indices::BCId | +I | +bcId | +int32 | +Pointer into BCs |
o2::aod::mccollision::PosX | -- | posX | -float | -X vertex position in cm | +o2::aod::indices::FT0Id | +I | +ft0Id | +int32 | +Pointer into FT0s |
o2::aod::mccollision::PosY | -- | posY | -float | -Y vertex position in cm | +o2::aod::indices::FV0AId | +I | +fv0aId | +int32 | +Pointer into FV0As |
o2::aod::mccollision::PosZ | -- | posZ | +o2::aod::indices::FDDId | +I | +fddId | +int32 | +Pointer into FDDs | +
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +
o2::aod::indices::CollisionId | +I | +collisionId | +int32 | +Pointer into Collisions | +
o2::aod::indices::ZdcId | +I | +zdcId | +int32 | +Pointer into Zdcs | +
o2::aod::indices::BCId | +I | +bcId | +int32 | +Pointer into BCs | +
o2::aod::indices::FT0Id | +I | +ft0Id | +int32 | +Pointer into FT0s | +
o2::aod::indices::FV0AId | +I | +fv0aId | +int32 | +Pointer into FV0As | +
o2::aod::indices::FDDId | +I | +fddId | +int32 | +Pointer into FDDs | +
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +
o2::aod::indices::BCId | +I | +bcId | +int32 | +Pointer into BCs | +
o2::aod::indices::CollisionId | +I | +collisionId | +int32 | +Pointer into Collisions | +
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +
o2::aod::indices::BCId | +I | +bcId | +int32 | +Pointer into BCs | +
o2::aod::indices::CollisionId | +I | +collisionId | +int32 | +Pointer into Collisions | +
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +
o2::aod::indices::BCId | +I | +bcId | +int32 | +Pointer into BCs | +
o2::aod::indices::ZdcId | +I | +zdcId | +int32 | +Pointer into Zdcs | +
o2::aod::indices::FT0Id | +I | +ft0Id | +int32 | +Pointer into FT0s | +
o2::aod::indices::FV0AId | +I | +fv0aId | +int32 | +Pointer into FV0As | +
o2::aod::indices::FDDId | +I | +fddId | +int32 | +Pointer into FDDs | +
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +
o2::aod::indices::BCId | +I | +bcId | +int32 | +Pointer into BCs | +
o2::aod::indices::ZdcId | +I | +zdcId | +int32 | +Pointer into Zdcs | +
o2::aod::indices::FT0Id | +I | +ft0Id | +int32 | +Pointer into FT0s | +
o2::aod::indices::FV0AId | +I | +fv0aId | +int32 | +Pointer into FV0As | +
o2::aod::indices::FDDId | +I | +fddId | +int32 | +Pointer into FDDs | +
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +
o2::aod::indices::BCId | +I | +bcId | +int32 | +Pointer into BCs | +
o2::aod::indices::CollisionIds | +GI | ++ | ? | ++ |
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +
o2::aod::indices::BCId | +I | +bcId | +int32 | +Pointer into BCs | +
o2::aod::indices::CollisionIds | +GI | ++ | ? | ++ |
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +
o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | ++ |
o2::aod::mccollision::BCId | +I | +bcId | +int32 | +BC index | +
o2::aod::mccollision::GeneratorsID | ++ | generatorsID | +short | +disentangled generator IDs should be accessed using getGeneratorId, getSubGeneratorId and getSourceId | +
o2::aod::mccollision::PosX | ++ | posX | +float | +X vertex position in cm | +
o2::aod::mccollision::PosY | ++ | posY | +float | +Y vertex position in cm | +
o2::aod::mccollision::PosZ | ++ | posZ | +float | +Z vertex position in cm | +
o2::aod::mccollision::T | ++ | t | +float | +Collision time relative to given bc in ns | +
o2::aod::mccollision::Weight | ++ | weight | +float | +MC weight | +
o2::aod::mccollision::ImpactParameter | ++ | impactParameter | +float | +Impact parameter for A-A | +
o2::aod::mccollision::GetGeneratorId | +D | +getGeneratorId | +int | +The global generator ID which might have been assigned by the user | +
o2::aod::mccollision::GetSubGeneratorId | +D | +getSubGeneratorId | +int | +A specific sub-generator ID in case the generator has some sub-generator logic | +
o2::aod::mccollision::GetSourceId | +D | +getSourceId | +int | +The source ID to differentiate between signals and background in an embedding simulation | +
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +
o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | ++ |
o2::aod::mccollision::BCId | +I | +bcId | +int32 | +BC index | +
o2::aod::mccollision::GeneratorsID | ++ | generatorsID | +short | +disentangled generator IDs should be accessed using getGeneratorId, getSubGeneratorId and getSourceId | +
o2::aod::mccollision::PosX | ++ | posX | +float | +X vertex position in cm | +
o2::aod::mccollision::PosY | ++ | posY | +float | +Y vertex position in cm | +
o2::aod::mccollision::PosZ | ++ | posZ | +float | +Z vertex position in cm | +
o2::aod::mccollision::T | ++ | t | +float | +Collision time relative to given bc in ns | +
o2::aod::mccollision::Weight | ++ | weight | +float | +MC weight | +
o2::aod::mccollision::ImpactParameter | ++ | impactParameter | +float | +Impact parameter for A-A | +
o2::aod::mccollision::EventPlaneAngle | ++ | eventPlaneAngle | +float | +Event plane angle for A-A | +
o2::aod::mccollision::GetGeneratorId | +D | +getGeneratorId | +int | +The global generator ID which might have been assigned by the user | +
o2::aod::mccollision::GetSubGeneratorId | +D | +getSubGeneratorId | +int | +A specific sub-generator ID in case the generator has some sub-generator logic | +
o2::aod::mccollision::GetSourceId | +D | +getSourceId | +int | +The source ID to differentiate between signals and background in an embedding simulation | +
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +
o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | ++ |
o2::aod::mcparticle::McCollisionId | +I | +mcCollisionId | +int32 | +MC collision of this particle | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode | ++ | pdgCode | +int | +PDG code | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::StatusCode | ++ | statusCode | +int | +Generators status code or physics process. Do not use directly. Use dynamic columns getGenStatusCode() or getProcess() | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Flags | ++ | flags | +uint8_t | +ALICE specific flags, see MCParticleFlags. Do not use directly. Use the dynamic columns, e.g. producedByGenerator() | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Mother0Id | +SI | +mother0Id | +int | +Track index of the first mother | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Mother1Id | +SI | +mother1Id | +int | +Track index of the last mother | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Daughter0Id | +SI | +daughter0Id | +int | +Track index of the first daugther | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Daughter1Id | +SI | +daughter1Id | +int | +Track index of the last daugther | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Weight | ++ | weight | +float | +MC weight | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Px | ++ | px | +float | +Momentum in x in GeV/c | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Py | ++ | py | +float | +Momentum in y in GeV/c | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pz | ++ | pz | +float | +Momentum in z in GeV/c | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::E | ++ | e | +float | +Energy | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vx | ++ | vx | +float | +X production vertex in cm | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vy | ++ | vy | +float | +Y production vertex in cm | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vz | ++ | vz | +float | +Z production vertex in cm | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vt | ++ | vt | +float | +Production time | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::PVector | +D | +pVector | +std::array<float,3> | +Momentum vector in x,y,z-directions in GeV/c | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::ProducedByGenerator | +D | +producedByGenerator | +bool | +True if particle produced by the generator (==TMCProcess::kPrimary); False if by the transport code | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::FromBackgroundEvent | +D | +fromBackgroundEvent | +bool | +Particle from background event | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetGenStatusCode | +D | +getGenStatusCode | +int | +The native status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetHepMCStatusCode | +D | +getHepMCStatusCode | +int | +The HepMC status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetProcess | +D | +getProcess | +int | +The VMC physics code (as int) that generated this particle (see header TMCProcess.h in ROOT) | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::IsPhysicalPrimary | +D | +isPhysicalPrimary | +bool | +True if particle is considered a physical primary according to the ALICE definition | +
o2::aod::0 | +GI | ++ | ? | ++ |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Phi | +E | +phi | +float | +Phi in the range [0, 2pi) | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Eta | +E | +eta | +float | +Pseudorapidity, conditionally defined to avoid FPEs | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pt | +E | +pt | +float | +Transverse momentum in GeV/c | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::P | +E | +p | +float | +Total momentum in GeV/c | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Y | +E | +y | +float | +Particle rapidity, conditionally defined to avoid FPEs | +
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +
o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | ++ |
o2::aod::mcparticle::McCollisionId | +I | +mcCollisionId | +int32 | +MC collision of this particle | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode | ++ | pdgCode | +int | +PDG code | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::StatusCode | ++ | statusCode | +int | +Generators status code or physics process. Do not use directly. Use dynamic columns getGenStatusCode() or getProcess() | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Flags | ++ | flags | +uint8_t | +ALICE specific flags, see MCParticleFlags. Do not use directly. Use the dynamic columns, e.g. producedByGenerator() | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::MothersIds | +SAI | +mothersIds | ++ | Mother tracks (possible empty) array. Iterate over mcParticle.mothers_as |
o2::aod::mcparticle::DaughtersIdSlice | +SSLI | +daughtersIds | +int32_t | +Daughter tracks (possibly empty) slice. Check for non-zero with mcParticle.has_daughters(). Iterate over mcParticle.daughters_as |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Weight | ++ | weight | +float | +MC weight | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Px | ++ | px | +float | +Momentum in x in GeV/c | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Py | ++ | py | +float | +Momentum in y in GeV/c | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pz | ++ | pz | +float | +Momentum in z in GeV/c | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::E | ++ | e | +float | +Energy | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vx | ++ | vx | +float | +X production vertex in cm | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vy | ++ | vy | +float | +Y production vertex in cm | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vz | ++ | vz | +float | +Z production vertex in cm | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vt | ++ | vt | +float | +Production time | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::PVector | +D | +pVector | +std::array<float,3> | +Momentum vector in x,y,z-directions in GeV/c | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::ProducedByGenerator | +D | +producedByGenerator | +bool | +True if particle produced by the generator (==TMCProcess::kPrimary); False if by the transport code | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::FromBackgroundEvent | +D | +fromBackgroundEvent | +bool | +Particle from background event | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetGenStatusCode | +D | +getGenStatusCode | +int | +The native status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetHepMCStatusCode | +D | +getHepMCStatusCode | +int | +The HepMC status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetProcess | +D | +getProcess | +int | +The VMC physics code (as int) that generated this particle (see header TMCProcess.h in ROOT) | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::IsPhysicalPrimary | +D | +isPhysicalPrimary | +bool | +True if particle is considered a physical primary according to the ALICE definition | +
o2::aod::1 | +GI | ++ | ? | ++ |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Phi | +E | +phi | +float | +Phi in the range [0, 2pi) | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Eta | +E | +eta | +float | +Pseudorapidity, conditionally defined to avoid FPEs | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pt | +E | +pt | +float | +Transverse momentum in GeV/c | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::P | +E | +p | +float | +Total momentum in GeV/c | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Y | +E | +y | +float | +Particle rapidity, conditionally defined to avoid FPEs | +
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +
o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | ++ |
o2::aod::mcparticle::McCollisionId | +I | +mcCollisionId | +int32 | +MC collision of this particle | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode | ++ | pdgCode | +int | +PDG code | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::StatusCode | ++ | statusCode | +int | +Generators status code or physics process. Do not use directly. Use dynamic columns getGenStatusCode() or getProcess() | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Flags | ++ | flags | +uint8_t | +ALICE specific flags, see MCParticleFlags. Do not use directly. Use the dynamic columns, e.g. producedByGenerator() | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Mother0Id | +SI | +mother0Id | +int | +Track index of the first mother | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Mother1Id | +SI | +mother1Id | +int | +Track index of the last mother | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Daughter0Id | +SI | +daughter0Id | +int | +Track index of the first daugther | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Daughter1Id | +SI | +daughter1Id | +int | +Track index of the last daugther | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Weight | ++ | weight | +float | +MC weight | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Px | ++ | px | +float | +Momentum in x in GeV/c | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Py | ++ | py | +float | +Momentum in y in GeV/c | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pz | ++ | pz | +float | +Momentum in z in GeV/c | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::E | ++ | e | +float | +Energy | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vx | ++ | vx | +float | +X production vertex in cm | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vy | ++ | vy | +float | +Y production vertex in cm | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vz | ++ | vz | +float | +Z production vertex in cm | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vt | ++ | vt | +float | +Production time | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::PVector | +D | +pVector | +std::array<float,3> | +Momentum vector in x,y,z-directions in GeV/c | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::ProducedByGenerator | +D | +producedByGenerator | +bool | +True if particle produced by the generator (==TMCProcess::kPrimary); False if by the transport code | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::FromBackgroundEvent | +D | +fromBackgroundEvent | +bool | +Particle from background event | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetGenStatusCode | +D | +getGenStatusCode | +int | +The native status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetHepMCStatusCode | +D | +getHepMCStatusCode | +int | +The HepMC status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetProcess | +D | +getProcess | +int | +The VMC physics code (as int) that generated this particle (see header TMCProcess.h in ROOT) | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::IsPhysicalPrimary | +D | +isPhysicalPrimary | +bool | +True if particle is considered a physical primary according to the ALICE definition | +
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +|||
o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | ++ | |||
o2::aod::mcparticle::McCollisionId | +I | +mcCollisionId | +int32 | +MC collision of this particle | +|||
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode | ++ | pdgCode | +int | +PDG code | +|||
o2::aod::mcparticle::StatusCode | ++ | statusCode | +int | +Generators status code or physics process. Do not use directly. Use dynamic columns getGenStatusCode() or getProcess() | +|||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Flags | ++ | flags | +uint8_t | +ALICE specific flags, see MCParticleFlags. Do not use directly. Use the dynamic columns, e.g. producedByGenerator() | +|||
o2::aod::mcparticle::MothersIds | +SAI | +mothersIds | ++ | Mother tracks (possible empty) array. Iterate over mcParticle.mothers_as |
+ |||
o2::aod::mcparticle::DaughtersIdSlice | +SSLI | +daughtersIds | +int32_t | +Daughter tracks (possibly empty) slice. Check for non-zero with mcParticle.has_daughters(). Iterate over mcParticle.daughters_as |
+ |||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Weight | ++ | weight | +float | +MC weight | +|||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Px | ++ | px | +float | +Momentum in x in GeV/c | +|||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Py | ++ | py | +float | +Momentum in y in GeV/c | +|||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pz | ++ | pz | +float | +Momentum in z in GeV/c | +|||
o2::aod::mcparticle::E | ++ | e | float | -Z vertex position in cm | +Energy | ||
o2::aod::mccollision::T | +o2::aod::mcparticle::Vx | - | t | +vx | float | -Collision time relative to given bc in ns | +X production vertex in cm | +
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vy | ++ | vy | +float | +Y production vertex in cm | +|||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vz | ++ | vz | +float | +Z production vertex in cm | +|||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vt | ++ | vt | +float | +Production time | +|||
o2::aod::mcparticle::PVector | +D | +pVector | +std::array<float,3> | +Momentum vector in x,y,z-directions in GeV/c | +|||
o2::aod::mcparticle::ProducedByGenerator | +D | +producedByGenerator | +bool | +True if particle produced by the generator (==TMCProcess::kPrimary); False if by the transport code | +|||
o2::aod::mcparticle::FromBackgroundEvent | +D | +fromBackgroundEvent | +bool | +Particle from background event | +|||
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetGenStatusCode | +D | +getGenStatusCode | +int | +The native status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport | +|||
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetHepMCStatusCode | +D | +getHepMCStatusCode | +int | +The HepMC status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport | +|||
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetProcess | +D | +getProcess | +int | +The VMC physics code (as int) that generated this particle (see header TMCProcess.h in ROOT) | +|||
o2::aod::mcparticle::IsPhysicalPrimary | +D | +isPhysicalPrimary | +bool | +True if particle is considered a physical primary according to the ALICE definition | +
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +
o2::aod::mctracklabel::McParticleId | +I | +mcParticleId | +int32 | +MC particle | +
o2::aod::mctracklabel::McMask | ++ | mcMask | +uint16_t | +Bit mask to indicate detector mismatches (bit ON means mismatch). Bit 0-6: mismatch at ITS layer. Bit 7-9: # of TPC mismatches in the ranges 0, 1, 2-3, 4-7, 8-15, 16-31, 32-63, >64. Bit 10: TRD, bit 11: TOF, bit 15: indicates negative label | +
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +
o2::aod::mcmfttracklabel::McParticleId | +I | +mcParticleId | +int32 | +MC particle | +
o2::aod::mcmfttracklabel::McMask | ++ | mcMask | +uint8_t | ++ |
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +
o2::aod::mcfwdtracklabel::McParticleId | +I | +mcParticleId | +int32 | +MC particle | +
o2::aod::mcfwdtracklabel::McMask | ++ | mcMask | +uint8_t | ++ |
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +
o2::aod::mccalolabel::McParticleId | +I | +mcParticleId | +int32 | +MC particle | +
o2::aod::mccalolabel::McMask | ++ | mcMask | +uint16_t | +Bit mask to indicate detector mismatches (bit ON means mismatch). Bit 15: indicates negative label | +
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | ||||
o2::aod::mccollision::Weight | +o2::aod::mccalolabel::McParticleIds | +GI | - | weight | -float | -MC weight | -||
o2::aod::mccollision::ImpactParameter | +? | - | impactParameter | -float | -Impact parameter for A-A | |||
o2::aod::mccollision::EventPlaneAngle | +o2::aod::mccalolabel::AmplitudeA | - | eventPlaneAngle | -float | -Event plane angle for A-A | +amplitudeA | +std::vector<float> | +Energy fraction deposited by a particle inside this calo cell. |
o2::aod::mccollision::GetGeneratorId | -D | -getGeneratorId | -int | -The global generator ID which might have been assigned by the user | +Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment |
o2::aod::mccollision::GetSubGeneratorId | -D | -getSubGeneratorId | -int | -A specific sub-generator ID in case the generator has some sub-generator logic | +o2::aod::mccollisionlabel::McCollisionId | +I | +mcCollisionId | +int32 | +MC collision |
o2::aod::mccollision::GetSourceId | -D | -getSourceId | -int | -The source ID to differentiate between signals and background in an embedding simulation | +o2::aod::mccollisionlabel::McMask | ++ | mcMask | +uint16_t | +Bit mask to indicate collision mismatches (bit ON means mismatch). Bit 15: indicates negative label |
o2::aod::mcparticle::McCollisionId | +o2::aod::hepmcxsection::McCollisionId | I | mcCollisionId | int32 | -MC collision of this particle | -|||
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode | -- | pdgCode | -int | -PDG code | +MC collision index | |||
o2::aod::mcparticle::StatusCode | +o2::aod::hepmcxsection::GeneratorsID | - | statusCode | -int | -Generators status code or physics process. Do not use directly. Use dynamic columns getGenStatusCode() or getProcess() | -|||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Flags | +generatorsID | +short | - | flags | -uint8_t | -ALICE specific flags, see MCParticleFlags. Do not use directly. Use the dynamic columns, e.g. producedByGenerator() | -||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Mother0Id | -SI | -mother0Id | -int | -Track index of the first mother | -||||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Mother1Id | -SI | -mother1Id | -int | -Track index of the last mother | -||||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Daughter0Id | -SI | -daughter0Id | -int | -Track index of the first daugther | -||||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Daughter1Id | -SI | -daughter1Id | -int | -Track index of the last daugther | ||||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Weight | +o2::aod::hepmcxsection::Accepted | - | weight | -float | -MC weight | +accepted | +uint64_t | +The number of events generated so far |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Px | +o2::aod::hepmcxsection::Attempted | - | px | -float | -Momentum in x in GeV/c | +attempted | +uint64_t | +The number of events attempted so far |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Py | +o2::aod::hepmcxsection::XsectGen | - | py | +xsectGen | float | -Momentum in y in GeV/c | +Cross section in pb | |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pz | +o2::aod::hepmcxsection::XsectErr | - | pz | +xsectErr | float | -Momentum in z in GeV/c | +Error associated with this cross section | |
o2::aod::mcparticle::E | +o2::aod::hepmcxsection::PtHard | - | e | +ptHard | float | -Energy | +PT-hard (event scale, for pp collisions) | |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vx | +o2::aod::hepmcxsection::NMPI | - | vx | -float | -X production vertex in cm | +nMPI | +int | +number of MPIs (for pp collisions) |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vy | +o2::aod::hepmcxsection::ProcessId | - | vy | -float | -Y production vertex in cm | +processId | +int | +process id from MC generator |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vz | -- | vz | -float | -Z production vertex in cm | +Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vt | +o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | - | vt | -float | -Production time | -|
o2::aod::mcparticle::PVector | -D | -pVector | -std::array<float,3> | -Momentum vector in x,y,z-directions in GeV/c | |||||
o2::aod::mcparticle::ProducedByGenerator | -D | -producedByGenerator | -bool | -True if particle produced by the generator (==TMCProcess::kPrimary); False if by the transport code | +o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::McCollisionId | +I | +mcCollisionId | +int32 | +MC collision index |
o2::aod::mcparticle::FromBackgroundEvent | -D | -fromBackgroundEvent | -bool | -Particle from background event | +o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::GeneratorsID | ++ | generatorsID | +short | +|
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetGenStatusCode | -D | -getGenStatusCode | +o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::Id1 | ++ | id1 | int | -The native status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport | +flavour code of first parton | |
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetHepMCStatusCode | -D | -getHepMCStatusCode | +o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::Id2 | ++ | id2 | int | -The HepMC status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport | +flavour code of second parton | |
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetProcess | -D | -getProcess | +o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::PdfId1 | ++ | pdfId1 | int | -The VMC physics code (as int) that generated this particle (see header TMCProcess.h in ROOT) | +LHAPDF set id of first parton | |
o2::aod::mcparticle::IsPhysicalPrimary | -D | -isPhysicalPrimary | -bool | -True if particle is considered a physical primary according to the ALICE definition | +o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::PdfId2 | ++ | pdfId2 | +int | +LHAPDF set id of second parton |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Phi | -E | -phi | +o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::X1 | ++ | x1 | float | -Phi in the range [0, 2pi) | +fraction of beam momentum carried by first parton ("beam side") | |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Eta | -E | -eta | +o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::X2 | ++ | x2 | float | -Pseudorapidity, conditionally defined to avoid FPEs | +fraction of beam momentum carried by second parton ("target side") | |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pt | -E | -pt | +o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::ScalePdf | ++ | scalePdf | float | -Transverse momentum in GeV/c | +Q-scale used in evaluation of PDF's (in GeV) | |
o2::aod::mcparticle::P | -E | -p | +o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::Pdf1 | ++ | pdf1 | float | -Total momentum in GeV/c | +PDF (id1, x1, Q) = x*f(x) | |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Y | -E | -y | +o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::Pdf2 | ++ | pdf2 | float | -Particle rapidity, conditionally defined to avoid FPEs | +PDF (id2, x2, Q) = x*f(x) |
o2::aod::mcparticle::McCollisionId | +o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::McCollisionId | I | mcCollisionId | int32 | -MC collision of this particle | +MC collision index | |||
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode | +o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::GeneratorsID | - | pdgCode | +generatorsID | +short | ++ | |||
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::NcollHard | ++ | ncollHard | int | -PDG code | +Number of hard scatterings | ||||
o2::aod::mcparticle::StatusCode | +o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::NpartProj | - | statusCode | +npartProj | int | -Generators status code or physics process. Do not use directly. Use dynamic columns getGenStatusCode() or getProcess() | +Number of projectile participants | ||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Flags | +o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::NpartTarg | - | flags | -uint8_t | -ALICE specific flags, see MCParticleFlags. Do not use directly. Use the dynamic columns, e.g. producedByGenerator() | +npartTarg | +int | +Number of target participants | |
o2::aod::mcparticle::MothersIds | -SAI | -mothersIds | +o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::Ncoll | - | Mother tracks (possible empty) array. Iterate over mcParticle.mothers_as |
+ ncoll | +int | +Number of NN (nucleon-nucleon) collisions | |
o2::aod::mcparticle::DaughtersIdSlice | -SSLI | -daughtersIds | -int32_t | -Daughter tracks (possibly empty) slice. Check for non-zero with mcParticle.has_daughters(). Iterate over mcParticle.daughters_as |
+ o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::NNwoundedCollisions | ++ | nNwoundedCollisions | +int | +Number of N-Nwounded collisions |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Weight | +o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::NwoundedNCollisions | - | weight | -float | -MC weight | +nwoundedNCollisions | +int | +Number of Nwounded-N collisions | |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Px | +o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::NwoundedNwoundedCollisions | - | px | -float | -Momentum in x in GeV/c | +nwoundedNwoundedCollisions | +int | +Number of Nwounded-Nwounded collisions | |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Py | +o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::SpectatorNeutrons | - | py | -float | -Momentum in y in GeV/c | +spectatorNeutrons | +int | +Number of spectator neutrons | |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pz | +o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::SpectatorProtons | - | pz | -float | -Momentum in z in GeV/c | +spectatorProtons | +int | +Number of spectator protons | |
o2::aod::mcparticle::E | +o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::ImpactParameter | - | e | +impactParameter | float | -Energy | +Impact Parameter(fm) of collision | ||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vx | +o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::EventPlaneAngle | - | vx | +eventPlaneAngle | float | -X production vertex in cm | +Azimuthal angle of event plane | ||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vy | +o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::Eccentricity | - | vy | +eccentricity | float | -Y production vertex in cm | +eccentricity of participating nucleons in the transverse plane (as in phobos nucl-ex/0510031) | ||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vz | +o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::SigmaInelNN | - | vz | +sigmaInelNN | float | -Z production vertex in cm | +nucleon-nucleon inelastic (including diffractive) cross-section | ||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vt | +o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::Centrality | - | vt | +centrality | float | -Production time | +centrality (prcentile of geometric cross section) |
o2::aod::mcparticle::PVector | -D | -pVector | -std::array<float,3> | -Momentum vector in x,y,z-directions in GeV/c | +Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment |
o2::aod::mcparticle::ProducedByGenerator | -D | -producedByGenerator | -bool | -True if particle produced by the generator (==TMCProcess::kPrimary); False if by the transport code | +o2::aod::run2::EventCuts | ++ | eventCuts | +uint32_t | +Event selection flags. Check enum Run2EventSelectionCut |
o2::aod::mcparticle::FromBackgroundEvent | -D | -fromBackgroundEvent | -bool | -Particle from background event | +o2::aod::run2::TriggerMaskNext50 | ++ | triggerMaskNext50 | +uint64_t | +50 further trigger classes after bc.triggerMask() |
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetGenStatusCode | -D | -getGenStatusCode | -int | -The native status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport | +o2::aod::run2::L0TriggerInputMask | ++ | l0TriggerInputMask | +uint32_t | +CTP L0 trigger input mask |
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetHepMCStatusCode | -D | -getHepMCStatusCode | -int | -The HepMC status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport | +o2::aod::run2::SPDClustersL0 | ++ | spdClustersL0 | +uint16_t | +Number of clusters in the first layer of the SPD |
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetProcess | -D | -getProcess | -int | -The VMC physics code (as int) that generated this particle (see header TMCProcess.h in ROOT) | +o2::aod::run2::SPDClustersL1 | ++ | spdClustersL1 | +uint16_t | +Number of clusters in the second layer of the SPD |
o2::aod::mcparticle::IsPhysicalPrimary | -D | -isPhysicalPrimary | -bool | -True if particle is considered a physical primary according to the ALICE definition | +o2::aod::run2::SPDFiredChipsL0 | ++ | spdFiredChipsL0 | +uint16_t | +Fired chips in the first layer of the SPD (offline) |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Phi | -E | -phi | -float | -Phi in the range [0, 2pi) | +o2::aod::run2::SPDFiredChipsL1 | ++ | spdFiredChipsL1 | +uint16_t | +Fired chips in the second layer of the SPD (offline) |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Eta | -E | -eta | -float | -Pseudorapidity, conditionally defined to avoid FPEs | +o2::aod::run2::SPDFiredFastOrL0 | ++ | spdFiredFastOrL0 | +uint16_t | +Fired FASTOR signals in the first layer of the SPD (online) |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pt | -E | -pt | -float | -Transverse momentum in GeV/c | +o2::aod::run2::SPDFiredFastOrL1 | ++ | spdFiredFastOrL1 | +uint16_t | +Fired FASTOR signals in the first layer of the SPD (online) |
o2::aod::mcparticle::P | -E | -p | -float | -Total momentum in GeV/c | +o2::aod::run2::V0TriggerChargeA | ++ | v0TriggerChargeA | +uint16_t | +V0A trigger charge |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Y | -E | -y | -float | -Particle rapidity, conditionally defined to avoid FPEs | +o2::aod::run2::V0TriggerChargeC | ++ | v0TriggerChargeC | +uint16_t | +V0C trigger charge |
Name | @@ -7908,195 +9796,180 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [GeComment | |||||||
o2::soa::Index | -GI | -globalIndex | -int64_t | +o2::aod::run2::EventCuts | + | eventCuts | +uint32_t | +Event selection flags. Check enum Run2EventSelectionCut |
o2::aod::mcparticle::McCollisionId | -I | -mcCollisionId | -int32 | -MC collision of this particle | -||||
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode | +o2::aod::run2::TriggerMaskNext50 | - | pdgCode | -int | -PDG code | +triggerMaskNext50 | +uint64_t | +50 further trigger classes after bc.triggerMask() |
o2::aod::mcparticle::StatusCode | +o2::aod::run2::L0TriggerInputMask | - | statusCode | -int | -Generators status code or physics process. Do not use directly. Use dynamic columns getGenStatusCode() or getProcess() | +l0TriggerInputMask | +uint32_t | +CTP L0 trigger input mask |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Flags | +o2::aod::run2::SPDClustersL0 | - | flags | -uint8_t | -ALICE specific flags, see MCParticleFlags. Do not use directly. Use the dynamic columns, e.g. producedByGenerator() | -|||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Mother0Id | -SI | -mother0Id | -int | -Track index of the first mother | -||||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Mother1Id | -SI | -mother1Id | -int | -Track index of the last mother | -||||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Daughter0Id | -SI | -daughter0Id | -int | -Track index of the first daugther | -||||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Daughter1Id | -SI | -daughter1Id | -int | -Track index of the last daugther | +spdClustersL0 | +uint16_t | +Number of clusters in the first layer of the SPD | |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Weight | +o2::aod::run2::SPDClustersL1 | - | weight | -float | -MC weight | +spdClustersL1 | +uint16_t | +Number of clusters in the second layer of the SPD |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Px | +o2::aod::run2::SPDFiredChipsL0 | - | px | -float | -Momentum in x in GeV/c | +spdFiredChipsL0 | +uint16_t | +Fired chips in the first layer of the SPD (offline) |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Py | +o2::aod::run2::SPDFiredChipsL1 | - | py | -float | -Momentum in y in GeV/c | +spdFiredChipsL1 | +uint16_t | +Fired chips in the second layer of the SPD (offline) |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pz | +o2::aod::run2::SPDFiredFastOrL0 | - | pz | -float | -Momentum in z in GeV/c | +spdFiredFastOrL0 | +uint16_t | +Fired FASTOR signals in the first layer of the SPD (online) |
o2::aod::mcparticle::E | +o2::aod::run2::SPDFiredFastOrL1 | - | e | -float | -Energy | +spdFiredFastOrL1 | +uint16_t | +Fired FASTOR signals in the first layer of the SPD (online) |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vx | +o2::aod::run2::V0TriggerChargeA | - | vx | -float | -X production vertex in cm | +v0TriggerChargeA | +uint16_t | +V0A trigger charge |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vy | +o2::aod::run2::V0TriggerChargeC | - | vy | -float | -Y production vertex in cm | +v0TriggerChargeC | +uint16_t | +V0C trigger charge |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vz | +o2::aod::run2::NTPCClusters | - | vz | -float | -Z production vertex in cm | +nTPCClusters | +uint32_t | +total number of TPC clusters (for ev sel) |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vt | +o2::aod::run2::NSDDSSDClusters | - | vt | -float | -Production time | +nSDDSSDClusters | +uint32_t | +total number of SSD + SDD clusters (for ev sel) |
o2::aod::mcparticle::PVector | -D | -pVector | -std::array<float,3> | -Momentum vector in x,y,z-directions in GeV/c | +Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment |
o2::aod::mcparticle::ProducedByGenerator | -D | -producedByGenerator | -bool | -True if particle produced by the generator (==TMCProcess::kPrimary); False if by the transport code | +o2::aod::indices::CollisionId | +I | +collisionId | +int32 | +Pointer into Collisions |
o2::aod::mcparticle::FromBackgroundEvent | -D | -fromBackgroundEvent | -bool | -Particle from background event | +o2::aod::indices::ZdcId | +I | +zdcId | +int32 | +Pointer into Zdcs |
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetGenStatusCode | -D | -getGenStatusCode | -int | -The native status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport | +o2::aod::indices::BCId | +I | +bcId | +int32 | +Pointer into BCs |
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetHepMCStatusCode | -D | -getHepMCStatusCode | -int | -The HepMC status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport | +o2::aod::indices::FT0Id | +I | +ft0Id | +int32 | +Pointer into FT0s |
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetProcess | -D | -getProcess | -int | -The VMC physics code (as int) that generated this particle (see header TMCProcess.h in ROOT) | +o2::aod::indices::FV0AId | +I | +fv0aId | +int32 | +Pointer into FV0As |
o2::aod::mcparticle::IsPhysicalPrimary | -D | -isPhysicalPrimary | -bool | -True if particle is considered a physical primary according to the ALICE definition | +o2::aod::indices::FV0CId | +I | +fv0cId | +int32 | +Pointer into FV0Cs | +
o2::aod::indices::FDDId | +I | +fddId | +int32 | +Pointer into FDDs |
Comment | |||||||||
o2::soa::Index | -GI | -globalIndex | -int64_t | -- | |||||
o2::aod::mcparticle::McCollisionId | +o2::aod::indices::CollisionId | I | -mcCollisionId | +collisionId | int32 | -MC collision of this particle | -|||
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode | -- | pdgCode | -int | -PDG code | -|||||
o2::aod::mcparticle::StatusCode | -- | statusCode | -int | -Generators status code or physics process. Do not use directly. Use dynamic columns getGenStatusCode() or getProcess() | -|||||
o2::aod::mcparticle::Flags | -- | flags | -uint8_t | -ALICE specific flags, see MCParticleFlags. Do not use directly. Use the dynamic columns, e.g. producedByGenerator() | -|||||
o2::aod::mcparticle::MothersIds | -SAI | -mothersIds | -- | Mother tracks (possible empty) array. Iterate over mcParticle.mothers_as |
+ Pointer into Collisions | ||||
o2::aod::mcparticle::DaughtersIdSlice | -SSLI | -daughtersIds | -int32_t | -Daughter tracks (possibly empty) slice. Check for non-zero with mcParticle.has_daughters(). Iterate over mcParticle.daughters_as |
+ o2::aod::indices::ZdcId | +I | +zdcId | +int32 | +Pointer into Zdcs |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Weight | -- | weight | -float | -MC weight | +o2::aod::indices::BCId | +I | +bcId | +int32 | +Pointer into BCs |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Px | -- | px | -float | -Momentum in x in GeV/c | +o2::aod::indices::FT0Id | +I | +ft0Id | +int32 | +Pointer into FT0s |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Py | -- | py | -float | -Momentum in y in GeV/c | +o2::aod::indices::FV0AId | +I | +fv0aId | +int32 | +Pointer into FV0As |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pz | -- | pz | -float | -Momentum in z in GeV/c | +o2::aod::indices::FV0CId | +I | +fv0cId | +int32 | +Pointer into FV0Cs |
o2::aod::mcparticle::E | -- | e | -float | -Energy | +o2::aod::indices::FDDId | +I | +fddId | +int32 | +Pointer into FDDs |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vx | -- | vx | -float | -X production vertex in cm | +Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vy | -- | vy | -float | -Y production vertex in cm | +o2::aod::indices::BCId | +I | +bcId | +int32 | +Pointer into BCs |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vz | -- | vz | -float | -Z production vertex in cm | +o2::aod::indices::ZdcId | +I | +zdcId | +int32 | +Pointer into Zdcs |
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vt | -- | vt | -float | -Production time | +o2::aod::indices::FT0Id | +I | +ft0Id | +int32 | +Pointer into FT0s |
o2::aod::mcparticle::PVector | -D | -pVector | -std::array<float,3> | -Momentum vector in x,y,z-directions in GeV/c | +o2::aod::indices::FV0AId | +I | +fv0aId | +int32 | +Pointer into FV0As |
o2::aod::mcparticle::ProducedByGenerator | -D | -producedByGenerator | -bool | -True if particle produced by the generator (==TMCProcess::kPrimary); False if by the transport code | +o2::aod::indices::FV0CId | +I | +fv0cId | +int32 | +Pointer into FV0Cs |
o2::aod::mcparticle::FromBackgroundEvent | -D | -fromBackgroundEvent | -bool | -Particle from background event | +o2::aod::indices::FDDId | +I | +fddId | +int32 | +Pointer into FDDs |
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetGenStatusCode | -D | -getGenStatusCode | -int | -The native status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport | +Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment |
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetHepMCStatusCode | -D | -getHepMCStatusCode | -int | -The HepMC status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport | +o2::aod::bc::Flags | ++ | flags | +uint8_t | +BC flags (e.g. tagging of UPC tracking settings, etc) |
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetProcess | -D | -getProcess | -int | -The VMC physics code (as int) that generated this particle (see header TMCProcess.h in ROOT) | +Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment |
o2::aod::mcparticle::IsPhysicalPrimary | -D | -isPhysicalPrimary | -bool | -True if particle is considered a physical primary according to the ALICE definition | +o2::aod::track::ITSSignal | ++ | itsSignal | +float | +dE/dx signal in the ITS (Run 2) |
Comment | |||||||||
o2::aod::mctracklabel::McParticleId | -I | -mcParticleId | -int32 | -MC particle | +o2::aod::track::ITSSignal | ++ | itsSignal | +float | +dE/dx signal in the ITS (Run 2) |
o2::aod::mctracklabel::McMask | +o2::aod::track::ITSSharedClusterMap | - | mcMask | -uint16_t | -Bit mask to indicate detector mismatches (bit ON means mismatch). Bit 0-6: mismatch at ITS layer. Bit 7-9: # of TPC mismatches in the ranges 0, 1, 2-3, 4-7, 8-15, 16-31, 32-63, >64. Bit 10: TRD, bit 11: TOF, bit 15: indicates negative label | +itsSharedClusterMap | +uint8_t | +shared ITS cluster map (Run 2) | +|
o2::aod::track::ITSNSharedCls | +D | +itsNSharedCls | +uint8_t | +Number of shared ITS clusters (Run 2) |
Name | @@ -8335,36 +10216,115 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [GeComment | |||||
o2::aod::mcmfttracklabel::McParticleId | +o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | ++ | |
o2::aod::trackqa::TrackId | I | -mcParticleId | +trackId | int32 | -MC particle | +track to which this QA information belongs |
o2::aod::mcmfttracklabel::McMask | +o2::aod::trackqa::TPCTime0 | - | mcMask | +tpcTime0 | +float | +tpc only time0 (mTime0 in TPC track) | +
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCDCAR | ++ | tpcdcaR | +int16_t | +tpc only DCAr | +||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCDCAZ | ++ | tpcdcaZ | +int16_t | +tpc only DCAz | +||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCClusterByteMask | ++ | tpcClusterByteMask | +uint8_t | +tracklet bitmask - track defining 8 tracklets (152=8*19 rows) bit set if nCluster>thr (default 5) | +||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxMax0R | ++ | tpcdEdxMax0R | +uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQMax -ROC0/dEdx | +||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxMax1R | ++ | tpcdEdxMax1R | +uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQMax -ROC1/dEdx | +||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxMax2R | ++ | tpcdEdxMax2R | +uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQMax -ROC2/dEdx | +||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxMax3R | ++ | tpcdEdxMax3R | +uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQMax -ROC3/dEdx | +||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxTot0R | ++ | tpcdEdxTot0R | +uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQtot -ROC0/dEdx | +||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxTot1R | ++ | tpcdEdxTot1R | +uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQtot -ROC1/dEdx | +||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxTot2R | ++ | tpcdEdxTot2R | uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQtot -ROC2/dEdx | +||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxTot3R | + | tpcdEdxTot3R | +uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQtot -ROC3/dEdx |
Name | @@ -8374,149 +10334,195 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [GeComment | ||||||||
o2::aod::mcfwdtracklabel::McParticleId | -I | -mcParticleId | -int32 | -MC particle | +o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | ++ |
o2::aod::trackqa::TrackId | +I | +trackId | +int32 | +track to which this QA information belongs | +|||||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCTime0 | ++ | tpcTime0 | +float | +tpc only time0 (mTime0 in TPC track) | +|||||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCDCAR | ++ | tpcdcaR | +int16_t | +tpc only DCAr | +|||||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCDCAZ | ++ | tpcdcaZ | +int16_t | +tpc only DCAz | +|||||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCClusterByteMask | ++ | tpcClusterByteMask | +uint8_t | +tracklet bitmask - track defining 8 tracklets (152=8*19 rows) bit set if nCluster>thr (default 5) | +|||||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxMax0R | ++ | tpcdEdxMax0R | +uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQMax -ROC0/dEdx | +|||||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxMax1R | ++ | tpcdEdxMax1R | +uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQMax -ROC1/dEdx | +|||||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxMax2R | ++ | tpcdEdxMax2R | +uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQMax -ROC2/dEdx | +|||||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxMax3R | ++ | tpcdEdxMax3R | +uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQMax -ROC3/dEdx | +|||||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxTot0R | ++ | tpcdEdxTot0R | +uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQtot -ROC0/dEdx | +|||||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxTot1R | ++ | tpcdEdxTot1R | +uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQtot -ROC1/dEdx | +|||||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxTot2R | ++ | tpcdEdxTot2R | +uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQtot -ROC2/dEdx | |||||
o2::aod::mcfwdtracklabel::McMask | +o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxTot3R | - | mcMask | +tpcdEdxTot3R | uint8_t | -+ | TPC dEdxQtot -ROC3/dEdx |
Name | -- | Getter | -Type | -Comment | +o2::aod::trackqa::DeltaRefContParamY | ++ | deltaRefContParamY | +int8_t | +Normalized delta of contributor tracks at reference point in the same frame Y |
o2::aod::mccalolabel::McParticleId | -I | -mcParticleId | -int32 | -MC particle | +o2::aod::trackqa::DeltaRefContParamZ | ++ | deltaRefITSParamZ | +int8_t | +Normalized delta of contributor tracks at reference point in the same frame Z |
o2::aod::mccalolabel::McMask | +o2::aod::trackqa::DeltaRefContParamSnp | - | mcMask | -uint16_t | -Bit mask to indicate detector mismatches (bit ON means mismatch). Bit 15: indicates negative label | +deltaRefContParamSnp | +int8_t | +Normalized delta of contributor tracks at reference point in the same frame Snp |
Name | -- | Getter | -Type | -Comment | +o2::aod::trackqa::DeltaRefContParamTgl | ++ | deltaRefContParamTgl | +int8_t | +Normalized delta of contributor tracks at reference point in the same frame Tgl |
o2::aod::mccalolabel::McParticleIds | -GI | +o2::aod::trackqa::DeltaRefContParamQ2Pt | - | ? | +deltaRefContParamQ2Pt | +int8_t | +Normalized delta of contributor tracks at reference point in the same frame Q2Pt | +||
o2::aod::trackqa::DeltaRefGloParamY | + | deltaRefGloParamY | +int8_t | +Normalized delta of global track to average contributors matched tracks at reference point in the same frame Y | |||||
o2::aod::mccalolabel::AmplitudeA | +o2::aod::trackqa::DeltaRefGloParamZ | - | amplitudeA | -std::vector<float> | -Energy fraction deposited by a particle inside this calo cell. | +deltaRefGloParamZ | +int8_t | +Normalized delta of global track to average contributors matched tracks at reference point in the same frame Z |
Name | -- | Getter | -Type | -Comment | +o2::aod::trackqa::DeltaRefGloParamSnp | ++ | deltaRefGloParamSnp | +int8_t | +Normalized delta of global track to average contributors matched tracks at reference point in the same frame Snp |
o2::aod::mccollisionlabel::McCollisionId | -I | -mcCollisionId | -int32 | -MC collision | +o2::aod::trackqa::DeltaRefGloParamTgl | ++ | deltaRefGloParamTgl | +int8_t | +Normalized delta of global track to average contributors matched tracks at reference point in the same frame Tgl |
o2::aod::mccollisionlabel::McMask | +o2::aod::trackqa::DeltaRefGloParamQ2Pt | - | mcMask | -uint16_t | -Bit mask to indicate collision mismatches (bit ON means mismatch). Bit 15: indicates negative label | +deltaRefGloParamQ2Pt | +int8_t | +Normalized delta of global track to average contributors matched tracks at reference point in the same frame Q2Pt | +|
o2::aod::trackqa::IsDummy | +D | +isDummy | +bool | +indicates if the propagation of the contrib. tracks was successful and residuals are available |
o2::aod::hepmcxsection::McCollisionId | +o2::aod::trackqa::TrackId | I | -mcCollisionId | +trackId | int32 | -MC collision index | +track to which this QA information belongs | |
o2::aod::hepmcxsection::GeneratorsID | +o2::aod::trackqa::TPCTime0 | - | generatorsID | -short | +tpcTime0 | +float | +tpc only time0 (mTime0 in TPC track) | +|
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCDCAR | + | tpcdcaR | +int16_t | +tpc only DCAr | ||||
o2::aod::hepmcxsection::Accepted | +o2::aod::trackqa::TPCDCAZ | - | accepted | -uint64_t | -The number of events generated so far | +tpcdcaZ | +int16_t | +tpc only DCAz |
o2::aod::hepmcxsection::Attempted | +o2::aod::trackqa::TPCClusterByteMask | - | attempted | -uint64_t | -The number of events attempted so far | +tpcClusterByteMask | +uint8_t | +tracklet bitmask - track defining 8 tracklets (152=8*19 rows) bit set if nCluster>thr (default 5) |
o2::aod::hepmcxsection::XsectGen | +o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxMax0R | - | xsectGen | -float | -Cross section in pb | +tpcdEdxMax0R | +uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQMax -ROC0/dEdx |
o2::aod::hepmcxsection::XsectErr | +o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxMax1R | - | xsectErr | -float | -Error associated with this cross section | +tpcdEdxMax1R | +uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQMax -ROC1/dEdx |
o2::aod::hepmcxsection::PtHard | +o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxMax2R | - | ptHard | -float | -PT-hard (event scale, for pp collisions) | +tpcdEdxMax2R | +uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQMax -ROC2/dEdx |
o2::aod::hepmcxsection::NMPI | +o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxMax3R | - | nMPI | -int | -number of MPIs (for pp collisions) | +tpcdEdxMax3R | +uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQMax -ROC3/dEdx |
o2::aod::hepmcxsection::ProcessId | +o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxTot0R | - | processId | -int | -process id from MC generator | +tpcdEdxTot0R | +uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQtot -ROC0/dEdx |
Name | -- | Getter | -Type | -Comment | +o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxTot1R | ++ | tpcdEdxTot1R | +uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQtot -ROC1/dEdx |
o2::soa::Index | -GI | -globalIndex | -int64_t | +o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxTot2R | + | tpcdEdxTot2R | +uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQtot -ROC2/dEdx | |
o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::McCollisionId | -I | -mcCollisionId | -int32 | -MC collision index | +o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxTot3R | ++ | tpcdEdxTot3R | +uint8_t | +TPC dEdxQtot -ROC3/dEdx | +
o2::aod::trackqa::DeltaRefContParamY | ++ | deltaRefContParamY | +int8_t | +Normalized delta of contributor tracks at reference point in the same frame Y | |||||
o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::GeneratorsID | +o2::aod::trackqa::DeltaRefContParamZ | - | generatorsID | -short | +deltaRefITSParamZ | +int8_t | +Normalized delta of contributor tracks at reference point in the same frame Z | +||
o2::aod::trackqa::DeltaRefContParamSnp | + | deltaRefContParamSnp | +int8_t | +Normalized delta of contributor tracks at reference point in the same frame Snp | |||||
o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::Id1 | +o2::aod::trackqa::DeltaRefContParamTgl | - | id1 | -int | -flavour code of first parton | +deltaRefContParamTgl | +int8_t | +Normalized delta of contributor tracks at reference point in the same frame Tgl | |
o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::Id2 | +o2::aod::trackqa::DeltaRefContParamQ2Pt | - | id2 | -int | -flavour code of second parton | +deltaRefContParamQ2Pt | +int8_t | +Normalized delta of contributor tracks at reference point in the same frame Q2Pt | |
o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::PdfId1 | +o2::aod::trackqa::DeltaRefGloParamY | - | pdfId1 | -int | -LHAPDF set id of first parton | +deltaRefGloParamY | +int8_t | +Normalized delta of global track to average contributors matched tracks at reference point in the same frame Y | |
o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::PdfId2 | +o2::aod::trackqa::DeltaRefGloParamZ | - | pdfId2 | -int | -LHAPDF set id of second parton | +deltaRefGloParamZ | +int8_t | +Normalized delta of global track to average contributors matched tracks at reference point in the same frame Z | |
o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::X1 | +o2::aod::trackqa::DeltaRefGloParamSnp | - | x1 | -float | -fraction of beam momentum carried by first parton ("beam side") | +deltaRefGloParamSnp | +int8_t | +Normalized delta of global track to average contributors matched tracks at reference point in the same frame Snp | |
o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::X2 | +o2::aod::trackqa::DeltaRefGloParamTgl | - | x2 | -float | -fraction of beam momentum carried by second parton ("target side") | +deltaRefGloParamTgl | +int8_t | +Normalized delta of global track to average contributors matched tracks at reference point in the same frame Tgl | |
o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::ScalePdf | +o2::aod::trackqa::DeltaRefGloParamQ2Pt | - | scalePdf | -float | -Q-scale used in evaluation of PDF's (in GeV) | +deltaRefGloParamQ2Pt | +int8_t | +Normalized delta of global track to average contributors matched tracks at reference point in the same frame Q2Pt | |
o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::Pdf1 | +o2::aod::trackqa::DeltaTOFdX | ++ | deltaTOFdX | +int8_t | - | pdf1 | -float | -PDF (id1, x1, Q) = x*f(x) | |
o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::Pdf2 | +o2::aod::trackqa::DeltaTOFdZ | - | pdf2 | -float | -PDF (id2, x2, Q) = x*f(x) | +deltaTOFdZ | +int8_t | ++ | |
o2::aod::trackqa::IsDummy | +D | +isDummy | +bool | +indicates if the propagation of the contrib. tracks was successful and residuals are available |
Name | @@ -8739,136 +10750,137 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [Ge||||||||
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::McCollisionId | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::MFTTrackId | I | -mcCollisionId | +matchMFTTrackId | int32 | -MC collision index | +ID of matching MFT track for GlobalMuonTracks and GlobalForwardTracks | |
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::GeneratorsID | -- | generatorsID | -short | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaX | + | sigmaX | +float | +Covariance matrix |
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::NcollHard | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaY | - | ncollHard | -int | -Number of hard scatterings | +sigmaY | +float | +Covariance matrix |
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::NpartProj | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaPhi | - | npartProj | -int | -Number of projectile participants | +sigmaPhi | +float | +Covariance matrix |
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::NpartTarg | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaTgl | - | npartTarg | -int | -Number of target participants | +sigmaTgl | +float | +Covariance matrix |
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::Ncoll | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Sigma1Pt | - | ncoll | -int | -Number of NN (nucleon-nucleon) collisions | +sigma1Pt | +float | +Covariance matrix |
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::NNwoundedCollisions | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoXY | - | nNwoundedCollisions | -int | -Number of N-Nwounded collisions | +rhoXY | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form |
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::NwoundedNCollisions | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoPhiX | - | nwoundedNCollisions | -int | -Number of Nwounded-N collisions | +rhoPhiX | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form |
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::NwoundedNwoundedCollisions | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoPhiY | - | nwoundedNwoundedCollisions | -int | -Number of Nwounded-Nwounded collisions | +rhoPhiY | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form |
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::SpectatorNeutrons | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoTglX | - | spectatorNeutrons | -int | -Number of spectator neutrons | +rhoTglX | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form |
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::SpectatorProtons | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoTglY | - | spectatorProtons | -int | -Number of spectator protons | +rhoTglY | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form |
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::ImpactParameter | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoTglPhi | - | impactParameter | -float | -Impact Parameter(fm) of collision | +rhoTglPhi | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form |
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::EventPlaneAngle | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtX | - | eventPlaneAngle | -float | -Azimuthal angle of event plane | +rho1PtX | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form |
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::Eccentricity | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtY | - | eccentricity | -float | -eccentricity of participating nucleons in the transverse plane (as in phobos nucl-ex/0510031) | +rho1PtY | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form |
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::SigmaInelNN | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtPhi | - | sigmaInelNN | -float | -nucleon-nucleon inelastic (including diffractive) cross-section | +rho1PtPhi | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form |
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::Centrality | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtTgl | - | centrality | -float | -centrality (prcentile of geometric cross section) | +rho1PtTgl | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form |
Comment | ||||||||
o2::aod::run2::EventCuts | +o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | - | eventCuts | -uint32_t | -Event selection flags. Check enum Run2EventSelectionCut |
o2::aod::run2::TriggerMaskNext50 | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::MFTTrackId | +I | +matchMFTTrackId | +int32 | +ID of matching MFT track for GlobalMuonTracks and GlobalForwardTracks | +|||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaX | ++ | sigmaX | +float | +Covariance matrix | +||||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaY | ++ | sigmaY | +float | +Covariance matrix | +||||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaPhi | ++ | sigmaPhi | +float | +Covariance matrix | +||||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaTgl | ++ | sigmaTgl | +float | +Covariance matrix | +||||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Sigma1Pt | ++ | sigma1Pt | +float | +Covariance matrix | +||||
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoXY | - | triggerMaskNext50 | -uint64_t | -50 further trigger classes after bc.triggerMask() | +rhoXY | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form | |
o2::aod::run2::L0TriggerInputMask | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoPhiX | - | l0TriggerInputMask | -uint32_t | -CTP L0 trigger input mask | +rhoPhiX | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form |
o2::aod::run2::SPDClustersL0 | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoPhiY | - | spdClustersL0 | -uint16_t | -Number of clusters in the first layer of the SPD | +rhoPhiY | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form |
o2::aod::run2::SPDClustersL1 | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoTglX | - | spdClustersL1 | -uint16_t | -Number of clusters in the second layer of the SPD | +rhoTglX | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form |
o2::aod::run2::SPDFiredChipsL0 | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoTglY | - | spdFiredChipsL0 | -uint16_t | -Fired chips in the first layer of the SPD (offline) | +rhoTglY | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form |
o2::aod::run2::SPDFiredChipsL1 | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoTglPhi | - | spdFiredChipsL1 | -uint16_t | -Fired chips in the second layer of the SPD (offline) | +rhoTglPhi | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form |
o2::aod::run2::SPDFiredFastOrL0 | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtX | - | spdFiredFastOrL0 | -uint16_t | -Fired FASTOR signals in the first layer of the SPD (online) | +rho1PtX | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form |
o2::aod::run2::SPDFiredFastOrL1 | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtY | - | spdFiredFastOrL1 | -uint16_t | -Fired FASTOR signals in the first layer of the SPD (online) | +rho1PtY | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form |
o2::aod::run2::V0TriggerChargeA | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtPhi | - | v0TriggerChargeA | -uint16_t | -V0A trigger charge | +rho1PtPhi | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form |
o2::aod::run2::V0TriggerChargeC | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtTgl | - | v0TriggerChargeC | -uint16_t | -V0C trigger charge | +rho1PtTgl | +int8_t | +Covariance matrix in compressed form |
Name | -- | Getter | -Type | -Comment | +o2::aod::0 | +GI | ++ | ? | +|
o2::aod::indices::CollisionId | -I | -collisionId | -int32 | -Pointer into Collisions | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::CXX | +E | +cXX | +float | +|
o2::aod::indices::ZdcId | -I | -zdcId | -int32 | -Pointer into Zdcs | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::CXY | +E | +cXY | +float | +|
o2::aod::indices::BCId | -I | -bcId | -int32 | -Pointer into BCs | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::CYY | +E | +cYY | +float | +|
o2::aod::indices::FT0Id | -I | -ft0Id | -int32 | -Pointer into FT0s | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::CPhiX | +E | +cPhiX | +float | +|
o2::aod::indices::FV0AId | -I | -fv0aId | -int32 | -Pointer into FV0As | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::CPhiY | +E | +cPhiY | +float | +|
o2::aod::indices::FV0CId | -I | -fv0cId | -int32 | -Pointer into FV0Cs | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::CPhiPhi | +E | +cPhiPhi | +float | +|
o2::aod::indices::FDDId | -I | -fddId | -int32 | -Pointer into FDDs | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglX | +E | +cTglX | +float | +
Name | -- | Getter | -Type | -Comment | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglY | +E | +cTglY | +float | +|
o2::aod::indices::CollisionId | -I | -collisionId | -int32 | -Pointer into Collisions | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglPhi | +E | +cTglPhi | +float | +|
o2::aod::indices::ZdcId | -I | -zdcId | -int32 | -Pointer into Zdcs | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglTgl | +E | +cTglTgl | +float | +|
o2::aod::indices::BCId | -I | -bcId | -int32 | -Pointer into BCs | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtX | +E | +c1PtX | +float | +|
o2::aod::indices::FT0Id | -I | -ft0Id | -int32 | -Pointer into FT0s | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtY | +E | +c1PtY | +float | +|
o2::aod::indices::FV0AId | -I | -fv0aId | -int32 | -Pointer into FV0As | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtPhi | +E | +c1PtPhi | +float | +|
o2::aod::indices::FV0CId | -I | -fv0cId | -int32 | -Pointer into FV0Cs | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtTgl | +E | +c1PtTgl | +float | +|
o2::aod::indices::FDDId | -I | -fddId | -int32 | -Pointer into FDDs | +o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1Pt21Pt2 | +E | +c1Pt21Pt2 | +float | +
Name | @@ -9120,63 +11148,96 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [GeComment | ||||||||
o2::aod::indices::BCId | +o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | ++ | ||||
o2::aod::fv0a::BCId | I | bcId | int32 | -Pointer into BCs | +BC index | ||||
o2::aod::indices::ZdcId | -I | -zdcId | -int32 | -Pointer into Zdcs | +o2::aod::fv0a::TimeFV0A | ++ | timeFV0A | +std::vector<float> | +Time of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in Channel (at the same index). Only for the FITExtra table |
o2::aod::indices::FT0Id | -I | -ft0Id | -int32 | -Pointer into FT0s | +Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment |
o2::aod::indices::FV0AId | -I | -fv0aId | -int32 | -Pointer into FV0As | +o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | +|
o2::aod::indices::FV0CId | +o2::aod::ft0::BCId | I | -fv0cId | +bcId | int32 | -Pointer into FV0Cs | +BC index | ||
o2::aod::indices::FDDId | -I | -fddId | -int32 | -Pointer into FDDs | +o2::aod::ft0::TimeFT0A | ++ | timeFT0A | +std::vector<float> | +Time of non-zero channels on the A-side. The channel IDs are given in ChannelA (at the same index). Only for the FITExtra table | +
o2::aod::ft0::TimeFT0C | ++ | timeFT0C | +std::vector<float> | +Time of non-zero channels on the C-side. The channel IDs are given in ChannelC (at the same index). Only for the FITExtra table |
Name | @@ -9186,27 +11247,48 @@ For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: \| [GeComment | |||||||
o2::aod::bc::Flags | +o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | - | flags | -uint8_t | -BC flags (e.g. tagging of UPC tracking settings, etc) | +
o2::aod::fdd::BCId | +I | +bcId | +int32 | +BC index | +||||
o2::aod::fdd::TimeFDDA | ++ | timeFDDA | +float[8] | +Time per channel A-side, only for the FITExtra table | +||||
o2::aod::fdd::TimeFDDC | ++ | timeFDDC | +float[8] | +Time per channel C-side, only for the FITExtra table |
Comment | ||||||||
o2::aod::track::ITSSignal | +o2::soa::Index | +GI | +globalIndex | +int64_t | - | itsSignal | -float | -dE/dx signal in the ITS (Run 2) | +
o2::aod::origins::DataframeID | ++ | dataframeID | +uint64_t | +Data frame ID (what is usually found in directory name in the AO2D.root, i.e. DF_XXX) |
o2::aod::trackqa::TrackId | +o2::aod::run2::oftv0::CollisionId | I | -trackId | +collisionId | int32 | -track to which this QA information belongs | +Collision index | ||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCTime0 | -- | tpcTime0 | -float | -tpc only time0 (mTime0 in TPC track) | +o2::aod::run2::oftv0::PosTrackId | +I | +posTrackId | +int | +Positive track |
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCDCAR | +o2::aod::run2::oftv0::NegTrackId | +I | +negTrackId | +int | +Negative track | +||||
o2::aod::run2::oftv0::Px | - | tpcdcaR | -int16_t | -tpc only DCAr | +px | +float | +momentum in x | ||
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCDCAZ | +o2::aod::run2::oftv0::Py | - | tpcdcaZ | -int16_t | -tpc only DCAz | +py | +float | +momentum in y | |
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCClusterByteMask | +o2::aod::run2::oftv0::Pz | - | tpcClusterByteMask | -uint8_t | -tracklet bitmask - track defining 8 tracklets (152=8*19 rows) bit set if nCluster>thr (default 5) | +pz | +float | +momentum in z | |
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxMax0R | +o2::aod::run2::oftv0::E | - | tpcdEdxMax0R | -uint8_t | -TPC dEdxQMax -ROC0/dEdx | +e | +float | +energy | |
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxMax1R | +o2::aod::run2::oftv0::Qt | - | tpcdEdxMax1R | -uint8_t | -TPC dEdxQMax -ROC1/dEdx | +qt | +float | +Qt of AP | |
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxMax2R | +o2::aod::run2::oftv0::Alpha | - | tpcdEdxMax2R | -uint8_t | -TPC dEdxQMax -ROC2/dEdx | +alpha | +float | +Alpha of AP | |
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxMax3R | +o2::aod::run2::oftv0::X | - | tpcdEdxMax3R | -uint8_t | -TPC dEdxQMax -ROC3/dEdx | +x | +float | +conversion point x coordiante | |
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxTot0R | +o2::aod::run2::oftv0::Y | - | tpcdEdxTot0R | -uint8_t | -TPC dEdxQtot -ROC0/dEdx | +y | +float | +conversion point y coordiante | |
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxTot1R | +o2::aod::run2::oftv0::Z | - | tpcdEdxTot1R | -uint8_t | -TPC dEdxQtot -ROC1/dEdx | +z | +float | +conversion point z coordiante | |
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxTot2R | +o2::aod::run2::oftv0::Chi2NDF | - | tpcdEdxTot2R | -uint8_t | -TPC dEdxQtot -ROC2/dEdx | +chi2NDF | +float | +chi^2 over NDF from KFParticle | |
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxTot3R | +o2::aod::run2::oftv0::PsiPair | - | tpcdEdxTot3R | -uint8_t | -TPC dEdxQtot -ROC3/dEdx | +psiPair | +float | +Psi pair |
Name | -- | Getter | -Type | -Comment | +o2::aod::run2::oftv0::DCAr | ++ | dcaR | +float | +DCA in radial direction |
o2::soa::Index | -GI | -globalIndex | -int64_t | +o2::aod::run2::oftv0::DCAz | + | dcaZ | +float | +DCA in z direction | |
o2::aod::origin::DataframeID | +o2::aod::run2::oftv0::Mass | - | dataframeID | -uint64_t | -Data frame ID (what is usually found in directory name in the AO2D.root, i.e. DF_XXX) | +mass | +float | +mass of the conversion. Do NOT use for cut! |
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +
o2::aod::cent::CentNGlobal | ++ | centNGlobal | +float | +Run 3 cent. from the number of tracks contributing to the PV | +
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +
o2::aod::cent::CentMFT | ++ | centMFT | +float | +Run 3 cent. from the number of tracks in the MFT | +
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +
o2::aod::cent::CentFT0CVariant1 | ++ | centFT0CVariant1 | +float | +Run 3 cent. from FT0C multiplicity |
Name | ++ | Getter | +Type | +Comment | +
o2::aod::q_vector::QPERCTPCpos | ++ | qPERCTPCpos | +std::vector<float> |